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The Corroboree

Stapelia Thread


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This is such a great thread, I just had to post (this is my first post) I have gotten pretty heavily into Stapeliads the last couple of years.

I have a long suffering Gigantea that refuses to grow, or bud, or die. It has seriously just sat there for about a year. Can anyone advise me on when they are supposed to grow, so i might be able to pump some fertiliser into it at the right time?

It sits right next to a Grandiflora that is right now putting out about 6 new shoots, and just looks amazing.

I have a few photos taken last summer, a few are a little bigger now. The only thing that damn Gigantea has done, is that it now stands upright, when this picture was taken i had just got it from a cutting.

Stapelia Gigantea

Stapelia Villetia

Stapelia Grandiflora

Stapelia Variegata

And some Huernias...

Huernia Zebrina

Huernia Asperia (...I think)

Huernia Pillansii

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Oh and a quick question to those more knowledgeable than I...

Are Stapelia Nobilis and Gigantea the same plant? I have googled it and apparently they are the same, but for some reason I understood them to be different.


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