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Study - Ayahuasca Use in Australia

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Got this message the other day -

Ayahuasca use has spread from indigenous communities in Amazonian South America to urban areas in the Americas, Europe and Australia. The contexts of its use range from traditional and Western shamanic ceremonies to syncretic church sacraments to more idiosyncratic entheogenic exploration. Ayahuasca use has been a focus of anthropological research among Amazonian and mestizo communities in South America for several decades. Anthropological and medical research into UDV church ayahuasca use has been successfully used in drug reform debates in the U.S. and Brazil. Currently, however, little is known of either the cultural contexts or health consequences of Ayahuasca use here in Australia.

You are invited to take part in a research project about Ayahuasca use in Australia. The project is concerned with understanding why people use Ayahuasca, the context in which they use it and how they understand the consequences of its use for their health. The researchers would like to use these preliminary data to develop a longitudinal study assessing how Ayahuasca use affects people’s health, including immune system functioning. The study is being conducted by Dr Robin Rodd of James Cook University.

If you agree to be involved in the study, you will be invited to be interviewed. The interview, with your consent, will be audio-taped, and should only take approximately 1 hour of your time. The interview will be conducted at a time and place convenient to you.

Taking part in this study is completely voluntary and you can stop taking part in the study at any time without explanation or prejudice. You may also withdraw any unprocessed data from the study.

If you know of others who might be interested in this study, could you please pass on this information sheet to them so they may contact me to volunteer for the study?

Your responses will be dealt with in strict confidence. Interview material will be used in the preparation of academic articles for social and medical science journals. You will not be identified in any way in these publications.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dr Robin Rodd.

Principal Investigator:

Dr Robin Rodd

Department of Anthropology

James Cook University

Phone: 07-4781-4827

Email: [email protected]

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Not sure I feel entirely comfortable with this. Studies may be used against the ayahuasca using community.

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Not sure I feel entirely comfortable with this. Studies may be used against the ayahuasca using community.


Dr Robin Rodd, the principal investigator mentioned, has given presentations at at least one Ethnobotanica conference and has made excellent long term contributions to this community. He also writes beautiful journal articles if you can lay your hands on them

I would feel entirely comfortable participating in any study with his name to it,and I'm a grumpy bitch :)

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I don't question his excellent work, good name or intentions, just wary of sociological studies where the substance under investigation is still illegal.

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long time darklight :)


Yea verily :) Glad yer still around!

I don't question his excellent work, good name or intentions, just wary of sociological studies where the substance under investigation is still illegal.

Just wondering, is it his ability to keep data confidential as required at question? Or are you concerned that the publication of such a study could draw unwanted attention to aya? Or another issue altogether?

If it's the first I personally wouldn't worry. If it's the second it's a matter of personal opinion

I just don't understand your objection/s, could you please outline them more clearly?

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I guess it's more along the lines of the second.

When I think of sociological studies, I think of sociological data that may be of use to certain parties.

My fears may be unfounded and I'm likely over-reacting, not really knowing the nature and extent of the study.

He's likely mindfull and descreet enough that there should be no reason for concern.

Edited by Mycot

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I guess it's more along the lines of the second.

When I think of sociological studies, I think of sociological data that may be of use to certain parties.

My fears may be unfounded and I'm likely over-reacting, not really knowing the nature and extent of the study.

He's likely mindfull and descreet enough that there should be no reason for concern.


It certainly doesn't hurt to wonder how personal data will be used in any study. In this case I trust the researcher and his objectivity

The public release of results of enquiry from fields of such um... complex concern is certainly a two edged sword. But sooner or later information will out anyhow. Personally I'd prefer solid research showing ( I anticipate ) reasonable use of aya by people of 'reputable' sociological standing, overall positive outcomes and very few if any negative effects to say- sensational reports on A Current Affair with sensationalist ads all over my dinner

And if the latter comes first at least the former will be out there to counteract such stupidity

Please note I have no connection with this study or it's research staff



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Please note that the legal changes in Brazil were entirely down to such studies. if it wasn't for them then ayahuasca would have been criminalised in the very place it is traditionally used. such studies were also used in the USA and holland to make religious ayahuasca use legal there. given that ayahuasca is already illegal here I can't see how any study is going to make things worse. I mean, it can't get any worse - especially in NSW.

My biggest problem with this study is that I took a day off to see Robin and then he didn't even bother coming :angry:

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there there, there there.

Agree fully with T, already illegal, so what's the worry.

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Assuming the study can actually find enough participants in the study then it appears to be rather safe as opposed to iniquitous for volunteers.

Hello, how are you today..?

I'm fine thank you.

What is your name..?

N. Efarious.

Speaking into the micro phone tell us about your experiences with `yage or ayahuasca.

After consuming the putrid tasting drink I thought about how to keep it down long enough to feel affects and not purging.

Did you purge..?

Indeed I did.


I purged the vile tasting liquid after some 20 mins, then felt much better.

After a time I began to feel different, a dense haze hung over my surrounds and colour was highlighted. I closed my eyes and lay down on the thatched mattress supplied by the curandero. I had vivid hallucinations of entities, beautiful twisting snakes and reptiles.. and insect like beings, a myriad of rich tapestry flowed all around my mind, colour and symbols I had never seen before but recognized somehow spewed forth their magnificence in a dance that was ultimately captivating.

How anything like this could be used against aya studies is beyond me, mind you until the external, closed minded, systems folk seek out and understand, as opposed to seeing it as highly iniquitous, then fear will continue rule their minds. Common people feel better when buying plasma TV's on hire purchase, watching current affair shows dedicated to rounding up criminals who ripped off families of their holiday savings or life insurance policies, they like it most when a famous personality has perpetrated such atrocities and gets off cause they are famous...it's that sense of equality that keeps their lives in check...mob mentality is still rife in today's feeble minds.

I sometimes try to imagine what a show based on aya and its 36 or so national participants, would be like if it ever hit the lips of these truly sinful media propaganda antagonists.

In reality though, is it even big enough to warrant any investigation by the couch surfing fear mongers...probably not, who cares about a bunch of die hard hippies who want to drink a vile tea and throw their guts up all for a 3 hr lie down and free 3d closed eyed TV...maybe the Plasma Tv industry is jealous that some are getting better picture quality for free as opposed to buying their products.

Then again most like to drink a lot of beer and wine, throw their guts up, pass out on the city streets, wake up a couple of hours later and see the sun rising over the circling colorful litter being whipped up by the early morning breeze, it must look really trippy to see a thousand McDonald and kebab wrappers all caught up in wirly whirly breezes that drift along the cold hard streets at dawn trough hungover eyes, the taxi drivers are their curandero's and saviors, watching and waiting for them, safely driving and guiding them through their intoxicating night on the booze back to safety and the comfort of the plsma Tv filled domeciles to rest it off, they eat oil soaked food while watching the dragons beating the crap out of the Bronco's.


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Then again most like to drink a lot of beer and wine, throw their guts up, pass out on the city streets, wake up a couple of hours later and see the sun rising over the circling colorful litter being whipped up by the early morning breeze, it must look really trippy to see a thousand McDonald and kebab wrappers all caught up in wirly whirly breezes that drift along the cold hard streets at dawn trough hungover eyes, the taxi drivers are their curandero's and saviors, watching and waiting for them, safely driving and guiding them through their intoxicating night on the booze back to safety and the comfort of the plsma Tv filled domeciles to rest it off, they eat oil soaked food while watching the dragons beating the crap out of the Bronco's.



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I think people have a right to be very questioning of study about Ayahuasca in Australia. But very much believe Robin Rodd to be working in good faith.

He has also certainly contributions to this community as darklight has said, i have seen him give very fine talks at 1 Ethnobotanica conference and 3 EGA conferences.

it is logical that if we are personally interested in the study of ethnobotany then so will good researcher like Robin Rodd, we should try and lend our support in honourable situation like theses.


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If the researcher is doing the study with integrity (sounds like it from these posts), then this could be a good step forward. I've been hoping to do something like this myself one day, quite surprised there's a study underway already!

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