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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Being

  1. Being

    mindwave generator

    There was a similiar thread to this one earlier this year where i mentioned the Photosonix range of mind machines.. my partner and i are setting up a business selling these, among other items, early next year.. the best device to get is the Luma10 which, when the business is up, will be sold actually cheaper than the suppliers at the above link.. The advantage these have over any kind of pc based program (unless you have a laptop) is its portable, hence far more relaxation and as a result - receptivity to the 'mind' states... also its interactive, you can adjust the programs, and even create your own, so far better than any cds. The engineers behind these machines have been working well over a decade at perfecting this technology, and there really aren't many other companies out there at all doing this. I've tried three similar devices made in the nineties, and its really primitive compared to these. It has been only in the last five years or so that the technology has been this good. When i first tried our machine i was so curious 'how can they program all those intricate patterns i'm seeing'?!! Its amazing when you see that and realise it is your mind creating every multidimensional thing you are experiencing, after all its just sound and light...
  2. I've just added a few minor edits to the site Ronny let me know about.. don't know why i put 'chris H' for the photos when its actually Andy H!... anyway.. i've also added an extra photo to the third page... The Ega email has also changed.. I've been informed there was someone else recording at the conference, so the missing talks may be up earlier than waiting for us to get our laptop fixed... Hagakure - the introduction audio thing sounds like a good idea... i'm in communication with a lot of the speakers so if thats the go i'll also ask what they'd like there... -in regards to podcasts i don't know much about them (for people with ipods etc?) but it sounds interesting i'll look into it for sure.
  3. apoth - just realised i got mixed up back there.. have explained in pm.. i honestly wonder about my brain these days..
  4. i really enjoyed putting it all together, and have learnt a great deal for doing next years recordings! It is spelt Santillan.. that was a typo. Mr S recently put on an art exhibition, if you missed the thread: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/inde...?showtopic=8524 it shows some of the artwork he presented during his talk... on that note i'm going to try and contact all the speakers to get some of the visual and written aspects of their talks onto the site also... it would be helpful i think for the more technical talks using diagrams ect.. and also all the great artwork. Already have Krusty's and Matt S has offered his writings..
  5. i did test winamp and one thing i'd suggest with that program (like all of them really) is using the presets, something like 'live' and maybe even fiddling a bit with the equalizer, i'm surprised what a different it makes to spoken word files.
  6. Young Tripper - Have you found the problem is resolved by using another player? Sorry i never tried it in media player (as i don't have it), i should have thought to do that though! -in a thread on the talks at ayahuasca.com, from someone who had the same problem: Mariri "ok, I've found out this is just a problem for windows media player. I dunked it in realplayer and its working fine !" apoth - cool thanks , i'll pm you about it at the apropriate time.
  7. Being

    "When I Die"

    A film was released recently (well a couple of months ago actually, but i only just found out about it) about the final blast off of the good doctor: "When I Die - a new 60 min. film by Wayne Ewing about the making of the Gonzo monument and the blast off of Dr. Thompson's ashes into the air. Now available on DVD" check it out here: http://www.breakfastwithhunter.com/ the site's also mostly about another feature length documentary he made "Breakfast with Hunter".
  8. Thanks guys. And thanks very much planthelper for posting it up on EBA 2b - yeah i love that line in Krusty's talk "everyone's a dj at the psychedelic bbq"...
  9. errrr also would someone mind posting this thread up on EBA? - been ages since i've posted there and it won't let me create a new topic or even reply to any
  10. ..just a thought -it also may be a good idea to have this thread as 'pinned' for a few days so people who don't visit the boards every day have a chance to know the site's ready?
  11. Being

    Best ambient?

    Aphex Twin: Selected Ambient Works Volume 2 = Aphex Twin: Selected Ambient Works Volume 2 + disasociatives = :D
  12. hey T, Have you heard of the 'Arise and Shine' cleanse? Unlike most cleanses it cleans your complete digestive system -using chomper, psyllium husk and most importantly liquid bentonite. It may not be a cure, but at the very least it would get the system squeaky clean to reduce any stress toxins and the like could be putting on your body. I've done this cleanse twice now and by the end i'm feeling better than i ever have in my life, and my somewhat turbulent at times digestive system is functioning smoothly.. really recommend downloading the pdf of the cleanse to check out here: http://www.ariseandshine.com/cleanse-guide.html .. you don't need to buy all their products, the only thing needed is the instructions, which you can get a print out of along with everything else from Mullumbimby Herbals.. (hey and we'll have to catch up sometime! been back a few weeks now.. just no transport so far! -N
  13. Being

    EGA 06???

    yep i'm the one responsible for the ega recordings... sorry guys it is going to be a little longer... the annoying thing is the website and sound editings all done and ready to go and has been for about a month now... just waiting for the funds to come in and get our computer connected to the net so i can upload it all! ahhh mega frustrating doing all i can to get it up asap.. hang in there guys!
  14. Being

    Art Event -Types des Principales de vegetales

    Really cool to see this is going on, Santillan! If i were in the area definitely wouldn't miss it. Any Newcastle / Syndeyers here - wholly recommended - have never seen any artwork like Santillans.. especially with such a unique conscious focus and attention to detail. --natasha
  15. After three months travelling the world we arrived back in Oz on friday from Tokyo, and what a fckn fantastic way to break back into life here going to this awesome doof on Saturday!!! :D Mesq - - - YOU ROCK. wanna dance to a lot more of your sets this summer! :D and Salviador - that Bundaberg rum SAVED MY MORNING! allowed me to dance to Reece's set (which was awesome and you really missed out there! ) without collapsing. oh and btw the name of the markets where my mum sells the fire sticks is Chandler markets... not an intentional plug! i just don't have your email addy... Here's some photos for those of you not members of oztrance: yum! am SO glad to be back in Australia.. after being in eight different countries i have a whole new appreciation for this country... don't let the new anti terro laws get you down guys, we're still living in an oasis.
  16. Firstly, hello everyone from Peru! i'm currently in Cusco, and loving it..(apart from getting sick but that is now passing) the last three weeks have been pretty amazing, and above all, for me, humbling. The ayahuasca conference ( http://www.soga-del-alma.org/ConferenceSite/ ) was exactly what i was expecting.. all show and little real, new or inspiring content - still trying to justify consciousness / heart expansion to the scientifically dominant, reductionistic north american mindset. Made me realise even more so just how open, honest and progressive Entheogenesis was in comparrison. Even still there were some genuine bona fide curanderos leading three ceremonies during the conference.. i drank with the Mamallacta´s only, but from what i heard of the others, this was one of the most special groups.. outside under a full moon.. truly, truly magical.. and the most open and allowing of spontaneity of all the curanderos.. was really appreciated.. recieved one of the deepest healings from the brew of my life.. and was told by the shaman´s father in the morning that "the male spirit of ayahuasca is with you now".. does he mean dmt i wonder? Interestingly i smoked some towards the end of the night..(which lasted about 45 mins - to an hour.. ...powerful.) and the brew itself everyone agreed was much more of a Vine healing, it was awesome vine, best i´ve had and was much more prominent even than the dmt at its peak.. Also drank with another shaman, Don Francesco at his ayahuasca healing and teaching centre - Sacha Mama - in the forest outside of iquitos, with.. my god .. the thickest, strongest brews in the history of the medicine.. yeeeeeuk! but wow... i´ve never seen interdimensional portals like THAT before! it was really... really strong.. There was brugmansia and some other admixture plants in this brew, which i´ve never had before, and definitely change the nature of the experience.. got the whole ´big cats, snakes, skeletons´imagery for the first time.. ..the ceremony was a much more controlled affair though, and i never appreciate any lack of freedom particularly in that state.. however the icaros (which were sung all night non-stop) were so beautiful.. at times the songs, noises i was spontaneously making, some people overtoning in the forest, the insects and animals in the forest all came together as an outa this world symphony.. will never forget this... anyway that is a short update, its been a long and at times very difficult journey since then.. ***but i do have a serious question which is the point of this post:** Am leaving peru early next week to go to Brazil.. and have just found out that to enter Brazil one needs a certificate of yellow fever vaccination.. apparently this vaccine really messes you up if drinking ayahuasca.. i´m wondering if anyone (since i have searched the web to no avail) has more info on this? Such as how long would i have to wait after the vaccination before drinking a brew again without adverse effects? any help much appreciated
  17. Being

    Ayahuasca & Yellow Fever Vaccination

    ahhhhhh sorry for the delay in reply to this... that ´sickness that had passed´ ...had not passed at all! have been bed ridden for more days than i care to count now... ..there seems to be a very throwing uppy kind of theme to my time in Peru.. which is a shame in some ways because seriously the food is so good here.. particularly if you dig potatoes, this is of course the birthplace to the spud.. okay so after all this... we now read on the official Brazilian website that a yellow fever certificate is not actually required.. however some other health cert is apparently required but we´ve read all these posts by people saying you don´t need it anyway.. so.. we will see when we rock up, basically... if we get turned away, the plan is just to fly back and chill out in chile (but i´m sure its fated we get into Brazil :D ) oh and thank you Salviador for the comments and for taking a stab! so wow thanks for all the varied input guys.. oh yeah which reminds me to jono - could be the whole word association thing, but just to clarify i am not a guy and thanks for the encouragment also.. yeah and in regards to word associations.. r.jackson... hmmm yeah.. it seems to me pretty obvious that i am not refering to ´getting fucked up´ at all, so i read your post as a perhaps fragile sense of self reacting to a critique on that which it identifies with, ie. scientific north american.. as a percieved threat? i don´t think there is anything necessarily wrong with scientific reductionism.. just that the approach in its current form is incapable of understanding the psychedelic experience, or consciousness for that matter... Or perhaps it is simply incapable period.. this is perhaps a question for you also, Torsten - how can you understand the essential nature of anything by reducing it down to its individal parts, when everything in existance is inately part of a larger system? And how can science boast complete objectivity when so many factors which make up the scientist, ie his or her psychological structurings, most importantly the cultural structuring which shape their view of reality which in the west seems to be particularly skewed) affects the nature of the results gathered? mm so that was a bit full on.. but on a lighter note, hi Torsten! thanks for the comments and you know i´ve always loved the tropane family but been too chicken shit to try them, so i was pleasantly surprised by the experience! And hi Rev re your comments on the conference: Exactly ... that would make an interesting poll.. how many hours do we talk about tripping verses how many hours we actually trip? and apothecary - i am still interested so good idea! i will ask them if i make it into Brazil So mmm yes.. i am feeling much better yay! I do attribute some of this to imbibing noni juice! Its a bit expensive in Oz but i totally recommend it! awesome stuff! yeah okay i´ll end on that note. noni noni noni!!!
  18. Being

    EGA conference ongoing reports?

    Pretty late but first chance i've had to post! What an awesome conference!!! Had to be one of the best i've been to... really appreciated the victorian vibe.. Good to see more women in attendance also! It was pretty full on at times... i experienced many of the talks as though what we were seeing and hearing was just the tip of the iceburg.. there was a great deal of information being shared between Everyone over the days, verbally and telepathically! thanks to everyone who attended, and big thanks to Ronny - who managed to stay up.. roughly seven days straight? Good work. ..Was amazed we managed to pull off such a *classy* after party in Dalesford! Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped make check-out surprisingly smooth! The recordings of the talks will be sorted asap... we are leaving for peru in a week, but hopefully bringing a functioning laptop along.. so hopefully available in a few weeks! -Natasha
  19. Being

    Brainwave generator

    CS - We were intending on bringing about half a dozen sound and light machines to the conference to sell, but unfortunetly they will not arrive in time for this... !..however we will be bringing our own, so people can test it out and if interested, we can get one to them in the next few weeks! (and its true they are a million times better than those pc headphone progs) Will bring more indepth info and stuff too... sorry to anyone i've been really slack to with email and stuff.// We finally have a house now (yay!), but no phone line ..so am at net cafe with never enuf time.. but will catch up with some of you at the conference! Originally posted by Chemical Shaman: If I wasn't so cash poor at the moment i would buy one tomorrow. It is definately the next big thing that I am going to buy. we're gonna sort out some kind of payment plan option, so can most likely help you out there
  20. Being

    What the bleep (do we know?)

    just came back from seeing this film.. it was a cold rainy day in byron and this films showing time coincided with us truly needing to appreciate somewhere warm and entertaining.. plus i have been really curious from hearing all these extreme opinions about it for weeks now.. (mostly from people who haven't seen it but have heard or like read about the weird cult that funded the film) i wouldn't say its absolutely pseudoscience or absolutely science. I see it as a celluloid expression of where 'non - materialists' are at with the state of the materialistic dogma which science has become - and now morphing through the understandings it brings forth via quantum physics and its implications for personal 'spiritual' growth. And i think at heart the film is genuinely addressing the fundamental assumptions and illusions of the western mind grappling with the concept of reality 2005. and hey, millions of people have seen it and are getting something out of it.. and i can appreciate this. how i approached this film was with the mindset of there is no such thing as Absolute Truth anyway.. concepts of science or buddha or shamanism ect..- simply, potentially useful vessels for human consciousness to navigate impermanent dimensionality..nothing more.. i had a great time.. it was basic stuff, i was aware of all the concepts presented, it was kinda like consciousness kindergarten.. but i just had fun witnessing it and further understanding my own thoughts on the nature of reality and feelings in relation to its limitation, and also, at times, helpful reminders of concepts i do resonate with. yes and i agree the neuropeptide stuff was interesting.. it was presented in the film that the neuropeptides basically are our moods.. i was confused that they didn't mention serotonin or dopamine at all.. :confused: okay one thing i am ignorant of is the difference between a neuropeptide and a neurotransmitter anyway? so yeah i think the film is worth seeing, not for personal enlightenment perhaps, but if only just to see whats beeming out to the world as a bunch of ideas about the nature of reality.. find out what all the fuss is about.. and its really not like *mind blowing absolute truth direct from God and on your cinema screen* jeez! a film that addresses these issues and makes not one hint of a suggestion of DMT strikes me as missing a whole yummy chunk of the consciousness pie, right
  21. Being

    Celebrate good times come on!!!!

    praise be to the almighty, hallelujah! well done dude
  22. As per request here's some more art! These are much older works - from when i was 16 - 17.. and if you're familiar with other works i've posted here over the years you can see how psychedelics have influenced my work - making it much more colourful and containing less heavy symbolism such as these... notice what look like smudges on the above are actually reflections.. i used a kind of gloss coating on this called 'envirotex' usually used industrially.. the effect of which doesn't translate to a digital photo unfortunately though.. its about ten times as thick as a usual coating of this type, brings out the colours beautifully, and gives one the impression of looking at the painting through water... be careful if you're thinking of using it though! There's a real technique to using it so as not to ruin your artwork, because once it's on, it's not going anywhere! btw none of these have titles. Oh and they're all oil on canvas, except the middle is on wood. [ 24. February 2005, 13:24: Message edited by: Being ]
  23. wow that's very kind, thanks, apothecary. I'll keep that in mind for when the site's finally complete.. may be a few more months though.. is your site up at the moment somewhere to have a peek at?
  24. well 'tits on fire' was outa this world and i'm finally recovered.. it ..almost made up for all the shitty music i've been subjected to this summer! yeah so i reckon i'll give the auction thing a miss.. it seems those that have the most interest are those i am.. wouldn't say necessarily 'attached' to, but it does feel a bit weird selling works with such a strong emotional expression of my teenage years.. oh and i didn't end up getting my drawings outa storage in the rush to leave.. same thing though really.. we're currently homeless and still travelling about at present, but when i'm landed again with my own space i'm going to get into painting again, (and these will be much 'trippier' i can assure you! ) and also the website.. so i'll let you dudes know when they're ready.. (and yeah i know i've made many such promises in the past and never gotten around to it.. but honestly! this time i truly am inspired!) this thread was an interesting experiment though.. thanks to all of you for the input
  25. Being

    Hunter S Thompson - Dead

    Originally posted by shroomy: this giving away thing is quite admirable like many others around here id be only to willing to purchase some of your art. maybe you should look at an ebay style auction it might suprise you as what can be made from such a talent besides the obvious satisfaction it must give to be able to produce such things. thanks for the comments and suggestion! I've suggested an auction for 2 works i'm so far willing to part with posted in the creativity forum. There will be more available after i pick up some other works from northern nsw this weekend.. stay tuned!