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The Corroboree

Evolution just a theory or real?


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6 hours ago, bardo said:

Scientism is the new religion, All the work of satan to deceive and lead man away from our true creator, satan wants to keep us here and not enter the kingdom, the bible says four corners of earth, the earth is flat and gravity is just density, WAKE TFU  before it's to late, time is short, let jesus in your heart now or go to the pit for eternity with your lord satan and the best thing you will have to look forward to there is hitler, pul pot and jimi hendrix will gang bang you at 4pm every wednesday.

There's more than a few people on this planet that would look forward to Wednesday afternoons in hell.

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  • 1 year later...

So darwins animal theory of evolution spot on but his Racial evolution never seems to be mentioned much. No Prize for guessing what colour of people Darwin considered Less and more evolved.

I'm a fan of the we are genetically engineered in Gods image from clay but in the older Sumerian stories we were not the first creation those "mythical animals" like a Centaur or Sphinx are. Strong enough but they weren't smart enough to do basic manual labor.

So they made a number of humanoid prototypes but they failed finally Adamu was created from a existing hominid who's dna was mixed with our alien "gods" .
We were smart enough to take basic direction but without true consciousness. That is were the garden of eden stories comes in. The Snake who is a depiction of wisdom/knowledge isn't Satan he is Enki the same god who was tasked with our creation. He is going against his brother and fathers wishes and i assume loving this sentient being he made from nothing imbues us with true consciousness, hence the realization of our own nakedness and the other gods displeasure.  
I get it's out there but no more then the accepted meaning of the bible. Advanced tech more likely then an infallible god's most perfect angel rebelling then tempt us to eat an apple which make us realize were naked.

Here is a picture of Queen elizabeth 1 with a serpent in her hand seems strange a christian monarch would be painted with the biblical symbol of Satan



Edited by Chemiconaut
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It's a very strong Theory, with much evidence to suggest it's only getting stronger by the day. The only differences in opinion that crop up nowadays are retively minor, and don't really change much overall. 


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