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The Corroboree

Indole-3-butyric acid to get Tricho to pup?

Ishmael Fleishman

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I tend to hear of 6-benzylaminopurine being used for pupping which is quite a distinct compound (synthetic cytokinin with stimulatory effects on cell division) with a different mechanism to IBA

That said, try it and see what happens. IBA has:

- auxin-like effects such as root initiation, stem bending, and leaf epinasty

- IBA-derived auxin has strong roles in various aspects of root development, including regulation of root apical meristem size, root hair elongation, lateral root development, and formation of adventitious roots. 

- IBA-derived auxin plays distinct roles in shoot development, with particular roles in cotyledon expansion and apical hook formation.

Some studies indicate:
- IBA application promotes elongation of stems in intact pea plants "IBA could act as an important source of auxin to boost stem elongation in intact plants"

- In carrots it seems to cause longer plants "IBA significantly increased the overall plant length."

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On 17/01/2023 at 9:48 PM, Ishmael Fleishman said:

selected spots

                ^ aureoles, presumably? 

I've tried a different hormone/product in the past, specifically formulated to promote pupping, and it did ... nada. (I can't remember the name, it comes in a godawful lanolin base).

Pruning the tip is the only surefire method I know of to stimulate production of new pups. Slab grafting works too, on a smaller scale. 

Interested to hear how your experiment goes. 

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  • 6 months later...

What happened to your cacti? Did they go bananas with roots everywhere or did they pup from the first injections? Sounds like a crazy idea but who knows.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 02/09/2023 at 12:43 AM, Mr. Bowser said:

liquid kelp fertilizer as a foliar spray

You spray it in the evening? As in SeaSol or "liquid kelp" products specifically? I've been wondering about heavy metals in seaweed, some of the food-grade kelp is harvested in specific (ahem) "pristine" locations, and/or tested for traces of things like mercury. 

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