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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by SayN

  1. nice one. i knew my morning walks were worth something.
  2. SayN

    Microdosing Caapi

    no burning out b4 the weekend bro. and drive carefully.
  3. SayN

    Cactus of the month year day thread? Which cactus is really shining for you right now?

    average cactus, beautiful flowers
  4. Just PM me your address guys/girls and i should be able to post them this week.
  5. i've got 5 packets of seeds from this years crop to giveaway, postage included. Just post here...
  6. SayN

    Post your track of the day

    or maybe this one is more your style
  7. SayN

    Post your track of the day

    dumb fuckers that clap too early...
  8. SayN

    Just say "no" to sniffer dogs

    ^ irony for sure mate but I see it more innocently: just ignorance and dumbfuckery at work.
  9. I re-potted a bunch of my seed grown trichos yesterday - a first for me. They ranged from 0.5 to 2 cm in height. Aside from it being incredibly tedious, I appear to have some irritating glochids in my arms and eyes. This is a word i'd never heard or used until Trevyn's unfortunate mishap. Thankfully i'm not anything like that, and it appears better today although I had an uncomfortable night. (Edit: actually, i'm not even convinced it is spines - perhaps it dust/shards/splinters from the grow medium i'm using). Does anyone have any tips for making this task a little easier and/or safer? (One tip I think I've discovered is not to plant them in the bunnings seed raising terrariums in the first place - drainage is so poor and largely the reason i'm having to re-pot so soon. Would have been better to use small pots instead.)
  10. looks like a half eaten baguette in a plastic bag
  11. SayN

    Just say "no" to sniffer dogs

    ^ Please sir, I want a lawyer.
  12. SayN

    Just say "no" to sniffer dogs

    interesting about not admitting after a failed search. the one time i was dog sniffed (in a pub) and subsequently searched (I had nothing) I felt pressured to "admit". one office (lets call him good cop ) kept pressuring me to say i'd been "at mates" - he made it feel like that was my alibi - I eventually relented and agreed because I feared that not doing so might give them cause to instantly rock up to my house instead. what i really resented, apart from being paraded through the pub to the 'searching area', was how they went through my wallet and recorded my name, address etc I mean if they found nothing on me surely there was no reason to record anything. I'm curious what my legal rights were in relation to this; could/should I have protested at the time and/or followed it up the next day?
  13. SayN

    Watch this space

    ^ just ludicrous. Poppy fields are less protected. Reefer madness is still alive and well in Australia.
  14. SayN

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    you're dreaming! OK, I'll start a PM and add everyone in. Just post here if you wish to be added. That's awesome toby but I don't want you to be put in a compromising position - which is why i suggested somewhere... neutral. We can discuss it in the PM tho...
  15. SayN

    Meet up: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle

    Too long between drinks people. I'd like to start the notion of a get together in the near future. Perhaps somewhere in the Hunter region this time since many of you hail from there (and to take a load of the d00d for a change) - http://www.huntergardens.org.au/ ?? is this any good - or suggestions? February? March? I'm happy to car pool and have a reasonable selection of plants to swap/giveaway.
  16. SayN

    Happy New Years

    This very second i'm raising my proverbial glass(es) to you SABers. I hope 2018 is a better year for all of us.
  17. SayN

    Cactus of the month year day thread? Which cactus is really shining for you right now?

    My first ever buttons. 3.5 months old and growing in Dr Greenthumb's special blend (with a fine layer of washed river sand over the top to discourage algae).
  18. I've thought the bubble was gonna pop for the last three years. Ever since SR went down. Besides a few holes here and there it's never really deflated much imo. if it can hang in there for a bit longer all this press is only bringing more FOMO to the table. I'm in for the long haul now anyway. Selling half my stocks a couple of weeks when the market had well and truly doubled has removed all stress from the situation now and I no longer check the market like... every 5 minutes. Its a far better gamble than horses or lottery and i'm getting a buzz every day when I do check (for now).
  19. SayN

    Post your track of the day

    pre-Horrible Histories?
  20. tips for dummies and/or post some links please. Searching "BAP" is problematic for me.
  21. SayN

    Looking for Trichocereus pollen

    i got some rare pedigree SAB pach flowering shortly. (its rare because i get fuck all flowers ever). you might have to guide me on pollen collecting tek; complete newb.
  22. SayN

    RIP andyamine

    So sorry bro