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The Corroboree

Entheogenesis Australis 06 - Spirit - Mind - Science - Sound


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cool, thanks for the reply Ronny.

EGA is not for people in there twenties, it is for all ages, and children would love the venue.

Any other children’s workshops or child minding co op would be welcomed

great :D ...but then...

However it would also not be appropriate to have kids in the cabins and at manny of the workshops and best if family’s camped.

yes, of course...and

Also parents would have to be responsible for there own children and EGA may not be the most appropriate space for them be.

well, yeah...there's the rub, as being a sole parent I do not have anyone with which to share the responsibility....which would pretty much rule out me attending many of the aforementioned workshops.

I for one would be willing to hold a workshop(s) for kids, as I have experience working in the kids festival at Woodford folk festival and other events... but, overall, pragmatically speaking, at this stage perhaps this just isn't an event for the single parent family, which is fair enough.

I definantly don't want to burden anyone...god knows it can be annoying when a kid talks, giggles and generally just wants to be entertained, whilst one is trying to listen to a workshop or presentation.

Next year!

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Next year!


bring on the archaic revival huh.. if we were still in a tribal / community framework there'd be no such thing as a single member having the obligation of full responsibility for a child...

i am completely ignorant when it comes to how these things really work, but what about: your daughter's friends from school... it would be what four days? 2 days with one family 2 with another maybe...?

you seem to be giving up too easily on this one Wandjina.. as someone who has complete psychic confirmation that this will be The Event of the Year.. possibly decade i feel it is my responsibility to encourage more persistence on this matter! :D

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ahh being...you're a gem!

yeah, staying with friends...its a funny one.

People are funny ones!

To be honest, I'm not very close to many of the other parents at my daughters school, I suspect many of them see me as a flaky hippy type, and well, my daughter is not like the majority of other kids in some ways...she's quite eccentric.

anyhoo...the mums and dads i do know, whose kids are close to my kid and who I've had over for 'play dates'...work full time, and have these jam packed schedules that even fitting their own kids into is a challenge. I'm not sure Maya would be too comfy staying with them either...and as for my closest friends, they either aren't 'kid friendly' re work hours/households, or they do have kids and are stressed to the eyeballs as it is.

Then I have to consider that four-five days is a long time for my daughter and I to be separated...2 nights has been the max so far...and that was hard for both of us. I have to be responsible for her well-being and happiness as well as my own.

Really, its OK not going this year...especially because uni work is mounting...and besides, I'm assuming all the talks will be recorded, so I can listen to them at my leisure at a later date (besides...if my supervisor found out I started my empirical research without ethics commitee approval, I may be seen as participating and not merely observing...how unprofessional!)

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besides...if my supervisor found out I started my empirical research without ethics commitee approval, I may be seen as participating and not merely observing...how unprofessional!

hahaha, love it

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There has been so much good discussion on this thread of late I hate to interrupt for such series conference stuff, but I just wont to remind people about the beds available, now I just looked and there is only about 10 left so if you are reading this thread and interested in coming to the conference and grabbing a cabin bed rather than camping out under the stars I think you would need to take action quickly. See www.entheo.net and go to the accommodations link.

But hell camping will be loads of fun, and it will not be as cold as last year.

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My god, there is no room but I am a sucker for good info, the last and final talk just added;


Dave - “Psychedelics and 5HT2 receptors - modes of action in the human brain”

Also we will get a proper post up soon, but the Raffle is almost up and running for this year, see the prize poll;


Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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Hey Ronny

Well, bought our tickets - its on. Can commit four of us from Queensland (well, one from the Blue Mountains too, actually). Just a couple of questions..

We are planning to drive down late from Tullamarine on the Thursday - will it be a problem for us to scramble camp late at night?

We are assuming that it will be finished up Monday arvo to get back to Melb - is that the plan?

Its all very exciting - at the very least it will be anthropology!



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As part of EGA our infamous Plant Head Raffle is on again :D . So, even if you can’t make it in person this year, (we’ll miss you dearly!) please show your support for the project, buy some tickets, and help ensure its sustainability for many years to come.

A huge thank you goes out to our supporters that have donated the all the lovely prizes helping to make EGA such an enjoyable and helpful event.

And most of all…GOOD LUCK and THANK YOU to all those that enter.

There are four fabulous main prizes to be won from the prize pool below. Additional prizes are being added daily so check back at http://www.entheo.net/raffle.htm for updates


Hairdressing quality scissors Excellent Edges, Vic ---- $640

Super Hamper - Wandjina Gardens ---- $400

6 Premium wines - Metier Wines ---- $200

6 mid range wines - Metier Wines ---- $120

Food dehydrator - Anonymous ---- $90

San Pedro Cactus (4ft tall) - Anonymous ---- $150

Australian Bush Liqueur - Anonymous ---- TBC

Salt lamp - Nurtured by Nature ---- $120

Assorted entheogenic doco DVDs - Anonymous ---- $100

Assorted music DVDs - Anonymous ---- $60

Double ticket pass to Royal Doof (VIC) ----- $110

Breaking open the Head (Book) - Anonymous ---- $30

The Alchemy of Culture (Book) - Anonymous ---- $36

Blacklight active artwork* - IZWOZ ---- TBC

Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20 from the website above.

Love and Light

Kaz 1.2, Caz 2.0, & The EGA crew

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Was interesting to read the comments arising from the SA politician who spoke on Ecstacy. Like some others i wrote her a letter of support. While in Basel at the Hoffman thing, a number of Aussies discussed what could be done to advocate and change attitudes and policy in Australia. I dont get a strong sense of any of the organisations that do this stuff here.

It would be great at the conference to have a chat with interested people about what we could do and be involved with as a community to work on changing attitudes and policy in Australia. I for one dont know the organisations that work in Oz, and how effective they are. Others more experienced than I must. As a greenie I support conservation organisations such as the Wilderness Society, the NPA, ACF, etc, and do so in the same way I do raffle tickets. To support good charities, etc. There is no reason why drug based issues could not have the same type of status. Maps (and the Berkley, which has been involved in changing grass from schedule one to schedule 2) is great but doesnt do anything in Oz.

Is there such an opportunity at the conference? I know that your program Ronny is chock full of rounce, bounce and trounce, but is there space, or could it form part of an existing paper?

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Hey i''ve thought for a while now it could be great to have a little drum circle go down during EGA.. Not! in a hippy way..! you know what i mean... it can be really good to journey with a drum or say a dozen sometimes well i'll be bringing mine anyway if anyone wants to join in...

thanks to a very savvy dude deciding to simply set up his full drum kit in the chai tent at Exodus this year, with about ten other drums random people started playing and some singing and rapping, there was some very awesome sounds coming out of that little tent..

i was also thinking if when talks aren't on, the main lecture hall could be turned into a spontaneous music space, utilizing the mics and having some on the fly setup for live laptop music making!

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wanjina - kids are possible as these events. Gomaos brings Oscar along and while Oscar is a little too energetic for gom to see all the workshops and lectures, there are still a few he gets to see and most importantly he still gets to do the social bit of the event, which is what most people come for anyway.

It's certainly much easier if you have two or three families attending as that means sharing creche duties is possible. We did that at EB2 and it worked fine.

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I don't know if this has already been discussed, but is there a train station anywhere near the venue? I'm planning on getting a ticket for the event this week, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get there as I don't drive and my friends who were gonna drive just bailed on me. I'm happy to walk maybe twenty or thirty kilometres if need be.


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I don't know if this has already been discussed, but is there a train station anywhere near the venue? I'm planning on getting a ticket for the event this week, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get there as I don't drive and my friends who were gonna drive just bailed on me. I'm happy to walk maybe twenty or thirty kilometres if need be.


Nearest train-station would be Winchelsea.

Still a damn good walk to the venue though.

Pity I can't make it, or i'd pick you up.


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So far there are over 100 people booked to going to EGA, so someone will have to be able to give you a lift from somewhere; you might find a lift from a major city easier than the station closest to the venue.

Car pooling is a very good Idea, so maybe try and net work by PM or on the thread.

Remembers camping on site is free, so bring a tent and hammock and chill in the trees. There is also about ten beds in the cabins free, so if you have your ticket you can go to the web page and follow the links on the Accommodation page to book a bed for the weekend for just $40.

The online tickets are only available till May 29 or till they sell out, so best gets your ticket as soon as possible to avoid missing out.

We are sure building up for a wanderer’s extended weekend, there are so many good people making there way to this from all around Oz, and catching up and making new friends as well as jamming info into our heads is what it is all about.

Edited by RonnySimulacrum
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We are assuming that it will be finished up Monday arvo to get back to Melb - is that the plan?

Yes we are finishing up around 2pm Monday, but un like last year we are not being shoved out and can depart any time we wont that day, and maybe even the next

As for your Discussion on the SA politician who spoke on Ecstasy, and what we can do to change heads here in oz. I think it will be widely on people’s minds, and some of the people discussed in SANDRA KANCK speech will be at EGA. also I think the opportunity already existing with in the currant program to talk about theses matters and we do not need to set specific time aside for it per say. The ‘discussions spaces’ are open for all to actively participate in, so take it where you wont, that is the beauty of them. I think they will be really good to building a ‘united front’ as they say on where the heading in this community and what we can do to keep the plants free for all.

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Yes we are finishing up around 2pm Monday, but un like last year we are not being shoved out and can depart any time we wont that day, and maybe even the next

Spewing I can't make the weekend.

If people are gonna hang around an extra night (plenty of free bush camping for that matter) does anyone fancy a mushy expedition into the Otways? I'd like to put some faces to names etc. I'm due for a good explore and can supply 4wd transport for five passengers comfortably.


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Car pooling is a very good Idea, so maybe try and net work by PM or on the thread.

Cool. Well, if anyone has a space in their car for me on the way from melbourne (and back), I'm happy to chuck in for petrol (PM me), but looking at the map on opoeia.com.au, and in the Melway, it appears that the site would only be about 15km from Winchelsea station (Thanks ED for that info). That's not such a bad walk, so no one need feel obliged to help me out with a lift.

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it appears that the site would only be about 15km from Winchelsea station (Thanks ED for that info). That's not such a bad walk, so no one need feel obliged to help me out with a lift.

ill be heading to the same station and was planning on the walk so if theres no offer of a lift BZ we could meet up and walk together if our times suit. still gotta line up my travel time soi dunno yet but well see howshe goes

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ill be heading to the same station and was planning on the walk so if theres no offer of a lift BZ we could meet up and walk together if our times suit. still gotta line up my travel time soi dunno yet but well see howshe goes

Absolutely. The walk could be a good couple of hours or more, so a bit of company would be nice. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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wanjina - kids are possible as these events. Gomaos brings Oscar along and while Oscar is a little too energetic for gom to see all the workshops and lectures, there are still a few he gets to see and most importantly he still gets to do the social bit of the event, which is what most people come for anyway.

It's certainly much easier if you have two or three families attending as that means sharing creche duties is possible. We did that at EB2 and it worked fine

thanks T...I appreciate the encouragement, it makes a difference as its easy to feel excluded on the basis of being/feeling like one may be perceived as a burden, or as not wanting to be fully responsible for ones child, a needy and desperate single mum (that stereotype really irks me!)...on the other hand, to exclude oneself because the prospect of having total responsibility every minute of the day at a big event is daunting, and no one has put their hand up to trade for care ....but, unfortunately, the offer of a lift is no more...they're driving from Melbourne now and getting there in time is too damn exxy....but next year for sure, and I'll definately be at EB this year (if its on).

Have a great time people!!!

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If there is 4 of you, and you are there the same time, we may be able to send a car

so far there is 3 of us including Ballzac...

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