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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Northerner

  1. Northerner

    Where do people sell second hand vape gear in Australia?

    http://vapinginaustralia.com is a pretty good Aussie forum with classified. Shame that the admin if aussievapers abandoned the project, was such an amazing forum at one strage.
  2. Northerner

    Watch this space

    Give or take a state, near enough.
  3. Northerner

    Watch this space

    First one down, eight to go. I wonder which one will be the holdout until its legalised federally.
  4. Northerner

    Hello world

  5. Northerner

    sick cactus

    I acquired a few specimens recently and a few of them had some scarring, then the scarring started turning yellow and spotting all over them. There's a pic there of one where the scarring looks like when I got them, and the first yellow spot popping up. What is it? How do I help them?
  6. Northerner

    sick cactus

    In the spirit of growing cactus I decided to do just keep them dry. As the weather cooled and the air dried whatever it was has died off.
  7. Northerner

    [ENDED] Free Give Away - Kanna Extract

    I would like to try please Infinity.
  8. Northerner

    Help with id

    Perhaps Parasola also...
  9. Northerner

    Ayahuasca Paranoia: That Time I Nearly Died in the Amazon

    Sounds like she took a good dose and got the message, despite the rocky start.
  10. Northerner

    sick cactus

    Thank you.
  11. I've had that before, it's a bit freaky hey. A couple of minutes and it passes, but in the moment it's pretty intense.
  12. I like vegemite, as I do all good food. But trying to eat the sort of doses I'm getting from supplements is going to be hard to do without noshing down a big kale and vegemite liver pie daily. Doing that every day is the issue as I don't eat a hell of a lot of meat. Was the reaction like feeling hot in the face and hands Alchemica? Maybe a bit tingly?
  13. Good topic Alchemica. There's a wealth of knowledge in what you have posted. Being in recovery atm I've been taking large doses of thiamine, activated B complexes, Magnesium C and NAC. I feel better than ever to be honest, but find that if I forget the supplements i have a harder day. I'm thinking a lot on how I can improve my diet now, how to get better outcomes without having to dose all these supplements. Eating loads of foods that are high in B's every day isn't appealing though. getting a balanced system that just needs a top up is going to be a milestone I'm looking forward to.
  14. Northerner

    The Great Global Warming/Cooling Thread Part 2

    Probably not an issue though, we will still be protected by the atmosphere. Interesting to wonder what sort of unexpected havoc a sudden reversal might wreak on our machines though.
  15. Looks cool, but waaaay to far away for me mate.
  16. Northerner

    Spore prints

    The grey area there is intention. If you have a mycology lab and are studying them, prints are legal. If you have a stack of cultivation stuff they are illegal. Of course there's the matter of interpretation of intent which would be horrible to fight out in court. Wouldn't be fun. Syringes on the other hand are not used for microscopy, so are illegal.
  17. Northerner

    Spore prints

    Spore syringes are illegal so you won't get that here. You can acquire prints for microscopy legally though.
  18. Northerner

    Watch this space

    I'm actually gobsmacked about these voices of reason getting mainstream publicity.
  19. Northerner

    Is this site dying out ?

    Ebbs and flows...
  20. Northerner

    Watch this space

    It's good to hear they've got the hang of it. I don't see why the government would impose any more security measures on on MC than they do methadone or other opioids, which currently all pharmacies need is a lockable fridge. Recommended prices for prescription meds are set by manufacturers which are about 15% markup on the wholesale price. Of course pharmacies start their own generic brands and get these things made in bulk and sell it even cheaper with greater markup, but that is a service as well as a retail product, another step that provides better value for the customer as well as earning more for the pharmacy. People will travel to buy cheaper drugs too, and slow sales in retail often means closed doors because of the high overheads. No pricing regulation required I asked my wife who worked for a long time in a pharmacy, that's how I got this information. If there was another 100,000 customers looking for MC and one outlet set a minimum profit point there would be a race to the bottom to try and capture the market. Sometimes capitalism does work. The government just needs to stop being such fucktards about handing out scripts for that to happen though.
  21. Northerner

    Watch this space

    Reading on the topic, the other part of the market that is not regulated but needs to be, or needs competition, is the pharmacies themselves. They are buying in MC products and then putting %140+ markup on them. I know pharmacies are retail outlets and need to make a profit, but they don't take the sick for a ride like that with other prescription medicines. It's the wild west atm, and some are digging gold. But the rush will end.
  22. Northerner

    Watch this space

    There's nothing wrong with home made plant oil, though it's no where near as convenient, and depending on the source plants and the skill of the person extracting it could be variable quality. But I guess that's not the point. The government could just approve a lot of grower and processor licenses and create an oversupply which would dramatically decrease the price for people who need it, whilst simultaneously grabbing the same amount of taxes due to increased sales. Adding another medical gouge onto our already huge PBS budget that comes out of all of our pockets isn't in the publics' best interest. It's not even a proprietary drug, geez, it's been used for 1000's of years by people. I know the cats don't want it to be cheap, but the reality is it is just a plant. There needs to be someone who can stand up and call bullshit in parliament, but the bigger war of even getting it legalised is yet to be won... That step comes next.
  23. Northerner

    Watch this space

    Ever heard of the "proceeds of crime" act? Already they can take everything you own for growing weed and imprison you. I don't see how it can get worse? Capital punishment?
  24. Northerner

    Watch this space

    If we take the plant off our narcotic list it will no longer be a narcotic in Australia, so international narcotic regulations that apply locally are irrelevant. Spain, Uruguay and Canada are all part of the UN and have legalised it without the insane fallout you are talking about. Spain is one of the main opiate growers in the world also. You're freaking out, but if the models of other countries are anything to go by your fears are completely unfounded. We live in Australia, not North Korea. It's just a mostly harmless plant man. It's not going to be the end of society as we know it if people are allowed to own it. Geez.
  25. Northerner

    Watch this space

    Sounds like you are cutting off your nose to spite your face there. Legalisation is is the only way forward, it's not an if but a when. They wanna tax it? Great. More money for our country. All good. No millions spent on catching and imprisoning potheads, great. No peoples lives destroyed because of immoral laws, great. As soon as personal growing and use is set the floodgate is open. The evil era will have ended. Policing it will be as impossible as it is now, and there'll be less black market to aim at. I don't even smoke but it's obvious it's a no brainer in terms of our economy, social welfare, health system and justice system.