geezer0 Posted January 21, 2010 Share Posted January 21, 2010 (edited) Hi Guys and galsWhats the best way to take cuttings and how long to take roots?All the bestG Edited July 30, 2013 by planthelper tag Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ref1ect1ons Posted January 21, 2010 Share Posted January 21, 2010 Dude after reading about this one, sounds very good. Some prefer it to mj.I would say take a cutting just above a set of leaves or take a longish stem and strip the leaves so that you have a longish stem in the ground.I am sure others will correct me but this is just a prediction on others. maybe 20cm long cause too long and it will die.I found the plants on, thanks for the tip mate i will be going to the nursery for one of these. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
culebra22 Posted January 21, 2010 Share Posted January 21, 2010 (edited) Does anyone get any effects from heimia water ferments? doesn't taste particularly nice... Edited January 21, 2010 by culebra22 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted February 11, 2010 Share Posted February 11, 2010 that is my prefered method unless i have tip can be reduced to a paste for sublingual use and the taste is not unpleasant just unusual. t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 that is my prefered method unless i have tip can be reduced to a paste for sublingual use and the taste is not unpleasant just unusual. t s t . I have read some pelimary reports regarding MAOI potention on sunopener can anyone confirm these Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slybacon Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 Garden of Eden even suggest that smoking an extract may be very psychedelic. One user reported seeing snakes flowing through his body after 2 cones of 30X extract, effects lasted for 60 to 90 mins. I am waiting for some seeds to arrive and then i will have a go at germination.I have heard that the brew is very bitter, I wonder if you could boil it down to a smaller amount and add to alcohol. Maybe Vodka Heimia shots or something that will mask the flavour more like sambucca. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 I have read some pelimary reports regarding MAOI potention on sunopener can anyone confirm these there is a similar level of potentiation to maoi but as far as i know the reason has not been worked out.but there is more than that,heimia has its own unique quality.....a very strong and healing spirit plant.... t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 there is a similar level of potentiation to maoi but as far as i know the reason has not been worked out.but there is more than that,heimia has its own unique quality.....a very strong and healing spirit plant.... t s t . thanks tst I have been speaking to a friend overseas who has a rather old piece of cappi he has been saving & plenty of heimeia so if he goes through with it i will be sure to pass the outcomes on Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted February 13, 2010 Share Posted February 13, 2010 maoi will not potentiate heimia ,it is more like more of something simiar.additive rather than multiplying.heimia potentiates much the same things as maoi.hope that makes things clearer..... t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 16, 2010 Share Posted February 16, 2010 maoi will not potentiate heimia ,it is more like more of something simiar.additive rather than multiplying.heimia potentiates much the same things as maoi.hope that makes things clearer..... t s t . Ok so its more positive interaction between the two plants as oppose to making it stronger as such I find this all rather intresting an old thread on edot also said the seed pods produce a pleasant 1-2 hour effect from smoking only the seed pods ...well the term used was seed balls put i'm assuming they were referring to empty pods, smoking them with the seeds would result in lots of miny explosions wouldn't it ?????? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slybacon Posted February 16, 2010 Share Posted February 16, 2010 Ok so no need to get seeds. My friend here has heaps of it going already. Didn't realise how easy this shit grows, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 16, 2010 Share Posted February 16, 2010 Ok so no need to get seeds. My friend here has heaps of it going already. Didn't realise how easy this shit grows, Yeah i brought one from SAB a bit over a year ago now its got about 10 suckers growing off it and about 10 otgher baby plants in the pot I've been told by a lot of people one plants all you will ever need to find it grows and multiples pretty rapidly Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted February 18, 2010 Share Posted February 18, 2010 Ok so its more positive interaction between the two plants as oppose to making it stronger as such I find this all rather intresting an old thread on edot also said the seed pods produce a pleasant 1-2 hour effect from smoking only the seed pods ...well the term used was seed balls put i'm assuming they were referring to empty pods, smoking them with the seeds would result in lots of miny explosions wouldn't it ?????? the seed pods virtually disintigrate when picked leaving seeds and pod bits,i think that is what would be smoked.see thread for lagerstroemia sp.. t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 23, 2010 Share Posted February 23, 2010 the seed pods virtually disintigrate when picked leaving seeds and pod bits,i think that is what would be smoked.see thread for lagerstroemia sp.. t s t . ust consumed 1 full cone +2 small ones of dried heimia seed and pod and to be honest i'm rather taken back by how effective it is feeling rather spacey and very mellow reaction time is slowed and limbs feel rather heavy i mixed it with a little tobacco to assist the burning processits been around 30mins and to be honest i'm rather impressed there is some degree of visual distortion although i would not quite describe it so objects seem to take a while for the brain to register what they are would seem a more suitable description, I probably am finding this the closet in effect to cannabis then any other legal herb i have triedthere is some degree of a light body sweat and in the mouth overall the taste is not unpleasant n seed explosions were fairly minimalwow feeling like super chilled going to lay down for a bit i will continue this a little laterwell its been an hour and i'm still feeling pretty good I've played with the idea of consuming a little more but to be quite honest i'm a little shocked by the strength of what i consumed earlier n the effects i'm still feeling after laying on the longue for abit i got up and the whole back of my leg was numb wtf I've had my leg fall asleep b4 but certainly not the muscle only at the back of my leg go completely numb , moving round is a bit of effort in that I feel a bit lethargic i can if i have to but don't really want to I'm thinking of consuming just a little more about a little more very interested to see its effects on sleep n dreamingforgot to mention two things these are older seeds probably somewhere between 6-12 months old and sense of touch seems elevated nice euphoria right now coming back to baseline now approx 2hrs have passed my experience was pretty on par with other biossays I have read for the seed residual effects are tiredness and my throat /mouth sum numbness 5x or 10x extract on the seeds could be an interesting prospect could easily just go to sleep now most nights i'm up till 12 or 1 seems to have a good effect in regards to cannabis withdrawal (reduction of anxiety , increased ability to sleep )also could be a positive thing for heavy smokers here smoke a joint of heimia as oppose feed yourself valium as the doctors prescribe, touch is still slightly elevate and feel rather happyit would seem that seeds and young seedlings have a chemical not found in mature plants maybe this has some bearing on the difference in effect between heimia brews and the smoked seed after stopping consuming cannabis I have difficulty sleeping last night i had a really good sleep , I will say as a neagative point though after the initial two hours had passed I became rather agitated hard to say if that was due to the not smoking of cannabis which at times can raise my anxiety levels or something to do with the effects of the heimia as it wares off but i smoked a little heimia before bed and there did not seem to be any diminshing return on its effects I'm highly intrested to know if anyone else has similar results from this plantbiossay posted on AE last night it was done in multiple posts during the experience so I have put them all in one post here hope others find this as intresting as I did Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle. S Posted February 24, 2010 Share Posted February 24, 2010 biossay posted on AE last night it was done in multiple posts during the experience so I have put them all in one post here hope others find this as intresting as I did Could you report whether you have extreme difficulty concentrating today? I tried seedpod and herb mixed and found for the next two days it was very hard to read anything because i couldnt follow the words without getting distracted. but now back to normal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted February 24, 2010 Share Posted February 24, 2010 Could you report whether you have extreme difficulty concentrating today? I tried seedpod and herb mixed and found for the next two days it was very hard to read anything because i couldnt follow the words without getting distracted. but now back to normal. Haha i'm prtobably not a good person to ask that i have the attention span of a goldfish unless something really intrests me being at work doing accounts and tax returns is more a necessity then something that i really enjoy so i tend to drift from one thingg to anolther anyway Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted March 1, 2010 Share Posted March 1, 2010 thanx for the bioassey,not really much to say....i suspect the different alkaloids reported from new plants and seeds may also be present in new grown leaf tips.that would explain why the tips are so good.prob also just better quality plant material too.i think the first plant mentioned as being added to castenadas smoking mix was heimia.and in fact it reads like tips but it was wilted in shade.dont see the difference between natural air drying and shade wilting.shade dried tips were messy in effect and crap in taste quality. t s t .lol,windy weather has stripped many seed pods from my plants in the last 2 days and nights. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
planthelper Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 i might post some cultural notes on this special plant.heimia can grow happily over a wide climatic range, and is quite a drought hardy plant aswell,making it ideal for's one of the few plants, i never took a cutting from, just to quickly cover the initial question,but young shoots pulled from the plant would be my choice.i would use only material which shows no sign of branching yet, than remove most leaves and put it into high humidety enviroment.if you find long shoots which can be used as cutting material, you ought to be able to cut maybe two or three or even more cuttings from one single shoot, which will result in you automaticly having tried different degrees of woodyness, in other words something like from semi hard wood to soft wood...this should give you once the cuttings have struck an indication which, way to go in the future.heimia is mostly probagated by seed, and germination takes place fast, just from maybe around 5 days onwards.don't use a high humidety setup to germ them, i think they don't like this, just place seedlings pots in the openair, and keep the water up, although its such a small (seeds) seedling, it will be tough and not fall over (because we raised then in open air).use some good seedrising mixture, i use many small pots (the ones a bit bigger than a film container) instead of seedlingstrays, because like this, i avoid having to seperate the seedlings at a later stage.flatten out the pottingmix surface using the bottom of a same size pot, than sprinkle seeds, than water in, but don't drench, as it could wash out the seeds...once they are up, you want to fertilize them right away, with very weak solutions naturaly.if they are planted in poor potting mix, than the growth rate will be close to zero,so nurture them.heimia is a wonderfull herb to play around with and water extractions have such nice tribal and hands on vibe to them, i would recommand to try them to experience extracting heimia is limited, but i want to add one thing to tantras work.leaving the stems intact, helps aswell to squeeze the material better, when you seperate the juice from the plant material. once the liquid has become thick you add a few dried leaves of heimia and voila,you got your organic no chems 5x heimia smoko! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ref1ect1ons Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 I havent had anxiety or negative day after effects as with other, even though it feels very similar, so similar I don't 'need' other.My question is this, are there any negative health impacts, as I know other to be generally safe but don't know where to find info on heimia.I use it every couple days to unwind, only a small amount, dried; so no strong psychidelic. Will try extracts soon, they sound great and easy and fun and worth it but not too heavy.I am not sure whether to keep this herb a secret to protect it, or let it others know, to protect it. lol. I can definetly see why it is on Xochipilli statue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 I havent had anxiety or negative day after effects as with other, even though it feels very similar, so similar I don't 'need' other.My question is this, are there any negative health impacts, as I know other to be generally safe but don't know where to find info on heimia.I use it every couple days to unwind, only a small amount, dried; so no strong psychidelic. Will try extracts soon, they sound great and easy and fun and worth it but not too heavy.I am not sure whether to keep this herb a secret to protect it, or let it others know, to protect it. lol. I can definetly see why it is on Xochipilli statue. as to safety I don't think there has been enough study on this plant to assume one way or the other in satying that i have 5read biossays of up to 30x extracts which have all been fairly positive , smoking anything always has the potential to do some form of damamge I have found a slight numbness in the throat that seems to hang around for a little while to me tis would indicate it should only be pyrolised occasionally and extracts/ tinctures might be the most effective approach Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 there have been about 4 experience reports added for heimia on erowid very recently.once again these include reports of cramping fron commercial leaf products.i have almost always used or supplied only sun treated products and never encountered these side effects.i can only assume this is what can happen with heimia which has not been sun treated.maybe it is time to educate the rest of the ethno community about this issue?i've been mentioning this for a few years but it has not got to any other forums of my friends using heimia medicinally has smoked tips up to 4 times a day,for a couple weeks at a time.four day break with no ill effects from discontinuation.then back to weeks of continuous smoking at one or 2 a negative effects have been noticed.i dont recommend smoking any heimia except sun cured branch tips.other products often seem harsh on the chest.that has been a driver to find better heimia products,leading to the tips.... t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neoshaman Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 curiosity TST smoking with papers , pipe or water pipe ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted March 2, 2010 Share Posted March 2, 2010 papers and tobacco. t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tenacioustornado Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 (edited) just the tips not extracted,or extracted I thought it would be too weak otherwise? How old can the tips be before they lose some of their potency? Does heimia work better in a vaporizer like most others plants would? Edited March 3, 2010 by tenacioustornado Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t st tantra Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 just the tips,unextracted.effects are often noticable from the first few friend often puts the last half of a heimia smoke aside to finish loss of potency over time has been noticed by me with any heimia tips have been around long enough to loose is a fairly new tek and gets used fairly quickly.dont know about vapouriser. t s t . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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