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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, A few Acacia trees available as we round off the end of the year! Acacia phlebophylla $45 Acacia courtii $20 Acacia acuminata (Narrow) $10 Acacia obtusifolia $10 (5 plants left) Express postage is $15 for 1-4 plants Sorry no post to Overseas, WA, TAS or NT PM for enquiry All the best! Acacia phlebophylla Acacia courtii Acacia obtusifolia Acacia Acuminata (narrow)
  2. Happy new year all! To welcome in 2017 I have a tube-stock package (40mm tubes) on offer: "Acacia Overflow" Package (no longer Available) 1 x Acacia Phlebophylla 1 x Acacia Courtii 1 x Acacia Obtusifolia 1 x Acacia Acuminata Narrow 1 x Acacia Acuminata Standard 1 x Acacia Mucronata 1 x Acacia Floribunda 1 x Acacia Confusa 1 x Acacia Neurocarpa 1 x Acacia Maidenii $75 + $25 Express Post for the hotter months Individual pricing and for custom orders is as follows: Acacia Phlebophylla $35 Acacia Courtii $15 Acacia Obtusifolia $10 Acacia Acuminata Narrow $10 Acacia Acuminata Standard $10 Acacia Mucronata $10 Acacia Floribunda $10 Acacia Confusa $10 Acacia Neurocarpa $15 Acacia Maidenii $10 + Postage Australia Only and cannot send to W.A, N.T or Taz unfortunately Post on Mondays. All plants have been under a light shade cloth. PM for Enquiry, Communacacian Acacia Phlebophylla Acacia Courtii Acacia Obtusifolia Acacia Acuminata (narrow) Acacia Acuminata Standard Acacia Mucronata Acacia Floribunda Acacia Confusa Acacia Neurocarpa Acacia Maidenii
  3. Gday guys, I've got loads of acuminata narrow phyllode seed for trade, Im interested in cacti + heaps of other plants + seeds. Please PM with things you have to offer and Ill cut you a deal
  4. Inspired by theuserformallyknownasd00d's generosity and initiative towards keeping this site that we love running and healthy, I have decided to follow suit in offering up a package of tubestock and seeds. The package includes: Plants (from left to right) 1 x Acacia Phlebophylla tube 1 x Acacia Courtii tube 1 x Acacia Obtusifolia tube 1 x Acacia Maidenii tube 2 x Acacia Confusa tubes 1 x Acacia Acuminata tube (narrow phyllode variety) 1 x Acacia Acuminata tube (Broad or standard phyllode variety) 1 x Acacia Aphylla tube (Leafless wattle, this plant is amazing!) 1 x Acacia Simplex tube Seeds 10 x Acacia Phlebophylla + Inoculant soil 10 x Acacia Courtii + Inoculant soil (not necessary for germination but good!) 30 x Acacia Obtusifolia 25 x Acacia Maidenii 25 x Acacia Confusa 100 x Acacia Acuminata (narrow phyllode variety) 100 x Acacia Acuminata tube (Broad or standard phyllode variety) 100 x Acacia Acuminata (small seed variety) 25 x Acacia Mucronata 25 x Acacia Simplex 25 x Acacia Floribunda 25 x Acacia Neurocarpa (hard to find) This is a fairly complete package at a very low price for anyone wanting to get into growing acacia, or just wanting to take the garden to the next level. Price: $100 Once sale is finalised, buyer will post screenshot of donation to SAB. Then I will send out package express! Important: Aus only and unfortunately I cannot post to W.A, TAZ or NT PM for Enquiry Communacacian
  5. First five people to message here and PM me get some free seed (burkittii or acuminata "Mangard") of their choice. Also include a few Erythrina vespertilio seeds if you're interested. No cost but a small donation to forum costs would be appreciated.
  6. Hello world; In the interest of spreading this plant to every corner of the globe i am giving away 10x lots of 10 Acacia accuminata seed, open world wide. (I will go to no further effort than specifying acacia acuminata on the declaration though.... i know this will suffice for most countries, however i will not guarantee arrival if it isnt good enough for yours) Unknown variety however in my opinion from a good hard eyeball at the seed i believe this to be narrow phyllode, however if you need a 100% id...... dont enter ;-). I dont have any rules so to speak, but keep in mind if you have access to this plant already and i send you a pack then maybe someone who doesn't may miss out... Here is how it works... First 10 responders after 17.00 queensland, australia time 30/09/2015. Thats about 24.5 hours from now international members... this is so i can maximise the chances for entries as usually dudes like me get on the first in giveaways real quick ;-) Ready.... steady.... cook! Love you guys :-)
  7. Hi all, I have some Acacia Acuminata tubestock for sale. The raspberry jam wider phyllode variety and the narrow phyllode variant. These are well established and ready to plant out! $8 each or $6 each for 10 or more. Sorry but I wont post these to W.A or Tas Buyer pays postage, thankyou!
  8. To celebrate the coming of spring I am offering up some acacia seed packets. 10 x Acacia Acuminata (narrow phyllode variety) 10 x Acacia Floribunda 10 x Acacia Neurophylla subsp. Neurophylla All seed packs will contain roughly 20 seeds. For now I am going to say one per member but if there isn't much interest then I will happily change that. Please post in here first it's first to post best dressed and then PM me with some postage details and I will get onto it as soon as I can. Take care SABers! May these humble acacia's gift you in all their acaciay goodness EDIT: As of 10:55am AEST 12/09 this is what is left: 4pk Acacia Neurophylla 7pk Acacia Acuminata 8pk Acacia Floribunda Shamanistic
  9. Hey all, I came across this acacia today. I think it could be an acuminata narrow phylode variety. The width, length and colour of phylodes, rods instead of balls, bark,, I didn't cut anything, so wasn't able to obtain the jam smell. I have experienced that aroma and it is sooo good! Delicious ;) it should give seeds in a few months, that'll help i.d. better. If it is what I think then that is great news! As this is a fair way out of its recorded habitat! Cheers
  10. On the podium are five sterile culture containers of Acacia acuminata. Tubes to be auctioned separately. These are aseptically germinated seed, and are suitable for further sterile work, or for deflasking into a suitable environment for garden growth. Once you receive them they are yours to do with as you wish Funds from this auction will be donated to the Seed Saver's Network, to continue their work teaching and mentoring communities in Australia and overseas, encouraging groups to maintain their local, biodiverse and sustainable food resources. Jude and Michel do some of the best outreach work I have ever seen and they have inspired me for several decades now http://www.seedsavers.net/ Auction notes: if you are a successful bidder you accept the terms and recommendations below Plants are approx 2-4cm tall with two explants per jar. They will have another few weeks of growth in them under fresh coolwhite fluro tubes, or indirect light about 200-250 µmol photons/m2/second ( ie about 10-20% of daylight strength- more could cook them ). If plantlets get taller than 7-8cm it can become difficult to remove and handle them aseptically.Auction open to addresses within Australia only, with the exception of WA. I will not ship to WA for quarantine reasons. Cultures are functionally sterile at the time of shipping, but media contains PPMCulture tubes are 150ml, with 50ml culture media containing 10g/L gelcarin. The high gelling agent amount will help, but not entirely prevent root and stem damage during shippingI won't be held accountable for their success in further culture as that relies on factors outside my control. Simple aseptic teks have previously worked for minimal replication of this species. If you post your tek and pics to SAB myself or someone else may be able to help, but that depends on time available to me and clarity of your requestsAuction bid includes shipping costAuction bids open at $20 per jar, and auction closes at midnight on Sunday 28th April 2013 Tube #1 Starting bid $20 Tube #2 Starting bid $20 Tube #3 Starting bid $20 Tube #4 Starting bid $20 Tube #5 Starting bid $20
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