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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by TheMooseZeus

  1. TheMooseZeus

    phyllodium pulchellum seeds :)

    Really having no luck here! I might try boiling water - I know they grow near and around acacia confusa which benefit from that sort of prep
  2. TheMooseZeus


    PM'd mate!
  3. TheMooseZeus

    Mushroom culture confusion

    Hey all! Im getting into cultivating and am very confused about buying cultures. For example these prices are ridiculous: $150 https://www.newgenerationmushroomsupplies.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&path=101_120&product_id=229 This in the middle: $40 https://forestfungi.com.au/collections/agar/products/white-oyster-petri-dish Compared to this which is very cheap: $15 https://www.miltonmushrooms.com.au/store/p10/White_Oyster_culture_(Pleurotus_florida).html Am i missing something? Where do you recommend i look for mushroom cultures in Aus? - Cheers all
  4. TheMooseZeus

    Bonsai Ethics

    How about ethnobotanical bonsai? Acacia or Iboga? It would be pretty interesting!
  5. TheMooseZeus

    Bonsai Ethics

    I supposed (done right) A plant would rather live to reproduce (stunted) than not live at all?
  6. TheMooseZeus

    Bonsai Ethics

    Oh dude... Are you okay?
  7. TheMooseZeus

    Prickly Pear

    Hey all! I'm looking at growing prickly pear as a hardy edible, I know they are considered weeds in Aus but was wondering which species of Prickly Pear people prefer as a food source -Thanks all!
  8. TheMooseZeus

    Edible Lavender Wanted

    Hello! I'm after an Edible lavender plant for a christmas present! Please PM me if you can help me out/ talk about price - Cheers!
  9. TheMooseZeus

    Acacia Germination

    Ah! I never thought about that, it would certainly be poor drainage.
  10. TheMooseZeus

    Post a random picture thread

    Yeah! People seem to enjoy it, i harvested the flowers and took a cutting. Might go back and get some more
  11. TheMooseZeus

    Post a random picture thread

    Found this locally (Assume its a weed)
  12. TheMooseZeus

    Acacia giveaway #1

    Always down for a new Acacia :D - Cheers! EDIT: I realise these grow wild in my area! Someone else may need them more than me!
  13. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    Hi! My sun opener is doing well but there seems to be a very similar imposter in with the plants that looks slightly different than the rest. Is it a weed or the beautiful sun opener? (Pic not uploading will post in comments) Cant upload pic will try later
  14. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    I'd love to see the chemistry behind it, what converts to what to create the psycho active effects?
  15. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    If i ever tried it i would seal plant material in a jar of water and leave that in the sun for a day
  16. TheMooseZeus

    Prickly Pear

    If you start with smaller spines and consume bigger and bigger spines you build an immunity to being impaled, well known fact.
  17. TheMooseZeus

    Prickly Pear

    Ahhhh how did that go?! I'm more inclined to eat the fruit than the spines!
  18. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    Thats great! the middle of the Sydney botanic gardens was where i found them. What experience do you have using the plant? Do you enjoy its effects?
  19. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    Yes! The seeds were from you! :D I've been able to share the seed around too. They're doing much better in larger pots by themselves and some of them now are starting to branch off. A few huge sun opener plants at the Royal botanic gardens really inspired me to keep they well looked after
  20. TheMooseZeus

    Sun opener imposter!

    So i repotted all the individual plants (which i now have sooo many of) and realised one of these weeds got to repotted too! Only saw it yesterday... The leaves of the sun opener are very bitter, the weeds are not
  21. TheMooseZeus

    2018-2019 Acacia Sales

  22. Hi! I got some sapphire grape seeds not too long ago and put some in the fridge to stratify them. It's been about 6-7 weeks since doing this. While in the fridge they fell down the back and froze, will these still be viable seeds? I have planted 2 to check and put the rest back in the fridge
  23. TheMooseZeus

    Stratifying grape seeds :)

    Yeah, the frozen seeds dont seem to be popping up! Ill try again soon
  24. TheMooseZeus

    Watch this space

    Just posted on Greens FB page: Today we introduced legislation to #JustLegaliseIt. Join our campaign at https://drugs.org.au