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The Corroboree

looking for these cacti cuts


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Looking for cuttings of each of the following trichos 

Sharx blue
Peru monstrose 
Dawson's Peru 
Juuls' giant

Preferably a tip and mid cut of each 
Happy to trade or pay 


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I had a juules, the only one in oz. than I rented out my place, gone.. ;(

blanket law, made me kill most of my collection, I did not surrender my blue, don't know if it's sharxxs... pissed 4 the 1st time in weeks..

Edited by withdrawl clinic
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now I remember better, I had a true blue, and the renter killed it.

and my replacments came from sharxs.

gomoas said it's the best!


just dashed in my garden...

yes I got a single peru X scop, it's still on peres, consider it yours! :)

Edited by withdrawl clinic
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