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Way to go Indians!

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Especially among the "natives".


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im guessing a blazing poi to the knackers.

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if i ever meet you in person, you will do well to turn around and walk the fuck away.

Yea.. In case you start talking & bore the shit out of me, forcing me to beat and impale you with your twirly whirly fire stick. :slap:

Edited by baphomet

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lol u guys are crackers! :P

but surely baph, you seem like a pretty cluey guy, surely you must see that you can appear quite racist in some of your posts?

im just gonna ask outright, no beating around the bush so to speak, and i would like an honest answer, Are You Racist?? Do you discriminate against a person based on their ethnicity?? answer truthfully, if you will.

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My post was completely hypocritical

It translates out to-

The Australians are being unfairly blamed as racists. But I am 100% certain it is really the Africans fault. Let me cite a nonexistent policy.

It is easy to blame people who are different than you. I recently saw the video of the Sunshine Attack in Melbourne. Pretty disturbing shit. Like religion, politics only serves to divide people. I apologize for posting my shit stirring post . Was in a funny space when I wrote it. Sorry for creating negativity in the chill space.

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what have indigenous aussies got to do with what i said? the "natives" make up a tiny fraction of our population, what i said is what i meant, australia also has tons of low life pieces of shit. period. full fucking stop. didn't bert newtons son get charged for assaulting a woman? class, race, what the fuck ever, there is too much thoughtless violence here and everywhere, you don't help shit in the slightest baphomet and you're still on ignore.

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you don't help shit in the slightest baphomet and you're still on ignore.

word. that motherfucker is now on my ignore too.

part of me thinks that his lil frankfurter cock gets all nice and stiff at posting such vitriol. but when was the last time he actually contributed something meaningful without hijacking this forum?

regardless: just spare a thought for baphomet's family -- those poor bastards don't have the luxury of an ignore button. but i'm sure he has a beautiful personality once you get to know him... pffft!

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Racisim is a two way street. Its a very odd thing when if a person of ethnicity blames you for there problems, it isn't racist, but when you do the same it is. Political correctness.

In my short life i've come across a fair few situations where i have come under verbal and physical assault due to me been caucasian. In particular there was one instance where me and a friend were walking down a street, and out of the blue a person of ethnicity comes running at us screaming "fuckin white kunt, ill kill you" , he then catapults his fist into my friends eye. Now if this situation was reversed people would view it in an entirely different light, instead of a person been attacked it would be a person of ethnicity been assaulted.

People like to be proud of who they are and where they came from, hence they are grouped( asians, indians, pakistani, tamils, lebonese), and its because of this that its easy to feel victimized as a result of your background. The media has, as always, blown up every day events and pushed forward the issue of race/ethnicity which again increases the degrees of separation.

If you strip away the issue of race/ethnicity from events you begin to see that things such as the assults on indian students as just another assult, not an assult on an indian. Rationalize what is happening, see it for what it is, just another thing. People are been murded, women are been beaten, grannies topped for there purse, gang rapes the list goes on and on, and some students get beaten up so obviously it "has" to be an issue of race blah blah blah.


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you are a fucking piece of shit.

I always wonder why people get so angry about race in a country like Australia - probably one of the most socially cohesive in the world. Sure our refuge policy hasnt been as nice as Canada and some other places but...

I guess its the natives comment. The state of our indigenous Australians is a shame for Australia but I dont see why it has to result in such an angry reply.

Everyone's nice on ecstasy.

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it has to do with his chronic and persistent racially motivated comments. his comment was not explicitly racist e.g. if you looked at the statistics, i suppose yes, aboriginals may have a higher prevalence of domestic violence, etc. but why single out a race in such a tangential way unless he's looking to be nasty and racist?

for example i could write something like this:

baphomet is of greek heritage (i think). the ancient greeks are renowned for their advocacy of paedophilia. many behaviours are genetically determined.

clearly it isn't racist as every statement above is a fact. but why post this unless there were racist undertones to my comments?

i stick by my initial comments. he's a racist piece of shit. and i'm surprised that people on this forum give him so much latitude.

Edited by faustus

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it has to do with his chronic and persistent racially motivated comments. his comment was not explicitly racist e.g. if you looked at the statistics, i suppose yes, aboriginals may have a higher prevalence of domestic violence, etc. but why single out a race in such a tangential way unless he's looking to be nasty and racist?

for example i could write something like this:

baphomet is of greek heritage (i think). the ancient greeks are renowned for their advocacy of paedophilia. many behaviours are genetically determined.

clearly it isn't racist as every statement above is a fact. but why post this unless there were racist undertones to my comments?

i stick by my initial comments. he's a racist piece of shit. and i'm surprised that people on this forum give him so much latitude.

you are being to nice...try this one...Baphomet is a greasy WOG.


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In most of the attacks I've heard about the attackers have been described as "of middle Eastern appearance"... I assumed it was a Muslim vs Hindu thing

fully imported with all the luxuries of where-ever-istan.

I dig Indian people (just as I do all people of all ethnicity), and it's sad that our country is being held responsible to some degree for something

that offends the vast majority of us, but the same shit probably happens to Aussies in India...

I think any people here from ANY other countries on temporary visa's who are involved in racially motivated crimes where neither person is a citizen should be immediately

treated as hostile refugees and deported. In the case where the person who is attacked is an Australian citizen the and the attacker not, then the attacker should be treated as

as a reffo and deported. But when the attacker is an Aussie and the attackee is a guest in our country the attacker should go to gaol...

Violence is fucked!

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Faustus, why get suckered into a "online" forum fight, Bamph could just be throwing out comments waiting for someone to bite who knows.

Fighting online and e-thuggery are pointless and wont solve anything, the ignore button works best.

Lets hear a big YAY! for multiculturalism!


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Fighting online and e-thuggery are pointless and wont solve anything, the ignore button works best.
word. that motherfucker is now on my ignore too.

Word.. Dat wigga faustus be e-thuggin!! (& he talks like a tryhard)


if you looked at the statistics, i suppose yes, aboriginals may have a higher prevalence of domestic violence, etc.

Right.. So STFU!! :slap:

you are being to nice...try this one...Baphomet is a greasy WOG.

That's not very nice.. How would you like it if someone called your wife a "DIRTY GOOK"?

(for those who think I am degenerating this forum, please read over other people's posts. Although I may be stooping to other people's level occasionally to prove a point, I'm not the one setting the precenents here)

baphomet is of greek heritage (i think). the ancient greeks are renowned for their advocacy of paedophilia. many behaviours are genetically determined. clearly it isn't racist as every statement above is a fact

The ancient Greeks also pioneered philosophy, mathematics & invented democracy, had an advanced written language, etc. They are largely responsible for founding what we know today as 'Western Society'. I guess by extension of what you are saying I could therefore say that I am genetically superior to certain cultures in many ways.. Interesting can of worms you've just opened faustus.

Edited by baphomet

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Baphomet choo a abrasive muddahfukeRR , woop woop yall. Lets all go drink some 40 oz , homebrew course, n chill on da block waiting for doze hunnies.

On another note, i think wikapedia has a very encompassing list of racial insults, check it out.

doesn't matter if yo black or white da da da

Also bapface your rant about that line of reasoning Fface used, if you decide to run with it, no matter what way you cut it your genetically built to fiddle kids. YUCK!

ps take this in good humOR!


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your genetically built to fiddle kids.

Hey, don't let those ancient Greek statues fool you. :unsure:

Edited by baphomet

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I don't like baph's racist undertones anymore than the rest of you, but if you read his posts carefully you will find that he does not actually make statements that fit the definition of racism. Trust me, I've looked hard.

In fact, in this thread there are 2 or 3 other people who blatantly break the rules as a result of baph's social engineering.

I am hesitant to ban baphomet even though I get many requests/demands for it, simply because it is intolerance of free speech that leads down a very slippery slope. However, that does not mean I am going to tolerate one thread after another going down the baph path. Baphomet, if you can't keep your inflammatory comments to one thread [your own thread preferably] then I will limit your posting range. I am also going to keep an eye on your posting content - this is an ethnobotany forum primarily and I see no need why we have provide you with a forum for your race games if you are not contributing any ethnobotany content. I know you have a lot to share about plants, so I suggest you start soon.

For everyone else, when reading baph's comments just keep in mind that there is a large section of society that thinks and feels the same way that he does. ignoring them or banning them will not make them go away. You can't scream out for diversity in one breath and then advocate intolerance of intolerant people in the next breath.

Trust me, I don't like this situation one bit, but for the moment I have to play along with this social experiment.

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Islam is a disease of the mind!

There isn't anything wrong with Islam you asshole. I get banned if I said some shit like that!

I'm not even going to read the rest of this thread.'

am hesitant to ban baphomet even though I get many requests/demands for it, simply because it is intolerance of free speech that leads down a very slippery slope.

True, true.

I'm glad this site allows free speech!

Edited by Teotz'

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To the people here who whinge to Torsten & other moderators about my posts, I'd like to make a couple of things clear.

I make things VERY hard for the moderators!!! There is a point to all this shit stirring, but if your hemmoroids become inflamed when you read my posts then there's a good chance you missed it! :huh:

My signature is probably causing some discomfort among you and you want me banned right? Well keep in mind that it was inspired by morgues recent signature which was "swine flu is alah's answer to christians" so the mods can't ban or discipline me without being hypocrites & giving morgue the same treatment, it forces the mods to contemplate this and see my point but you stupid motherfuckers (I can say that now thanks to faustus) out there who just don't get it will just keep bitching and making things unnecessarily hard on them, it's time for the rest of you to wake up and smelt the chai so that you can understand the difficult predicament that they are in.

Is my signature offensive to muslims? Maybe.. But why didn't anyone kick up a fuss about morgues signature? Surely it is equally offensive to the christian families who have lost loved ones due to the swine flu? Christian bashing is ok here as has been demonstrated many times but criticism of islam or muslims is not.

I am NOT a christian but the Teachings of Jesus (when viewed seperately to the old testament) are a close second to Buddhism in terms of respectability IMO, they preach peace & tolerance to the point of being ridiculous, the same can not be said for islam.. and judaism is MUCH worse (although it is totally beyond criticism) I know I will be accused of forcing my opinion down people's throats but the FACT remains that this statement is self evident to anyone who cares to research it.

Judaism preaches homophobia, racism, glorifies rape & murder of children, etc, etc.. That's a fact!! Like it or not. Certain islamic verses preach violence against jews so this should serve to highlight the stupidity/hipocracy of the people out there who claim to be against antisemetism, homophobia, islamophobia, violence, racism etc, and support freedom of religion, don't you see the paradox yet you fkn idiots? :slap:

If you wanna see an example of what happens when one of these people gets put on the spot and is forced to make a moral stance on these issues, look back at my conversations with sublimecrime.

I see no need why we have provide you with a forum for your race games if you are not contributing any ethnobotany content. I know you have a lot to share about plants, so I suggest you start soon.

Yea fair point, I'm not sure that I have much to offer in terms of information about ethnobotany, my knowledge is dwarfed by most members here, I just cruise the forum gathering whatever relevant information I need but I don't think there is much I can contribute in this regard.

I will say one thing however, I have had a lot of people accuse me of not contributing to this community, I'd like to ask them to tell me what they have contributed in the last year or so that I've been 'round? I can happily say that to my knowledge, the first flowering caapi vine in Australia (?) is due to seeds that I have donated to someone on another forum and I have contributed to the genetic diversity of this and other popular species in ways that I wont go into, although I have traded a little I have given away hundreds of dollars worth of seeds to members of this board, (including some who are calling me names in this thread :lol: ).

I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet, I'm telling you this so that you understand that there may be other reasons that you are not aware of that Torsten hasn't banned me yet, (ie: he is aware that I do contribute a little).

I owe him (and the other moderators) an apology, I'm sorry to cause you headaches and constantly put you on the spot like that but I really do believe that I have a valid (often obscure) point that I feel strongly about and it's hard for me not to stir the pot a little cause it just seems like the best way to get my point across.

I wont take it personally if you discipline me, to be honest it probably wouldn't hurt to suspend me or something now and again so that I know my limits..

Once again, I really am sorry to put you in such a fucked up predicament. :blush:

If It's any consolation to anyone out there I'll be working so much from now on that I will hardly be able to find time to post.

EDIT: "there isn't anything wrong with Islam you asshole. I get banned if I said some shit like that!"

Teotz, you have the mental faculties of a 12 year old, do us all a favour and shut the fuck up.


Edited by baphomet

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If It's any consolation to anyone out there I'll be working so much from now on that I will hardly be able to find time to post.

Ahhh so Pauline Hanson finally let you work for her...good luck with all that then.... :P ...for the record Baph I don't have an issue with you here and certainly wouldn't go dobbing you in to Torsten ...tisk tisk that is very girls blouse that one...You have offered up arguments that are borderline in most peoples minds and you do come off slightly racist...big problem here Baph..come here and I'll whisper it in your ear...most people are buddy, they just would never ever admit it...it's a disease that all races have against one another..and even a die hard PC person who says otherwise in the throws of death when about to lose their life to someone of another race would more than likely spit out their colour in some condescending way before they die...not putting words into anyone's mouths here, but we consider ourselves intelligent enough and wise and passionate enough to say we are not racist and we do make a serious effort to get along with all people particularly in OZ the great melting pot of cultures...you see when someone is friendly towards you it's very simple to get along...when they are arrogant, rude, violent it becomes difficult and most will get angry at that person and be seething about what nationality they are behind keeping their mouths shut...I've seen it time and time again.

keep toeing the line Baph...hope your work helps you live smarter and is making you happy.

signed Kernel Klink.

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Baph, your criticism of religion is something that is tolerated by me simply because I do not believe that religion is untouchable. Religions have to live up to their historical responsibilities moreso than individual generations have to. Religions choose to be the way they are. I am unconfortable about your positive portrayal of christianity as many of the things you level at the other religions is also true for christianity yet you seem to be somewhat blinkered there.

My position on religions does not mean I deny anyone the right to their religion, but it does mean that anyone who choses to be in a religion has to take collective responsibility for the collective they have joined. And by 'joining' I also mean 'failure to exit' [which I know is very contentious].

Race is a different matter though. It is NEVER a matter of choice and hence should never be held against anyone. There is a fine line between quoting statistics and racism - depending on the tone and presentation. Baph usually makes sure to not discriminate against an individual, but will use statistics to tar a whole race. I don't think this is healthy.

When I was in my 20's I had a lot to do with recent vietnamese migrants and found hem to be very aggressive and violent, to the point where I actively avoided them and would have definitely discriminated against them at the time. 10 years later my perception of the vietnamese community was very different. The aggression had faded dramatically in most places except the ethnic enclaves. It became obvious that the aggression was just the mindset they brought with them after years of a brutal war. These people have mostly experienced things that most of us will hopefully never get anywhere close to. Given how many of us end up with depression, PTSD and other mental illnesses from comparable or even lesser disasters [eg bushfires, floods, car accidents, etc] it does not surprise me that the vietnamese migrants acted this way after their arrival. Providing them with security and social support was for the most part enough for them to heal.

I think that we have a similar situation with migrants from sudan and other african countries. Villifying them is going to be counterproductive.

And to get back to the anti indian racism..... I've met a few indians over the years and I have yet to meet one who wasn't a racist [just mention pakistan :rolleyes: ]. I am sure there are plenty of non-racist indians, but it seems there are also plenty of racist ones. Racism begets racism, so I am hesitant to buy into the indian debate.

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kudos ubermensch for your contributions.

"Christian bashing is ok here as has been demonstrated many times but criticism of islam or muslims is not.

I am NOT a christian but the Teachings of Jesus (when viewed seperately to the old testament) are a close second to Buddhism in terms of respectability IMO, they preach peace & tolerance to the point of being ridiculous, the same can not be said for islam.. and judaism is MUCH worse (although it is totally beyond criticism)"

this is a bit confusing for me, you obviously realise that the torah is part of the bible so can you explain for my sake how christians can be comparable to buddhists? i like parts of both new and old testament, but if anything you've taught me to dislike all dogmatic, hateful religions equally. why the special exception?

sorry if you've answered this before, just let me get it clear in my head.

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I am unconfortable about your positive portrayal of christianity as many of the things you level at the other religions is also true for christianity yet you seem to be somewhat blinkered there.

Nope, I never said I was a fan of christianity, what I said was that the teachings of jesus were second to the Buddha in terms of respectability.. I still stand by that. There is some homophobia in the new testament but it didn't come from the mouth of Jesus. He preached nothing but peace & tolerance and anyone who says otherwise is a liar*.

Mohumed on the other hand was a mass murdering theiving child molesting piece of shit who was far less tolerant, and all the strongly worded homophobia, (stoning to death, etc) that you associate with christianity.. You can thank the jews for that.

But no one dare criticise the jews :o

And god forbid some monster tells the truth about those peaceful misunderstood muslims :puke:

you obviously realise that the torah is part of the bible

Some "christians" do not believe that the god of the old testament is the same as the god of the new testament and do not follow the torah.

Either way, christianity is a MASSIVE improvement on judaism!!!

*Except for one verse where he claims to have come to bring division instead of peace (sometimes translated as "a sword"), and repeating that those who don't believe in him are fucked when they kick the bucket, and in one instance appearing to support jewish law in regards to disciplining children.

Edited by baphomet

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Jesus was just another 2 bit crim who took his scam too far & got what he deserved...

Ya can't run around scamming people and when they wise up, claim to be Gods boy, no wonder they strung him up!

He didn't always preach peace, read what you want and you'll interpret what you want.

Edited by the germinator

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