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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rev

  1. last one is the fake peruvianus kk242 aka 'gnosis' or something as MS smith suggests allied to T cuzcoensis if anyones gnome has ever eaten this and found it useful id be very interested to hear of it macroscopically they are extremely homogenous seedling population more so even than bridgesii
  2. beautiful plants Ariocrpus take some work seed ie expensive and CITES listed seed batches vary greatly in quality they are hard to graft to pereskiopsis they are slow to grow and juveniles seem far less forgiving than lophs even though the adults seem more forgiving but that just makes me want them more :D i have only 2 A retusus but they are at a stage where they grow themselves id love to buy more if you know a source
  3. LOl yeah you can brush off my other obscure ramblings as madman talk, but if i start talking about growing plants and shroom i REALLY REALLY try and get to the truth and heart of the matter. because knowing this cant be overstressed in its value ok i have never lived in Melbourne. but i read often that subtropical fruit trees can go as far south as Tassie. ive spoken to people who've fruited mangoes in coastal tassie I do not reccomend disturbing planst this late in the season and you are correct that in a winter wet clime the hession straw woud just rot and cause trouble the reason i need to protect is cos we get frost. overnight temps of -3C lat year. about 20 - 30 frosts ovre a 4 month period but the days are warm wwheras you prob dont get frost but the days are cold this IS such a fundamental difference to make perhaps the other big one being tween frost and freeze - luckily i know nothing of the latter the bureau of meteorology has changed their website heaps im just trying to reorient myself go here and find your closest weather station past in the number below and downlaod the pdf ie tabulam post office 057018 in theory - in actual fact theres no data yet :rollesyes: great upgrade BOM! important data is Mean minimum temperature (Degrees C) - helps mange subtropicals that dont like prolonged cool days . it weakens them Lowest temperature (Degrees C) - frost can form below 4.4C if the topography favours it ok i give up till i figure out the new BOM. the old system was so easy till then yes teepees are good - especially if made of or lined with bubblewrap for insulation plant against walls or other areas that give thermal mass bufferring of cold nights i have old plastic drums and barrels filled with water all through my g/house and i intend to collect more. these store daytime het and radiate it out at night if it stays too col for too long then get a heatmat ill post when i find a good commercial source bottom heat is so much more important than top heat or artifcial lighting till i can get my head straight on this webste...
  4. bridgesii is easy the centre spine points down as demonstrated at many areoles /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.erowid.org/plants/cacti/images/archive/trichocereus_bridgesii2.jpg&key=848c4c28447002c1da0bbd534da889da8aa37f5e4b98bf159cebf8570799ad66
  5. Ouch. thats pretty off ill take mud wrestling anyday there was me imaging people beating each other up with batons and club-mace held in place like a butt plug
  6. sorry FWIW i went back n read ur ressurrection post and yeah theres some good points there i dont know what bumfights are sounds innocuous prolly isnt? Exploitation is everywhere, doesnt make it good or bad i dont know what to think of it but at that level sexuals tatses oft has little thought to it you like what gets you off if what gets you off conflicts with your rational moral code then you get guilt of being 'bad' and some people get off on that especially i guess maybe its ok to watch this stuff so long as a. you dont pay for it b. you dont bring the fantasy into real life i think the menfolk in our society are p/haps teh best behaved in history ever in the way we consciously treat each other, women, children and animals, what we spend our $ on, and the environment we need to give ourselves some credit that we do this and cut ourselves some slack if we still think bad things when we jack off LOL
  7. ROTFLMAO yeah bro youve got to pick ur threads better
  8. what about GE pollen? im sure theyve gone way past bt toxin now
  9. bees are just one generalist pollinator there are many more bluebanded bees love my salvia species for example and trigona carbonaria bees love all flower the european bees like all cereals are wind pollinated most legumes are perfect flowers so self pollinated tubers like spuds, sweet potato and cassava dont need any pollinating most veggies dont need pollination in the field Nut and fruit crops will be the big losers and canola - and oil seed thats self incompatible if european bees disappeared thered be ecological upset but i think theres plenty of redundancy in place. other minor speces would expand their range over the more aggressive honey bee
  10. Rev


    i use pyrethrum too never understood what people have against it? try wiping off what you can spray with pyrethrum leave to die hose/wipe off dead scale spray again if persistent it can take a while to curb an infestation, but eradication IS possible and is necessary i dont think living with a little scale is a good idea like living with small numbers of other pest is
  11. but seriously ever since the west went to war against Arab states the arab porn genre has arrived and expanded seems to be a common theme that when you are at war against or come into renewed cultural contact with another place , what comes with it is a fantasy of their women travellers to foreign lands are always looking for nookie. Im sure visitors here find aussie beach babes 'exotic' or indeed at mardi gras time - Bondi lifesavers Arab/afghan/Persian or other muslim women - like malay or Indonesian women perhaps have a special allure BECAUSaE they are so hidden. who knows whats hidden under the unrevealing garments? especaily when at least my my mind these Persian or malay women have some of the most beautiful faces in the world as such you see Latinas, mulatto, mestizo and other meditteranean looking (coffee skin) women playing the roles
  12. Pedigree of my surviving vines 1. i got my strain rom Gom Gom got his strain from me in the meantime i lost mine I got mine from SAB 2. Sourced from Teonan 3. Sourced from Guruna i would imagin ethey are all synonymous with MG/SAB = Cielo the pictures up there certainly match the strong yellow pigmenting and spicy taste and aroma of the fresh cambium mmmmm if only it were legal to eat it since this time seed has come on the market incl the ourinhos some have germianted it but not me as ive only just come back into the tropical collecting game in the last 6 months after a 2 years on the sidelines
  13. Sorry Harry i know better than to ask ive only ever been interested in getting seed to grow more i dont want to wildcraft so theres no reason to ask - except general area cos it gives idea of cold hardiness im not far from tenterfield myself. could be within 10ks of me for all i know? theres a lot of country round here
  14. if you are going to chase longifolia might asw ell look at the following as well common in suburbia or on the coast A sophorae A longissima A fimbriata and what about the mt morgan wattle? podalyrifolia i recall that had something interesting in it
  15. word is that plenty of calcium in the soil is needed for good flowering i too have several lophs that have never fowerd despite significant size and age ive now repotted to a limestone rich soil also it is said its good to allow them a dry winter ill see what happens next summer
  16. i personally would gladly accept amanita prints i know someone who wants them for research - not an fsr issue there are several lines of obtusifolia getting around in limited quantities some from tenterfield, some south coast nsw and some from near Byron not via me though. im just a reciever of donated plants
  17. sweet <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png ive added couple things to the nnsw one too ipomoea carnea syrian rue (viable) Argemone mexicanna desmanthus illinoiensis coming soon MG pearly gate (I tricolor) MG grandpa ott (I purpurea) i also have others to add theres heaps of old fsr stock but id rather do a growout in my yard and only list fresh seed keeps list size manageable for me too Calea, Stevia, White henbane and other things flowering in my yard and thanks to auxin i have germinated quite a few Heimia myrtifolia theyll begoing in my garden in spring and should give seed soon enough
  18. i already have both but more eileen for propagation is always welcome as are tbms' dilemma <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png however if you have no other luck then come talk to me and ill do you a trade can you pin down 'decent chunk' though? anyway we can exchange pics. email me if needed ill also have other things off ur want list soon - im doing cuttings or have seed forming Stevia seed Sacred/Holy Basil (purple form) Cape Gooseberry Jusctica
  19. its a good time to be a native bee breeder it seems with varroa mite and now this ill let you know if the bees out here start dying. mobile coverage is shit
  20. lol only planthelper would start this thread good on you Free porn isnt as easy to find as it was- the free sites give SFA to freeloader like me even less now on dial up ive had a turn at nearly everything - cept eyeball porn its fun but its also gets kinda flat after a while i know my tastes have changed alot never liked glam porn like i guess playboy personifies i always preferred sluts ;D when i was 20 i still liked teenage girls and i guess was kinda still young in the head myself I liked hentai - but some is dodgy esp as i get older and they get younger. it makes me feel uncomfortable. a few years go id see a 17 year old and think nice, now i wouldnt , my ideal has shifted to 19 to 23. i expect itll go up more in time as i REALLY need at least the illusion of intellectual maturity to turn me on thers just only so many intelligen t ways to use the video porn genre unless i guess you can say i do like financial exploitation porn. i think its funny to see dumb girls end up givin it up for nothing or get more than they bargained for. its a reliable and time tested formula its just sex after all, they give it away free all the time it might be primal male female thing - the battle of the sexes situation: female tries to bind guy into contractual sex, guy tricks her out of payment or obligation, girl is left miffed anyway its fun some sites have a sense of humour too and arent all degradation this shane diesel guy is a crackup, good to have a laugh instead of the all too serious regulars you see in every bloody flick http://mydaughtersfuckingablackdude.com/pa...m/print.php?621
  21. prolly a generic echinopsX - or say from seed that gets aroud in the trade as 'paramount hybrids' but if you are lucky it may be one with a good flower OR a long shot could be T/E bruchii (lol soehrenisia bruchii) a barrel forming red day flowering cactus thats pretty nice to look at
  22. lol maybe. it pretty col dn dry here tho atm to do the usual analogue species like king strop or agaricus subrufescens - which seem to com up on their own these days so long as i topdress with w/chips yearly ?? maybe can do an analogue gro using eryngii ill look into it
  23. yeah sure the clumper grows more like a normal loph big main head with a tendency to offset more than standard forms they are faster growing than standadrds and flower and set viable seed classic example is this 'lawns' are freaky the heads never get very big cos its like a lawn or cancer of small heads tiny heads on close inspection are already producing their own or even several new heads they dont to my knowledge flower much if at all to look at teh growth patter within a head looks like the branching inside a head of cauliflower unfortunately i cannot see pics clearly demosntarting this kinda like this shows but its not a good specimen. its my last bit b4 it rotted (RIP - u didnt die in vain) but i got my lawn loph from the guy in Vic who was selling them a few years ago too bad i didnt know what i was doing and killed them slowly over a few years now i can graft i need some more to make some crazy standards :D
  24. rue - no luck but it naturally goes dormant in winter - yellows off to roostock i went hunting in SA for wild planst but couldnt find. i think i could easily keep a wildcrafted plant. its just keeping seedling alive thats tricky Khat - i store this warm and dry. never fully dry though Ephedra is on my rockery with the trichs and cold hardy cacti - so drainage is quite good. theres a stone mulch it purples a bit from the first frost but quickly recovers. if i was worried bout a bad year id cover it with frost guard it gets any incoming rain which is usually not much over winter here ive only lost them to sunburn when young girdling the stem - hence stone mulch now they are very hardy ive given up on sinensis - too hard to grow - major is teh best so far
  25. yeah i like the pachys problem is imported seed is so often crap, u really need to make ur own. hence i buy at least 2 of each kind i find s i can make my own later same with trichs too i guess if they are seed grown batch i store my plants a few ways as they accept diff variables theres.. Warm and moist - the hardest generally mens bringing inside to a sunny room and supplying a self watering pot. and theyget to go outside on favourabel days things like iboga, or if i was ready to try then yohimbe, kava etc. true tropicals Warm and dry this is all the dry subtropicals pretty easy. make a greehnouse and put them in and dont water till spring easy for me cos daytime temps are still pretty high thes planst oft tlearte low nightime temps but not low daytime temps, esp not with wet feet includes lophs, pachypodiums, various incense trees, boabs, all those madagascar and socotra plants ambient dry no protection cept maybe some frostguard over the top and kept out of the rain hoodia, mammilarias, ariocarpus and all the cold hardy succulents frost free moist that is types which like cool moister weather but no frost, or do better with no frost so put them in a shadehouse WIWO frostguard covers and irrigate as needed over winter - esp if you have a timer irrigate at 3 or 4 in the morning to keep off frost from settling perfect example is brugmansias esp sanguinea now anything that doesnt need one of these kinds of protection is probably in my nature strip or veggie patch fully hardy things like ephedra major, anadenanthera,leonurus, trichocereus and allies others liek datura innoxia, stevia and calea die off to roostock and come back in spring excpet ! oh yes i grow pineapples and bananas, mimosa hostilis and have a damiana patch in the ground these i just will cover with frostguard and if say like the bananas or mimosa i will wrap the trunk in straw , wrapped with hessian to protect it
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