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Smoked versus oral DMT

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A FOAF has had the good fortune to participate in a DMT session where a large dose was ingested along with a MAOI and he found that he would classify it as a positive experience.

He cannot identify any specific ways in which it was good for him but he definately felt a deep serenity and peace as the experience was wearing off.

This FOAF has also recently been supplied with some DMT blended with mullein and mint ( a very nice and easily smoked blend).

With this smoking blend he can smoke enough to have things morph on him but it doesn't seem to be accompanied with any changes in psychological or emotional states.

When he reaches this level he is about ready to faint and his head feels like it under alot of pressure.

What he wants to know is. Can anything be gained from smoked DMT.

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what is being experienced sounds like sub-threshold experiences of smoked dmt which have their own effects and states which are often quite bodily and not as 'full on' as a breaththrough experience.

Some people may need upwards of 100mg + in one smoking dose to really breakthrough...


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smoked DMT is special in particular ways. It allows the whole subconscious mind to be opened up and for random items to be re-experienced in a non-emotional and non-chronological way.

Non-emotional simply because it is too fast.... the experience lasts only a minute or two and in that time you will 'dream' hours and hours worth of material. There simply is no time for the brain to produce an associated emotion and for this to manifest itself. The advantages of this are obvious.

Non-chronological is also important as there is no predicting what happens next. It also doesn't allow for time stretching. This means that very long painful periods in your life may be experienced at the same rapid speed as happy times. There is no time to ponder.

By the time you regain control of your ego you will also find that all this stuff is being re-filed into the depth of your subconscious. But this refiling takes a little while and you will always be able to hold onto a few things. With practice you will be able to hold onto more and more each time and 'file' it into the conscious memory where it can be reprocessed at your leisure.

The big difference between long acting psychedelics and DMT is that the former can cause long drawn out states or preoccupation which can prevent the further exploration of the mind. Some people call them 'roundabouts', others simply lump them in with bad trips. This is simply technically not possible on smoked DMT. Also, no other psychedelic can give access to as much of the subconscious as dmt can. The access achieved with a single or a few doses of dmt is way beyond the access achieved even with the best LSD psychotherapy session.

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Just showed this post to my gnomish assistant,and he too felt that oral or aya was a brilliant experience and divinatory tool,but would like to try dmt insufflated or smoked.

He now tells me he has some refrigerated Vilca seed that may be a year or so old,and wants to know:

a)would they still be active/partially active?

b)if not,would they be viable?


c)should he make a nice necklace from them instead?

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Hi Ramon,

Strangely enough, a gnome I know came across exactly the same mix, at much the same time as yourself (the sheer coincidence of it all!). Here is what he wrote in his gnomish diary, which I snaffled while he was off doing gnomish things:

Retired to the garage after 10 pm. C packed one cone in pipe, sat down and smoked it. After short time, remarked that the floor appeared to be moving. Was down in 10 minutes. I took C's place, and smoked one cone. Instantly noticed what C was talking about...there appeared to be a translucent 'layer' just above the floor, that was slowly sliding across it. 'Rich'/fractal patterns were observed superimposed on this surface. Was interested to find that my thinking appeared to be completely lucid - language affected slightly at first, though not as much later. Simply sitting there describing what I was seeing. No other effects noticeable elsewhere...only on the floor.

Also was interesting that the 'layer' over the floor was not so much superimposed on my field of vision, as superimposed on the floor itself...receding in 3-dimensions with the floor. Back to 'normal' (as normal as I get anyhow!) within another 10 minutes.

C and I decided to go for another after 30 minutes - 1 hour. This time, imbibed much at the same time as each other. I appeared to be already at a higher plateau, because this cone really zoned me. We had brought a turkish rug out and put it on the floor - the rich colours were very pleasant to look at, and soon the different parts of the rug appeared to me to be at different 3-dimensional levels. A blue section in the middle appeared to be translucent, although red design that impinged on the blue section remained 'solid'.

Was completely lost in my own world a couple of times, kept realising all of a sudden where I was and giving a quick laugh. Number of times found myself taking deep breaths, had slight nausea. During the experience there was an overwhelming silence (focus?) apart from some chatterinng of insects outside. CEV's were present, though not lucid...magically coloured, crystalline 'beaded' geometric 3-d shapes which continually morphed into new designs.

Another thing of note - occasionally I thought I saw eyes on the turkish rug, very similar look to those done by Alex Grey on TOOL's Lateralus album cover.

At times felt like a vista was opening up behind me (though never actually visualized). Also, out of the corner of my eye I thought my right big toe (on the left as I was sitting cross-legged) appeared to be lengthening - whenever I turned to look at it it looked fine.

Was back to normal within 15 minutes from peak, apart from slight giddy/nauseous feeling.

A pleasure catching up with you (and others) recently!



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you make it sound like "dmt" is something you, better smoke more and more of, within a session taking up some time. but like this you just build up an instant tolerance (apart/staying away from using maoi))

and you will not be able to break thru.

just rather puff,

as much as you can,

in "one big go".





[ 19. January 2004, 12:35: Message edited by: planthelper ]

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My little mate asked me to say...that experience is very 'shroomy',and...would the 'dmt' distortion,especially with the rug design,come through in it's relatives in the shroomscape?

If so,is something acting like an maoi in some microscopic way,or do these relatives make it from gut to brain intact?(he's a nosey gnome )

and of course the Q: of the thread-"What he wants to know is. Can anything be gained from smoked DMT"..e.g.have any gnomes 'brought something back'from these experiences?

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How did you do that Torsten?

You answered my Q: after I posted,but it came up as an earlier post :confused: anyway,the little hombre' is here now,so I'll let him know,it sounds pretty full-on.

Does food consumption prior to,have any impact?

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the above reports of visual morphing, and such, are obviously, as julian stated, sub-threshold effects and why terrence mckenna babbles on about "Three Tokes" and then the fabric of reality being ripped apart, the sound of tearing cellophane, and so on...

my gnome (yawn who, incidently has asked that i cease reporting his behaviorial quirks to 'strangers'..it makes him feel self-conscious...as if) has also only had threshold effects from acacia extract, and has not been ready to go back and break through, after three[!] of these attempts and not quite making it through..it was suggested by the source that batch #1 was not so potent..but I wouldn't know

anyway, if anyone wants to comment on the following:

attempt #3 (batch #2)

first, a morphing is noted, he sees six of everything and they all move about in spirals..by this stage smoking and concept of 'pipe' is a little foreign, but he vaporises and inhales again..

now he can't explain exactly what happened, and perhaps he shouldn't have done this alone...all the negative events/thoughts/feelings of recent past flood into his mind's eye, playing out like movies, and the negative emotional reaction to all of them is felt many times amplified, anxiety builds, heart is racing. he tries to vocalise/chant for something to concentrate on and to observe reported phenomena related to audio, synaesthesia, etc only it feels wrong, everything feels wrong, he can't breathe through his nose comfortably for some reason and he feels compelled to kind of lightly grunt/wheeze as he breathes through his mouth..there's a pressure in the skull that makes him want to rip off the top of his head, fingers in the nostrils, leaving only the jaw behind (and this is 'seen')..he's fidgeting and can't stay still, so he stands up (sit down? should stand..confused) [effects diminishing by now] absorbs himself in the concentration of one-legged standing posture, knee hugged to chest...he continues some yoga until the panic begins to subside. eventually he calms down outside looking at flowers and playing football with his gnome-dog, as usual, then sleeps (having been awake all night), feeling somewhat perturbed.

when he awakens he feels listless, low-level anxiety and above all, a physical disturbance that continues for two more days - that of feeling nauseous and tight in the stomach..grocery shopping, a wave of nausea floods over him and he leaves the store fearing he may vomit.. appetite is poor for this regular gourmand, head/occular pressure continues. fidgety, anxious yearning for peace of mind flows into days

three days later, these feelings pass, voracious appetite returns

nothing positive gained whatsoever

i should note that going into this, weighing heavily on his mind, a longstanding problem (two actually)..he seems to think [each time he trips] he may gain insight of some novel way of dealing with this, but once again comes out the other side knowing there's only one way, and it's simple at that..but too scared to execute, for fear...he doesn't have the right structure/network around him to support his collapse before rebuilding....could he find that support, and all else that he needs to heal, within himself? ten years of depression is getting beyond a burden, not to mention the guilt, for others will undoubtedly be hurt in the process..

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This FOAF is actually a gnome. ( I was a little embarrassed about having a imaginary friend)

Has started to break through.

He was a little surprised to find that you could open up your head and have a world come out.

Not having that much of a supply he has asked me how long one should wait before trying again.

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I have been convinced for some time about the merits of reverse placebo'ing the effects of psychaedelics. The mere fact that you know you are taking something really does change quite significantly the amount you need and the effect felt. This is why people can die from being given something without their knowledge, and why drink spikes often lead to massive inebriation.

Most likely, however, you will not often be able to administer yourself something without remembering that you are, except in the case of like what happened to my gnome a couple of months ago:

he fell asleep in his chair one night, and waking up, reached immediately without thinking for a pre-packed billy. All of a sudden it felt like the universe had ended, a feeling that the cosmic egg had finally ripped and that spacetime was being dismantled by some serious little bugs. Only AFTER the experience was it remembered that a good 30mg of DMT had been sandwiched between the layers!

needless to say, this was one of the most intense DMT experiences gnome has experienced, and the perspective it gave has produced a long lasting transcendence. There's no way it would have produced such an effect had Gnome been CONSCIOUS of it. This effect of reverse-placebo'ing is put to very good use in the principles of modern magical workings.

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