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Everything posted by DualWieldRake

  1. It may wants to pick up growth like TheMooseZeus mentioned, not having put up defences for harsh situations (i'd expect sunlight or uv seeing your temps) In this case it should "grow out of it" soon enough i guess
  2. This is damage related to temperature fluctuations or UV It's obvious from the symmetrical notch
  3. IMHO Remove the crazy number of pinned threads blocking the view of newer stuff Remove SWIM like policies so interesting discussions can evolve. Remove half the retarded hippy userbase
  4. I think it has more to do with light intensity/par, my hydro lophs looked pretty normal
  5. https://zxart.ee/eng/authors/z/zoom/oh-ay-sexy-thing/
  6. IMO it's all good And obviously if you want another harvest leave some behind/plant the seeds, or wait for nature to present a new and improved version
  7. It already has been changed, that microcstructure research was done in 2006 to test davidovits theory Ofcourse things don't come out of nowhere (everythings connected) I'm all pro scepticism, as long as good arguments are put on the table I wonder how this relates to the folks from the documentary that @Insequent linked
  8. Whatever you wanna call things Matter of the fact is This is an assumption, if you had read the paper all the tested samples contain anomalies, just some not tested blocks 'look like they have been quarried' on a picture Besides the science this picture is pretty obvious don't you think? It's a ground level block from the khufu pyramid And some more interesting points in this video
  9. Ok i wasn't gonnna say it but must be the intense sun!
  10. less then 5 hundred years ago the sun was rotating around the earth!! you are delusional Micromegas *points and laughs*
  11. WTF based on thousands of years of research Slowly backs out the room
  12. About recent discoveries on what makes roman concrete so good
  13. This makes no sense at all. What are the limits? Thousands of years of investigation? really? We don't even know currently what happened thousands of years ago. New discoveries are pretty much outside of the paradigm by definition. The egyptian pyramids are made from concrete, this has already been backed up with analysis of the microstructure of the blocks. The arguments against the bosnian pyramids are weak imo. It's like saying the egyptian pyramids are natural rock formations cause similar formations can be found in the area
  14. This happens to me regularly, albeit on a smaller scale (pere glochidia)
  15. Would you think this is the correct amount of predatory mites per square foot?
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