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El Barto

eye bacteria?

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i searched for an answer to this but couldnt think of a way to word it to get any result from a search engine

i might have even asked it sumwhere before but dont remember an answer

years ago while stoned and staring deeply at a blue sky i noticed what looks like light reflecting through bacteria on the surface of my eye

it moves like bacteria does when you look through a microscope bit each one is a bunch of tiny over exposed light dots overlapping

over the years ive asked other people if theyve noticed it and ive noticed every1 who had noticed it was a stoner to

i dont think being stoned helps you see it but i guess only stoners stare at a blue sky for long enough to notice shit like that

but yea any1 know what im talkin about and if it is actually bacteria or what?

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yeah, i see it and have asked about it. Iwas told it was the blood cells passing through your eye that you are seeing.

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Is that not dust floating on your cornea?

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I see them too. Just googled to find out what they are called:

Those are called motes. [small dust particles.]

Each time you blink, your eyelid distributes a very thin wet film of tear duct fluid that keeps your eyeball lubricated in your eye socket [a dry eyesocket would hurt & damage your eyeball]

Capillary action from dust in your eyeball's tear fluid

tends to refract light around the collected fluid blob that surrounds the particle or micro dust "string".

This can create strange visual anomalies that sometimes look like spots or clear rings that float or slowly descend overlaying your field of vision if youre able to percieve & focus on them enough to detect them. They can be MOST noticable on a beautiful sunny day as you gaze into a clear blue sky.

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im gonna rub dirt in my eye, start crying, look at the sky and hope for some nice visuals

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"oh squiggly line in my eye" Kurt Cobain much? haha. peace.

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I guess teachers can be wrong, when I was in high school I asked my science teacher about the same and he said 'blood cells', I remember I doubted him as tehy looked like teh description you give amazonian quote " clear rings that float or slowly descend " although when I see them they are travelling in all directions, I thought nah too small and not cell like..

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What the teacher probably was describing was the blood vessels in the eye lid, not the floaters on the eyes surface. So, he was probably right too.

I see like tiny long bits and as you try to focus on them ,they keep moving left or right, depending on which way your eye is traveling.

Edited by Amazonian

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Yep, thats what i see.(pic from above link,left the text behind ,though its worth the read.)



Edited by Amazonian

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I like to think that they're air molecules. I know they're not, but I still like to think that. :innocent_n:

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i love that... a straw hat at the beach is awesome!! each point of light can be focused onto the finest point... so fucking rad that our eyes are actually capable of focusing on the dust on it's surface :)

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The link from Blowng says that =One specific type of floater is either called Muscae volitantes (from the Latin, meaning 'flying flies'), or mouches volantes (from the French), and consist of small spots. These are present in most people's eyes and are attributed to minute remnants of embryonic structures in the vitreous humour.

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not sure if the cause is different but there are at least two very distinct phenomenon, one is much larger and can look a bit like some critter, you can move your eyes up and down to keep it in your field of vision, it can be a single thing. the other is much tinier and spreads all across your vision, like a soup of moving points of light maybe?

all i know is that the last time it was brought up here, i'm pretty sure andyamine let rip with all of these mind blowing answers and wiki links. that's the man to ask.

okay here is the second phenomenon i just described and it is in fact white blood cells moving in capillaries near the retina


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