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electricity monitoring


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found this on overgrow, rather worrying.


"To All indoor growers in Australia and then the rest of the World

It has been revealed to me by a high ranking member of a government department that's associated to the Electricity Commission of Australia, that all houses in Australia will soon have their powerMeters changed for new digitalMonitoring units.

These digital units will have the ability to not only accurately monitor everyones power consumption in a real-time scale, but they'll also have the ability to be collectivly connected to a remote server computer, via LAN-Lane and/or other means, that will have subroutines incorporated into its monitoring software that will:

1. Look for any type of consumption pattern that is condusive to indoor HID marijuana growing patterns - power on and power off peaks spaced apart for flowering and vegging regimes. Upon detecting any such activities, immediately notify the police of the situation and provide them with the full details of the user of this node.

2. Detect and alert any powerline jumping/shunting from any one house to another - so tapping into your next door neighbours power line/supply will no longer be possible.

This project has been in the making for over 4years upon the request of the Police to the Electricity Commission in an effort to detect all indoor grows. The final working unit was completed a few months ago, and plans are now in motion for the mass production of these meters, followed by the fast implementation/changeover into all factories, households and any other form of dwelling on the entire Australian Continent and associated Isles that has an electricity supply.

My contact estimates that once the installations have commenced (which they estimate will occur within the next two years) , they have calculated that it will take no longer than 5years to convert almost 95% of existing anologue power meters throughout the country. The remainder will have been completed in less than a couple of years after that.

So once it has been implemented and proven to work in Australia, long before the initial 5year majority installation period is over, I have no doubt that other countries will pick up the technology and run with it also. As my contact did indirectly imply so.

So the days of easily growing a good crop in a room with a few thousand watts of HIDs will soon be a thing of the past.

I cannot answer too much pertaining to this issue as I have already revealed a bit and may put decent folk in trouble by doing so. So please be aware of this. If you are sceptical as to its existance, all I can suggest is that you keep tuned to the media over the next year or so and all your doubts will be resolved.

first up Intermoco is already running a trial of it in Singapore.


Italy too is seeing it.


The company has notable success in Italy, where it was chosen to design meters as part of a €2 billion project to upgrade 27 million homes across the country - it is the largest contract of its type ever awarded. Ampy meters enable Enel Distribuzione Spa in Italy, the world's largest publicly traded utility, to read meters remotely, use energy more efficiently and provide more services to households.

New Zealand is under way...


Australia is just 1 of 27 nations on the roll...


Ampy Email is the biggest metering company in Australia and the UK while Landis+Gyr is better known in Europe and the United States.

Together, the two companies will operate in 27 countries and have annual sales of more than $750 million.

O'Reilly said, with every home and business requiring an electricity meter, the deal established Bayard Capital as a global leader in an essential industry.

Both utility companies operate "smart meters" which send readings back to the company every 15 minutes, enabling the utilities to give customers more detailed information about demand and return and pricing, allowing for more efficient management of electricity.

The smart meters also allow the data to be collected remotely rather than physically read.

The real reason why they're being installed is to be more energy efficient which translates to less Co2 gas emissions since most of the Australian grid is coal run.


Sydney residents will receive subsidised solar panels, new home insulation and "smart meters" to sell excess electricity they generate back to the power grid as part of John Howard's $700 million environment blueprint.

The trial will include installation of the smart meters, which will wind backwards if excess solar power is generated and send it back to the grid. This will typically happen in periods of high demand when air-conditioners are on, enabling householders to sell any excess for premium rates."

[ 02. November 2004, 04:32: Message edited by: nabraxas ]

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Something that environmentalists would like, but dope growers wouldn't - so where does that leave dope growing environmentalists? They'll just have to become their own power stations. Somehow I just see the rich getting richer out of this one. Police will no doubt just find a whole bunch of innocent people who like to grow their own tomatoes hydroponically and decide the whole thing's a waste of time.

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own powerstation? my friend does, to a certain degree but, the electricety people spy on his usage aswell.

i't all bullshit any way most of us grow only legal plant's under our hid lamps don't we?

THIS MONITORING SYSTEM CAN'T TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE GROWING. and i doubt that the police would be granted search warrants, just because of some readings that point towards in door growing.

alternatives will we found, like loading of batteries 24 h a day and than using them after inverting the current for your illegal grow tek's..

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alternatives will we found, like loading of batteries 24 h a day and than using them after inverting the current for your illegal grow tek's..

that definitely seems to be the way around it, like for example, carrying some child's piss on you if you are likely to be drug-tested...

for every weapon there's an "anti-weapon"

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yeah but stick to your own sex, otherwise they might tell you, that you are pregnant, but you are a man, lol. i know another funny drug test story. that guy was told by the nurses of the hospital drink heaps of water before your thc test! that's what he did, 4-5litres of water in a short time he drank....

and a terrible headache he got from it. the water expanded the tissue but the brain can't expand...concludes even water can be deadly!!

but flushing does work, but do it slowly!

sometimes it said the drug testers complain, your urin is to watery, but that can hardly be a crime, say it's a hot day, or you ate salty food or have kidney problems.

yep ther are allways ways out!

and oppression makes us more inventive!

[ 02. November 2004, 11:58: Message edited by: planthelper ]

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Alternatively there will be and explosion in the Fluorescent technology

systems will change

big growers will opt for things like batteries and generators- as no doubt the reduction is home supply will increase commercial profitability.

Home growers will go back to greenhouse style growing or veg under fluoro fruit in greenhouse type teks

of course regulated legalisation would solve all this hassle - that is end the war not intensify it

It would be easier if you were just allowed to grow 10 plants with a simple permit but you arent allowed to sell it or supply it to minors - like homebrew.

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I've never spoken to anyone in the industry re these meters, but rented a house in rural SA a few years back which had one. Investigation showed that, although the device had data-transmission capabilities, was not wired to use such. This would require seperate data-cabling (as in cable-tv etc) or a telephone-line tie-in. The amount of work to do this Australia-wide would be enormous. As for detecting electricity theft, this is pure bullshit.

Anyone who's using enough electricity, in a manner to attract a power company's attention, to grow dope is growing a lot more than they need for themselves. Shouldn't (if and when implemented) be a legal problem to anyone bar the commercial grower.

Constant usage would be the best way to avoid any unwanted attention for the person with one or two small lights. Easy enough to run something of equivalent power consumption to your light while the light's out. Or (more economically) relay two light fittings off one ballast timed at 12hr intervals (ballast never turns off).

Of course, having the times that you use certain electrical appliances in your own home monitored and recorded could be construed as an invasion of privacy by some.


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surely when what you are dealing with turns digital it will be messed with digitally.

someone may be able to work out how to wire these things up to some interface that gives "normal readings"

there would be encryption involed but if its all digital it can be cracked anyway. a lot of disenfranchised really intelligent people out there.

search warrants would also be a tricky issue.

isnt it invasion of privacy to monitor something like that.

perhaps if there was a suspected grower you could ask for search warrant to inspect energy consumption but can you screen a nations energy use for possible matches?

they had that heat seeking technology for picking up heat patterns of plants but that was thrown out via invasion of privacy yeah?

might be a case of leaking information with the sole purpose of scaring people into ripping up their crops.

[ 03. November 2004, 01:17: Message edited by: Hagakure ]

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The future is only a day away


Check out the new range of high output CFL's like the Envirolite and MG super light too :



"Envirolites are 125w, self-ballasted, low energy use, high output, full light spectrum horticultural lamps.This new generation of high efficiency, environmentally friendly, low energy ,low heat signiture compact lamps are designed for indoor growers. They help people with limited space where heat generation can be a problem."


[ 03. November 2004, 02:01: Message edited by: Slarty Fart Blaster ]

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yep, new technology will help.

the new LED's might even offer the chance to grow using a fraction ov the power--even ov fluro's.

p.s-thanks for those links slarty. this is the best i could find on LED's; nothing on actual growlights yet...

[ 03. November 2004, 08:52: Message edited by: nabraxas ]

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