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Mumbai Terrorists were high

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The news report

Police claim Mumbai bombers took cocaine, LSD before carrying out attacks

December 2nd, 2008 - 12:41 pm ICT by ANI -

London/Mumbai, Dec.2 (ANI): The terrorists who struck prominent targets in Mumbai last week, killing 195 people and wounding a further 295, may have pumped themselves with cocaine and LSD to keep going during their murderous three-day rampage.

The Mirror quotes police sources in the Indian financial capital as saying that the tests on the bodies of dead Islamic fanatics have revealed traces of stimulant drugs.

One said: We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists and later found drugs in their blood. There was also evidence of steroids, which isnt uncommon in terrorists. These men were all toned, suggesting they had been doing some heavy training for the attacks. This explains why they managed to battle the commandos for over 50 hours with no food or sleep.

The lone survivor of the attack A. A. Kasav is said to have told interrogators the attack was meticulously planned six months ago at a training camp in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, a Muslim graveyard in Mumbai has said it will not bury the nine dead gunmen.

Spokesman Hanif Nalkhande said: They are not Muslims. Islam does not permit this sort of barbaric crime. (ANI)

The coke i can maybe understand....but the IV LSD? I mean a strange route of injection for one, but for two...if you were going to carry out a 'meticulously planned' attack...would you really want to be tripping? I mean not only may it be a terrible awful trip that may lead to you just clipping yourself when you realise that what your doing is fucked, but you would be far too bent to proceed in any way sensibly with the plans you had...even if you remembered them!

Thats just my opinion though, perhaps they had some small dose to keep them up (but IMO small doses do not keep you up that much).


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sounds like they are just trying to demonize the few things they can while trying to separate the attackers from the Muslim faith IMHO.

it didnt happen.

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maybe it was biker acid...


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What a joke - why would they use acid in a situation like that, and what purpose could it ever hold to 'keep them awake'? Coke/stims yeah, they've been used in situations like this for decades. To throw LSD onto the list is laughable. :slap:

Like Amulte said - they're nailing as many things as possible as they can while people are in this state of shock and disbelief (people are at their most malleable right now - the brainwashers are taking advantage of it like usual). Its the fucking media, people, please dont be suprised when we hear this sort of crap. Journoes are the scum of the world and write BS because they get paid to do so, not because its true. :uzi:

Edit: Dont you love how they phrase it:

The terrorists ... may have pumped themselves with cocaine and LSD ...

They throw the 'may' in there so that they provide the shock value, make a bad guy seem worse, leave you questioning things and when its all revealed to be rubbish they can say that they only said it 'may have happened'.... :slap::puke:

Honestly, the media is such a fucking joke.

Edited by Ace

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Hope the obvious anger your feeling doesn't ruin your day Ace :P

But I tend to agree with this likely being total fucking bs...its a pity they had to pick such a peaceful and valuable sacrament to demonise.


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What a joke - why would they use acid in a situation like that, and what purpose could it ever hold to 'keep them awake'? Coke/stims yeah, they've been used in situations like this for decades. To throw LSD onto the list is laughable. :slap:

Like Amulte said - they're nailing as many things as possible as they can while people are in this state of shock and disbelief (people are at their most malleable right now - the brainwashers are taking advantage of it like usual). Its the fucking media, people, please dont be suprised when we hear this sort of crap. Journoes are the scum of the world and write BS because they get paid to do so, not because its true. :uzi:

Edit: Dont you love how they phrase it:

They throw the 'may' in there so that they provide the shock value, make a bad guy seem worse, leave you questioning things and when its all revealed to be rubbish they can say that they only said it 'may have happened'.... :slap::puke:

Honestly, the media is such a fucking joke.

Didn't the CIA once experiment with administering LSD in the quest to create the perfect killer in war?

They have long abandoned this idea but maybe the terrorists have adopted the techniques for their own footsoldiers.

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From: MKUltra Wiki


Early efforts focused on LSD, which later came to dominate many of MK-ULTRA's programs.

Experiments included administering LSD to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, prostitutes, mentally ill patients, and members of the general public in order to study their reactions. LSD and other drugs were usually administered without the subject's knowledge and informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg Code that the U.S. agreed to follow after World War II.

Efforts to "recruit" subjects were often illegal, even discounting the fact that drugs were being administered (though actual use of LSD, for example, was legal in the United States until October 6, 1966). In Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA set up several brothels to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. The men were dosed with LSD, and the brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors and the "sessions" were filmed for later viewing and study.[21]

Some subjects' participation was consensual, and in many of these cases, the subjects appeared to be singled out for even more extreme experiments. In one case, volunteers were given LSD for 77 consecutive days.[22]

LSD was eventually dismissed by MK-ULTRA's researchers as too unpredictable in its results.[1] Although useful information was sometimes obtained through questioning subjects on LSD, not uncommonly the most marked effect would be the subject's absolute and utter certainty that they were able to withstand any form of interrogation attempt, even physical torture.

Pretty hectic stuff. But they didnt really find anything they considered useful, so I dunno why the terrorists would.


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I read this in the MX yesaterday and was outraged!

Wouldn't injections of even tiny amounts of acid incapacitate even the hardest trippers amongst us?!?

Let alone make you shun acts of violence against innocent people!

No doubt it would keep me awake for days though :P

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Wouldn't injections of even tiny amounts of acid incapacitate even the hardest trippers amongst us?!?

Well, if you had a micropipette you may be able to measure an accurate dose for IV.

I saw it in the MX too.


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If a antiterrorists squad wanted to knock out terrorists, THC grenades would do the job.

And terrorists can't build up any tolerance.

Yep, everyone knows about drug affects on the forum except for the antiterrorists police who may have to deal with gun armed actual terrorists on drugs.

Which has been a propaganda as keeping the public uniformed, but does nothing about keeping information from what type of drugs terrorists could use for a rampage.

Cocaine and LSD, [not it]

' I read this in the MX yesaterday and was outraged!

Wouldn't injections of even tiny amounts of acid incapacitate even the hardest trippers amongst us?!?

Let alone make you shun acts of violence against innocent people!

No doubt it would keep me awake for days though tongue.gif"

True Lsd is not inhancer for military combat big or small.

Cocaine just tires one after out after 20 minutes and LSD isn't even worth commenting on.

Very true.

A THC gas grenade would be better.

A knockout within 15 seconds.

And medically harmless as not a overdose.

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read it in the MX yesterday aswell, all i could do was cringe then sigh.

i also read about a 9 year old who wrote a guide to love handbook, unrelated yes.

but it shows how bored i was when i had to depart the train 2 stations early and wait for another because

of shit-head derros throwing rocks at trains!

to make matters worse, channel 10 replaced the simpsons with the bold and the beautiful.

give me 10 :bong: and i still cant sit through more than 5 minutes!

ahrhghhkfhsdifhk...... end rant.

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Not a bad rant, [divinersage].

But a Koan is a four sentience expression.

As a expression for lets say for autistic tensions it might work.

'A vampire sucked my blood

Felt its fangs in my soul

And just did so it in my veins[body]

The bodys not important but the

Spirits the same.[Not a vampire]

I think, I may not be presenting koan poems

anymore as one can see on the above one.

But a release if one was compulsive.

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Well I don't want to talk about the subject.

But really the terrorists are alot more on the curve than antiterrorists forces.

But nothing to with stimulant drugs.

And like I said a THC gas grenade would be effective, not a joke, but the SAS special forces team would like to just put on gas masks and put a few into a building either through unobserved window or ventilator shafts.

Effective and a proved chemical agent not like nerve gas or tear gas.

Lets hope there is no rioting, even hippies are going to be pissed off if theres no food,no jobs, or not much of a welfare office, but only THC crowd control gas maybe with a little rock band music.

Reminds of a Aus movie where they didn't let anyone out of a car drivein movie screen place and they had to survive in their cars because the authoritys wouldn't let them out.

Drugs soon made their appearance after 2 weeks but the movies everynight always played.

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Its the shit that regularly gets passed off around Australia as real acid when really its just some fucked up super amphetamine/strychnine cooked up by nasty biker cooks in bathtubs...very very nasty and makes u feel like youv'e been poisoned.

I remember a long time ago when it was prevelant it would do some weird shit to you..like one day out with a friend at Manly I could not actually speak..straight up I had forgotten how to open my mouth and literally could not say a word for 12 hrs..scared the shit outta me..couldnt sleep for 2 days or speak for 1...

brrrr makes me shiver when I think of that shit.


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I think the Russian army did experiments with LSD back in the 60s and that. There was a fellow on another Australian board who claims was part of those experiments, he's a doctor now working in a WA university. Really funny and intelligent old guy, but who knows what's true over the internet? He said it gave the soldiers real insight, clear focus, excellent "telepathic-type" skills with each other to better coordinate moves etc, as well as not needing to eat as much which would also explain the terrorists' ability to stand ground for so long.

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Your starting creep me out.

Just a joke.

But if one was terrorist and got gassed what would have been the gas and how to resist it.

I will give you a clue, 'Russian, opera, synthetic heroin, terrorists' for a goggle.

They were all addicted to heroin for a reason.

So for less than a penny who figures it out first.

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Well I looked it up and you would have won the penny.

But the Russians did use a fog type of Fentanyl.

Which worked ok at the time but the terrorists already know about such so getting addicted to heroin first.

But they can't build up a tolerance to THC.

The Russians have had a bad experience on Fentanyl fogging lets hope they can manage it better because the U.S forces aren't.

So if the Russians face James Bond,

They might just throw a gas THC grenade and run away about a block.

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Its the shit that regularly gets passed off around Australia as real acid when really its just some fucked up super amphetamine/strychnine cooked up by nasty biker cooks in bathtubs...very very nasty and makes u feel like youv'e been poisoned.

I remember a long time ago when it was prevelant it would do some weird shit to you..like one day out with a friend at Manly I could not actually speak..straight up I had forgotten how to open my mouth and literally could not say a word for 12 hrs..scared the shit outta me..couldnt sleep for 2 days or speak for 1...

brrrr makes me shiver when I think of that shit.


Yeah H definitely sounds like strychine or DO- I really haven't seen a great deal of it getting round and by that i mean tabs full stop not just the nasty crap , but then i can only speak for my local region .

Most recently the gnomes I know who engage in such activities seem to think most of the stuff is either low dose genuine lucy or one of the weaker analouges , although I have heard a few as yet unconfirmed reports that the real Lucy has made a rreturn to some regions in the past few weeks I guess only tiime will tell

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i dunno it's probably bullshit, not totally unbelievable though, after all ayahuasca was used for warfare and hunting as much as it was for healing by some

maybe the traditional warfare brew had a generous handful of coca leaves hehe

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I don't believe it for a second! Not that it's not possible, just for the simple fact that "they" have been trying to convince the public that

terrorists and drugs go hand in hand ever since 9/11 or whatever the fuck they call it. Fuck, the government will stop at nothing to persecute

drugs! Drugs and peace usually go together but, the government knows they can't tell people that, the moral majority might decide that drugs

aren't so bad after all.

I'm not wrong on this, trust me. Just watch from here on in how obvious they start to become with their propaganda, it's almost funny if it weren't so fucked!

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:huh: Advertising clothing, whadaya mean? It's probably obvious to everyone else but, I missed it? :rolleyes:

Regarding the conversation between a few people about IV LSD and it's ability to incapacitate;

When I was a "bullet-proof" teenager, there was some incredible acid gettin' around, back when it was real. My favorite route of

administration was IV, it was nuts but, no more incapacitating than an equal oral dose. The only difference I encountered was the insant peak.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't do it now but, that was the early 80's and I was meeting the world. Not ashamed of it, don't regret it for a second. On the contrary,

I am very glad to have experienced it and proud to say I've been there.

I still don't believe the terrorists were trippin'! I choose to believe that terrorists don't do drugs at all!

Wowzers are just trying to brain wash us some more!

Edited by the germinator

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The government probably spiked their drink!

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