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The Corroboree

The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. Been listening to some Triplag they got chill and dark themed psychedelic trance radio stations. Antiscarp isn't webradio but they've got a few full length online releases for FREE. mostly of a suomi/freestyle sound... which for those that don't already know, is really really trippy I'm sure there's plenty out there, so post them up. Any style! ..it can be a hillbilly, country bumpkin banjo ho-down, even a hootenanny... as long as its' good. Nothing mediocre shall be allowed on my thread! I am the quality nazi!
  2. The Dude

    Punch me in the face

    Goddammit! I can't punch you in the face, this music is freaking awesome! I was very pleasantly surprised. Can't give any constructive criticism as I speak not this sorta language, i'll just say keep going, you're onto a good thing!
  3. Somehow did a double post, ignore this thread.
  4. Not entirely related, but seeing as there's some psytrance appreciation going on, I'm just listening to Triplag webradio. It's pretty trippy, nice spacey and dark n heavy stuff going on now, with some cheesy but hillarious samples thrown in. Might have to start a thread with good webradio stuff. Somehow it's really lame listening with headphones, this shit needs a dancefloor ... and acid.
  5. The Dude

    ID to buy a sim card

    Yeah I heard of this before as well, did you buy it at a phone shop?
  6. Yeah it is an interesting subject. I hope your gf is doing alright with it all, I'm curious if she has a decent memory of her pre-surgery and post-surgery states of mind, if she herself can detect any changes in behavior and how this effects her sense of identity. It is really amazing how the personality can change so dramatically due to major events or surgery; our very perceptions of who we are is a reflection of our physical state of being. Apart from some psychedelic experiences I haven't had any really dramatic shift in perspective/personality, it would be interesting to hear the perspective of somebody who has had a more dramatic change, how they view this change, I mean we are very different to who we were when we were kids but it has been a progressive change and the continuity of it all identifies me with me, but what of a more dramatic shift? I've heard of people with accidents becoming either super paranoid and aggressive, or on the flipside generous and nice, do they feel they are the same person still? Without downplaying the role of physical alteration, do you guys think that alternative states of mind could alter the brains physical properties? ..That with conscious application one could even direct their brains future physical incarnations. A suprapersonality to help modulate the personality you got.
  7. The Dude

    trichocereus cuzcoensis

    trichocereus cuzcoensis seems to be quite common here in South Aus. Anybody have any comments on its personality? Should i get to know it better? I mean that's the idea of diving head first into unknown waters, my only concern is that it tastes much different, still insanely hideous but a much sharper sweet/sour sort of bite rather than that familiar bitter. Maybe I'm being too soft. Eat a spoonful of cement annat.
  8. yeah i dunno if that joke worked well. I was just thinking that the argument that selective brain damage may trigger spiritual experiences could be reversed to say a spiritual experience may cause selective brain damage... even in some kind of reverse causality in that whole grand scheme of things sort of outlook. Or maybe that spiritual practice can modulate brain health. I'm sure that in conventional understandings I've already brained my damage. I was just laughing at the fact that the mystic/tripper/poet/artist view of the world may seem insane to most, and that even metaphorical understanding maybe considered less normal and hence brain damaged.
  9. The Dude

    And I thought Aus was beginning to suck

    Nice comparison to drug addiction; it loses its' effectiveness and you need more and more for less and less.
  10. What? you gotta be insane to understand that.. i take it you're brain damaged, interest in spirituality causes it apparently.
  11. It is a well established myth, that is for sure, it seems like an obscure point of view that the physical being is what causes the illusion of spirit, for then, what causes the physical being to be? ...Or what of the assumption that there IS an origin, maybe it is merely omnipresent with no origin or end.. whatever IT is, simply IS. Our subjective thoughts are our objective realities, everything is dream. It seems akin to saying that the river bed forms the shapes of the water body flowing through it without the water having effect on the shape of the river bed, where a more realistic view is that they dynamically effect each other; it is a dual reality, energy forms the forms of energy. the apparent materialist academic bias in opposition to my personal bias has me dismissing the article with the assumption that the author has a misunderstanding of the dual nature of reality and as such the perspective is overly one sided for me to accept any of the conclusions... judging by this one and only statement. At the same time it is within specified perception tunnels that specified understandings are reached... I just don't really care to understand it that way. Hmmm i suppose you could say that 'random' events of a physical nature can cause a spiritual effect as dictated by the perspective of neurobiology, that should, during the experience in its holistic simplicity explain that the cause was itself the spiritual effect experienced. They are two modalities of questioning the meaning of life or the mechanisations of it without getting any definitive answer. More or less the question of "why?" answered with a simple "because."
  12. The Dude

    Two charged with Herman Rockefeller's murder

    Meh. Se la vi. It brings some kind of sick joy to know that we have one less puppeteer to control us, yet the puppeteers of these puppeteers remain and gain power over us even more when we falsely label the clothing for the person, and think that with the destruction of one garment comes the destruction of the spirit it contained. Even this discussion although pointing towards interesting facts about the possible conspiracies of the powers that be, is as much a cover-up of the real powers that be, which, being invisible as the autocratic projectors of perception will forever allude us as we look for their exoteric reality instead of realising their presence within us... What I mean is that false sense of joy that the witch is dead is itself a trap, the witch never died it only changed form. Likewise the emperor wears no clothes, we just dress him up with our thoughts.
  13. The Dude

    David Icke

    It is hard to get any real knowledge out of Any source without using your own critical faculties. and sometimes one even needs to suspend disbelief and entertain an idea to gain that perspective, to only then see how it complements your own, to see your reflection, the anti-you which is that which creates your own beliefs/identity and is therefore integral to your being. "Racism is schism on a serious tip - you don't believe me, I'll come bust your lip" I hope that white supremacist BS is some sort of ironic joke to provoke personal reactions and separate the critical reader from the repeater, to borrow an Icke term. In terms of random factoids i still recommend that site, although the interpretation should be ones own, otherwise the authors bias is presented as fact - argued convincingly via their own delusion which serves both to imprison the mind that believes it and as a contrast to the critical and free mind, an aid to enlightenment. The universe is self reflective so anything believed provides proof of its existence with total realism, it doesn't mean it is the 'right' thing to believe, it also doesn't mean it is untrue.. for what is truth? ... [edit] They sure seem to believe this racist crap. also that all secret societies are evil and christianity although based on many an esoteric teaching common to these societies is somehow the one and only truth. Amongst the proof that some organisations divide to conquer the minds of the masses there are also a lot of divisive opinions as if the irony of such a standpoint hasn't occurred to them... UNLESS the boards themselves act as some form of initiation via stating these beliefs that are repugnant to ones own, to elucidate the fallacy of belief in general. Like death metal/rap, it can be a message pointing towards a revelation of the mysteries, or taken at face value a legitimisation of the same satanic vices it's trying to elucidate(as contradictory as any guide to true knowledge). At the same time I'm just projecting these ideas as a way to protect my own opinion of what I previously thought of as a good source of knowledge, only to see such repugnant ideas.. yet that is the essence of initiation, to conflict with what you believe to be true.
  14. The Dude


    doublespeak is hilarious in its obviousness, yet depressing in its hypnotic hold of the mind.
  15. The Dude

    injecting toad toxins

    D.I.Y. as the manifesto for survival. Relying on other authorities instead of ones own critical thinking is the mindstate of the farm animal that trades individual liberty for the perceived protection of the herd (mass) as dictated by the shepherd (authorities). If people unquestioningly accept the dogmas of such sheep herders it is their lot to be lead to the slaughter (via ever so subtle and slow vampirism). This is only worthy of a laugh, any pity is misplaced. ...On the thoughts of waking up sheeple, it has always been the individuals choice to willingly fall asleep or wake up. Complacence is comforting in its blissful ignorance but it is at odds to the individuals own intuition, they even gave us clues in kids nursery rhymes; "life is but a dream", as such i have no pity for the choices of essentially free people and I'm not bitter at the efforts of these mental custodians for taking control of what others choose not to. [edit, more thoughts] ...what I mean is, if people buy this BS (belief system/bullshit) it is because they chose to as even the slightest critical observation would suggest that resorting to an event which happened in 2006 is of little persuasive power regarding this being a problem at this date (why not have a more recent example?), also without real statistics and using only one retarded example it is resorting to emotional triggers (i mean its not a nice thought to think of a person od-ing on venom) to stress the opinion that we are all capable of such idiocy without the 'educated' and 'benevolent' direction of these super smart people that think for us because we've resigned from the job. [2nd edit] Ah now I understand, it was a Morning Show take on the news. ...shit even regular news is half-truths, these morning shows are a travesty!
  16. The Dude

    Visited a collection today

    for the love of all things cactaceae I need to know what happened to this collection.. the suspense is killing me! - and others too I'm sure.
  17. I think they sell just the dried root powder, or other parts of the plant, no extract tho. If you ever end up harvesting some I'd be interested in purchasing a bit maybe.. although I hear it grows as a weed somewhere in SA also.
  18. The Dude

    David Icke

    erm.. i hope when people recommend sab or eba they don't notice all the racist shit by baphomet and other random trolls here. I found the posted link to be some pretty good food for thought, albeit sometimes with an overly christian bent.. like that is THE TRUTH... Apart from a few delusional ideas like that, the website has... lots of random information; conspiracies, satanic hand gestures, money trails, bloodlines, symbolism, imagery, geometry, numerology, theology, mythology... and apparantly also bigoted racist bullshit. But every forum has fools. btw, you got a linky of that quote? It is actually quite stupid
  19. The Dude

    QLD police tied to major trafficking

    Underbelly 3?
  20. The Dude

    Climate alarmist groups paid to support

    The financing argument as incentive for people to spread disinformation is a classic example of projection. For it is the established 'science' that is funded as a disinformation campaign. Pretty much any argument against the 'enemy'.. can be flipped to show exactly what it is 'the good guys' are doing.. doublespeak, it always keeps happening with these satanists.. reverse talk, i wonder if we reverse the soundbites of supposedly honest and morally upright politicians and scientists serving the public... if we'll get a positive christian message... hehe Skeptics only motivation is seeking the truth! To need a financial incentive, and to use that as an argument is reference to the current political paradigm that all will is the result of a desire for money and control... hence it must be disinformation, otherwise why all the effort for no personal gain? we don't have altruistic ideals of truth and beauty anymore, all is corrupt and ripe for the plundering, if you're so committed with an alternative opinion... it must be some sort of marketing. I know they know that we know.. but if you can throw into question the motivations of skeptics.. and conflate their efforts with those of big oil or the tobacco industry, and then also say that this sort of skepticism is similar to holocaust deniers - and therefore anyone denying climate 'science' may as well be a bigoted anti-semite as well... the general public still doesn't know and for some reason doesn't trust these 'shady characters' calling themselves truth seekers. All these ad-hominem attacks are repugnant to the mindful person using logic and rational thinking, and self evident as a diffusion of the actual debate at hand and misdirection, which implies they are hiding something. Whenever i hear ad-hominem attacks the finger pointing is instantly reflected at the pointee. For anybody with the time and the inclination to do their own research (albeit always from 2nd & 3rd hand sources), the truth is found.. the same self evident truth as was always the case... Money interests fund movements that allow them to enslave us more and make more money so they can exert more control ad infinitum. Follow the money trail... down the rabbit hole into topsy turvy land as you see... oh my fucking god, politicians are manipulating us for their own ends... probably not the most revolutionary revelation revealed recently. ...Finally to take the word of any government... EVER is asking to be misinformed. You can only govern minds when they are uninformed, you can only entrance people with magic tricks by diverting their attention away from what is actually going on behind the scenes.
  21. The Dude

    White Powder Gold

    we should make the most of it before our reptillian gods come back to claim it. They after our gold apparently. The thing with things that effect your astral/spirit/subtle body... is they're pretty subtle, not to mean the effects are weak per se, just of a finer ...vibration that if you're not tuning into, will be completely non-existent to your perception. Never tried this stuff.. I'm weary of New Age remedies as they can be profit driven charlatanism... although they usually have a kernel of truth they hook you in with, then feed you bullshit that spending money = your salvation... New Agers are a church. So is it all that hard to make yourself?
  22. The Dude

    Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark

    Lets start a "get simon marklar a stupidly expensive ph meter so he can make us some orme's" fund... cuz I want some.
  23. The Dude

    Two charged with Herman Rockefeller's murder

    MindExpansion.. If you're mind is so expanded yet still contracted by a status quo paradigm then it might soon explode due to some inner conflict. I often times think the conspiracy goes so far as to employ people to disagree with the proposed theories on these online discussions as this is where many thoughts are formed via these, hopefully, intellectual discussion. (unless all we do is vomit our own thoughts). It is then apparent that these naysayers act as trolls by degrading the discussion with catch phrase criticisms of conspiracies in general as "ah you believe in aliens" which may act as an affront to the ego which will say.. oh of course not i only believe in real world things, ergo the conspiracy that this slander was associated with must also be as apparently unreal as the alien example. Such slanderous attacks and general intellectual diffusion and emotional "sledging" are exploiting base level prejudices and insecurities often employed as a tactic to control us emotionally.. hence such words appear the work of yet another agent... ...which reminds me of the matrix where the status quo is maintained by the unconscious adherence to it of the masses, meaning that anyone at any time can be possessed by an agent, so it need not be directly orchestrated.. the naysayers are merely possessed by this machine.. and think it is their own volition which clings to the accepted norms of truth, not through fear and insecurity of being the idiot who believes in aliens, but because they are more intelligent obviously. Such is the delusion of the prisoner of freedomland.
  24. The Dude

    Two charged with Herman Rockefeller's murder

    Hehehe.. MindExpansion is the enlightened hippy and slybacon has a name that many thought means he's a narc.... where's onemind at? I need more Irony!