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The Benzene Tree


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So like many of you here I have a strong interest about what i actually eat. I read the packets to avoid huge chemical doses if I am buying processed food, which isn't very much, and like to keep myself in relatively good shape. To my sad dismay this isn't really protecting me from much of the junk that is floating around our environment. There is literally no way to avoid chemical poisons from massive petrochemical industry. These products and their byproducts are pervasive and omnipresent, and that's when they aren't being deliberately sprayed on our food crops.


Here's an interesting article about how this all came to pass. It's very enlightening though a fairly long read (in terms of internet articles), but it's well worth it.


I've heard about environmental groups who protest Monsanto for their GMO's, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. This company has been spewing long lasting toxins into our environment whilst being protected by the US government for almost 100 years. The use of Roundup (glyphosate) on food crops as a desiccant and prophylactic has been promoted and is common practice, which is just insanity. It's been linked to gluten intolerance, but who knows the true costs of releasing these sort of chemicals? How many years will it take to realise? History is repeating itself.


Parts of me get all riled up about this systematic poisoning of our environment, whilst other parts of me are apathetic with the overwhelming sense that there is nothing that I can do. So I just stay up here in the bush and pretend it's not happening. Hopefully the majority of younger people can get their minds out of the money race and the war on everything for long enough to look around and see what is happening, then have the courage to rise up and do something about it. Here's to hoping that they don't feel powerless in the face of it all.

Edited by Northerner
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3 hours ago, Northerner said:

Hopefully the majority of younger people can get their minds out of the money race and the war on everything for long enough to look around and see what is happening, then have the courage to rise up and do something about it.


Man, that's definitely one of the things we can do, get into the minds of the younger gens and do our own indoctrination. I have 3 kids, 18, 15 and 13. They're all aware of this stuff. The older 2 often bring their friends over and as a group, we sit around and talk about what their world will be like if all this type of rot isn't stopped. I was heartened to hear an increasing number of teachers are beginning to slip this info into the classroom as well, even though they're not really supposed to.


Whether it be the agricultural, military or medical industrial complex, where there's big multinational money, there's zero fucks given about the consequences of their actions. 'Tis a big monster and it drives the culture we've all been born into. Regardless of whether we like it, to a degree we're forced to help perpetuate the the poisoning, simply because we have to survive in the society we have. I have hope for the future, though; I am very surprised at how aware these kids are and how strongly they feel about it. Perhaps we will see  change soon...

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  • 3 weeks later...


On 12/10/2017 at 1:57 PM, Insequent said:

get into the minds of the younger gens

.As Slocome pointed out, this boats already sailed, but got to at least try. Insequent has hit the nail on the head. The eaisest way to change the future is by raising your kids right. Unfortunatly this is becoming increasingly rare. I don't really care if its because parents think their too busy, or if their just too lazy, the end result is the same. Too many kids now learn their value systems from games like Grand Theft Auto or Hatred. I now work in the youth charity sector, and the industry is booming. We can never get enough staff, so anyone out there that wants to change the world and make it a better place, change your career to mentoring youth.

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