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mushroom seeds

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I've seen this before. It's bullshit and really angers me that there are dickheads like that ripping ignorant people off.

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why is it bull? maybe they are marketing the the simple minded folks that call spores, 'seeds'.

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It's bullshit because they have clearly gone and bought a field mushroom, taken a print and are selling it for $30. That is a total ripoff. At that, Agaricus species often require a biological catalyst to germinate. Most people don't have the skills required to grow mushrooms from spores and selling it under the guise of 'seeds' leads to a false understanding of how to work with spores.

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Even so, $30 for a field mushroom print?

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Yeah I agree with tripsis on that one; $30 for a field mushroom print is, well... just a rip off!! I do however, believe that it's up to the buyer to be doing his/her research before purchasing ANYTHING from ebay, but still... thats no excuse for a $30 print... and field-ies at that. I really feel for the "history: 1 sold" customer though, the surprise they'll get when opening their mail! BANGHEAD2.gif

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tripsis,.... that is not ripping off,.... that you might call a deal with allot of dummy tax included in the price.

I agree with being honest when selling something. but then again,... people are ignorant with so many things.....

I dont see it as false advertisement, especially now that I now that Ebay has a problem with the word spores. Just a creative way to get around the problem.

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i agree with woof.. of course ripping people off is wrong & i wouldn't do it myself just for the fact that i'd feel bad for ripping off a helpless idiot...but when it comes to ebay, it's entirely up to you whether you buy or not... & if you do buy agaricus 'seeds' for $30 then thats pretty much just what you are... an idiot... & you can't blame anyone else but yourself for being an idiot can you? getting ripped off like that might actually motivate people to be more intelligent & pay more attention to whats going on in front of them.. so it's possibly a good thing in the end haha

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Funny how everyone said that guy a while back who charging $3/cm for pachanoi was a ripoff, along with the other guy who was charging $129 for a 5 segment TBM. Do you recall that? They both argued that it was a fair price if people were willing to pay it, but no one here would hear any of that. They were ripoffs, through and through. But $30 for a field mushroom print? Totally reasonable! If you're dumb enough to pay that, you deserve to be gipped! :rolleyes:

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Theres a bloke based in Canada on this sight that does pretty much the same thing... check the exchange forum

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How is this not scamming? I agree with tripsis 100%. Taking advantage of the ignorant is not something you should be proud of. The person selling has no right to 'teach' his customers to be more wary of purchases, fuck. if we didn't have fucking assholes like him trying to rip people off we wouldn't even need to be wary or people.

I think it's because of people like him that our society is mostly shit.

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How is this not scamming? I agree with tripsis 100%. Taking advantage of the ignorant is not something you should be proud of. The person selling has no right to 'teach' his customers to be more wary of purchases, fuck. if we didn't have fucking assholes like him trying to rip people off we wouldn't even need to be wary or people.

I think it's because of people like him that our society is mostly shit.


i think it most definitely is scamming... & of course that kind of behaviour is off, but it takes two to tango & the shitness of our society is equally contributed to by the morons who fall for that crap.. if people payed more attention to whats going on in front of them they wouldn't be able to be ripped off, scams like that wouldn't work so people wouldn't do it... i feel theres very much a responsibilty on both sides of the picture..

i just think if you get ripped off by it then you're probably just as much of a dick as the guy selling it & you shouldn't whine.. it would be much more effective to realise you were a dick & smarten up a bit so you don't get ripped again & not perpetuate the reason why assholes like that do it in the first place.

there is always going to be assholes & morons in the world, it sux but we kinda have to accept it... the trick is to make a strong effort to be neither of those things yourself & equally not be vitimized by either.. i think if anything thats what will help make our society a more positive & much less shit place to live within...

the more smart attentive people there are, the less asshole scammers there will be... or you could take it further & say that it will make the scammers get smarter about their scams which will then in turn make the consumers get smarter again to counteract it.. thus contributing to the evolution of our society/species towards more intelligence... it's just life (albeit a quite negative aspect of humanity) & of course we all should aspire to higher things but i think it's foolish not to realise that life can be cruel & people can be extreme assholes, which just highlights the fact that we have to be smarter & more aware of whats going on in front of us & take responsibilty for our own awareness & decisions... if we as individuls take responsibilty for that then the world will get better.

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So everyone who got ripped off by Chiral on this site are deserving morons who were just asking for it?

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How is that a misrepresentation of paradox's logic Quill?

By his logic, anyone who gets ripped off is:

just as much of a dick as the guy selling it & you shouldn't whine.. it would be much more effective to realise you were a dick & smarten up a bit so you don't get ripped again & not perpetuate the reason why assholes like that do it in the first place

Everyone has differing standards of trust and street sense. By some people's reckoning, anyone who would trust someone off the internet they didn't know personally (especially someone know was know to have drug addiction problems!) would be a fool, simply asking to lose their money. Others would have more trust in people and think that it was completely reasonable to give hundreds of dollars to some internet identity they barely know. So depending where you draw the line, using paradox's logic, anyone here who got ripped off is a dick who shouldn't whine - they should have been smarter than to throw their money at someone like Chiral and hope for the best. Reputation or not, they still didn't know him.

So, where's the misrepresentation?

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In paradox's example there is an implied ignorance of basic aspects of the item they are wanting to purchase,they haven't any knowledge of the item they wish to buy, or of its legitimacy.

I guess you could say that those that were ripped off by Chiral were ignorant of the factors that led him to scam people but I think that the responsibility is entirely Chiral's, whereas in the former example the ignorance of some very basic aspects of mycological reproduction implies (at least to me) some responsibility.

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i'm not saying anyone deserves to be ripped off.. but why would anyone ever trust someone they never met? that is foolish..

i'm also not saying it's bad to put trust in people... it's just that if you have never met someone in person how can you have an opinion of their trustworthy-ness one way or the other? to trust or not trust them based on some words on the internet would be a very pointless & misguided thing to do.. if you did know chiral personally & he was your friend & he still ripped you then thats just a very sad thing that a friend would do that to you, but it's a very different situation from a random ebay listing.. & yes if that did happen to you then maybe it would motivate you to be more perceptive to the vibe of the people around you in future..

if it then leads you to be mis-trusting of your friends & very cynical about peoples motives in every situation then you're just being narrow minded & foolish again & missing the point... & if thats the case it's not that you deserve to have negativity in your life it's just that if thats what you're putting out then thats what you will get, you can't really avoid it... so it just comes back to the fact that if you want to live a good life & not hurt people &/or be hurt/ripped by people you have to work on your self to become more aware, more perceptive, more intuitive & more intelligent...

the way i see it, it can't be avoided.. working towards a greater self understanding, awareness, intelligence, whatever you want to call it, is an absolute prerequisite for a balanced & happy life, otherwise you will put yourself in bad situations again & again out of ignorance &/or you will develop a lot of negativity towards people &/or you will be taken advantage of by ignorant people who don't realize they are fucking themselves up by behaving in such a way just as much as they are fucking up other people..

i personally never understood why people thought chiral was so 'trustworthy' i never met him in person... i never went to his parties etc cause i didn't think a great deal of his 'vibe'. i thought he seemed like a good guy, with some deep issues but i wouldn't want to hang out & party with him as i didn't much relate to what seemed to be his attitude towards 'drugs' etc i have enough friends as it is that have issues with rampant substance abuse & it's not my schtick.. like i said, he seemed like a fairly good guy.. but i never formed any other opinion about him... why would i? i was personally very surprised when it all came out that people had given him so much money on faith.. he was around the forums for what? a few months? then he was mod... which i thought was pretty strange other than the fact that he had more online time than just about anyone else, so i can see why T might have thought it was a good idea but other than that i thought it was quite strange & i was (very slightly) uneasy about it..

i don't wish to criticize T for his decision, i suppose it was bad a lapse in judgement.. & i guess it was chirals mod status that afforded him 'trustworthiness' in many peoples eyes... but i still find it strange that people were so willing to hand over sums of money like that to someone they didn't know.. i would never do that with anyone online & certainly not chiral after observing his brief incarnation here from the start.. & while i think it was very misleading, him being a mod here is no excuse for people to not take responsibility for who they hand over large sums of money to.. T certainly shouldn't have to answer to that for making him mod...

of course what chiral did was pretty much the lowest of the low & no one deserves to be ripped off like that! just to re-iterate, i have a hard time figuring out why anyone would hand over money like that, in that situation to someone they don't even know & have not researched his history.. i certainly would never do it & not because i'm cynical or un-trusting, i actually have a lot of faith in human beings & am over all a very trusting person, because for the most part i trust my intuition... i just think doin that is asking for trouble... & i never thought that much of hunab from the start...

all that aside, like i said, a random ebay listing is a very different situation. i'm just saying people need to think more about things & be more aware of whats going on around them.. can you really tell me that if someone bought agaricus 'seeds' for $30, that they have done their research or are even paying attention to the world & actually know what they're buying? & if they don't know what they're buting & they still but it then i think it's very stupid to try to blame anything else but their own lack of intelligence... maybe some will get it when i say that certain bill hicks quotes come to mind...

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As I said, it depends where you draw the line. Those who were ripped off by Chiral were still trusting a person they barely knew, if at all. There was no safety net in place, like their is when dealing with a business and due to the dubious nature of the trades/sales that were being undertaken, it sounded like no one was willing to involve the police. To as stated above, with paradox's logic, they're 'dicks' simply because they got ripped off. Apparently it's a world of be streetwise or be ripped off by predators and get called a dick on top of it.

People should not have to do research into a product to not get ripped off.

Edit: Was writing this before I saw paradox's post. Will reply to it later.

Edited by tripsis

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I guess you could say that those that were ripped off by Chiral were ignorant of the factors that led him to scam people but I think that the responsibility is entirely Chiral's, whereas in the former example the ignorance of some very basic aspects of mycological reproduction implies (at least to me) some responsibility.


i agree very much, except that i think it is still a two way street... yes there is a massive amount of responsibility on someone in the position chiral was in but if you are going to hand over large sums of money to someone you don't know on the internet then you have to take some responsibilty for that... but no i am not really comparing these two things ie ebay & chiral

my point is not a moral one, it's more of a philosophic one.. people have every right to get passionate about such 'un-wholesome' behaviour... but just look at the culture of suing people... like when a burglar is breaking into your house & cuts themselves while smashing your window, technically they can sue you because they hurt themselves on your property.. philosophically this is related to the point i'm trying to make... this culture of shirking responsibilty for anything & everything is rife in our society & i think it's very much tied in with where we are going in the future in terms of the need for individual common sense & intelligence (or lack thereof) of the people who make up our society.. my point is about the implications of a society of people who will not take responsibilty fot their own intelligence & therefore be motivated to increase their intelligence & in doing so make the world a better place & on a personal level not be taken advantage of... if you don't get the connection then you can disregard my words

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Apparently it's a world of be streetwise or be ripped off by predators and get called a dick on top of it.


i'm not saying it's good, & i certainly don't agree with it & i personally can't rip people off because i would tear myself apart with guilt, but unfortunately yes that pretty much is a big part of the world we live in & unless you come to terms with it the. you're going to be victimized... sorry but sometimes life sux & the only way to make it better is to be better & smarter yourself IMO.. someone getting called a dick for that is a just a (somewhat rude) way of bringing home a bit more strongly how silly it is to not think before you act..

& that quote above kind of summarized the way nature & evolution works... nature can be very cruel but it's just a fact we have to face, if the zebra doesn't wise up the lion will eat it for lunch.. it's kind of ironic that this is what drives evolution & makes all that is good in nature what it is...

People should not have to do research into a product to not get ripped off.


why? thats ridiculous, why would anyone buy something they didn't know anything about? i don't get it..

i know what you're saying but you seem to be disregarding the whole basis of the consumeristic world we live in 99% of all products out there are complete useless pointless crap! our world thrives on this! yes it is a horrible, abhorrent fact about the modern world & i find it just as disgraceful as you but if you don't realise this & wise up then you will be taken for a ride! it's absolutely rife in our society, there will always be predators & like i said before the only way to make the world better IMO is to outwit the them & perhaps they will starve to death

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People should not have to do research into a product to not get ripped off.

why? thats ridiculous, why would anyone buy something they didn't know anything about? i don't get it..

i know what you're saying but you seem to be disregarding the whole basis of the consumeristic world we live in 99% of all products out there are complete useless pointless crap! our world thrives on this! yes it is a horrible, abhorrent fact about the modern world & i find it just as disgraceful as you but if you don't realise this & wise up then you will be taken for a ride! it's absolutely rife in our society, there will always be predators & like i said before the only way to make the world better IMO is to outwit the them & perhaps they will starve to death


totally with paradox here. sort of with woof as well. personally tripsis i don't see why you're getting so worked up about this. i appreciate your right to disagree with it of course but i think you're going way over the top and mixing in mostly irrelevant feelings about certain dishonoured trades or whatever...

as for your above quote, it IS ridiculous. if i go out and pay 1000 bucks for a new tv, without looking into whether this is a good deal, then find it down the road for 200, this is entirely my fault. of course it sucks that someone would be willing to do that to me, but really it was pretty stupid on my part. this sort of thing happens to all of us, as paradox says we just have to learn from it.

as for the mushroom thing i find it hilarious personally. similar to that scam where you list on ebay a model car and people just assume it is a real one, even when you specifically say it is not real. people simply don't notice what's in front of them as said, and this shits me. in that instance it really isn't fair because cars are worth a lot of money, noone should have to pay that much for that mistake. however anyone can see that that is simply a supermarket mushroom and to pay a lot of money for it on ebay is very dumb and only highlights how plagued our society is, with both ignorance and consumerism. if someone is enough of a money waster to just pay 30 bucks for something when they clearly have no idea what it is then i'm sorry but they won't be getting my sympathy. similarly people on ebay happily squander thousands of dollars on shit like britney spears's chewing gum. should we feel sorry for them too?

in all likelihood the seller just made another account or used their friend's to make that purchase, i don't think anyone will actually fall for it...completely ready to be proved wrong by your average stupid bogan though...

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Ah, whatever. I see what you're all saying and tend to agree with most of it, but I think it's still fucked for people to blatantly rip others off. But hey, scammers will always exist, fact of life, so it's better for people to be a little more streetwise before they part with their hard earned money.

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well done tripsis. i respect your ability to quell arguments without forsaking your own opinion. i could learn from you, instead of finding myself unable to deal with opposing points of view.

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