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  1. 2 points
    Is it worth trying to find data that would disprove the stupid idea that mescaline is posing an immanent public threat worthy of creating and enforcing expensive new laws and criminalising large segments of the population? Where are the mescaline-related hospital admission statistics? The mescaline-related accident statistics? Lost work days to mescaline use? If the Feds believe that cactus growers pose a significant threat to polite society on the basis of criminal organisation profits they should be able to show some stats, such as per dose per annum profit for the growth and extraction of mescaline bearing plants to end-sale pill for mass consumption. Oh. Figures don't look so good now for the justification of stupid new laws huh The likelihood of extracted cactii products ever reaching socially problematic proportions based on profit is a pathetic notion. And if they're worried about a bunch of bark munching ferals playing with plants for personal use, well, there are already laws in position to cover that I do believe they're playing at seeing how organised said bark munching ferals are. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be organised and professional We lost Kratom because we believed they wouldn't be so simply stupid. And Sally because we didn't know any better re the TGA scheduling process. These plants now have recognised medical use at research phase, though we weren't in a position to claim that at the time and it was left to other researchers in other countries to continue the work. The laws are making us a dumber, poorer country
  2. 1 point
    I have always thought of my Caapi as a female, For 10 years I have caressed her lovingly and addressed her as the great mother. Then a while ago,whilst adjusting some mulch,she revealed her "mound of venus" to me between her spread legs. Photos don't do it justice but i think you get the jist of my meaning. So while posting I may as well show some more of my darling I love those twisting "snakey" bits Here she is basking in the sun. Once she got to 10,I drank of her and she is now a part of me. In my blood permanently like a vaccine,or herpies to be more crude. Without going into detail,she now informs me on the finer art of gardening, its like having a horticulturist in my head. Just like nature only needed to evolve one animal with consciousness, It only needed to evolve one Great Mother plant,that has its own unique planty consciousness. Planting ,nurturing and having a "as one" relationship with a Caapi,is a must do thing in life. Forget bucket lists of bungy jumping and stuff,just grow a caapi and the plant world will bless you. Cheers! The Hawk
  3. 1 point
    Well my cyber buddies its time for this lurkers contribution. I am on the forum every day,and am across all the info and issues, I just dont like typing. So anyhow,I have just cracked a bottle of whisky, taken half a day to work out how to resize pics, and here is my yearly garden happy snaps. Being a lurker doesnt mean I am not totally involved in this community. I love having guest visitors,and being generous in trading,and storytelling. I will say....here on my own thread,I have been disappointed at the slanging matches and degenerating of good threads. Yes i was even a victim of the downfall of Chiral. But being a member for 8 years I know the quality will return. I look forward to meeting more of you at this years NSW camping trip and meetings. So without any further ado, here are some pics. I love the different sculptural shapes of cacti and succulents Brug and a 20ft khat in skyline Fat Scopi erection My shrooming temple Now I hope this does not upset Planthelper too much as I know he has some issues, ....but here is my Nexus!!Very healthy and happy in the hothouse. And one of those things you can grow in NSW Folks, you can see my Caapi in another post today. Best wishes to all....and here we go on another year on the Coorroboree.
  4. 1 point
    really like the look of your greenhouse I think I've seen photos of it before 20ft catha!!
  5. 1 point
    http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/home/8535-omgmaximum-co2-will-warm-earth-for-20-milliseconds The more I read and the more that gets uncovered every day has me shaking my head. And it slowly begins to unravel.....
  6. 1 point
    Wait for it.. the flood of information from other enth-o-heads... *waits*..
  7. 1 point
    Just do lots of this.
  8. 1 point
    If this law does come into effect it will force many previously law abiding folk to illegally harvest their plants in an attempt to no longer have them in their possession. Not only will they be guilty of growing the plants but harvesting them and possessing illegal drug material. Appeasing these inane laws, if they somehow come into effect, will result in law abiding folk guilty of breaking more laws then people who choose to ignore or remain oblivious to them. If the government does somehow manage to educate every Australian gardener on which plants are illegal to grow it would have to be the most effective drug campaign ever run. Good to see the government spending millions out of their drug harm reduction funding on information of little consequence to the health and safety of the nation. For the vast minority of people with these plants in their possession for illegal use, this flood of harvested material could trigger exactly what the government doesn't want, but in their shortsightedness created unto themselves. I am not aware of these plants contributing to organized crime and I will be extremely disappointed if the governments actions directly result in the criminalization of these plants and thus result in them being abused for monetary gain. It will then be easier and of less legal consequence for people that wish to continue using the banned herbs to purchase them from criminal elements, thus contributing money into organized crime instead of growing their own personal supply. These laws, if set in place, will unwittingly created exactly what the government is seeking to avoid. It will create a problem where one currently does not exist.
  9. 1 point
    Causal basis of the ice cream-shark correlation fallacy Most people that have ever taken a stats course have encountered the ice cream-shark correlation fallacy. The fallacy states that whenever ice cream sales rise, so do shark attacks. Obviously the purpose of this nonsensical statement is to embody the dangers of blindly attributing causation based on correlations. In other words, just because two variables are highly correlated does not mean that one causes the other. In statistical terms, we say that correlation does not imply causation. Although a commonly used example in introductory stats courses, one rarely (for obvious reasons) encounters a discussion of putative causal mechanism for this causation, i.e. why is ice cream consumption positively correlated with shark attack frequency? One could of course simply accept the somewhat boring text book explanation of a common response to an unobserved variable, i.e. ice cream sales and shark attacks both increase during summer. Alternatively one could come up with more colorful mechanisms for this correlation. BBC has an online lesson about causation where readers have gone wild submitting comments proposing alternative mechanisms. Here are a few (a few have been a bit cleaned up and reworded to make “more sense”)… * Eating ice cream makes you tastier. * Sharks like ice cream but find it really difficult to buy them, so they resort to eating humans in the hope they will still have ice cream inside them. * Ice cream sales rise in hotter weather, which also forces sharks to get their Aircon serviced. This is very expensive and angers the shark. Angry shark equals more attacks. * Eating ice cream will cause people to urinate a large quantity of lipids (fats) similarly to seals and other fatty sea mammals, which happen to be the sharks’ favorite prey. * When there is a horrible shark attack on the beach, people stay out of the water and have an ice cream instead. * It is easier to swim away from a shark if you are not trying to hold on to an ice cream. * Ice cream sales rise in hot weather, people go to the beach in hot weather, there are sharks at the beach, people steal the sharks’ deck chairs, the sharks attack them. * During warm weather more people swim in the sea. Warm weather also heats up the sea which brings the sharks closer to shore. * Warmer weather brings people to beaches where people buy ice cream, sharks see ice cream, sharks become jealous. The sharks want the ice cream, and attack people to get it. One example is the correlation between ice cream and polio. Some convincing grahs around from 1948. Mind you, we didn't know then what we know now, but similarly, we still don't know enough to conclude, imho.
  10. 1 point
    haha teachers..they are a sheltered, fickle bunch I do think its terrible that kids at very young ages are suffering from anxiety over some of the worlds issues. Kids are bombarded with issues such as terrorism, global warming and natural disasters. I cant remember ever having to deal with any of that stuff....actually no, when AIDS really reared its ugly head I was pretty anxious because we were not allowed to go swimming at the local pool...(stupid parents...love you mum) I think Mike Adams had some very valid points and no I dont want to read only what the good guys have to say. I also dont want to read biased crap that think all science is fraud, or how scientist should be mixing it up with "spirituality, meditation, the study of consciousness and even quantum connections between sentient beings" because quite frankly I want the facts, not some scientists who thinks we should be "saving the planet" or whatever because he feels its the right thing to do morally and spiritually.
  11. 1 point
    There are cowboys no matter where you look. And there are people that truly believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. But then you get those who listen and observe and base their observations on fact and reality, so I feel that it would be a mistake to constantly dismiss science, especially on global warming because of a few cowboys and hardheads. Its funny how guys like this always bring out the bad but forget the unbelievable amount of good.. science has done for us
  12. 1 point
    7 years of data is hardly relevant. 700 000 years may reveal something.