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The Doof "DanceFloor" (Assorted Ramblings of a Dancer)

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This thread is following from Revs posts and it is not me who wrote this but somebody I met on the dancefloor ... I personally feel that everything this person says should be taken with a grain of salt..because in the end it is all subjective..highly personal

**The following was dictated to me on an uneventful drive from Random Doof Site X to Home #3124 **

Firstly a bit of background...until recently I have never been one to dance at all...it just didn't happen... couldn't.. only a year ago did I go to my first Outdoor Psychedelic Trance Party (Doof or party from now on)...which was Earthdance just out of nimbin... and since then I have become far more entwined, enraptured, enamored entangled in the overwhelming force that is Psychedelic Trance (referred to as Psy or Trance or Psy-Trance).

Before I developed a love for Doofing and Psytrance I had already been interested in Shamanic Techniques and Psychedelics for quite a while...so while I had never been to a doof...I already had a fair understanding about the inherent shamanic possibilities.

At your local Doof you will generally find (with the exception of drugs ) the following tools for obtaining Trance State

Repetitive Drum Beat/Music

(Music which has actually been made with the INTENT to facilitate conciousness expansion, by people who have obviously had experience with the Psychedelic"

Ecstatic Dancing

Mind Altering Psychoactive Drugs

Such as MDMA, LSD, Mushrooms

Visual FX

If you are lucky the party will actually have production :D Such as Psychedelic Lighting and Projections...and perhaps some artwork or decor of some description

Each of these tools by themselves are adequate with practise and will to obtain enter and experience trance... or trance-like states. Utilising all three at once maximises the likelihood that once succeeds to obtain other states of awareness...one variable considerably impacts this:

The awareness of your fellow dancers...

For the great majority (of doofers) a doof is a social gathering, a gathering of tribes, a place to renew friendships, relax, lose social programming, a fun time, a celebration of psychedelic and underground culture...

For some people the doof has mystical overtones and there is the subconcious or... the notion, undisturbed by further thought or investigation that there is something else to it...

and then perhaps for a few people the party is all of the above...BUT they are aware of the fact that by combining all the Tools and Techniques named above one can alter ones state of conciousness and perhaps manipulate the flow of energy on the dancefloor.

For these people the Doof Dancefloor is a veritable smorgasboard or flailing psychic energy where people who are unaware unknowingly offer their energy to those who know how to use it.

For those who are aware it is an open playing ground where the egg of reality can be cracked wide open, transcendental experiences can occur, Shamanic energetic battles, and u name it I guess... for someone who knows what they are looking for the Doof Dancefloor is a multidimensional portal that is powered by the music and the energy created by the dancers...

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But Hangon a sec... I thought it is just a party... I never knew any of that stuff happens!!!!...

Yes....Yes it is. Remember that.

This is hard for me to put into words because of the inherent non-tangibility of the experience...it is a completely different world...that has no need for correlation with our rationality since it exists beyond that...

I will post more when it comes to me in a way which can be explained....

Posted on behalf of Reality Pixie by Mesqualero.

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could you find a solution to upload a little bit of what you're listening to in this kind of party in australia ?

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i dont know many places to get music 4 free but i had a look over at spacetribe.com and they have a popup jukebox you can play a few things

(i want their mushroom UV banner :D check em out )

though they are just one of many artists playing recently all with varying and distinctive styles.

Some of the Artists i like more i dont even know where to find their music. I guees you have to buy direct but who knows if u can recreate the atmosphere - prob not

[ 16. September 2004, 11:30: Message edited by: reville ]

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but who knows if u can recreate the atmosphere - prob not


this is exactly what i was requesting ! the atmosphere in good australian freeparty.

i am not after music for free especially. i already have full of techno tape in my house.

but i was just wondering if it was the same music and atmosphere than in europe.

any video out there ? :)

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Give it time to ponder and experiment :)

I know you know it even if you dont know how to relate it

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Ok the next part will be related in some kind of non-chronological prose form as related to me by mr Reality Pixie....

"My first trancendental experience occured at the Summer Solstice doof at Emu creek... when i arrived I was simply blown away by the energy and the beauty of most of the people who were there....such an open encouraging vibe where there was (generally) no expectations, no fashion rules.... just an open peaceful vibe...

[while I don't encourage Drug use or entheogen use I do not discourage drug use or entheogen use and I cannot deny that has been helpful to me in many many ways...]

With the helpful advice of a few friends I timed my drugs pretty well and from now On I (if I am going to take something) will usually do the same thing... I dropped my microdot around 12 midnight... I usually wait until the music is really kicking and then i will take my mdma... I have found that LSD and MDMA taken in this fashion has been the best combination to catalyze the flow of music through the body and enable the dance...

So... the drugs are kicking in... (or not) and initially my movements are jerky... manufactured, I feel like i am trying, I feel awkward...and i start getting tired... this feeling of awkwardness and tiredness is just what happens when one is not moving with the music... so how did I take it to the next level??

Stalking the Dance

in my other practises and probably from reading books or something I cant remember where I think I just learnt it inuitively, I learned that mimicking somebodies actions... mimicking their walk, mimicking their exact breathing, their exact mannerisms allows the stalker to feel into the other persons energy and perhaps even experience what they are experiencing and even... if you are in the zone...share transcendental telepathic experiences.

So you can't dance but you want to feel the music... I reccommend finding the person who you feel the music is moving the best... I dont mean finding the hottest girl who is being the sexiest..Any girl can gyrate and look sexy and you can tell these girls cos they are looking to see if anybody is watching them dance... they look like they are making an effort to dance well.. and generally I never see them after 3am... look for a guy or girl who looks like the music is moving them... who loooks like tentacle like extensions of the music... you will know who they are... if you feel into it.

no observe them and watch how they move... and even though this is a concious thing at first... try to move like them do what they do... this is what i did at the start... I mimicked a girl who i still think is one of the best dancers around... this caused a little bit of amusement to people cos... it was very feminine they way I was dancing... now im not saying take somebody elses style... Im saying mimic their movements so you can tap into what they are feeling and then you have an better understanding of how the flow of the music can move your body.


This mimicking of peoples dance...is a double edged sword. I do this alot with people i share the dancefloor with... only for a little bit... when i see somebody whos energy i admire I will share the nearby space and we will share the same energy in the dance... this for me is a sign of respect for them and it is generally understood and I have experienced some really great moments and shared amazing experienced with new people in this way... however.. it is ... at the end of the day a form of moving energy of working energy, and of playing with the flow of energy between one person and another... and as such when one is conciously working energy on the dancefloor, it is like lighting up a beacon for everyone else who is aware of the movement of energy... and these people arent always friendly... im not sure if it was mentioned above but... the dancefloor is open ground with very aware people... and unfortunately not everyone is there for innocent reasons...anyway... just be sure to protect yourself in whatever way when you go to a doof... and if it is obvious that when you are stalking someones dance that they dont like it... send out your respect and stop immwediately.

Umm thats that for now... there will be more... feel free to add your comments remember this is just an experience of an infinite amount of experiences... but the dancefloor is alive and this stuff of which I speak can be experienced by anyone who wants to find the dance...

remember though that at the end of the day its just a place you go when you dance.

more soon.

reality pixie

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Sure there is, I've found it fasinating! :)

"Stalking the dance 101." :cool: :D

Even as a non-dancer, non-clubber I totally understand where you're coming from.

Try dosing and walking down a crowded city street, those energies are everywhere, emitting from everyone to varying degrees.

Just watching someone dance well, it doesn't have to be fancy, just getting the body working well in time to the drum and bass is a beautiful, attractive, powerful thing seen straight.

But looking through "psychedelic-eyes", I can well and truly imagine that those energies would be palpable on the dance-floor and take the experience to a whole different level and having a whole doof-load of people...well,...mind-blowing!

The "Disclaimer" intrigued me, elaborate if you feel so inclined.

Hope you continue...

P.S. I think that whole, "mimicking" thing comes from NLP from memory. Neuro-Linguistic-Programming.

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Man that's very interesting and I can understand exactly what you're trying to convey here.

'Stalking' became part of my life at a very early age with regards to social interactivity.I was a very shy unassertive only child and adopted at that!

One thing I do know about this is that to do this and get away with it you have to also assume a temporary unobtrusive or 'forgettable' persona while your observing.Much like shape-shifting I guess.Who would you feel more comfy with,a scarfaced biker staring at your missus or a priest looking lovingly and smiling giving a nod

Either one could be a perv but the energies can be misread based on the conditioning of the receiver.

It's not neccesarily how you look...but how you 'look'.

I started noticing it with alcohols'(early use)ability to open me up to these energies too...that and some killer 90's electro tunes LOL.Then one night somehow a manufactured mescaline relative found it's way into a table full of drinks.After a few more ales we all rose at once unannounced and on cue moved onto the floor like we were a whole unit then we all merged with the orgy of souls into the dance-scape.

Fuckin amazing!

I feel the beats both aural and visual especially when mixed with psychedelics serve as more or less a 'noise-filter' to the vibrations and subtle energies surrounding us.

More ramblings Mesq!

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Much like shape-shifting I guess.Who would you feel more comfy with,a scarfaced biker staring at your missus or a priest looking lovingly and smiling giving a nod    


Yes hehehe I know exactly what you mean :D wish I could add more....

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Thanks to mesq for letting me post through him while I waited for me nick to get approved... new understandings have been assimilated ...

Perhaps the next post will be... "the conduit: the role of the shaman on the dance floor"

all these things I am saying sadly are uselss as intellectual concepts... I guess they are interesting... it needs to be experienced... I wonder what kind of Doofing is planned for the EB4 celebrations.... anyway when I can translate it into words more will come...

Im really interested in hearing other "doofers" or other dancefloor energy workers.... please add your comments Id love some feedback and some added ideas this is certainly not a lecture this is just ramblings... and take on the flavour of the ego unfortunately....

neways cya

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Hey guys not shore if I am completely with you but I can say I started doofing in about 96-7, but did not get drawn down on to the dance floor till about 2000, it took that long to get me grooveing. Now I am amazed I love dancing and can now dance for hour’s strait as a post, something I never thought possible.

:D :cool:

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Okay, below is a LONG post I made to oztrance.com a while back...I'd link to it, but oztrance is closed to non-members and the bag log to get membership is huge!

I'm not feeling too hospitible to what I feel as the general complacency, apathy and repression of the so called 'scene' right now...

I started a thread in oztrance, scrutinising earthdance, people were confronted by what I wrote and rather than addressing what they were reading within themselves, or in any other way, mostly threw it back onto me in every shade of what is NOT love, peace and respect!

In the end, the administrator seems to have decided that as I was the object of all this 'negativity' and hypocracy (as he stated it!) it would be easier to get rid of me than everyone else!

So I'm banned from oztrance now!

And so I'm quite tired and certainly feel abused by what I would say as short and shallow, obviously immature aspects of the people in the culture...which judge without going further...and seeing more and thinking more and feeling more and are constrained within gummy bear bopping instructions and often quite limited meme hurlings of smaller sub-culture scenes such as these...

A lot of what I have written below is about the limits that I perceive, that people hold to be true in general...the limits of freedom in how we move our bodies or move socially...because this is often the meat of what I experience at parties and what I work with trying to free myself from.

And yet I am also bouyed by those individuals who I do know who do truly play and be within these zones too. I can vouch that mesq rocks the casbah! and reality pixie, stalking the dance...that's a great approach!

I believe in the basics...in the potential of dance and movement and how different music effects our consciousness...and have attempted to really explore this medium...but it can be really tough out there and often I feel it is exactly the kind of place NOT to take entheogenic substances unless you are really experienced and can deal with the potential openess and ramifications of much beyond illusion.


Traunce Plaunce Haunce Counce

These are some notes, sharings, learnings, perceptions and understandings on dance and the trance culture…it may be long by some people’s estimations…but not by mine ;-)

A girl came up to me the other morning and said she saw me at this party, and dubbed me something like ‘the spooky shifter’, she said she was a bit freaked out by me and said she saw that I seemed to be really going into what was occurring in my environment…the funny thing was I didn’t really do anything at that particular party! I felt I was actually keeping it really chill…

So this piece is really at least, attempting to describe what I am going into and how I am being and why I am being the way I am at these parties…not that it is really that relevant who I am, but that there is some communication about my so called way, which I am sure concurs with the ways of many others in these environment.

Over many years…I have been exploring what it is to dance.…to reassess and understand what this movement was, what it can be and what it can mean, what it can do…how that is a form of being.

What I find, and I’m sure many can concur, is that with a certain crowd, there are patterns of movement, a kind of self consciousness checking upness and the various ideas that dancing is occurring that can prevent explorative movement. Certain patterns are perpetuated of what has previously been known as ‘dance’, which is an expectation which confines movement in that arena!

It’s like the time I read a poem at a festival and all these crusty, famous Australian poets had just read their poems about clogs and chairs and that teardrops falling by your autumn leaves kinda stuff etc…and I had a really hard time pulling off my rather unusual poem! Simply because that was not the standard, because that imprint of expectation of ‘what-this-is-ness’ had to be pushed through…at the time, I could feel this total rigidity, like there was no way to move out of the lockhold on the scene or what this was supposed to be about!

And just as poets I think, get stuck in their style of poetry, in the cadence and stylistic means, that actually what comes out is often stilted and stifled by the idea that poetry is occurring - I think we can say the same of dancing! That the idea that dancing is occurring gets in the way of free expression and movement that is according to one’s real desire to move as a body to the music which is occurring.

I find that it is often really hard to get into the groove girl, and it is usually in the morning when I find there is the freedom and rhythms have been opened so that dance becomes truly possible.

This self consciousness of what has been traditionally called the ‘ego’, clearly does get in the way of a real freedom on mind/body integration…which is what I think trance music often calls us to.

Yet, I don’t believe in the purpose of trance dancing, in terms of trancing out per se…and these days, the music is jumpy, it calls you to swap and shift and change…mostly!

Now, that’s interesting!

I experience the music, if it is truly inspired, as being something of a totally unearnest training, or a way to get out of the juts of the everyday mind and body…and I find that one can dance in this way…opening up new circuits, with the music that was DESIGNED to do so, either consciously or unconsciously, it is available for this…it sometimes surprises me to see so few people really taking this opportunity to go outside of their own patterns of life and being.

My feeling is that what makes a good dj is really being in tune with the crowd and where they are at, being flexible, taking them on a journey with what is presently occurring in consciousness…really locking into the synchronicity that is present.

Franny just hits that muthafucker nail in again and again!

If there isn’t someone up there who is in contact, and who is a bit out of synch, who isn’t WITH the crowd, and shifting and fluid…it’s just so much jargon!

When I do psychedelics in a crowd…I feel so much of everything…I see so much of everything. And it helps that I take things like 2CB which totally connects one to core realities of the body and feelings.

When I am there, I am seeing all kinds of stuff being put forward – ideas of relating, rhythms and patterns of denial and affirmation!, psychic permutations, denials, core fear, sexual abuse…real pain in an environment where there is not supposed to be the observance of pain. A lot of holding and repression…I don’t think about it, it is only witnessed, accepted…unpsychologised into words at the time obviously.

I have found the way to deal with this feeling, this seeing, is to move through it, to allow myself to become fluid which washes away such things in acceptance…understanding.

The dance becomes an understanding.

I see dancing at doof parties as an opportunity to challenge oneself to come into more of what is there than the ego…to be able to express more of lifes dimensions through the body.

At these parties, often much of what one sees are many mooching around their ideas of what is happening or supposed to be happening and these little narky, often abstract social trips and games.

But even within that there is a rigidity, an unsureness and shyness which is quite something to behold…and also a precision and intent of focus…a certain kind of yearning within the attempted construction of meaning…but that is in itself not meaning – often something of a hypnotism that meaningful relating is taking place.

In these environments, I feel the challenge is to bring through the primal information of one’s being, which ultimately indicates a way of non-differentiation into a field of being, into the present field of being of the partea…much of which is evidently clueless, lost and suffering…and seeking morsels of a ‘good time’!

And all that becomes oneself in the let go…then you are surfing all that, moving as this…becoming all of this, embracing all of this.

In this letting go into what is, is more about not one’s own particular rhythm or pattern, but of the patterns of interrelatedness, of what one can free up in an overall human circuitry.

This only requires a freedom and allowance to be…in which one can release the differentiation of thought from being…aligning with the waves of le grande joke spectrum of consciousness…not this sappy aum love witlessness…but the real wholeness of necessity…the beauty of being in what it is denying of itself – apparently!

As for what I am doing/being, when I feel I am in synch with the music, at times, even knowing what will come next and when…I don’t think people know what to do or think or say about me.

I’m certainly not doing it for the attention! I don’t even like attention!

In my experience, the ego wants drama, it wants to be seen in its parameters, its little definitions of prisons…but I think it’s a just a matter of realising how lamo that all is…and just accepting the central core thread, the continuum and dreaming now. The peace is the core thread, the core everything…there is nothing else and more and more the only thing I do is just accept how incredibly easy everything is, because of that trust in the only thing there is, in god if you like.

I find the only way is to surrender and let go into what is…to see how far acceptance stretches, to live in the absence of certainty and cantankerous construction of story. One is then empowered and spacious and allowed by logos… which is an inherent facility.

Australian’s (I may talk as an outsider, but really haven’t been away for any extent of time for over a decade!) have such a collectively low self esteem often, an unformed image…this can be a good thing…but it can be really painful. And many hotch potch their way though diffuse imagery…to avoid putting themselves out there with any sense of individuated definition.

Underneath that there is SO MUCH psychic scrutiny…so much attempting to see, that many often do not try…the prisons of the scrutiny and snickity thoughts are energy and have a quality to them that is very repressive, that is the barrier I FEEL and try to break through.

I’m surfing the images, the refractions, sometimes it is better to close your eyes and not see…

To be really silly.to be the fool in the dancing in the jump into the space….this is the first step of the journey represented in the tarot….the first call to let go into it…to face the nothingness now.

This seems to be confronting for many….I mean, even people who are quite good friends of mine, sometimes give me funny, almost disapproving expressions!

I have to say, I still find this surprising!

I could care less about the general view…but find it interesting, because I can feel perspectives and views too…people trying to figure out what is going on with this guy, almost at times, trying to dismiss it as not being conscious or completely tripped out – but that doesn’t work…a really common tactic with me that people have is to almost forcibly go out their way to block me out…to ignore me…to not take notice…this may communicate some sense of what I apparently represent or express, that humanity does in fact suppress and repress.

Friends say that other people’s reactions to me is consistently entertaining! And just so it is just classic projection/judgement! And then often the attempt to repress or keep that back…because it’s like, I am going deeper…I am falling down elevators…deconstructing, then constructing again with something new.

In terms of reactions, what can be disturbing is when people try and have these ju juistic duels with you and then go and rant on to your friends about how they are going to commit acts of violence against you and shit like that…

I seriously do get people who seemed threatened and annoyed because they think you didn’t ask their rainbow serpents soul family permission to whatever they think you’re doing and that it is within their power to block or stop you!

At these parties, I often feel there are many shitty memes being perpetuated…and largely it’s just the masses, just the world…it’s just us and what we are doing.

And there is a choice…to at least take that on board, and move with it all, to flow with it all as what is present or just fuckin throw the repressed energy, mangled stress and sexism and something seeking into the mill and hope it gets worked through enough until next time…or just keep as chill as possible!

And this schism of being between these spaces and the other spaces we live, creates I think a lot of the plastic, throwaway McDonalds music that is being put out a lot! One can perceive this psychic mill in operation and it often just aint pleasant….there’s a lot being brought to the table, to that mill…a lot of unconsciousness in how we really want to work things out collectively through this form, which happens whether we like it or not….

Much of the translations into people’s bodies is of a childish, illiterate hotch potch of lagging ideas…I experience jiggling jaggedness, resistance teetering forward at times, self check up stiffyness.

And then I AM THAT!

And so nothing is required…there is no demand, and yet there IS!

So much is displaced focus…or at least, the removal of the repose of the grandness of the human story, or the dignity…or real humour…it’s just this fuckin’ mish mash without direction or conscious claimation of an actuality of total global, human beingness.

At times, we appears without the means to some form of personality or “intimacy”…yet it is present, nowhere else is that!

It is almost like to be part of a whole large social group, to appear to explicitly stand out personality is antithetical to the ways which are expected…the rhythms and patterns of the groop…more rigid in the underground than in any overground! There is more expectation to conform and more schnitty, anal self consciousness…which I can experience as resistance to an over claimation of the psychic realities which are coming through us….and the arrogant determinations and angles of pseudo collective objectification in what can be seen as often blunter reductionism.

It’s only really fear that holds us back…

I really like what Michele Adamson is doing…and it is amusing, because I think it is quite significant, but it’s just unknown beyond certain circles I guess!

It is that unexpected factor, this almost wan patheticness that gets me, these counterpoints, juxtapositions of expressions that she is putting out there…with coherency and contingency!

That beathackers song where she is this utter wayabout girl crying “I’ll be arrrrroud!” is just fab!

It’s interesting to see emerge a distinct personality arise out of this mix…and the personality is truly multidimensional…because for whatever reason, she allows it that to be through voice, through this rather mutated expression of human frequency resonance….

The thread that voice frequency weaves is though the different aspects of human meaning, of the connection of lives aspects…I find a particular beauty in the borderline flip around tacky tawdryness, the humour of the half game put on or what? and Michele’s Blank Blink space cadetness!

And it is a feminine voice, representing the emergence of that voice in its PERSONALITY and the antithesis of personality…which is?

Is Michele really some kind of default queen of trance? Does she really represent or communicate the present feminine logos globally, more faithfully, more cleverly than any other woman on the planet right now?

I think so…it certainly aint alanis morrisette!

This indication that the word logos gives us, doesn’t faithfully activate 5 year old human dreams in ordinary social circumstances – clearly!

That dreaming, of that deconditioned space, within, calls us to embrace the space for whatever wants to occur, to concur…


[ 11. October 2004, 02:38: Message edited by: folias ]

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Originally posted by folias:


Okay, below is a LONG post I made to oztrance.com a while back...I'd link to it, but oztrance is closed to non-members and the bag log to get membership is huge!

I didn't think it took that long to become a member...

This is the link for Julians post on OztranceTraunce Plaunce Haunce Coucne




What I find, and I’m sure many can concur, is that with a certain crowd, there are patterns of movement, a kind of self consciousness checking upness and the various ideas that dancing is occurring that can prevent explorative movement. Certain patterns are perpetuated of what has previously been known as ‘dance’, which is an expectation which confines movement in that arena!

I agree




I find that it is often really hard to get into the groove girl, and it is usually in the morning when I find there is the freedom and rhythms have been opened so that dance becomes truly possible.

I really like the morning dancefloor so open and free yes...and airy and light and beautiful... the night-time dancefloor when the dark twisted stuff is being played however is alot of fun...because it can get very animalistic...very dirty, a place where psychic wrestling can take place between players and where the dancefloor is anybodies for the taking.... a dancefloor full of people whizzing off energy here there everywhere with no thought as to who or what may be sucking it all up and directing the flow of the dancefloor... To be sure every dance floor has its conduit...its chief manipulator... I will let reality pixie share that in its own time.




Yet, I don’t believe in the purpose of trance dancing, in terms of trancing out per se…and these days, the music is jumpy, it calls you to swap and shift and change…mostly!

This is quite true... the earlier stages of a party 10-12/1am is the time for the "trance" dancing from 1-4 is where the game is for people who want to play, I have seen players who don't want to play but are aware and thats cool..




My feeling is that what makes a good dj is really being in tune with the crowd and where they are at, being flexible, taking them on a journey with what is presently occurring in consciousness…really locking into the synchronicity that is present.

Absolutely... when the party is really going... even if i know the DJ's sometimes they seem to be NOT them at all... they are agents of conciousness.. just like certain dancers on the dancefloor... it is one big team effort... I find it funny when DJ's get ego-ish because they think it is themselves soley who have created such a pumping dancefloor... hehe ummm sure..takes two to tango baby




Franny just hits that muthafucker nail in again and again!

Great DJ...




If there isn’t someone up there who is in contact, and who is a bit out of synch, who isn’t WITH the crowd, and shifting and fluid…it’s just so much jargon!

Absolutely and it is definitely noticeable when the DJ has missed the mark...thats why having a pre-setlist is a bit silly..




The dance becomes an understanding.


I see dancing at doof parties as an opportunity to challenge oneself to come into more of what is there than the ego…to be able to express more of lifes dimensions through the body.






At these parties, often much of what one sees are many mooching around their ideas of what is happening or supposed to be happening and these little narky, often abstract social trips and games.

yes and completely missing out on something... capturing a little bit of power...for themselves...I know it may sound ego-ish to talk about capturing power... but as reality pixie stalked the dance, I stalk my power through the dance...




…much of which is evidently clueless, lost and suffering…and seeking morsels of a ‘good time’!

Yes this idea of having a good time... sure there is a good time to be had... I inevitably have a good time as a result of just being at a party...but my intent before a party is never to "have a good time" it is to get my medicine...to get my healing, to hopefully heal the space and others... to express myself in ways which are not able to be expressed in my regular context of being Mr. Darren regular stock standard dude... I become possessed by the trance beast which rummages through my psyche and feeds on whatever it finds and releases it to be trashed by the dancefloor...




As for what I am doing/being, when I feel I am in synch with the music, at times, even knowing what will come next and when…I don’t think people know what to do or think or say about me.

When I am in the grove with the music... I will generally know every note and every beat that will happen next...even when it isnt your stock standard, formulaic trance... I have heard what people think of me sometimes after watching me dance... the terms "hardcore and...machine" have come up before... which I find absolutely hilarious... not to say oh yes i am this or that...Im not hardcore Im just me...and i dont do it to be hardcore or look hardcore I am doing it cos it is being done cos that is what I do...




I’m certainly not doing it for the attention! I don’t even like attention!

same...although your style is slightly more extravagant... and certainly more attention grabbing...




This seems to be confronting for many….I mean, even people who are quite good friends of mine, sometimes give me funny, almost disapproving expressions!

I have found you at times slightly confronting.... but have never disapproved... funny concept this whole..."acceptable standards" of freedome of movement... which is what I feel psychedelic dance music should be about...

Thanks for your post Julian would have liked to catch up with you at earthdance...maybe next good outdoor eh.. [/QB]

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Originally posted by RonnySimulacrum:


Hey guys not shore if I am completely with you but I can say I started doofing in about 96-7, but did not get drawn down on to the dance floor till about 2000, it took that long to get me grooveing. Now I am amazed I love dancing and can now dance for hour’s strait as a post, something I never thought possible.


:D :cool: [/QB]

Why do you think you can dance for hours straight... lemme say I am definitely not the fittest of people... actually one thing that pissed me off recently and i thought this was like a rave thing... but somebody came up to me and said..."wow you are just going off... what have u taken" Grrrrr *slap* I have taken the dancefloor go away with your irrelevant questions..hehe Id love to come to one of your parties ronny...

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Firstly oztrance is one of my favorite forums around

Mesqualero - “I didn't think it took that long to become a member...”

Well I am shore it is taking a long time at the moment, there are just too many people trying to become a member’s at the moment, Dale is run off his feet. There have been problems getting people signed up for the Oztrance Vs Smile police - soccer day on the 24.

Mesqualero - “hehe Id love to come to one of your parties ronny...”

Thanks man, we would be glade to have you. Well some people from this community came down from Adelaide for our last party which was indoors (always hard get the energy indoors), I did not here back form them about it and think it was very different from what they where use too, but I hope they still had fun. But our last party was good for me and I think most off the other 400 people that rocked up.

The next one unofficially will be outdoors on the 15 off January. And will be lots of fun, its working title is Triptamind – Back to Basics.

I would also like to work on a buffalo fundraiser party, I am not shore who but it was said at the last EB that someone from this community owns some good bush up there, but I do not know who?????anyone????

There has also been some chit chat of having some doof at the next EGA in the forest somewhere. We will see, I do not know if it would go down well.

And Julian I do not see how this thread got you band from oztrance, which part did they get mad about???

[ 11. October 2004, 17:31: Message edited by: RonnySimulacrum ]

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Reality pixie, some of the most opening and integrated experiences of connection with myself, the planet, fellow humanity etc, and the divine confrontation and hilarious absurdity in that which is beyond those very illusions of separation of self, planet and humanity etc, has been at doofs. One in particular at the summer solstice party you mentioned.

Below is a poem I wrote earlier this year based on the experience I had there, it illustrates what I perceived as the unseen aspects and psychic interplay present at that particular doof. And interestingly, I mention ‘stalking’. It was as though there were these ‘shepherds’ of energy coupled with an almost predatory presence among the people on the dancefloor there..

Julian included this poem along with well.. lots of other stuff (including a description of our experience at the summer solstice doof) in a web posting called Rampling Digest which can be found here:


Summer Solstice

Bake her in trays of coincidence

(and love the mutant that's become) A new kind of Free

when form births Laughter and this met fate

and Thee!

And i invited you

to break the world apart with me

That morning when the gargoyles danced

and fancied themselves alive

And the new light exposed

So many dedications on

Her universal jukebox

And Mother Mary...

She took my hand

and led me to the inconsequential land

Where angels fry and singers lie

Make vibrations beyond the pair

Make monotheism cry

Trailers and fantasias And princes please

Caught through the walls

Of the sultan's head

On the muse's horizon

I desire little more than that which

Can't be Said!

So make these morning glory vibrations

We'll show the wolf what they can be

When heard and herded

By Zigzagging shepherds stalking

By Wild eyes that need not see

And the pink sheep!

Alas, they could not be dollied up for thee...

But we were indeed free

When new form birthed laughter

And faith in the unseen (and in Thee).

This sci-fi lullaby

Building bridges on smoking chains of


The divine muse's

Co-pilot fusion

Sugar skyline the dj's

Beeline To Her Sacred Key

These ice like entities

These walls of snow

This bluebird trembling

This comatose flow

This prized joy bentity

These twighouse sticks

These poor and unfortunate

Corrections reflix Come hither

You sacred fools

You warriors of woe

You can't do that Shredded love

Come the morrow

Too slow.

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And Mesq.. that night I met you in lismore your dancing was some of the most energetic and expressive dancing I’ve seen!

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The topic that got me kicked off was "what you really think/feel about earthdance" in general psy!


mesq wrote:




Yes this idea of having a good time... sure there is a good time to be had... I inevitably have a good time as a result of just being at a party...but my intent before a party is never to "have a good time" it is to get my medicine...to get my healing, to hopefully heal the space and others... to express myself in ways which are not able to be expressed in my regular context of being


I couldn't go to a party with the intent of having a good time if I tried!

And it is not a "good time" I am after really....for me it is the opening and freedom of my mind/body which allows a flow of more consciousness/energy which becomes an expression through dance!

And in that, there is healing...flow gets through blocks of energy...freedom of energy is wholeness in integration. And that's just good...and fun things happen because of that openess and flow.Then I am inspired and be that inspiration.




I have found you at times slightly confronting.... but have never disapproved... funny concept this whole..."acceptable standards" of freedome of movement... which is what I feel psychedelic dance music should be about...


Well, the way that people supposed they think they should be at a 'party' is often thought best to be non-confronting...to not rock the boat and not to stand out TOO much...it is almost as if people don't like to stick out too much to disturb a delicate sense of togethernes or conforming...if everyone is a borg dancer, dancing the same, then people feel together... sometimes it is a bit like this and I don't find there is psychic space to move or dance.

In an ideal sense, which is reached at times, is when different people are contributing their aspect of dance to a total sphere much greater than its parts...even the archetypes being expressed.

I try and shake things up a bit and put out the new because that is what I like doing...this may involve exploring facets of the nazi salute to trance remix of rammstein can get you some weird feedback ... strangest case scenario is when it becomes 'you vs the party'...but you have to make it fun for yourself and continue to be inspired.

Franny made a good point on the oztrance thread, that the tracks that one has difficulty dancing to, even the bad tracks, are the one's to challenge oneself with!

This can be an inspiring form of exploration...and a lot of growth can come from it...a lot of people don't seem to willing to put themselves out there, to focus and do the work of it and be foolish enough to really progress and explore how they can move...this kind of free form 'trance' dancing is an art and one essentially makes one's own rules... it can surprisingly inspiring just to watch people dance sometimes!


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Being: thanks very much for sharing your insights and your beautiful poem... Your concepts have given me much to think about and now I feel I can understand some things a little better perspective is always helpful and I thank you... you have definitely seen it...

In fact it ties directly in with the next part of what I feel I will write about...

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Thanks to everyone who contributed to this post... I feel there is no neccessity on my behalf to continue with these concepts at this point in time...

The Doofspace is a magickal place where beings unite in a beautiful kaleidoscopic maelstrom of energy...

No concepts neccessary.

See you in the doofspace...

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