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a secret policeman. SBS last night.

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an english doco about the training ov recruits to the british police.

how they are trying to combat the self admitted "institutionalised racism" within the force--& failing miserably.

quite shocking to me really--i've not seen that level ov racism for many years.

there was a classic 1983 BBC clip ov an interview w/head ov the Hendon police training centre, where he said he had no problems w/the use ov the words "black bastard"--"it's said every day across the country", & that he didn't consider "nigger" to be offensive----at least some things have changed & the brit cops are being pushed in a PC direction.

--Does much ov that go on in Aus? or can aus cops be as racist as they like w/out fear ov recriminations---like killing aboriginals in custody?

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Originally posted by nabraxas:--Does much ov that go on in Aus? or can aus cops be as racist as they like w/out fear ov recriminations---like killing aboriginals in custody? [/QB]

From my only experience with the police here in WA, they can be quite racist to aboriginal people. A friend and I stopped to patch up an old bloke who had cut himself with a bottle and was convulsing on the sidewalk. The police not so nicely advised us not to do it again, because the risk of infection with HIV and Hep C was too high.

Of my friends who are cops, working with endemic poverty day in and day out makes them bitter and callous, just to be able to do their work. They and the poor need all the support they can get.

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according to the doco there're 4 /5 words that can get you sacked from the uk cops--if spoken in public

--coon, wog, nigger, paki & (maybe) negro.

i wonder what the effect ov the same rules here would be?

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--coon, wog, nigger, paki & (maybe) negro.



What the hell are those?

And negro? Last I checked that was an accepted term (it just means black after all!)

Hmmm- I just dont pay attention to that racism crap, there must be big gaps in my vocabulaty. Is it true that 'Abo' is derogotory slang for aboriginee?

Uuughh- I just cant keep all that stuff straight *wanders off to be at peace with his flowers and peppers*

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gollyWOG--also a banned toy/image--not on the Robertson jam jars since the 80's in the UK--still on the jars & doing the collectable gollywog badges here in aus. also in aus "a wog" is specifically someone from greece or italy(probably reflecting the fact that to white australia policy eyes the first "other europeans" probably looked dark enough to qualify as "wogs" in the gollywog use ov the term, & it just stuck.)

it's also quite common to hear a cold or similar called a wog --"i'm not feeling to good, think i've caught a wog."

PAKIstani--used derogativley to describe anyone from the subcontinent.

yeah, only 1 trainer said negro was a banned word--i don't see it.

& yep, "abo" isn't the best word.

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but tragedy plus time equals comedy,

and that's, what happend with the "wog" boy movie.

nigger is very strong, but gets used in rap songs all the time. and thats good, one can use the word nigger even as a friendly title, if the two are good friends (like rap song crack heads), i mean!

might add: white cunt.

i come from austria and have a strong accent,

and, allthou i fit the white australia policy,

feel often downgraded.

might add: nazi for austrians and germans.

i remeber a few in german,

might add: polake for polish

might add: tschusch for former jugoslawia.

might add: itaker for italien.

oh, edit:

...the austrian, german and swiss police is very,

anti migrants and foreigners...

the police uses degrading code/nicknames,

say for wheelchair users or mental patients and so on, i talk austria here and of storys which i read about a long time ago.

[ 16. January 2004, 10:42: Message edited by: planthelper ]

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Why don't we just list all the racist slurs we know so we can make sure we don't leave anyone out :)

Wog seems to be used more now then just Italians and Greeks... The Lebanese and Turkish people also identify themselves as wogs now.


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When I worked in melbourne in 1982/83 workmates told me that anyone from another country in Australia was called a "wog", but yes mainly mediterrenean types.

Englishmen were "whinging poms".

In return we "wogs" called the Australians "convicts".

I thought I'd drop this little story here:

The time:1980. My girlfriend's and my first visit to Australia for a few months.

Whilst driving through Sydney, we felt thirsty, and stopped at a pub on the side of the road.

Whilst having a beer, we sat next to two "blokes", one of them passed out seemingly sleeping on the counter.

The other one started to talk to us, and asked where we came from.

I said: "germany..."

The dude who was seemingly sleeped, suddenly awoke and shouted: "germany! The War! Bloody nazis..."

I was completely shocked and didn't know what to do...

was the guy going to attack me?

It would have been me against the whole pub...

So I just froze, looked at the "bloke", then at the bartender as if to say, do you allow this kind of behaviour?

The bartender looked as if he couldn't care less...

Nothing happened, we finished our beers and got out...

from then on we were more careful as to tell where we came from...

We were told it was actually better to say you're from Austria or Switzerland, half of the time people wouldn't even know where these countries were located...

yet if you come from germany, you are automatically a nazi...

oh yeah, "shepherd" or "rottweiler" is another slang for Germans.

The american "kraut" is not used in Australia.

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Quote from Gomaos,

"The american "kraut" is not used in Australia."

Down here in tassie I have heard Kraut since I was a kid,I even have a mate "Charlie The Kraut"

A Yugoslavian guy I know Gets Called

"Hugo The Yugo"(His name is really Peter) by his mates.

A lot of the Foriegn families down here get called "Old Money Families" Most of them came to Aus for the Snowy River Scheme and are now mostly Farmers, And they put a lot of their time and generosity into their respective communities and receive it back, These Nicknames dont realy seem to be taken in offence down here ???

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