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Mild psychadelic smoke?

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Anyone have a favored mild psychadelic smoke plant/blend? I dont mean 'mild' like 'just a little DMT, whoops! my walls are melting' :P I mean just above the perceivable level but enough to be distinctly psychadelic and non-marijuana-like.

I long ago got so bored with marijuana I dont even smoke it when its free and many of my legal mixes just end up being more akin to marijuana than anything else. I wanna add a little psychadelic sparkle to life, not sedate passivity.

Has anyone got their paws on Salvia dorrii yet?

(and if so do you have any spare seed? :wub: )

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Guest Øskorei

When travelling to more liberal country, a friend finds that a bowl of 5x divinorum smoked in the 'improper' manner (ie without a butane torch) provided mild psychoactivity, much like the early 'coming on' stages of the full-bodied experience, but never reaching the wall melting zone. Have you attempted micro-dosing on this plant ?

And Salvia dorrii !? Anything of psychoactive interest with this one ?

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you always gotta be pyrolising something dont ya, Auxin

S.splendens, Calea, apart from the illegal :bong:

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I've toyed with divinorum some but not alot, slightly overdoing the dose can be quite dramatic and it doesnt seem to be particularly recreational. I'm really more after recreationals rather than psychotherapeutic entheogens in 95% of cases.

The Salvia dorrii question comes from an ethnobotany quote (Link) but I dont recall any bioassays of it yet.

I've heard indications that some Sceletium dominant mixes might be in the right direction but most the time I'd be using it before bed where the stimulant effect of Sceletium spp. might be problematic.

Maby I should finally order a Cyperus alternifolius (spider grass) plant and just start mixing it with things :lol:

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you always gotta be pyrolising something dont ya, Auxin
:lol: I do have an excuse. 13 years of smoking silently did damage to my throat, 'silently' because the symptoms are relieved by exposure to smoke :huh: so all the time it was happening I had no idea and now even just a stick of incense out in my shop or a puff of Salvia officinalis smoke or something gives temporary relief.

And I just like smoking things :P

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Guest Øskorei

So what of Heimia extract ? A lot has been spoken of the lingual intake of the sunopener by tst, but I sometimes wish there would be more talk of smoking. Partly selfish, as I've prepared about five grams that I'm awaiting the right time to experience, and also wonder about the qty that needs to be smoked. Of course, this might not be the mild psychoactive experience you seek.

Conan Troutman: "S.splendens, Calea, apart from the illegal"

Doesn't Auxin live in the US ?

Auxin: "slightly overdoing the dose can be quite dramatic and it doesnt seem to be particularly recreational"

Perhaps you need to work from 'no effect' and upwards instead of 'too much effect' then cascading downwards ? Ie: half a bowl of coarse-cut (straight) divinorum, lit with a conventional flame. Then add 1/2 bowl quantities until you find something that doesn't tip you into shpongle-world. Unlike the earlier mentioned DMT 'tiny bits', a friend thinks that salvinorin might be more easily regulated by volume if one takes baby steps, and ignores the "Bazillion x extract" marketing.

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calea....esp the leaves of the lorax

mucuna leaves

yohimbie bark

erythrina sp

acacia flowers

most plant maois

small amts of anaden

mimosa leaves and seeds

ocotea relatives


lobelia tupa

desfontinea spinosa

datura metel

off the top of my head

t s t .

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Guest Øskorei
calea....esp the leaves of the lorax

mucuna leaves

yohimbie bark

erythrina sp

acacia flowers

most plant maois

small amts of anaden

mimosa leaves and seeds

ocotea relatives


lobelia tupa

desfontinea spinosa

datura metel

off the top of my head

t s t .

Interesting list. So as someone who has done so much research into Heimia, you would not include it as a mild smoking psychoactive ?

Yohimbe might be tricky, with the alleged physiological effects, namely the change in blood pressure from a small qty.

And how would one utilise catii for a mild smoking psy experience?

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most heimia products are too harsh on the lungs 4 me to recommend when an oral/sublingual dose of the same size will have the same effect....leavea and resins.....powders which have had th resin removed seem ok but the dose is still equal to oral dose....i tend to use my lungs only 4 those things that give an improvement in effect that way!

dried cactii will usually only produce mild effects!

t s t .

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Iv found that when it was legal, some good healthy salvia leaves (no extract) can bring in stage 1/2 of the salvia trip scale.

I was growing it inside under a constant humidity encluser, and you could see the actual salvoirian crystals comming off the leafs much like trichomes on marijuana, the method i used to dry was in the oven at low heat till they got crispy, i found that letting them try naturally made em go a strange coller with maybe some "defects", in eather case, i either wasent drying naturally right, but the oven dry was always good.

In terms of dose, 2 pipes of wonder leaf was good stuff. i rarely ever made it to the third pipe b4 it came on. For a mild smoke.

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Perhaps you need to work from 'no effect' and upwards instead of 'too much effect' then cascading downwards ? Ie: half a bowl of coarse-cut (straight) divinorum, lit with a conventional flame.
:lol: thats exactly what I did the first time I used it.. I ended up teleported to a jungle made of pastel clay and feeling like an infant. I suppose if I happen across another plant I might start playing with it again, maby diluted next time... as soon as I'm up for the sensation of sticking my balls in a blender on a alien planet.
calea....esp the leaves of the lorax
Interesting, two votes for calea.. I'll have to revisit this. I didnt get much effect on my first trials but I didnt smoke much, good timing since I just trimmed a seed grown plant and saved the trimmings :)

Erythrina verna (mulungu) wont really grow here ( -12°C winters) except as a bonsai but that might be enough for several uses a year I suppose.

Still trying to get Peganum harmala to grow... fuckin typical, they rated it a noxious weed here and it refuses to grow in my environment :slap: Planning on getting a B. caapi once warm weather arrives.

I had no idea mimosa leaves could be active smoked.

I'm too much of a pussy to try Datura :P I'll have to investigate a few of those others.

Have you tried Cyperus articulatus (piri piri)? I know the rhizome is brewed into a sedative anticonvulsant tea but I remember you saying many Cyperus spp were psychoactive when foliage was smoked? I did read the leaves were brewed as a tea for headaches so they prolly arent packed with cyanide at least :lol: Any tips for things to do or avoid when testing Cyperus spp. or grassoids? (Coix lachryma-jobi is also on my list to test, tho I expect it will only be sedative).

I've heard lemon balm tastes like ass when smoked but its effects as tea sound like they would be useful in a smoke too, I already have them growing.

Yeesh, I need to get out to my shop and make me a mirrored stainless steel pipe for proper assaying :bong:

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Guest Øskorei

So Auxin, being in the US, are there head-shops you can pop into for decent weights of dried salvia div leaf ? Form this far planet it seems that there's tons of online vendors, but wonder if that's transposed to real-world-retail....

JoP knows what I'm suggesting, it seems. There really is a good, well-controlled pre-gateway aspect to SD that won't get you anywhere near the multicolour rollercoaster, but still give one the feeling of being slightly adjunct from sober-state

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I think theres head shops in my town but I have no idea what they stock. Pipes I can make and I like to grow things before smoking them. Between not smoking weed, not drinking, and growing all my own legals I save a ton of money :wink:

I still have some year+ old raw divinorum and a few extracts in my freezer from before my plants got sick and went away. I'll just have to be careful, even on raw leaf from those plants I couldnt finish half a bowl before things got adventurous. I'll just have to mix it with something non-sedating like S. officinalis, doing it like that it should be worth a go :)

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Smoking a bowl of powdered Acacia Phleb phyllodes will give you a sparkle that'll last an hour or so.I'm sure the foliage of many of the dmt containing trees would have something mild to offer,Anadenanthera,Acacia,Mimosa,etc.

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manske + light conc adsorbed onto largish amount of Artemisia tridentata/Tagetes lucida mix. anaden onto sagebrush/tagetes mix is nice as well (CaOH ext) Careful bioassaying with these diluted versions tastes good and makes for easier titration :wink: Very nice for those of us whose doors are loose on the hinges from overuse and just need a gentle push :wink::lol:

Have you tried Cyperus articulatus (piri piri)? I know the rhizome is brewed into a sedative anticonvulsant tea but I remember you saying many Cyperus spp were psychoactive when foliage was smoked? I did read the leaves were brewed as a tea for headaches so they prolly arent packed with cyanide at least :lol: Any tips for things to do or avoid when testing Cyperus spp. or grassoids?

Haven't tried anything other than a tea with the rhizomes and not even with my own plants. I've been slacking off in my research; I apologize :P I'll burn it if you do. Perhaps we'll do a real time group bioassay report :) Oh, and I didn't feel any cyanide type effects from the tea.

EDIT: I've never really liked Sally except for the first few time which were small amounts of my own leaf from the garden. It's much better at the low, disassociative level - wawawawawnananananazzzzz. Heheheeh. But it doesn't like me any more :unsure:

Edited by FM.

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small amounts of well prepared yopo (the traditional way, not with chemical things) is very enjoyable in a pipe

Edited by mauve

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I'll burn it if you do.
:lol: Its a deal, I just gotta make a new pipe first cause all my current ones are either wood or stone- not good for bioassays I discovered. What do ya figure, a mix of older foliage and younger foliage?

Next time I go out shootin I gotta get me a armload of Artemisia tridentata :devil: I love that smell.

Have you tried yerba santa? Its already traditionally smoked for athsma so it should be safe and it grows wild around your area I believe. I Finally got the very similar hardier Eriodictyon angustifolium to grow and even as a 3" seedling its compleatly coated in glistening resin :o looks promising.

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:lol: Its a deal, I just gotta make a new pipe first cause all my current ones are either wood or stone- not good for bioassays I discovered. What do ya figure, a mix of older foliage and younger foliage?

Sounds good.

Next time I go out shootin I gotta get me a armload of Artemisia tridentata :devil: I love that smell.

Have you tried yerba santa? Its already traditionally smoked for athsma so it should be safe and it grows wild around your area I believe. I Finally got the very similar hardier Eriodictyon angustifolium to grow and even as a 3" seedling its compleatly coated in glistening resin :o looks promising.

Hmm, yeah I've seen it streamside in the right areas, but I live in the middle of the city. While nature parks and canyons are common and have this kinda stuff, I'm wary 'cuz they're surrounded by commercial/residential areas with all their runoff :unsure: The only stuff I wildcraft around here is about an hours drive away with no civilization above it in the watershed. I'll be on the lookout, though, for that one. Speaking of 'santa,' I tried pyrolizing some Hoja Santa leaves (Piper auritum) recently 'cuz my patch is really taking off and needed a pruning :rolleyes: Not much from it, but next time I'm going to try new shoots as they've got more oil glands per sq. inch. I really prefer to eat them as I graze on my garden :) It's likely that I'll be able to propagate those in the near future if you're interested. Seriously, though, diluted light is the way to go for what you're after :wink: I'll be propagating my piri piri this weekend so I'm sure it'll need trimmed a bit. Are you gonna cure yours a bit or quick dry? They sure look green.

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Desmodium gangeticum leaves and leaf decoction concentrate were both seemingly inactive when smoked.

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Salvia divinorum leaf, when rolled up into a cigarette and smoked like one will not get one over the top, but will get you off.

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I'll be propagating my piri piri this weekend so I'm sure it'll need trimmed a bit. Are you gonna cure yours a bit or quick dry? They sure look green.
I figure quick dried is most representative of a unknowns properties. Curing to rid chlorophyll can change the chemistry alot. If its active but harsh I figure on either curing or extracting and adding to a smoother base... but first we need to find out if its even active (and even if its not it'd be worthwhile to keep some aside to try smoking for headaches).

I tried a large bowl of freshly dried Calea, interesting sorta vaguely dreamy quality. It seemed to border on sedative but didnt really seem fixed as a sedative, like something could push it the other way easily.. the bitter creamy smoke will take some getting used to :lol:

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Sounds like a plan.

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Edited by Teljkon

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Lucky you're in the US Auxin, as off the top of my head I can think of a nicely active indole ring tryptamine with alpha-adrenergic activity (i.e. perfect for an ex ciggie smoker).


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As a psychadelic? :blink: Are you sure?

I thought it was just a stimulant/sedative pain killing addictive opiate that would be very hard to grow indoors. I just passed up a bunch of free seed cause the stuff sounded to be more trouble than it was worth as a drug plant.

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