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contact high: the perils of megapharmahuasca

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Hi everyone!

I just had to write this, something happened to my "gnome" today that has totally changed his outlook and metaphysics. You know often substances keep pretty much to themselves, in your own head, that is to say that they can change you on the inside, but afterwards the world is the same. But listen to this:

PS all uses of the word "I" "me" "myself" and "mine" are taken to refer to the gnome's experiences, not Thelema's.

T-2hours: 150mg Moclobemide

T-1/2 hour: 150mg Moclobemide

T 0: 450mg DMT dissloved in water ingested.

*****WARNING: this amount of DMT should only be attempted by seasoned veterans. My gnome in no way recommends such high doseages for normal folk, even normal DMT folk**********

T 20mins: Geometry starts

T 30mins: Propulsion into DMT universe. There's little I can say about the next 3.5 hours, unless youve been silly enough to try such a high dose. Comparisons to "normal" doses at 75mg-150mg pale in comparison. For anyone who HAS done ayahuasca, let me just say that 450mg seems about 10 times stronger in speed, intensity and in ego loss.

T 2.5 hours: Try to remember the half life of moclobemide, and the average time of an ayahuasca trip. Can't think, cant locate myself as a person in a bed. Cant locate myself as even a PERSON who has ingested anything.

T 3.5 hours: During this whole time my gnomes partner has come back with baby son gnome, who is about 2 1/2 years old. Vaguely recall that during my trip, partner yelling a lot at son and son throwing objects at partner's head and being violent. This alone is VERY disturbing, as usually both are placid and well behaved. Partner NEVER yells at son, and son NEVER behaves in such a way. I remember contacting son telepathically during the trip, realizing that I was affecting him. But these things afterwards can be given to the imagination....


T 3.5 hours: Walk out of room still nuts, and see partner losing it with anger at son, flinging him onto time-out couch. Cant deal with the emotions of anger at the moment: I tell my partner to take a walk and pick up my bawling son and take him outside, explaining that Mom still loves him etc...but he REALLY starts freaking out...Im outside in the dirt with him, and visual traces are everywhere, about 30cm long on every moving object. He starts crying, crying, saying "bee's, bee's bee's" which is his generic name for bee's, flys and objects like that moving in his visual field.

I explain to him there are no bee's or flies. But he insists and is still freaking. he picks up a short stick and waves it in front of him. "Bee's!" he yells frightenedly, and I see that his EYES are following the trail of the stick. he waves his hands and looks curiously at them and yells "bee's" and his EYES are following EXACTLY what I myself can see as visual tracers.

With a sudden teror I realize that HE is seeing visual tracers too!!!!

I WAS right that he was picking up on my trip, and I suspect that the household discordance was also a result of emotional/psychic confusion.

As a postnote, I have noted that at nights when I have had extremely strong trips that have gone wrong (mostly due to my mixing things with SSRI's and other things) my son has woken in terror, and mom has had to calm him: all the while he is calling for me: "Dad, DAD!" He NEVER does this at any other time. EVER.

So thats it for me. I can control myself and have remarkable stamina for mind fucks, but now it is plainly obvious that it is also affecting my 2 1/2 yo son. i dont know how or why, I'm pretty much a materialist/anti-transcendental gnostic, and can't find a way to explain this that FITS into my overall universal picture which has been ultra-tuned with a degree in philosophy.

But never again will I take such substances in the same house or in the close vicinity of my son

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So does that mean kids are, or can be, in telepathic contact with their parents?

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Hell yeah!

You mean you've never been entrapped by a toddler,one that can't even 'speak' yet?

Socialisation brings them back to our reality over time.And that's when the dramas begin.

I believe we're born with infinite possibilities,and spend the rest of our lives trying to get it all back!

Truly amazing story Thel.

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He shares the same genes,..... he resonates with your gnome.

He still has to do allot of realizing before he can stabelize by himself. ( control his inner animal)

I think Pharmahuasca confronts the animal inside head on,.... maybe your gnome has his inner animal fairly well under control,.... the kid, who probably still is ( very ) suceptible for whatever goes on in his surroundings.

So your Gnomes connection with his kid pushed his subconscious ( underlaying) vibes right to the surface,... leading to his rebelious behaviour.

Something to work on! Help your gnomes kid reach for the stars!

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i think sheldrake's morphic field theory would be a good explanation, as brian said the similarity in the DNA creates a greater resonance so that you can tap into one another's thought fields.

i don't think that taking these substances further away from him would prevent this from occurring, though it would be a good experiment (if you wanna risk it again). interesting stuff

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i've noticed that cats & dogs seem to have some awareness ov when you're tripping.

they definately start acting weird---keeping a distance, being over friendly, etc.

sure there's a stronger link 'tween our kids than our pets(mostly ), so i believe you're right.

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500mg seems to be the upper limit for most people (not that there are that many who have done this!) which is workable or useful to do orally...

Anything above 500mgs appears unecessary and does not appear to take one to anywhere as rich which half that amount may facilitate...one just goes too far 'out there'...and often won't remember of integrate what occurs.

Consider that many acacia extracts contain 5meo (7% as tested on one extract) and other alkaloids which can contribute highly to the state!

Even if one does remember and retain consciousness of what has occured at these dosage levels...what is worked with is usually ess able to be integrated with one's human form...

However, 300mgs is still a good high amount to work with...and again, with acacia extracts, not all of that quantity will be DMT...which is different every time...it may be almost totally that, it may be only 70% or something like that...it is just so variable on the specific tree, the solvent used, how well it was cleaned and lots of other variables!

200mg is a good medium dosage for people these days...and of course, different people respond to different amounts...

Be wary of moclobemide...it doesn't have the natural quality of intelligence of rue or the vine which can assist stabilisation/integration...and perhaps should be treated more as a novelty than anything else...

There have been too many reports of people getting into trouble with Moclobemide, which may have been avoided if people did use a natural MAOI.

Then again, I know people who have used Moclobemide to great effect! It is simply just not recommended as a long term solution to MAO inhibition!


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Guest electro

that is absolutley amazing.

I would love to have the resources to do a study on that phenomenon.. so much could be learnt about people through a series of small experiments this way.

(you have to wonder if your child picks up on you normally, on "good trips" or just during the bad / intense ones)

thankyou for sharing that :)

i would also stop taking them near the kid though just incase it messes with his head (unprepared trips are never good, especially at a young age).

ALso does he pick up on trips his mother takes? and has he picked up on your trips when you are in a seperate location to him.

(this supports my theory that hallucenogens shut down areas of our brain, forcing us to use unused areas sometimes enabling new doors of communication to be openes & sences we normally 'Could not" use [unless trained?])

( i wonder if you are sending out info and your untainted [by ideas, fact, exposure to our culture/world ) child is open enough to pick up on this, or if he is actively hunting and gathering the information from you that just is, rather than the info being sent)

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My gnome has experienced similar experience's with both his nephew (4 yrs) and his dog on seperate occasions after smoking shiva.

My gnome was trading pokemon cards with his nephew and recalls merely thinking (telepathically) which charater he wanted from his nephew and on nearly all occassions would recieve the card he wanted.

My gnome also experienced a similar thing when playing hide the squeeky toy with his dog, but finds the experience harder to explain - can't recall much of that one. I think my gnome had been drinking that night also.

My gnome would like to try similar experiments again sometime soon.


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my gnome totally agrees Julian. In fact, soon he'll be writing up a comparison of a single double blind trial of the effects of 3 different types of MAOI ayahuasca.Moclobemide only reversibly effects type A MAO. I dunno how many types there are, but its a sure bet there's a "B". Maybe type B is the better one to utilize "natural intelligences".

[ 11. December 2003, 17:21: Message edited by: Thelema ]

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Julian, I'm truly sorry I never got a chance to know you better at EB3 and have the chance to travel up the mountain with you. I know those who came back down were awestruck, and I wish I had been among them.


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Maybe see you there next time!

I have had experiences with moclobemide that I don't think could come through with ayahuasca or rue...the one on the mountain was a bit like that. (i.e. complete melt down!)

I think more stray energies and beings can get access to one's consciosness...I found this with DPT too (horrible but powerful!)

Really, I would recommend people stay away from moclobemide, and learn how to do a manske salt extraction if they are going to doing MAOI's...

It is literally as simple as making a brew from the ground seeds, filtering it and letting it stand for 24 hours to get rid of any sediment, and then adding 100g of fine sea salt per 1000mls, letting it sit in the fridge for a day or two and a whole bunch of harmaline crystals

will form on the bottom of the jar!


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