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Weed access on the decline?

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Edited by bluemeanie

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It is indeed raid season :scratchhead:

yup, noah comes everytime there might be a flood. which for some reason is around jan to june every year lol funny that ;)

EDIT - Organic fed hydro is always around, just hard to find ;) but its there

Edited by Amulte

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The steady streams of raids and the time of year does make it hard on stoners at the moment

However sit tight the summer crops will be coming through soon it always dries up around christmas.

Lukily for me I dont smoke weed nemore after my whole psychosis thingy so its no skin off my nose but i do feel for you but whatever you do don't go using coke as a replacement. I recently found out that one of my school friends went through the same sort of ordeal he started on weed couldn't get it was offered speed instead then after becoming a flat ot user of speed couldn't get it and was offered heroin. Now he's in rehab and aparently really messed up.

It reaqlly is stupid they say that weed is a gateway drug and this is why I reacon. Weed dries up and you need a high to replace it therefore you take harder drugs. Thats the only gateway. I found however everytime i took something harder i just smoked more weed. Its a deadly cycle.

Anyways I wish you luck on your quest for a mull and am sorry theres nothing I could do to help you.

Have a good one

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LOL, the mythical christmas dry season.

It does get a little harder to get sometimes, but ya gotta remember that due to the "festive" season ppl do go on holidays and spend time with family. That can drop a few links out of the chain and therefore create a dry spell for some unlucky folk.

most ppl i know that complain of the "dry" are the ones that have a different supplier every week, are unorganized or just plain lazy. Get a good relationship with a couple of suppliers and you will never have problems.

And BM, maybe if ya just wanna get stoned you will have to go and see this 18yo you talk of. A gram here or there to get ya thru is always a bonus if ya cant score anywhere else. either that or just forget about it till ya find someone new. :)

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Doesn't seem to be a problem for me...infact ive been having more luck getting on of late. Instead of it taking 6 hours to find someone who is on (no car lawl), took me but half an hour last time i bought some.

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The xmas dry season isnt mythical IME, its dry because most of the good outdoor bud has been sold/smoked, so more people turn to hydro, so that gets low too.

There is some fresh outdoor later in the year due to reveg etc but generaly speaking the market wont be flush with weed again until Feb when the early flowering or early harvested plants get traded.

Oh man, I am looking forward to Feb..

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The Christmas dry spell is also due to less Truckies being on the roads at this time of year.

They are off with their families, instead of driving from Adelaide to other major cities in Aus. :wink:

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yep the raids continue...

foaf has just heard of someone else being busted...

it's very very dry...

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So I live in the weed capital but even here I've been hearing its been a bit dry recently.. raids n shit i guess.

Amulte, organic dro ey?.. I was listening to the radio, some talkback style crap where one full-time weed user who only smokes outdoor now reckons unflushed hydro is responsible for most psychotic episodes due to a buildup of the uinflushed chems in yer system.

I dont suppose its about indoor/outdoor that's the issue, just what ferts yer using and if u bother to flush at the end.. too many greedy fucks tryin to make a quick buck perhaps? and skipping this vital last step.

Edited by El Duderino

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Yeah, organic hydro. only diff between that and bush is the lights, organic hydro is fed the same nutrients as it gets in bush. there are alot of ignorant people who say there is no diff, but there is. the non organic hydro is often either male plants pumped full of female hormone (the hydro psychosis scource) or fed pure nutrients as opposed to raw as its found in bush.

alot of people seam to think that the lights are the problem with hydro, this is a half truth. the light intensity is stronger and constant so the contect/ponecy will be higher then most are used to, they green or freak out and rule all hydro as bad. there is a difference between chemset and organic hydro, the lights are not the issue its what its fed, also even with organic hydro one wil flush it with water for 2-3 weeks b4 harvest.

thing is people like that keep it to themselves because of all the people out there that abuse weed, they are the ones who cause the busts on growers nd we all know how/why. and every year 3 months before the start of operation noah the wise growers/sellers will quiet down to stear away the rat smokers that puch the busts as theyget themselves caught. THAT and xmas, most decent professional growers are family people, they will have round this time of year just hard to get hold of.

one other thing with hydro the word chem is techniqually wrong, the only thing close to chem is the female growth hormone, causes males to mutate into female and females to just mutate. the plant female growth hormone is the only unatural thing fed to hydro, unless you could molassus or jucie in the flush to flavour it slightly.

youll find that those with more than 10 years growing exp are able to help ;)

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...the female growth hormone, causes males to mutate into female

What exact hormone are they using? A massive benzylaminopurine overdose or something? (remembering back to my readings about pot a decade ago :lol: I think cytokin OD was the only thing known to do that, and not very reliably)

That'd just add $$$ and risk

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the non organic hydro is often either male plants pumped full of female hormone (the hydro psychosis scource)

Male plants pumped to make female... what a load of crap. Its almost pointless to do this. Why not just use a good female?? Its not like there is a lack of female genetics in the population!! Sorry but i pity the person who would waste the time to try to do this. What would be the point?? No wonder its dry if they are trying this! :blink:

Saying this, FEMALE plants are getting pumped with a horrid products :puke:.there is a particular one, RJ. It shortens the flowers "bolt", thickens the flowers and reduces leaf in the flower. It also STOPS trichome production, smell and flavour, and ruins if not destroys the high. Total waste of time producing this "faux" weed. Interupting the resin production cycle also cause some weird effects in the crappy high. Anxiety is one of them. Also early harvest(by greedy big boys) and non flushing as mentioned cause some unwanted effects. As does curing and drying times.

So if you look at the "commercial" side of things, it doesnt supprise me that there is stuff out there causing some psycological problems, time being a major factor. They simply wont wait till its properly mature , or they will add a mutagen/additive to boost yeilds in the shorter timeframe. I can tell you now slow drying and propper curing is far from their minds. Yeild is 85% down to genetics, so with better breeding they could reach their goals in a "safer to the end user"way without all this fiddling. Yet again, why would most of them waste the time effort for a good breeding program when you can just add a bottles worth of additive?

IMHO, the best you will find around is product that has been shown love and a full happy natural life. Hydro is FINE, as long as "premium quality" nutrients are used (pharmi grade or close)and propper flushing takes place well before harvest. drying a

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What exact hormone are they using? A massive benzylaminopurine overdose or something? (remembering back to my readings about pot a decade ago :lol: I think cytokin OD was the only thing known to do that, and not very reliably)

That'd just add $$$ and risk

i have seen one called "la femme" :)

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Male plants pumped to make female... what a load of crap. Its almost pointless to do this. Why not just use a good female??

no idea, my guess is no access to a good clone or grew from seed and got males. i dont know of anyone of has accually risked this but have seen results.

the products are still abundant on the shelf of your grow store, tho some had been taken off the market due to it being highly carcnigenic. but generally some are the same used in the fruit and wine industries. but thats all i know, head to your local grow shop and find out. some are under the counter, if you know the store owner they might be more informative. ive never used it myself. sorry cant help with the exact hormone Auxin.

Edited by Amulte

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I agree with BD there are some really crazy rumours out there on how to grow(good)weed and most of the time these rumours come from succesful growers to try and put you off having a go and keep you coming back for repeat business. It is called weed for a reason, It grows like one! All that is needed is good genetics and time. If one is interested one should check sites that are solely devoted to this variety plant, ozstoners comes to mind.

BTW this type of subject used to be frawned upon in this forum only a few years ago, maybe 4 years - time flies when your having kids or is admin relaxing it's posting guidlines?

Anyway, IMHO, the main reason that there is a "drought" around this time of the year is that most places in oz experience temps. that are in the mid to high 30s, add to this another 15-20 degrees from lights and concealing makes for bad growing conditions. Think about it,most grows are reasonably well hidden-most of the time! and this affects ventilation and intake of the air that is required for healthy plant growth. I know that I would hate to be stuck in a room that has little fresh air - no matter how much food and water and light was on offer.

Sure you can A/C your set-up but that would be so expensive and push the price of an elbow through the roof, and add unwanted pressure to this high risk sport, Most grows already spin there meter of its axis who wants the extra load, unless you run a diesel gene. Than there is the noise and pollution factors to deal with not to mention the greenhouse gases from this type of set-up that effect all of us.

Anyway I don't use this herb anymore, just kinda grow out of the whole scene, too many players and other responsibilities,e.g kids, to maintain a good crop and get around with my head in the cloud stuffed with cotton wool. Ahhh to be young and fancy free again......not!

My 2cents worth is this, enjoy while your young and don't depend on it cause life is too precious to waste looking down the barrel of a bong and sitting around waiting and waiting and waiting! Trust me after smok'n 1/2 an oz. a day for many years and a couple of cannabis cups later you realise that it is not as benign as we all think it is and that there is so much more to life and living.

I don't mean to preach but if I had my time again I would have stopped in my early twenties and never looked back, but that's just me.


Edited by p.deadman

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um, ive gotten myself confussed here, you think feminised plants are a rumour?

oh and to battle the heat a successful grower will install vent fans, in and out. some will even build a room under their house. but that wont always be helpful as the weather changes can even still fuck up everything, esspeially during curing. but air flw is the key there, temp of air will have bad effects but air flow will reduce this substancially. a grow room/cupboard withut Airflow will die. weather it be heat or dead roots from exessive co2 exposure, airflow will reduce these possibilities. problem is most good growers keep to themselves and wont share their teks. some will share some tho.

but yes this time of year is screwy, lots of factors effect all the different types of growers, mainly the xmas rush for holiday supplies and family.

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Feminised plants are not a rumour but are very unstable and a waste of time IMO unless you are using these for a limited breeding programs and even then they have questionable results. Read Robert Clarkes 'MJ botany' this stuff is not new many have been there and done that.

Also Gibb. acid is the chemical most used for this type of 'sex change' experiment and then it is pricey and results vary greatly.

Not meaning to sound smug Am. but excessive CO2 will allow you to grow at higher temperatures. As for air exchange you still are unable to cool, say a 4mx5m space, using air that is 30deg.+ trust me its not possible the more power (exhaust/intake) the better but this also has its limitations, your just blowing hot air into an already hot evironment. And with the added heat from GR equipment (say 2600w of HPS and MH lighting) the temp will jump up significantly.

Also the 'smell' that hot days bring from your room can give-up your plot real fast unless you are using good charcaol filters, while scrubbing the aromatics add little respite to 40deg. temps.

And then you have the problem of "the hum" coming from wherever your room is situated. Look, I know that where there is a will there is a way but sometimes the effort out-weighs the reward, unless you are growing very small numbers that love this type of heat and produce very little sat. vari. thai come to mind, your wasting your time that's all.


Edited by p.deadman

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Feminised plants are not a rumour but are very unstable and a waste of time IMO unless you are using these for a limited breeding programs and even then they have questionable results.

agreed and was my point. just pointing ut that it is a problem out there in the unsecure market.

Not meaning to sound smug Am. but excessive CO2 will allow you to grow at higher temperatures. As for air exchange you still are unable to cool, say a 4mx5m space, using air that is 30deg.+ trust me its not possible the more power (exhaust/intake) the better but this also has its limitations, your just blowing hot air into an already hot evironment. And with the added heat from GR equipment (say 2600w of HPS and MH lighting) the temp will jump up significantly.

no ya not soundin smug, i love this discussion and this is how people learn :) co2 is heavier than oxygen, this will fall to the roots if airflow is not considered, the roots breath in oxygen while the plant breaths in co2. co2 over the roots will suffocate them, poor airflow woud be the cause in that case. unless ofcourse one were to grow with the covered root stock method or upside down pot. adding co2 into the room yes and be entierly beifical but if its not controlled then it will be the own fall.

and OMFG 2600 watts seams a bit much for a 4x5 space... but this would depend alot on coverage, strain, medium and feed.... best to leave it out here. PMsent

Edited by Amulte

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Christmas busts are not a myth:


Police seize more than $450,000 worth of cannabis - Cabramatta

17 December 2006

Police uncovered an elaborate hydroponics setup and seized more than $450,000 worth of cannabis in Sydney’s inner west yesterday.

About 10am officers from Cabramatta Local Area Command executed a search warrant on a house in John Street at Cabramatta.

Police allegedly located hydroponic equipment and more than 150 cannabis plants with an estimated street value of more than $450,000.

No one was home at the time, however inquiries are continuing.

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I think sum of you'se are a bit confused on the feminize thing. It's giberellic acid, same as in wine industry to promote bud burst. Put on a female clone will make it turn male, but the pollen is genetically coded onloy for female chromazones as it's the male that caries the sex determning gene. So when u use this pollen to fert a female clone the resulting seeds only carry female genetic coding. The problem with this is it seems to throw alot of Maphs and no pure males, so is useless for further breeding unless u just want to select a mum.

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