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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Slybacon

  1. Slybacon

    dope is nummber 1

    ...Edited due to finding answers
  2. Slybacon

    dope is nummber 1

    Anyone have an idea?
  3. Slybacon

    dope is nummber 1

    SWIM has just raised a nice tomato plant seedling. He has the tomato on a NNE facing balcony. There is a tree directly to the east. The plant gets direct sun from about 10 untill 2.30 .The balcony is very bright but only gets direct sunlight in these times. Swim wanted the tomato to fruit early so he is thinking about moving between a dark room and the balcony. 3 questions SWIM has- 1/ Is this enough Direct Sun? 2/ What is a good timetable , (ie Put out at 8 and bring in at 4)? 3/ Will sending a plant to fruit early like this cause any quality issues in the end product? ~BOOM~
  4. Slybacon

    Underwater Entheogens?

    Yes and Yes,
  5. So peeps whats the situation on this one. Has it been banned , if someone purchased some plant food off someone locally would this be illegal? , furthermore (not to promote actually doing this) are you going to get Federal Police bangin on your door if you try to import it? Seems they are having trouble prosecuting, if they fail to prosecute does this open the door to other analogs or so called analogs?
  6. Slybacon

    The Future of RCs?

    Seems i missed out this year, Any other links or info on the progress of drug law ( for the positive ) would be helpful...