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Where do you find anthocyanin-rich foods?

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There's plenty of research indicating many health benefits from taking anthocyanin-rich foods such as blueberries and blackcurrants. It sure would be handy to know which particular brands or sources of anthocyanin-rich products contain the most anthocyanin. In most of the studies I've read the researchers do the analysis themselves, on say blackcurrants, and don't give anymore information.

Where do you get your anthocyanin-rich products from?

Do you know where to source pure anthocyanins? (food additive number: E163)

Edited by mu!
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Assuming the goal is improved body composition and metabolism i wouldnt even look at fruit juice long enough to get ideas.

At leaat make logical substitutions. Switch carrot and sweet potato to purple style.


Edited by ThunderIdeal
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What's wrong with just eating blueberries? I buy the frozen organic ones from Woolies or the regular Aus-grown frozen ones from Coles and have a handful or so a day. As TI says, you can also eat purple sweet potato and carrots, and there's a bunch of things you can grow yourself to nibble on (if you're in Vic, blackberries come to mind). Fruit juice isn't really very good for you, all that fructose with none of the plant fibre from the fruit itself that would have tempered its negative effects.

I say get a moderate amount of as many different nutrients as you can, from wholefood sources, rather than just focusing on how you can get as much of one nutrient or another into your diet...to me that seems like the healthiest eating strategy. Not to say the anthos aren't great or shouldn't be sought out though.

Edit: to try address your other concern, I doubt there's a way to know exactly how much of any antioxidant compound is in a given sample of produce without actually testing it. I don't know if it's that important though as long as the food you're eating is known to be rich in said nutrient. Unless you really wanna go gung ho and enlistthe help of a lab or a grad student somewhere

Edited by gtarman
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What's wrong with just eating blueberries?

Nothing wrong with eating blueberries, however I would like to keep the amount of food needed to be consumed to a minimum to be economical.

Fruit juice isn't really very good for you, all that fructose with none of the plant fibre from the fruit itself that would have tempered its negative effects.

What would the negative effects be?

I say get a moderate amount of as many different nutrients as you can, from wholefood sources, rather than just focusing on how you can get as much of one nutrient or another into your diet...to me that seems like the healthiest eating strategy. Not to say the anthos aren't great or shouldn't be sought out though.

I couldn't agree more, however not every experimenter is going to have a perfect diet. I'm particularly interested in how anthocyanin rich foods would effect people with quite poor diets, and what effects it would have on their memory and cognition, amongst other things.

I'm particularly interested in seeing if anthocyanins have any noticeable, specific effect so using a antho rich source in small amounts would support this experiment. Overall good health is the end-goal however I'm curious about the antho effect.

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Im pretty sure alchemica hinted at an extracted source in the other thread!

Now, i hope you are going to report back on whether anthocyanin improves your metabolism and or body composition while continuing on a poor diet.

Fruit juice = fatty liver.. not to mention plain old fatty

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you can get bulk anthocyanins from ebay. also blueberry cranberry and raspberry concentrate (in pill form)

edit: i thought you could get extracted anthocyanins, but it's just various berry extracts

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Im pretty sure alchemica hinted at an extracted source in the other thread!

Now, i hope you are going to report back on whether anthocyanin improves your metabolism and or body composition while continuing on a poor diet.

Fruit juice = fatty liver.. not to mention plain old fatty

I wouldn't hold your breath TD as I haven't said I'd be personally enrolling in the experiment or that I have what constitutes a "poor diet", whatever that means.

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When you said you were interested in how antho affects specimens on poor diets i thought you were implying you wanted to find out firsthand.

I assume youre already aware that in rats the symptoms of a calorie rich diet were reversed by antho (sorry i cant be more specific).

I would be a guinea pig and eat whatever i want for a month if there were some anthocyanin capsules i could take...

Ugh i think i repeated myself repeatedly across both threads i clearly have nothing more to cobtribute here. Bowing out now.

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