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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by goodude

  1. .... and a great country musical it would be. i also will have some chilli seeds soon. aji amar variety orange large good yielding. pm me if u want. craig
  2. .... and a great country musical it would be. i also will have some chilli seeds soon. aji amar variety orange large good yielding. pm me if u want. craig
  3. goodude

    Tricho all sorts Auction

    nice clean happy lookin cacti theyre mate. id love to bid more but broke as. seed grown too ay?
  4. goodude

    700th post seed giveaway.

    wow awesome stuff man! your a top dude. if mehico ever runs out of cacti theres gonna be fuckloads in oz!!! peace
  5. goodude

    Want list

    hey mate i have some aji amar chilli seeds. they large orange and hot. good for cooking. atm all chillies are green so will have some to spare in a few weeks. pm me if u want some. no charge obviously. though i might need some motivation if u can send me some of that. cheers craig
  6. goodude

    Want list

    hey mate i have some aji amar chilli seeds. they large orange and hot. good for cooking. atm all chillies are green so will have some to spare in a few weeks. pm me if u want some. no charge obviously. though i might need some motivation if u can send me some of that. cheers craig
  7. goodude

    ---***CACTUS FORUM RULES***---

    rules read. sorry everyone.
  8. so we all know that some rare cacti contain illegal stuff like mescaline (not the lettuce variety). its shown that the alkaloids responsible for this build up over time. so the older the cacti the more illegal alkaloids it will contain. so im wondering if one takes a cutting from an old plant whether the fresh growth from the cutting will naturally have a higher alkaloid content...... this would then make a lil plant an old plant which makea its more illegal??? argh laws confuse me! peace
  9. goodude

    Seasol question...

    hahaha funny stuff got. spikeys a good thing tho ay ;) i had that prob this arvo with a 3" trich. your experience sounds abit more dangerous tho. peace
  10. goodude

    Free Trich seed for 100 plus post members

    hey man my names on this list! gonna finally try my luck at sowing some seed! woohoo
  11. goodude

    Seasol question...

    ive heard from knowledgeable lady that seaweed and kelp will make cacti outer flesh soft and spongy makin them more supseptible to bad things
  12. goodude

    last chance lophophora sale

    love love peace happiness fun joy exitement pleasure fun happiness caring love joy ect ect ect... happy community is most important i reckon. nice plants btw. wish i got in sooner.
  13. goodude

    image heavy p0rn

    my god zelly. that is some cool stuff. thank you for sharing.
  14. goodude

    last chance lophophora sale

    hey man. i know its too late... im rather sad about that. if by chance, you know, anythings left please pm me, after bullit ofcourse.
  15. goodude

    graft issue

    gday everyone hope ur all well. so this graft was slightly damaged in transit and now has very few leaves. its my onlyone like this so i wanna be careful with it. i was thinking i might regraft from the peres maybe an inch under the button onto a pach stock. what would u do? thanks for ur time. sorry i think the pics gonna be sideways.
  16. the suspence is killing me.... upload the fotos man!! ;)
  17. goodude

    graft issue

    hey jim hope ur well mate. yea u got it. i kinda figure that i may achieve more growth from a decent size pach as i figure it will photosynthesise more. worried about how i will provide good downward pressure on scion this size shape n delicate. im new at this and im not sure whether i should risk it on my new pride n joy. can anyone shed any light on grafting peres onto trich, has it been done before?
  18. goodude

    several questions

    gday everbody. hope ur all tops. so first question... growth rates of trichos. bridgesii are the slowest followed by peruvianis then pachanoi are the fastest growing right? also for grafting stock. so it seems trichos and pereski are the 2 most popular choices... why would one use peres over trichos? whats the benefits if any, of using peres? thanks ppl. enjoy urselves
  19. goodude

    several questions

    great info thx man
  20. hahaha wow. i only read half the thread.
  21. goodude

    Ants have invaded my cacti :(

    arrrrhggghhhhhh!!!! curse ants!!! im having troubles with black ones!
  22. one things for sure. yours is a one and only. yep i reckon aeriol grapht one of the mutations. see wat happens. but do u really want to butcher something so unique?
  23. goodude

    pereskiopsis propagation

    heres a question. what could one do with this rooted leaf? maybe it could be grafted onto a ultra fast growing tricho aeriol? or wat else... ?
  24. goodude

    got bugs?

    hello people. noticed a few really little bugs on a loph lateley. they are tiny little white or red creatures. they move fairly fast so they def alive. i cant see any damage to the plant but im still worried. its a 6 week old graft so maybe its still a lil delicate n supceptible to insectisides. what should i do?
  25. goodude

    got bugs?

    right. cheers andy. with the lime sulphur spray, can i buy it or something similar ready mixed? or do i have to get some lime and some sulphur n mix them with water?