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Webcam Suicide

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Read the story

The above story is about a worrying few cases where people have committed suicide on webcam in front of viewers, the first case is about a member of a bodybuilding forum.

Scary, sad and well worth a read.

Don't think we'd get people here egging each other on.


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it's pretty sad. but what is sadder is that parents try to blame the internet for the death of their kids and are immediately calling for restrictions, controls and restrictions of freedoms. That attitude is what probably contributed to their kids decision in the first place.

I just don't understand why viewers would egg the victim on. I just don't get it.

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is it just me or do all the really sick youth/teen deaths and massacres occur mostly in the states..? Whats going on over there..? It see's them top the charts year in and year out with the most macabre teen attitudes.

Ive been to the states 6 times...I personally like some parts, and in the south where I have travelled the most, the people are very warm and friendly. Is that they have lost touch with reality so much that its screwing with their subconscious..? I just don't get it..they have a great economy and have access to anything they want too..is it because they are spoilt sooo much that it ..I just don't get it..poor children in Africa and other 3rd world countries are struggling to stay alive and, children with everything at their disposal are taking their own lives and sometimes 30 others at the end of a gun.

Teen rebellion ...that is the most important time to be as close and understand their emotions and outlooks as they progress through those tough times. I remember when I was rebelling hard core at 14 thru 17 and it seems my oldies did not understand and neither did they take the time to even want to understand..!

Its a worry it really is.


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not just the us places like japan have had this happening for a while now....

crazy shit happens everywhere.

india a father kills his daughter because she fell in love with someone from a lower caste

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People are so... disconnected isn't even close...now.

Anything to raise the humours passes for passing the time, somehow.

Like the lady on the bridge, those stuck in traffic telling her to leap.

People going nowhere, killing those merely lost for now.


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I just don't understand why viewers would egg the victim on. I just don't get it.

I wonder whether they actually want the person to die, or just do not believe they will do it? I think sometimes people respond that way because they really believe the myth that people who talk about suicide or say they are going to do it are not serious.

Plus, people can be cunts.

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Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species (published 24 November 1859)...


Are you suggesting it's natural selection at work?

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