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Jesus On Peyote

Should Warrioe-Sage Go?

Should Warrioe-Sage be kicked From the Forum?  

42 members have voted

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Im sure most members of the forum have noticed the warrior-sage saga and i just want to try clear it up, and i think a vote would be good, everyone should make up their own mind but personally i think hes just a human spam bot that goes from forum to forum cutting and pasting his spam and he contributes nothing to the nature of the forum.

In the end its up to T.

If this is against the rules sorry, dident know.

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this is a ridiculous thread, i cant believe you even made it, shame on you peyote

honestly this is a disgusting low for the forum when polls start appearing on whether or not you like people and judging them

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Stop this witch-hunt, now! JOP, you can do better than this; don´t go on such a low level! We now have a trash forum where warrior-sage´s threads ain´t hurting more than other idiotic threads. This is a peaceful place; i don´t want members to get mobbed here because of personal reasons! If you and others don´t like him, then just ignore him. Theres a word called tolerance. bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius

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this isent about likening him or not,hell, i used to always back him up, but now its gone to far n its about what hes posting in the forums..its useless and its gone on too long. iv seen people banned for alot less.

Like i said i dont know the rules on this subject but if a mod wants to remove it go for it,but i think hes just a spammer, he doesent answer simple questions, and he said himself he goes onto other forums with the same cut and paste material.

If you look at veiw new posts, over 60% of em are always his rants.

My 2 cents, maybe the poll was too much but hes personally attacked me (and others) before for asking questions..

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apologise.. argh this iss......


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if we´d choose our members depending on the value of their topics, then a lot of them would have to go right now. I don´t know the personal history behind this beef. I usually ignore most of WS´s threads because i don´t understand what he means. That´s a built-in mechanism to prevent my brain from taking damage. But this doesn´t means that we should kick him just because i don´t know what he´s talking about. I mean, i also don´t understand japanese. Should we kick them too just because of this? Maybe we have some people who like his threads. A poll isn´t a good way to find an answer to this question.

I don´t want him to attack you and i don´t want you to attack him either. If he´s personally insulting you, there are much better ways to deal with this. Talk to Torsten or to some of the Mods about his insults and they will slow him down or give him a boot if it´s not acceptable what he did. We have simple rules and as long as he accepts them he can stay. If this should change, he has to go. I understand that you are mad if he´s insulting you but this is not a good way at all. I usually don´t interact in these kind of discussions but i think you should demand higher moralic requiremts to yourself. I know that you can do better than just reacting to his provokations. bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius

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Guest Øskorei

If the single-sentence cronies have great issue with WS, yet are unable to articulate the reasons why they are against his/her contributions, nor present a coherent counter-discussion, should then this vote be viewed as a pompous 'point-scoring' activity ?

Since registering my user-name, I have seen a bucket-load of dumb-arse children-speak against WS, which is of the most shallow nature. The most regular critiques seems to be those that are unable to present a credible counter-argument to a given topic, preferring instead to go with the school-yard insults without any actual responding substance.

An outsider might consider WS as a disease, in that 'it' has latched on to the psyche of many people. More fool the victims. The symptoms are in the references, not the originating member.

So what if he/she writes/posts/plagiarises on topics that are considered taboo ? Can (many of) you folks talk about your ethneo usage to family, friends, work chums & peers ? Probably not, lest it make you come across as 'mentally ill'. Or at least dumb-arse stoners.

And what of the 'Oh, WS has wasted my time by posting such long threads about 'subject X' ? For fucks sake, there are ample opportunities to back out, as a reader. Must every thread that's posted be read in it's entirety ? If you don't like the direction, close your browser window and get back to subjects that are more pleasing to you.

For the record, I am not defending WS (not required), but I *am* criticising those who are obsessed enough by him to make endless references over unrelated sub-forums. The illness of shallow criticism is an unhealthy obsession.

My rant is directed at nobody specifically, but those who might self-reflect for a moment and consider themselves part of the vilification movement. The smart ones know who they are.

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hell yeah, grow up jop! :rolleyes:

he has as much right to post his articles as the rest of us.

ive found none of his posts offensive, and to be honest have found his posts interesting,

as ive never heard of the articles or poeple he posts about. even if some are cut and paste-thats cool, hes letting us know about people and events that interest him.

Keep it up sage ur a groover.

Edited by jono

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9 Votes total. 3 for yes, 3 for no.

Unless the laws of mathermatics have changed overnight I count 6 votes. Whats with the extra 3 votes in the total?

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...the single-sentence cronies...

LOL... Oh shit, wait.

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Harry, mathematics haven´t changed since yesterday. :drool2:

It´s called a null-vote and is for members who don´t want to judge about the fate of others.

JOP, i know that you are not a bad guy. I would propose you to stop discussing with WS. Try to ignore him even though it´s hard. If he should be stalking you, we´ll make him stop. He´s living in another world and because of this, there is no way to discuss with him on a logical basis. I don´t think we should mobb things that we don´t understand. Maybe he´s right about his view of the world and we´re all wrong :P

bye Guys; i´m going back to my plants

Edited by Evil Genius

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quick get your torches we got a good old fashion witch hunt here.

burn 'im at the stack

burn 'im at the stack

burn burn burn

seriously though...fair go.

i hardly ever read his posts but so what, who are we to say dont write this dont write that.

if you dont liek his posts dont read them. cant be much more simple than that. and if torsten feels he needs to kick someone out then that is his business dont you think?

Edited by hebrew

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if anyone posts insults then it is up to other members to let the mods and/or me know about it. This poll is of no consequence.

WS is annoying, but no more so than JoP.

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Well this is an interesting one really. Some thoughts (please don't vote against me if they suck :P) about all this.Neither here or there, make of em what you will.WS can stay as long as the owners reckon he's welcome, it's not my house.

This is a forum full of info and ideas of varying degrees of weirdness... we all seem like nutters to the average beer drinker. Some of us seem like nutters to the other nutters.. "well I do eat kratom but poppies are for junkies" and so on. Fair enough. Wide range of people , bound to be some differences in culture, expression and opinion.

Not everyone here is "nice". People generally conduct their discussions in a fairly civilised way... the old backhanded remark comes into play a bit there. Fair enough too. We're not all going to like everything about everyone else, and they won't like everything about us.As the man said, if you don't like reading it, you don't have to. Of course I'm one of those people that will tend to keep reading, like slowing down to gawk at an accident I guess. But I could give less of a shit about what I've just read usually, other than to wonder about the other people sharing their lives with the poster.Kids, partners, workmates, whoever they talk to at centrelink :P

Thru it all though we use the word "community" to describe ourselves. Which like most words we use everyday can be taken to mean a lot of different things, it has a lot of aspects. But one of those has to be that there is some kind of cohesion... and a process for dealing with people and things that operate outside the bounds of that cohesion. In the "real" world if you stood up and talked about WS style topics you'd get sectioned, rightly or wrongly. Or maybe not, maybe the security blokes from the shopping centre you are in would just straightarm you out the door. Whereas there are plenty of places and ways you can sell the products or ideas of healing or teaching plants.

Guess what I'm saying is yes, the acceptance is cool, makes a nice change from the real world. As long as people are being THAT weird the rest of us can get away with just about any nonsense right? :P But any community that wants to remain that, rather than just a cohabitation of individuals, has to be able to deal with disruptive elements. To criticse someone personally for criticising someone else personally smacks of hypocrisy to me. But then maybe it's a matter of "you started calling names first". It seems like a bit of a silly poll.... most of em are right? But I don't think JOP is out of line. That might make me out of line from the looks of things, but ya get that on the big jobs. Certainly he or she isn't saying anything that many others haven't said directly to WS, or about him in his threads. But to formalise it into a thread in itself is a little bit nasty. He doesn't seem to contribute that much it's true, but then are the hundred or so "me too" post here n there that much different? yet another question about dodgy extracts of this or that? maybe we can just accept that you don't have to be coming up with breakthrus and astute observations all the time, sometimes we're just having a yarn.I don't find "the ancients and their views on karmic realignment of lizard built monoliths" all that relevant to my life. But then I don't eat guinea pigs, or cook up questionable things in my house either. One is poetntially more relevant than the other but I am saying that based on my current needs. Lizard people might be the next big thing! And then you can say "I knew WS first!" haha.

S'pose JOP could've complained direct to the management, but then the management doesn't seem to be too receptive to the message while it's being presented here, so it may not have mattered. That's entirely fair enough too, it's "private" land around here but with an open door policy. That does still retain the right of ejection or refusal, though I can see how someone would get the shits when most of us are kind of aware of trying to keep useless rants or cut n paste to a minimum while someone else makes a daily hobby out of just that. the problem once you start writing down rules is some poor bastard ends up having to enforce them, it's hard to be fair with universal application when dealing with individual and varying cases.

Torsten and the mod squad has been , as far as I have seen, almost unfailingly decent and even handed in their approach to disputes, weirdos, out of place posts etc. I'd prefer a police force that errs on the side of let it be than make em pay when all's said and done :) But I don't reckon you can go getting narky just because someone dared to mention "hey guys...what do we really think about this clown?" Harmony without end is a nice thought, a noble ideal, but as any survivor of post meltdown commune situations, or any given social group can tell you, sometimes you need someone that can be a bastard now and then, sometimes we will have to deal with things that aren't all sunshine and salvia. If the perception among the community, any community, is that the powers that be don't care overmuch, they have the options of either joining in on the degeneration,apathy or fighting against it.Give me fighting anyway, though degeneracy can be fun too haha.

Which leads to the idea of whether this is to be thought of as private or public property, big difference in the application of all the above depending on which is more true.I view it as a park with conscientious groundsmen who make an earner on the side from what we visitors leave behind, others will see it differently, more as a social club.overall though we seem to be operating within the basic ideals of aussie society, guess that makes all the difference to how we should treat each other, and resolve problems.

Or, I guess, just reading someone else!

happy chattin


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Guest Warrioe-Sage
Can we make a "Who wants less dumb polls" poll?

why dont YOU be the FIRST!?.......chicken****!?hehe!!......just askin....

if anyone posts insults then it is up to other members to let the mods and/or me know about it. This poll is of no consequence.

WS is annoying, but no more so than JoP

apparently,the "KING"(sir "T") wipes his arse with his FINGER!?licks it off and SHOWS it APPROVINGLY to the CROWD!?and as to HATE for america!?this site was FINE till YOU GOT HERE!?hehe!!.....just askin...

which is why we hardly/almost tolerate your opinions!?they are such a WASTE of freedom of expression!?hehe!!.....just askin....

if I would serve any USEFUL purpose,i would do it personally!?but JOP and his like are like spoiled brats who just rant and rave and expect answers!?you just slap them in the face and say behave!?but just to answer 1 of his OXYMORONS for your SAKE!?

first....it dont say PLEASE!?(ALL SUCKERS FALL IN LINE.......PLEASE!?)then it states HAS BECOME.......not was,or is,or will be!?the CENTRAL battleground!?by who's choice!?NOT THE INSURGENTS!?they just go where the demand is greatest!?now as to ther cry of "FREE" from what!?themselves!?THIS DOES NOT FAVOR THE PEOPLE!?HOW AUSTRALIAN and BRAVE is that!?shoot first,SAVE YOUR OWN ASS!?and do it in MY BACK YARD!?OH!!WAIT!!it's the other side that are COWARDS!?and as to alternatives!?WHO KNOWS!?we will NEVER KNOW!?unless we PROGNOSTICATE!?9-11 HAPPENED ON WHO'S WATCH!?hehe!!......just askin....

DEAR JOP and crew!?your S H I T still smells like CATBOX ODOR!?blame it on the WS,the FEMS, the female IN you!?hehe!!just askin.....

actually!?you are ignorant pointing AT yourself!?for you have NOT come back from the dead!?EVEN while you LIVE by your own standard of(learned!?)EXISTENCE!?hehe!!.....just askin...........

i can sort of understand the fear of such a state of chaos coming to this country!?what is it that keeps us together anyway!?the law!?if that ever broke down due to overextension,inadequacy,or just plain corruption,wouldn't all hell break loose!?WHY!?hehe!!...just askn..

i know how many of you feel!?and i recall your some of the first inputs as the amoung the most sane wakeup calls i've seen here!?and what doeshehe!!....just...

For everyone who voted for me to say?

Tanks!?you KNOW!?i just have to admit...I LIKE YOU!?hehe!!what do you think about that!?hehe!!not cause your SMART about SH IT!?but because your a PIG/SHEEP/GOAT/CAT/SLUG/PUG/DOG!?(like me!?)hehe!!....just...

P.S. if any one can find a a "good" forum..like this ome,come back and drag us there so we can contribute to it's demise!?hehe!!.....just askin....

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woops i accidentally voted no, i meant yes, let him stay, so take one from the make him leave column... ws i cant make sense of what you say, but you have your rights :)

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maybe I don't have a problem with WS cos most of the time I don't have a clue what he is saying. Like that finger asswiping thing. wtf is that all about? is that supposed to be an insult? :scratchhead:

if someone else understand what he means/infers could you translate it for me please?

Greendreams - this is not all about peace, love and harmony. It is about being fair. If I felt that WS is being very disruptive then I might act. As it is, je doesn't usually post in anyone else's threads, so he is not degenerating any discussions that he hasn't started himself. If anyone is bored of his rants then they don't have to click his threads. I don't.

If he was degenerating other threads, [like onemind did for example] then he wouldn't be here anymore.

Seriously, if the thread issue is a problem then the mods have other options, such as merging threads or dumping them in bitches&gripes. Which btw is where WS is posting most of his discussions so anyone who goes there and then complains about him is just a bit stupid to start with.

The problem I have with this thread is not that it criticises a member, but more that it singles out and persecutes him. If JoP had a problem then he should have posted such things in the respective threads.

Also, let's not forget that JoP is not the most respected member here. He already has a couple of warning points and he does his fair share of annoying one line negative or pointless remarks. This topic originating with him is a bit much to swallow for many. In fact, a couple of people have PMed me to suggest that this problem is probably easier solved by deleting JoP. But where would we end up if we keep having polls about who is to stay and who is to go. I mean, let's start one about JoP and see how it goes?

Salviador - I am not surprised you got the answer wrong. This post is very poorly thought out. How dumb is it to ask a question in the topic title and then reverse that question for the poll?!? Folks, if you are going to make polls, put some thought into them!

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Guest Warrioe-Sage
woops i accidentally voted no, i meant yes, let him stay, so take one from the make him leave column... ws i cant make sense of what you say, but you have your rights :)
woops i accidentally voted no, i meant yes, let him stay, so take one from the make him leave column... ws i cant make sense of what you say, but you have your rights :)

Looks like they go to you as well, brainwashed in the village with no where no go!? so what gets you UP in the morning!?hehe!!someone asked me that once!?and i forgot the post and never answered!?hehe!!justa skin....

you want a real education in people's self expression and rights!?take your tivo and rewind and put it on slow-mo!!then ask yourself.........what does it all mean!?hehe!!of course you may be blind to the expressions you favor yourself!?then again if you hate yourself(some expressions)it's all you may see!?could be a mother/father(mother nature/father time!?) may i issue!?could possibly put a twist on what permission is all about!?trust me!?you'll get it when i do!?meanwhile,stick with the 3 monkeys!?i mean face it!?we all wish we were paris hilton!?right!?.......funny thing.......the crickets just got alot louder just now!?hehe!!justa skin....

Anyway thanks for the voting against me, hey!!DUDE!! I"M your best freind!?just ask anyone here!?.but then...........lets consider your proposal!?your 1 sided!?BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!?ask anyone here!?hehe!!and as to open minded!?wanna give me a clue!?hehe!!just askin!?hehe!!and dont EVEN think of this encounter as STRIKE 1!?ask around!?hehe!?face me or face god!?just askin!?just kiddin!?hehe!!justa skin....

About this thread and vote.

JOP should of rigged it like the US election, tipit 49% to 51% then fuk up the forum!?

I HAVE THIS TO SAY ABOUT THAT!?hehe!!WHO CARES!?hehe!!that is the ultimate question in any publicaly anounced RETORIC!?is it not!?just askin........now let's say that the puiblic at large supports the NATZI regime and it's propaganda......then we as thinking individuals must ask......what do i do to survive the HOLOCAUST/WITCH HUNTS !?as i know of it by rumor/experience and as i fear it by next to be ........chosen/double edged sword!?hehe!!is it ALL already decided by fate!(minority report)hehe!!i'm just as much in the dark as i claim/infuse to know of the light!?hehe!!call it the go back to H E L L to save the buddha in us all i'm an ignorant s h i t or i would never do this CLAUSE!(contract) i never agreed to!?think any old testament dweeb!?startin with moses!?SHEESH!! hehe!!i hate the r e t a r t!?........hehe!!god forgive me!?hehe!!...just askin....

whwoooooooh! What IF WS is tryin ta dip in the lake of mud with the slimelovers we all deny we are then........like yul brenner said in the movie(i cant remember)(but he was playing a mongol or something on to the fight for whatever about to ride off and an englishman? was tryin to reason with him and he says)"HE SPEAKS!!BUT HE SAYS NOTHING"!?I have resigned I.. I have X myself out!? Run its kelly!?so who is the village idiot anyway!?hehe!!Who is the prisoner!? hehe!!..just askin....

You will be back tommorow on the chess board as PAWNS..Be SEEING you..

WHO is number 1!?..hehe!!..just askin....

Edited by Warrioe-Sage

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apparently,the "KING"(sir "T") wipes his arse with his FINGER!?licks it off and SHOWS it APPROVINGLY to the CROWD!?and as to HATE for america!?this site was FINE till YOU GOT HERE!?hehe!!.....just askin...

which is why we hardly/almost tolerate your opinions!?they are such a WASTE of freedom of expression!?hehe!!.....just askin....

if I would serve any USEFUL purpose,i would do it personally!?but JOP and his like are like spoiled brats who just rant and rave and expect answers!?you just slap them in the face and say behave!?but just to answer 1 of his OXYMORONS for your SAKE!?

first....it dont say PLEASE!?(ALL SUCKERS FALL IN LINE.......PLEASE!?)then it states HAS BECOME.......not was,or is,or will be!?the CENTRAL battleground!?by who's choice!?NOT THE INSURGENTS!?they just go where the demand is greatest!?now as to ther cry of "FREE" from what!?themselves!?THIS DOES NOT FAVOR THE PEOPLE!?HOW AUSTRALIAN and BRAVE is that!?shoot first,SAVE YOUR OWN ASS!?and do it in MY BACK YARD!?OH!!WAIT!!it's the other side that are COWARDS!?and as to alternatives!?WHO KNOWS!?we will NEVER KNOW!?unless we PROGNOSTICATE!?9-11 HAPPENED ON WHO'S WATCH!?hehe!!......just askin....

DEAR JOP and crew!?your S H I T still smells like CATBOX ODOR!?blame it on the WS,the FEMS, the female IN you!?hehe!!just askin.....

actually!?you are ignorant pointing AT yourself!?for you have NOT come back from the dead!?EVEN while you LIVE by your own standard of(learned!?)EXISTENCE!?hehe!!.....just askin...........

i can sort of understand the fear of such a state of chaos coming to this country!?what is it that keeps us together anyway!?the law!?if that ever broke down due to overextension,inadequacy,or just plain corruption,wouldn't all hell break loose!?WHY!?hehe!!...just askn..

i know how many of you feel!?and i recall your some of the first inputs as the amoung the most sane wakeup calls i've seen here!?and what doeshehe!!....just...

For everyone who voted for me to say?

Tanks!?you KNOW!?i just have to admit...I LIKE YOU!?hehe!!what do you think about that!?hehe!!not cause your SMART about SH IT!?but because your a PIG/SHEEP/GOAT/CAT/SLUG/PUG/DOG!?(like me!?)hehe!!....just...

P.S. if any one can find a a "good" forum..like this ome,come back and drag us there so we can contribute to it's demise!?hehe!!.....just askin....

thats his reply! thats my point,jiberish and i think i and others who arnt speaking up have more then articulated the reasoning if anyone whos been following the situations on some of his posts.

Whats his posts got to do with Ethnobotany or anything about this forum? he uses to much bandwith but thats but to T to decide anyways.

Ill leave it at that and just stop looking at his posts now so he can stop getting off by the replys.

And to make it clear, i always used to defend him in his earlier posts but then he just posted and never payed attention to them,minus the non informitive blabber.

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Like your one to talk Tepa..

one last example, would we let a scientoligist or a born again christain on this forum if all they did was talk and try to convert members?

Im just doign what most people where thinking.. iv been crucified b4, its cool.

Edited by Jesus On Peyote

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