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Everything posted by curaezipirid

  1. curaezipirid

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    I've been checking out the growth of the T.Peruvianus (and also a top of a yowie) I planted as cuttings into pots. Both are growing well, DESPITE the darn virus in Brisbane's soil, having got to the T.Peruvianus straight away. Made it have a black spot under each of the first round of new spikes that grew. AND NOW, the whole plant is growing like a mutation of T.Peruvianus, sponsored by local soil habitat. It is growing fast enough, with no further black spots, but skinnier than the cutting, and skinnier than the first round of spikes coming up had got to, before the spots came. Its like the cutting doesn't want to go out of bounds of the dark spotted past it had when first potted and expected to start growing its own roots. It gets no fatter than the spots, which are almost definitely from the virus that is common enough in most Brisbane gardens, (and especially more likely to strike in more alkaline soil). I keep both plants drier than the rest of the garden is too, mainly just so as not to provide the right micro-climate for the virus. That might be how my T.Peruvianus changed its growth structure, in fact. First it caught a cold, from a lot of wet alkaline conditions, then I moved it into a sunny spot under the eaves, and watered it less than other plants, and it grew skinnier, but healthy. I love my new cacti, and I even get into checking their growth every day.
  2. curaezipirid

    Homeopathy Thread

    only half sorry I have not been surfing the net much and not looking in on these forums to have missed out much of the course this thread had taken, (read only about a third of by now), but I want to say something about the post above, . . I'd readily believe it of many homeopaths, since if they didn't learn the basic principals of how to prescribe well, and get very good at prescribing, quite speedily, (and yes it can be an assiduously lengthy process to get it right), then not only can the remedies seem to have no effect whatsoever, but they can actually make the mind and dreaming, more difficult. That is, if the remedy was not "well selected" as the Indian Ayurvedic experts in homeopathy might say. Basically, find someone you see is good at taking their own medicine, and at causing good health results in other people besides themselves and their immediate family, before you trust any medicine, no matter how correct the theory. Good homeopaths are few and far between, and although I have been focused on an undercurrent of learning homeopathy for over ten years, (but only recently been enrolled in a degree in health science with homeopathy major), I seriously still do not know how good at prescribing for folk I've never met before, I will be becoming. However, what I am able to confirm, is: the "what the bleep do we know" film+book type of ideas of water molecules having a memory stored in some kind of sub-structural way, are the deal However, I might as well add, that if I am a Shamanic practitioner, and read the head, and body signs, of a patient, then my spit might remember, and my spit might as well be that same homeopathic remedy as I could spend hours finding in books, that is, either way, if I am truly good at what I do. Also, the black box with cards as mentioned above, is a real phenomenon in the science of radionics, but that kind was the old model, and these days one may even obtain devices by which one needs only speak, (or even breath), into a something, and something changes something into the remedy. However, those original black boxes give a good impression, in the pictures on the cards, of each remedy having its own unique electro-magnetic field, which is the real case. The fact is, a person needs to be very very physically and/or psychically, sensitive to perceive the effect of a homeopathic remedy. Like super sensitive. BUT I could guarantee to you all, that if, for example, you were to take daytura at the same time as one of the other solanaceae plants in a homeopath's dose (diluted out of existence apparently, thus apparently, HOMEOPATHY IS THE EVIDENCE THAT PLACEBO EFFECT IS REAL LIFE), you would not fail but to recognize the effect. One of the other effects homeopathy can have, longer term, is to simply make the body more sensitive all the time. After ten years, of having a new remedy every few weeks, (just one dose), eventually it began to feel like being stoned all day every day, but without any narcosis, so feeling the body more, AND being sensitive in the mind more, at the same time. There is a warning that accompanies homeopathy, which is not to use a homeopathic remedy made from the same substance which may have been the actual cause of the underlying symptoms being treated. The rule is like cures like, Not sameness curing same. Like cures do-like, to be precise. You get the dream of what not to from the remedy, and then the sensation in the body of why not to, and then you have to figure out how not to, or else you'd be fucked. So it works well for you if you work it for yourself basically. But along the lines of what not to do, I could recommend, that it is NOT GOOD, if you want to eradicate the longer term mental problems associated with something like cannabis use, to go and take a homeopath's dose of cannabis, (even though homeopathy literature is mightily entertaining to read on the subject), because it definitely could cause the longer term mental patterns to become permanent, so as you'd never need have any ever again, but would also never be straight ever again. Not that it bothered me any, since I'd had a constantly renewing effect happening after just one mushroom trip a few years before I found a homeopath who could keep me level. All the science and pseudo sciences aside, most good homeopaths are very religious people, and the fact of what homeopathy achieves in the Spiritual domain, is very real. Whereas all psycho-active plants, enable that the body's brain receives of the Spirit, what homeopathy enables is that the Spirit receives of the body's self observance, and therefore, it works best for who is already confident of having a health reviving ability of Spirit. I've seen people have intensely strong reactions to a homeopathic remedy, then totally deny that anything changed, simply because their reaction was born in having gained increased self consciousness of shame. Which can be what the health needs, whenever pride had gone the wrong direction. Even if you don't believe me, I still would not advise you to go out and take any old homeopathic remedy willy nilly, and definitely not in repeat doses. There is an actual science in homeopathy, but it is more related to the science that is sustained within a Shamanic outlook, which westerners tend to not even recognise as a science. But a science of the exact right dose, of the exact right fear, at the exact right time, that may stimulate the organism of a biological body, into becoming more cleverly responsive to the spiritual domains.
  3. curaezipirid

    Guess the spore . . . ?

    I confess that I really don't even know enough about fungus to know that it is a spore, but it's a beauty, and I do know what the fungus is. I feel like I ought to offer a reward for guessing correctly. . . . how about a set of homeopathic medicines/remedies useful for prophylaxis against addictive personality traits? (any arguments about the theory or efficacy of homeopathy belong elsewhere though)
  4. curaezipirid

    Young Australian Psychedelic Art

    more Christmas beetle
  5. curaezipirid

    Young Australian Psychedelic Art

    p.s. good on your new website shivaindisguise, I guess I hope my posts give your work inspiration
  6. curaezipirid

    Young Australian Psychedelic Art

    On the first point, (and sorry about my bent sense of humour everybody, I get that, sort of too funny one time, like I couldn't have noticed the joke on me, then the next time like to bent for anybody else to get what I was finding funny) . . . . Umm, back into the original context, minus accidental smilie face within indigenous Australian culture, images of representations of truth and meaning, are, in one of the following three forms: A: were so over exposed and so badly robbed off of everybody, as that we all (indigenous mob I refer to here) suspect one another of having set up a set up for catching out who the dreamtime robbers were; B: were so secretly hidden as that hardly anybody with white skin could stand a chance of getting to the substance of the matter, and nobody at all without indigenous ancestry would survive having a look into; C: were already all fully transformed and transfigured into representations which came to be exactly condensed into solid matter/mana, as the indigenous flora and fauna unique to this land. Point A, is in that in the Aboriginal way, nobody lets nobody rip anybody else off, without expecting that who got worst ripped off, was potentially in on the whole deal. Whether or not any of us were in on such deals, we tend to hide, and then tend to become exposed for having hidden our part in, as soon as we have realised that hiding that part of the game, is somewhat cancerous. But it is basically a kind of angle on warfare which is unique to indigenous Australia. Basically dreamtime robbers are not who represent the visual qualities of space, but were who stole the representations other people made, and attempted to assert false meanings around. Next point I believe you are asking me, is in respect of what the relationship was/is within indigenous culture, in respect of the relationships between the psycho-active content of native plants, and Art in indigenous culture. Well, the pituri chewers in Alice are allowed to sell their Art, even when in every other respect, they fall to the bottom of the heap in Aboriginal social structures. So when I say "figurative" I am saying it contains representations of human figures, so when I say less formally figurative, I mean that indigenous Art is not obviously figurative outside of indigenous cultural contexts, but I also intend to imply, a similarity within much of the work of well known Australian landscape painters. Where are the human figures? You know how in Chinese Art, the human figures are often tiny and distant, and the way to get their is concealed. Like that, but more like, you'd want to be very polite to everybody to get in on which figures are representative of how human beings fit into the landscape. As to what is determining? . . . . you may need to be more precise with your question, in case I have not comprehended it accurately enough. But it seems like you are asking, on one level, is the landscape causal to the Art or the Art causal to the landscape. The answer is that people cause the Art, and the Art causes patterns of human consideration. People also caused the landscape, and the landscape causes patterns of human consideration. This is the plain fact of indigenous society, that you can't make the relationships between the landscape/trees, and the Art, without knowing you have to factor in human people, as who made the Art, and witnessed the Art, and who witness the landscape, and make impressions in the landscape. It is all about relationship for indigenous men as well as women. Relationship is the defining function, like the function that defines the structure. So nobody in any indigenous context relates Art with landscape, without relating Art to humans and humans to Art. So your sentence "Both the traditional landscape artists, and the Aboriginal" (I am assuming you mean traditionally European landscape artists, but at first I wondered since "traditional" in my head means traditional Aboriginal, so now your question makes more sense.) Well I am agreeing, that both the traditional euro-centric artists and Aboriginal artists, have the dominant influence of the Aussie landscapes, that might or might not, be also very influenced by the smell of the gum trees. I was not originally intending to imply anything about pituri, BUT, having spent two years overseas, then seeing gum trees for the first time again when in Greece, I am certain that I was severely missing the effect of the scent of the oil. Eucalyptus oils have a "suppressive" effect on the mind, meaning that they delete aspects of the consciousness, until a later date, when the body is more enabled to process. Like causing dissociative psychosis slightly all the time. But varying from location to location with species, varies what matter of mind is able to be present in body. What is determining? I dunno, could be the Eucalyptus I guess, but then what determines what grew where? but as for good psychedelic ART (about which I won't bother explaining again, that what goes up, must come down, therefore bring it down as biodiversity please): (whoops the first image I only had in Facebook, and not in any other website, so I posted it to the EGA Facebook page, and so here is another):
  7. curaezipirid

    Young Australian Psychedelic Art

    I dunno about everybody else, but I reckon there are many Australian landscape artists, who have a very bleak, and yet quite psychedelic kind of style. And it is a style that corresponds neatly with there being far less monsters in the sky, (which I know all about having been to China, where, late one night, a soldier singled me out of a group of about 8-9 westerners, and offered me a joint and I was too scared to say no, it being weird enough to begin with for anybody to be out at all late at night in Beijing), . . . and loads of creepy crawlies on the ground INSTEAD! (in China the ether was like episode after episode after episode of MONKEY . . .
  8. curaezipirid

    Young Australian Psychedelic Art

    I think I have a contribution to make here, into discourse, about what comprises a uniquely Australian set of psychedelic imagery. Now, my next statement, I am not going to attempt to provide evidence to validate, because it is only knowable in experiential ways; but I will say my own experiences prove it valid, but this is just me, and nobody with any scientific or even pseudo psycentific kind of "qualification" qualities, to be measured up in the established status quo via. Most longer lasting imagery, that is perceivable in another dimension, or on drugs, or in the inner spaces of the mind, can be defined within the sciences of metaphysics as existing in the atmosphere of the Earth, as patterns in which gaseous molecules kind of hang out together in patterns; AND, is needfully being recreated and reinstated frequently, unless it is very much more expensive on the mind to have to witness, as it was very much more expensive to shape into place at the outset, and might be pre-causal to more larger phenomenon at Earth in solid density matter, (aka mana). That process of recreation or reinstating, of specific fields of knowledge, that come with specific types of visual imagery, is normally managed by local indigenous folk, in every land. For example, nobody had Christian imagery in their dreams so readily, before indigenous peoples converted en masse, in each of the world's lands. All sustainable cultures have secret sacred core knowledge, of how to continually reinstate such knowledge, and accompanying imagery, etc, etc, etc, OK, so if you can wrap your minds around that paragraph, as even potentially believable, and even temporarily test worthy as believable, now try this idea: within indigenous Australian culture, images of representations of truth and meaning, are, in one of the following three forms: a) were so over exposed and so badly robbed off of everybody, as that we all (indigenous mob I refer to here) suspect one another of having set up a set up for catching out who the dreamtime robbers were; were so secretly hidden as that hardly anybody with white skin could stand a chance of getting to the substance of the matter, and nobody at all without indigenous ancestry would survive having a look into; c) were already all fully transformed and transfigured into representations which came to be exactly condensed into solid matter/mana, as the indigenous flora and fauna unique to this land. This is a story called, "why living in the shade of gum trees keeps you a bit higher than the rest of the planet all the time" Also known as, "why certain kinds of investigators, wanted to disqualify indigenous Australian culture as having any humanity, so called Australia Terra Nullius, and why also many folk today, tended to honour other indigenous cultures of the planet, more highly than indigenous Australian, BECAUSE WE DON'T SHOW UP WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE IN THE ETHER WITHOUT HAVING PROVEN A POINT IMMUTABLY FIRST" Also known as "why Aussies have less formally figurative psychedelic art"
  9. I confess my information source is not verifiable, other than that, if its advice is followed, I tend to dream more vividly etc etc etc Not that I have tried the head stands for the purpose, but the idea is appealing, except that I haven't been able to do head stands, or rock climb after having my first baby either, but I did used to be good at head stands once upon a time. However, it is sort of the point I am making, that staying longer than we are used to, in strong sunlight, facing the sun, can enable more vivid dreaming. Maybe more lucid too, but that is different from more vivid. In some people DMT only made it all more vivid, and in others less vivid, and only in some people more lucid. But here is the information source I had relied upon, . . . informed by a practice in Chinese herbalism it seems if the rest of the youtube channel is to be believed, . . .
  10. curaezipirid

    Guess the spore . . . ?

    It is THE "cleistothecial appendage", (thanks for that correction, spores I gather, maybe even tinier therefore???), of the fungus/a mildew indeed, that destroyed half the crops in Afghanistan in 2010, (same year somebody put more of what this funguses food was, in Afghanistan, in a bong before handing it to me, pissing off right up out of the water, into researching how to destroy such crops biologically, now while still enduring the fckn 3 years the shit takes to detoxify) Anybody wanting to claim the prize (since I didn't even know what part of the fungus it is, and "a powdery mildew" is indeed correct), send me a pm Diseases affecting the Opium Plant Opium poppy crop is susceptible to a number of diseases which affect the opium yield, most of which can be classified as fungal diseases. The other diseases caused by bacteria, virus and those associated with nutritional deficiencies. During the crop cutting experiment in 1993-94 in Uttar Pradesh one poppy crop was affected by downy mildew and the opium yield stopped after the second lancing. A description of the diseases is summarised below :- a) Fungal diseases Downy Mildew - is one of the most serious and wide spread diseases of opium poppy. It causeS hypertrophy and curvature of the stem and flower stolks.. the infection spread upwards from the lower leaves. The entire leave surface is covered by brown powder. The stem, branches and even capsules are also attacked resulting in premature death of the plants. In India, the disease appears annually on the crop from seedling stage to maturity in opium poppy growing areas of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The formation of capsules is adversely affected due to infection. Consequently, opium yield is significantly reduced. Powdery Mildew (Erysiphae Polygon) - is another minor fungal disease, however, it caused severe damage to opium crop in Rajasthan in 1972. It is general noticed at later stage of growth of plant and is characterized by white powder on leaves and capsules. Field sanitation is important to control this disease. Three cheers for Erysiphae Polygon
  11. curaezipirid

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    OH yeah, a grasshopper, a big ugly bastard grasshopper it was on my Chinese money trees, . . . I was over esteeming it calling it a praying mantis. Thanks for that advice everybody. I made up a mix later yesterday, of the tiny woodchips (actually an el cheapo potting mix I used for mulch in pots), the ti-tree mulch to make it all more acid slightly, and the super strong organic fertilizer I have, plus ordinary top soil that was in a black pot awhile, but came from a patch of garden which had a deep layer of sugar cane mulch only three years ago, plus the decomposed granite, PLUS, a chopped up Aloe Vera leaf. The thing with the decomposed granite, was that it has particles of many different sizes, (it is basically gravel, too alkaline and too readily compacting, for anything much to like growing in, so I used it for where I want to keep garden paths open), which includes some tiny tiny particles, as well as some larger than those of river sand. So because Brisbane top soil is quite heavy clay normally, (there is a lot of bright orange clay up here, good enough for dying clothing, and making body paint from), its a good thing I had previously dug the hole for my garden path, and filled it with sugar cane mulch, which I recently re-dug to fill with the decomposed granite. I am happy enough that the total mixture is loose enough, but reckon it'd be better if I could have waited for a good sand.
  12. curaezipirid

    Buying a juice extractor

    They say, (so they say), that a Champion juicer is the way to go. But one of the health food shops I shop at has another brand they recommend as just as good, and it looks mechanically identical. If I'd ever had the money I'd have got one years ago, plus a food dehydrator for all the garden produce I couldn't eat or bottle soon enough. They are kitchen items that are a bit like it was for our grandmothers and great grandmothers, to have a Fowlers bottling set up, (which I have, and am looking forward to trying out with xylitol instead of sucrose).
  13. curaezipirid

    Groundcovers with Trichs

    I'd go for a weed matting option if the problem is immediate and too severe to weed by hand. But normally I can't even afford the weed matting and I'd probably really just use cardboard boxes from the skip at the back of the local shops. Less likely to release as much acid as woodchip mulch. However, the more I think about it, the more I am thinking I'd be more likely to move the cactus. Because the kinds of groundcovers you are complaining about, if they grow naturally in that spot, might be an indication that it is not an ideal cactus spot. In some areas cactus prefer pots even, that having to compete with those kinds of plants. I always think of cactuses as what to plant where nothing else can take the heat.
  14. curaezipirid

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    T. Peruvianus and a yowie piece I ought have had out before now, but forgot all about it. I just read in another thread that cactus like being urinated on, so I am no longer worried about making a mix too alkaline. Althought the decomposed granite is very alkaline.
  15. curaezipirid

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Just received a cutting in the mail, plus there is another cutting here, and I am carefully considering whether to spend money in the morning, on an ideal potting mix, (or just the sand to mix my own), or whether what I already have here, will mix into the right balance. Thanks for the coconut oil idea. What I have here, is decomposed granite, brisbane mud, tiny wood chip mulch, and some organic slow release fertilizer that had in it: neem cake; lime; usual mineral balances stuff; silica, gypsum, otash, zeolite, and blood and bone. What I am worried about, is that the whole mixture might be too alkaline, so perhaps more of the mulch I will need to get the balance safe enough. Or even steal a bit of ti-tree mulch from another part of my garden. I still suspect sand would be better than the decomposed granite, but there is a big pile of it out front. And of course I could just buy a specialist product in the morning, so I am still just contemplating the fabric of my future cactus garden right now. Cactus gardening, feels like a pyramid trading scheme to get in on, like if you haven't started one already, its too late now. But I mean to prove different. And all my aloe vera and jade (about which they say in China "Jade at the door, never poor"), and Chinese money tree plants, (the bigger leaf, shorter growth form, versions of jade), are doing fine, EVEN THOUGH THE PRAYING MANTIS FOUND TWO OF MY MANY CHINESE MONEY TREES RATHER TASTY. I have one other aloe plant also, but as it was an African variety of drift away from the Brisbane botanic gardens, (not cut, but fallen out of its bed), without any formal naming details, I shan't tell of it except that the wet weather keeps it green, whereas in dry weather, it was totally red.
  16. yeah the mob in the mobile scene tends to get at the head alright! (mob. being the collective pronoun for many macropods, as well as short for mobile) Just wanted to add, that, as far as I know, the only special event of 2012 that NASA are admitting to foreknowledge of, is increases of solar flares. And that there is also evidence, that meditation facing the sun, in strong sunlight, can stimulate the body to produce more DMT. But then again, so can standing on the head.
  17. curaezipirid

    Photo''s of my grow when i was in limburg, In the netherlands.

    I dunno if this is the right thread to contextualise this link, but am open to being moved if not. About the commercial growing of psilocybe tampanesis truffles in Holland. I like the truffle. http://boingboing.net/2012/02/14/adventures-of-a-psychedelic-tr.html
  18. curaezipirid


    as for that Santa dude, well whoever imagined his name an anagram of Satan, might as well be him, . . . and it is also culturally important for children to experience somethings which have a mysterious edge, . . . will santa come yeah he always comes besides it is mum and dad really but will our parents be able to afford Christmas this year, AGAIN . . . yeah, well, they always do, . . . I don't know how they do it, but they always can at Christmas either way take it or leave it it's all the same
  19. curaezipirid


    These days even for the most hard core Christians, Christmas is an expression of our culture more than it is a religious experience, and yet, a cultural experience, with an accompanying story, that makes it a potential religious vehicle. We may or may not choose to place our inner truth of what is meaningful into the vehicle of Christmas, but we are kind of trapped with having to experience a public holiday, and perhaps also family's finding it necessary to face togetherness together, and possibly food indulgences to resist, but as far as public holidays go, I love the excuse of spending every spare cent upon gift giving; and so whether or not I may praise Jesus in with the best and worst of other Christians, so-called Christians, Christian wannabes, real fairdinkum Christians, Islamo-phobic Christians, Islamo-centric Christians, etc etc etc, is a matter held between me and God, and Jesus.
  20. none of you want to know how I normally manage my super-word-full brain never not restrained normally quite formidably full also of formality is by tonne upon tonne upon tonne of poetry but nevertheless here is one: First to know And last to take it is so Be nothing so bold As to oppose what is told By men so old They see moss grow on stones And if ever somebody wanted to blame Somebody else in that frame Or maybe only of name Yet the hero told no shame That somebody who will be taking the blame Had just one choice to make And I made My own within my own bone Not to gain Not to just blame back again Not to wish upon somebody else the pain But to let oneself take the blame By knowing this plain That if they of me blame Then either as I believe is true no shame Or the opposite will they make And so as God is my witness in Jesus With Shiva and Brahma and Krishna With every Buddha and Bodhitsatva With my own Ancestral Spirits Renown Baiame, Nagacork, Punjah I know down Here upon this land my grounds I have paid every day since that day As though it is both This I believe and its opposite That may become to be Because of me Yet never not paying here see In this I be Yet in between the first and the last What nothing was never not past While I took within all I got told For the truth nothing damns Was never not old And ever reborn I am told
  21. curaezipirid

    Kilindi Iyi

    OK, here I am speaking as a woman who once had done a LOT of mushies and saw NOTHING, as a woman who got tricked into smoking hammer over twenty years later and just didn't like being quite that high, . . . I had my main rant about Kilindi's interview with Rak, in Rak's Facebook wall just the other day, so now its gone and got itself boring for me. But isn't the BIG point Kilindi is making, that it is just at that border between the experience being cool, and it being terrifying, where too many people tend to back off, but where he says go harder; and therefore he is saying FACE YOUR FEARS. If we don't know what we have to fear, then we fall into enacting and re-enacting that exact fear. Only by knowing what we fear, can we avoid what we fear. The only way to know what we fear, is to face our fears. So what was I afraid of when I took mushies? Ahhh, that was those stories about people who take trips and never get back straight again. What happened? Did I see anything? NO. But did I ever get straight again? NO. Did the trip ever end? No. I like what Kilindi had to say, I like it a lot I like his yarn about discerning and naming what markers we find in the combined phenomenon of our collective subconscious minds, and the levels of the realms of heavens and hells in the sky Because if we never find evidence of those markers, and of other folk having also experienced, how could anybody who ever took any entheogenic substance, ever be sane. Normally how we define what is unique between one culture and another, is only the sets of ways we have found within which such markers in the ether, are relatable with the physical conditions of the world around us. Which is what religions are for basically, in cataloguing those markers, and classifying the various sequences within which the subconscious mind can encounter such phenomenon and retain good mental health. In the example Kilindi gives, of one time everybody saw something RED, but for one person it will be a red dog, but for another it is a red flag, . . . . there are two different psychological phenomenon interacting. The two phenomenon are symbols and signs. The sign is what everybody in every culture witnesses no matter what their belief is, so the sign is the colour red, manifesting as a defined fact. The symbols vary depending upon ethnicity, which might be like a combination of genetics, culture, and religion of ancestors. So could I not see because I was not looking, or because I did not want to see, . . . or maybe because I needed to be already over 40 and well trained in the psychology of religious experiences, to sustain sanity in what I will see. I enjoyed the gym this morning!
  22. curaezipirid

    creative writing.

    uhuhuhuhuhuhuh fractalishuhuhuhuhuhuhu fract-ed f-religion
  23. curaezipirid

    Home grown hair conditioner?

    my theory I have held since 18 years old, is that hair needs to be only either, brushed, or washed when mine was down past my butt, I didn't wash it, BUT, I brushed it with a boar bristle brush, a hundred strokes each day it is a good way now it is a little knottier so I wash it but no more often than once a month, with whatever is at hand I normally first put olive oil and bicarbonate of soda into it, and leave it in for as long as possible before washing, because then no head lice survive, also the addition of oil before washing, prevents the scalp producing too much oil from being washed then whatever soap is around, (normally I have a few Christmas gifts of extra soaps from my mother spare) plus apple cider vinegar to rinse it out but in general, I dropped back to washing only once a month when about sixteen years old, (at first hiding the fact from my mother, hence her continuous soap supplies now), and found my head got less itchy from less washing, and have not washed more often ever since, and that is 27 years worth plain cold water on top of the scalp is good for the body too in fact:- good for giving up nicotine especially as for de-odorant, I don't know that I ever used it to get rid of a smell, but only if I liked the smell of an expensive hippy deodorant but for armpit fungus (that orange stuff that swells up with sweat), cabbage under the armpits gets rid of it Aloe Vera I haven't used in hair, but makes a good drink, to blend with banana and A2 milk and spinach, . . . good for stamina in strong sunlight, but not good for more often than I can't help but have to cop more sunlight than is good for a pale face
  24. Isn't there like a fine balance between land cheap enough to afford, and the expense of roads to maintain, and then all the building regulations, and as soon as you can build, then you have to build to regulations, etc, etc, etc, . . . basically, if you only have $10K you are buying land to turn it into a block of the natural world that will not become subject to having any trees removed, and will get planted with more, right?