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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by qualia

  1. hi, sorry for crappy phone pics, it's the best i can do, bunnings down the road has a stack of these, wondering if they're hahniana, they're not flowering but you can see the rings around the top which seem characteristic of hahniana, and also the spirally crown i guess,
  2. i'm surprised they took that statement at it's word, considering the trouble they've had getting tony abbot to surf with he refugees anyway a few of the getup posts showed some responses from the greens to someone, some of them seemed to hold some glimmers of hope,
  3. whaddya know they do dissolve in water, huh synchromesh, do you live in oz? thanks everyone
  4. qualia

    why to bottom water lophophora?

    thanks for responses, i'm not that precious i just water from the kitchen tap on the lowest stream i can muster, avoiding contact with the plant, figure as long as the soil dries out quick enough everything will be ok,
  5. be watching national press club address tomorrow afternoon on the abc 12:30pm - 1:30 pm "Ethan Nadelman And Alex Wodak deliver a talk on "What Australia Can Learn From America's Failed War On Drugs"." http://www.abc.net.au/tv/guide/abc1/201102/programs/NC1006H036D2011-02-23T123000.htm?program=National%20Press%20Club%20Address%20
  6. qualia

    national press club address

    turnsout he spoke last year couldn't find a video but here's him on 7.30 report
  7. qualia

    national press club address

    did i ever tell you about the man that taught his arsehole to talk? yeah, his name was kevin "the talking arsehole" rudd
  8. qualia

    national press club address

    appears as though they've rescheduled to have shitty kevin "shit head" rudd on, bunch of shit heads
  9. qualia

    2 Acacia IDs

    hi, austrahort has some seeds of a. obtusifolia www.austrahort.com.au/vmchk/acacia-/acacia-obtusifolia/detailed-product-flyer not sure what they're like as a vendor though
  10. actually found it through a search aggregator for creative commons material http://search.creativecommons.org/
  11. qualia

    The Corroboree top 100

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxI87CF0XT8&feature=fvwrel if you've never heard arvo part before you should do now
  12. qualia

    The Corroboree top 100

    been diggin alot of wolfgang voigt lately http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWbMrPCrjWQ&feature=related
  13. actually i just found this one, it's labeled cc, not quite as stand out as the other one but it's free as in beer http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2466/3773959918_ec38b135eb_o.jpg oh the pics 5MB as well and was downloading real slow (2k/s)
  14. qualia

    why to bottom water lophophora?

    normal is great, just like everybody..
  15. qualia

    why to bottom water lophophora?

    haha yes i'm normal too thanks chaps
  16. qualia

    mammilaria hahniana?

    it had small hairs on it, not large ones, is m. hahniana generally considered quite hairy or does it run the gamut from not so hairy to quite hairy?
  17. qualia

    New Zealand Earthquake

    for real, they seem to be copping it a bit over there at the moment, hope everything turns out
  18. oh and yeah i'd pitch in $5-$10 with some others, just wouldn't spend 50
  19. thanks for your effort ballzac, i definitely wouldn't use the wattle pic, especially seeing as it was watermarked and the watermark removed, i was going to try and use this pic, but with the blue background/clouds removed: but seeings your photo editing skills seem pretty good ballzac maybe you could have a go? tbh i can't remember where i got the image from or whether or not it's public domain/cc
  20. haha, brilliant, thats exactly what i had in mind, good work i don't have a subscription, i just searched google images, actually i didn't even take notice of where the image came from, $50 seems a it rich for just one photo (actually 5 but i only want one)
  21. not sure about that one, just did a quick search and found this: http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html pretty much says that you should assume it's copyrighted and could be held legally accountable whether using it commercially or not, granted someone has to find out first but it would be best to get permission no matter what as any fall back would land on gardenfreedom.com and i don't think anyone wants that as far as member gallery goes probably would be courteous at least to request permission, i'm certain it would be granted freely,,
  22. also if one could be done with a trich as a background would maybe cater to different audiences, cacti growers may not care about wattles so much and vice versa,, just a few ideas i guess