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The Corroboree
t st tantra

alternative one......a major verification!

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I wonder where you find these things....LMAO...Fitting as it is...

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i felt too embarrassed to tell him i had been offered his life

Um. Unless you are all cock brothers here, that sounds a bit whacked out? Seriously, who are you to offer anyone, for anything?

I just read 200 plus of your posts... a lot of "I dropped some plants and felt like a weirdo" and "after being a weirdo for ages, this plant did x".

These plants ARE serious. And it's a shame that one of their most public proponents are obviously raving mad.

edit: although it explains why one of my heartiest feasts of love lies bleeding in years coincided with having a great night out. People, irrelevant. Setting, superflous. But I Et Some Plants. So thats enough ;)


And when you wake up this morning, with your massive hang over, complete with throbbing head ache you will have a vague memory of punching some of your wildest thoughts into your keyboard last night. Yep, you did and now you will read what you wrote and feel like a first class dickhead. You described very well some of our members! You just picked out the wrong one this time pal....now back under your bridge :wave-finger:

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I wonder where you find these things

:blush: i am a human search engine & the interweb Knows ALL

Back on topic.(well sort of)

I remember a dream i had about a friends house burning down, the next day His shed had burned to the ground

I never told him or any of our other friends for fear of being seen as a nutter or being blamed for the ciggy butt that torched the palce.

coincidence or foresight ? i dont know

I also had a Out of body experience as a kid & recall a conversation my parents were actually having while i was flying around the lounge room

Edited by mac

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Now that a heap of time/movement has unfolded does the vision/experience make more sense?

It is possible that the plant(s) showed and connected you with a person who exhibits a bunch of characteristics, qualities and habits that may be helpful models for you to adopt in some form?

Rather than a sinister consumption of the other's soul, perhaps the experience suggested that the person in the vision has (or had) something to offer you in regards to your orientation towards life?

Thanks for sharing.


it seemed more the opposite ,that this person had made opposite choices to me and that my choices lead me to where i was.and yes further suggesting that if i wanted something different from life i should make changes to lead me in that direction.

i have come to think of the experience as a vehicle rather than the actual offering of the life[but i didnt walk round there so who really knows?].

there was no idea of consumption of soul at the time....mainly just the option of walking into a different situation.it was only later when i met the fellow that it became more personal.maybe we could both live that option in separate realities or something similar.there is much here i dont expect to understand ,at least in this lifetime .but as was the point of this post it verified ,to me, the truth of my internal experience and i suppose spoke of the connectedness of everything....

t s t .

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appologies if this is too far oftopic also tantra

but following on from macs story I had something similar when i was younger.

I had lost a set of keys and literally had no idea where they could have be lost

I used to live on a 12 acre property so there was a huge area of potential hiding places.

Each night ebfore sleeping I would tell myself that I wanted to be shown where my keys were. I think I did this for a fair while maybe 2 weeks. One morning I woke up and rememebr a breif vision I had of a location on the property and my keys being there.

So i rode down on my tredly, sure as shit the keys were in this location in the exact way that I had seen them in my dream.

So Mac I wouldnt take something like that as just coincidence, i think we just have forgotten to let these messages into our brains.

I tried the same thing last year but with my lack of motivationa and faith I didnt get results. I wonder why i seem to not trust in that as much now...

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i think we just have forgotten to let these messages into our brains.


The Case for integrated intelligence (2008)

~Marcus Anthony


One morning almost ten years ago I awoke at about 7:00 a.m., and there was a

song playing in my head. I dare say the vast majority of people would simply have

ignored such a minor irritation. However, I did not. After several years of having

examined the finer “tunings” of my own mind, I had come to realize that songs do

not just randomly appear in my mind. I had been told several years before by an

Aboriginal shaman woman to listen to the songs in my head, because I was being

“told things” via the songs. At that time I quite literally laughed at her. Nonetheless,

I overcame my own scepticism long enough to begin to take note of songs and song

lyrics that suddenly came into my head. I began writing them down. What began

as a kind of quaint hobby later became a rather more involved activity. Soon, I

was being woken in the middle of the night by song lyrics being drummed into my

skull, sometimes so loudly that I would jump out of bed to turn off the CD player,

only to find that it was turned off. Several times I was “serenaded” by beautiful

angelic voices in languages that I had never heard, via songs that I had never heard

of, much less understood.

So when I awoke that morning I was particularly alarmed to note that the song

that was playing in my head was the theme from the TV series M.A.S.H.

"Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please." (Suicide is Painless, 1970)

Amild panic came over me, thinking that someonewas going to kill themselves.

I got out of bed and began pacing the room. Who could it be? There was only one

person I could think of. One of my sisters had suffered a mental breakdown, and

her behavior was becoming increasingly bizarre. It had to be her. I began to think

of what I could do to stop her. At that time my sister and I were both staying briefly

at my mother’s place, so there was obviously something I could do.

As it turned out, my interpretation was hopelessly wrong (my sister is still alive

today). At about 9:00 a.m. there was a knock on the front door. I went to the door,

and opened it. A feeling of dread filled me. Standing at the bottom of the doorstep

were two ashen-faced policemen in full uniform. They duly informed my mother

and I that my younger brother Jerome was dead. He had hung himself from a tree

in bush land less than a kilometer from my mother’s house, in the early hours of

the morning during a fierce storm.

Anthony (2008) The case for integrated intelligence.pdf

Anthony (2008) The case for integrated intelligence.pdf

Anthony (2008) The case for integrated intelligence.pdf

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salvia is some crazy shit!

a quid of 5 leaves u say tst? thats amazing!!

ive never had ANY results from quids, and ive made some large quids of 20+ leaves!!!

i wonder if the heimia potentiates the salia effects??


The thing with quids is that one maximizes absorption through the membranes of the mouth for effectiveness rather than quickly swallowing juice.

An effective method is to make two quids of ten leaves.

Place one of the quids in mouth and masticate for five minutes or so.

Replace the first quid with the fresh one and continue masticating.

It'll come on so much that one will be removing the second quid. :)

The oral route is often preferred to methods which involve pyrolysis, being qualitatively different.

A related corroboree link.

Why you should NOT smoke Salvia divinorum!

Edited by Mycot

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