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My friend DiMiTri has gotten me into analysing my dreams, and i was wondering if anyone could share some regularities or developed any theories about their own dreams...

Something i come across regularly are being/s circling my peripheral or confront me face to face who always tend to brind their hand/s to my mouth as if to feed or give me something.

I notice alot of stuff going on and was wondering do these things ever find their way into any consistent form of logic. :scratchhead:

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maybe not a helpful answer but i have vivid dreams and i really think they occur in a world that is not compatible with waking logic, or any logic.

could they be putting their hand over your mouth? interesting theme.

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Does your mate analyse his own dreams? It's a bit rough of him to put you onto it without giving you a method for doing it!


Is that the only symbols you encounter in your dreams/altered states?

Get a bit of paper and write down the word "mouth" then free associate i.e. write down whatever pops into your head, try not to think about it, when your zoning in it'll be almost hypnotic or trance like, read about hypergraphia but ignore the stigma attached to it, you want a total absence of inhibition and don't second guess your self, just let it flow - there's no right or wrong with it.

Step away from it for a while and move your attention and find something else to do for a bit, when you've forgotten about it totally find some way of reminding yourself to go back and have a look at what you've written, look to see if anything repeats itself i.e. chipped teeth aren't cool, teeth have to be clean, mouths release my words, mouths have to smile etc.

To me that it would lead me to think about the possibility of being overly proud of/attached to my mouth and what comes out of it/how it's perceived by others.

Have a think about what you've written, look for any rhythms/patterns/repititon etc. and ask yourself these type of questions:

- Does any of what you've written disturb you?

- Do you agree with what you've written?

- Why does it disturb you?

- Do you know who or what planted the seed that made you write about the original word the way you did?

I've found that doing this usually leads me back to some point in the past where I was confronted with something disturbing that I didn't deal with it properly, revisiting it and seeing it through the eyes of the present helps me to see the issue the symbols in my dreams are alluding to for what they really were/are. e.g. if a mouth appeared to me in a dream I'd probably think back to the razzing I got to look after my teeth as a child cause apparently it's the pride and joy of your face and not simply a hole you put food in, breath air out of, pleasure ladies, etc.

I personally believe what Jung and Freud have to say about dreams being projections from the subconscious mind into the consciousness mind hoping to be re-evaluated by a mind more intune with Actual Truth i.e. there's no guy that comes down your chimney it's actually your oldies, if you were scared of this guy that comes down your chimney and never found out that it was your oldies you would carry that fear for eternity.

I also believe the more shit you've got banked up waiting for re-evaluation the more out of tune with the Universe your true self is i.e. you're are a restless spirit instead of being at peace.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a good read on this sort of stuff - Amazon - TBOTD

Be interested to see what you come up with.


Edited by Shiva

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i never thought of using the TBOTD as a tool to analyse dimitris dreams, but now i think about it there is a lot of crossover, good tip shiva, will dust off my copy again...

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posibly grow an acacia or similar tryptamine like plant, talk to it, laugh with it, be open and listen... then when it tells/shows you something you will know forsure what the message is... in some spaces things arent meant to be intellectualised but felt for what they are and can be understood in such a way..

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OMG endrogen! ive had the exact same experiience, beings around or above my vision...in the perifery as you said putting hands or fingers into or through my mouth and jaw!!!

Some kind of extraterrestrial dentistry is all i could say about it. Definitely sentient beings though, too *real* to be just a hallucination...

weird stuff


Edited by phloom

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Phloom and Endro, how does it make you feel when they play dentist on ya?

Is it a happy presence/situaution or a scary presence/situation?

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Not real big on dimethyltryptamine sorry I mean Dr.MonTenegro (that'll have em stumped!) ... but dreaming is something I have always paid a lot of attention to... some thoughts..

we have one mouth and two ears as we should listen twice as much as we speak..

the mouth is both in and out... producing and uptaking, might be about balance of give n take.

some beings might be a bit baffled that a mind equipped with that kind of ...set of car keys... is still running subroutines concerning speech... bit like visiting a mate with broadband, to find him tying notes to pigeons...

maybe it's an identification thing... the mouth says a lot about who we are, and what we have done.

maybe you should get your mouth checked out for any suspicious lumps n bumps... I've heard a few times of people having beings approach parts of their earthly body with an air of ...attn drawing, or concern.. to find out later that there was a lump/cyst/cancer there... not to bum you out, but they might just be telling the conscious you what the unconscious you already knows.

be careful with your brain eh, you only get the one.


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My friend DiMiTri has gotten me into analysing my dreams, and i was wondering if anyone could share some regularities or developed any theories about their own dreams...

Something i come across regularly are being/s circling my peripheral or confront me face to face who always tend to brind their hand/s to my mouth as if to feed or give me something.

I notice alot of stuff going on and was wondering do these things ever find their way into any consistent form of logic. :scratchhead:

to me dreams don't mean much unless its an insight from the day i had, it is just a way of the conscious mind processing unconscious material, or you take the freudian route and most dreams always go back to the meaning of you wanting to fuck your mother. LOL

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freud has gone down in history as the definitive person who wanted to fuck his mum. way to go freud.

i'd agree that most of the dreams are the mind processing the thoughts and events of the previous day. it's more or less proven that much of our learning doesn't occur until we have a chance to dream on it. i suspect there are different types of dreams though, possibly with supernatural implications. dreams can have entirely different qualities sometimes.

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Phloom and Endro, how does it make you feel when they play dentist on ya?

Is it a happy presence/situaution or a scary presence/situation?

Its always calming... At first i thought there was a deviousness to them since they were always trying to give me things, and possibly covering my mouth (reminds me of that gold giving creature in spirited away)... And the association Vertmo made about the mouth being considered as a give and take mechanism fits with that.

Reading the tbotd as a framework is a great idea aswell, and now that i think of it 'the art of dreaming" aswell.

posibly grow an acacia or similar tryptamine like plant, talk to it, laugh with it, be open and listen... then when it tells/shows you something you will know forsure what the message is... in some spaces things arent meant to be intellectualised but felt for what they are and can be understood in such a way..

Good idea..i guess the experience is personal and the need for it to be intellectualised and communicated is irrelevant.

thanks ppl :shroomer:

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"Good idea..i guess the experience is personal and the need for it to be intellectualised and communicated is irrelevant."

just to clarify didnt mean that in a bad way its good to intellectualise stuff one goes through for ones understanding etc and communication of it is also important in some aspects to cross reference but also the emphasis on the aspects being communicated also is important as alot of stuff can be misinterpreted etc or pinpointing the wrong things..

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The dreams as defragging idea holds some water in its way, but I've always been quite clearly aware that some dreams are for that reason, and others are ... the Otherplaces... sorry not really a word for it. I don't mean "lucid dreaming" but it has aspects of that to it.. mainly I let it run its course, if its an Otherly one, and the humdrum "what I did this week" kind of dreams I can step into anytime I choose, but rarely choose to choose to... seems a little pointless, like interrupting a busy worker to ask them if they're working.

My best dreaming happens on the rare times I get to sleep in daylight hours for any length of time, not sure why this is. The intellectualisation/verbalisation thing... dunno... but it's always nice to feel somehow understood.

Hope you work it out Endrogen, maybe you could practice on producing interesting effects from your mouth (in an etheric sense I guess)... putting on a show might cheer up the locals next time you go travelling. I haven't been there enough to learn my way around and probably never will really, but I'm sure they'd appreciate knowing you took the time to learn the laws enough to pull off some party tricks. Maybe they want you to sing, or are trying to give you the words. Or maybe I'm way off.

A lot of those saintly appearances, various Virgins, some hindu mystics etc have been said to produce plants, flowers, arrows, light from their mouths.Might be figurative, dunno. Might help to check em out though


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