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NSW Government to seize babies of mothers who use drugs


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I hope all this doesn't go the way it has in the UK



A pregnant woman has had her baby forcibly removed by caesarean section by social workers.

Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and her child to be taken from her womb.

The council said it was acting in the best interests of the woman, an Italian who was in Britain on a work trip, because she had suffered a mental breakdown.

The baby girl, now 15 months old, is still in the care of social services, who are refusing to give her back to the mother, even though she claims to have made a full recovery.

The woman, who says she was kept in the dark about the proceedings, says that after five weeks in the ward she was forcibly sedated. When she woke up she was told that the child had been delivered by C-section and taken into care.

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Calls to increase the number of parental competency checks by government workers

EVERY expectant mother should undergo compulsory parenting competency checks in an effort to keep our young from becoming criminals, a committee of MPs recommends.

A report by a parliamentary committee on anti-social and criminal behaviour, tabled in the South Australia Parliament, also says parents should receive annual home visits from authorities until their children start school.

It says intervention would be more successful than punishment at curbing crime and has heard that many youth offenders come from "low-functioning" families.

The committee said extending the current practice of a home visit in a child's first six weeks to before birth and every year until school would help improve the quality of parenting and home environments.

This, the committee says, would help prevent a young person developing and acting on anti-social attitudes.

>>snip>> click kink to read full article


no such thing as a Big Brother mentality getting around eh lol

Edited by michael1968
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i wrote nothing about wanting zero gov. For example, i have written at least twice in this thread that deregulation of australia's economy was very bad...what gives?

i don't think what i am saying is that complex, most of my posts to this thread are short so how did you get that from what i have said?

I am talking about tyranny, have another look over my posts here.

Edited by Sonny Jim
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Because the alternative to government is what? Some kind of fucked up anarchy? Capitalism with no control?

People have fought long and hard to make the governments of our world more democratic and accountable, I see that as a huge improvement than having no controls at all. Why? Because if we let them, the vast corporations will take control, become your government, and you will have no say whatsoever in how they treat people or the planet.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Seriously, you cant see that it has already happened?? Whondo you think the politicians answer too? What do you think the rudd/redhead debacle was really???

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Actually Anarchy is self control. It is the people in positions of control who fear that people can't control their own lives (probably a reflection of their inner self) and imagine that society would denigrate into chaos and somewhere along the way over time the definition of Anarchy has changed from self control to out of control chaos.

Some may say look at the savage races before political control. I say look at our savage race (run by political elite) that has killed hundreds of millions of people in just the last century alone. The world over that is.

Edited by michael1968
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Actually Anarchy is self control. It is the people in positions of control who fear that people can't control their own lives (probably a reflection of their inner self) and imagine that society would denigrate into chaos and somewhere along the way over time the definition of Anarchy has changed from self control to out of control chaos.

Some may say look at the savage races before political control. I say look at our savage race (run by political elite) that has killed hundreds of millions of people in just the last century alone. The world over that is.

Yes welll by the sound of your description most tribes live in anarchy and it appears to work for them, yes they have heirarchies but it is still self controlled.

Bring on the anarchy, we need to get away from having fuckwit figure heads telling us 'you can't do this and you can't do that' we are owned like sheep and by a handful of wealthy power addicts/nutcases..

I might be deemed a nutcase but i don't hunger for power/position etc over any other human being. The stupid thing is all of us 'trailertrash' or bottom rungers can't get our heads together to take whats ours and we outnumber them. Most people in western society want to be the elite and are too scared to speak out in case someone else pushes them off the ladder and they fall to the bottom rung. Fuck that who wants to climb when the landings so hard and you are assured you will never make it to the top. I accept myself as a fellow human equal to all but i don't judge my equality by what i can earn or how far i get as most do, which means nothing in a society that uses that measure stick..

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I’m a passionate cannabis activist, so it does really get to me when I here stories about people having there kids taken off them for such a trivial reason as being known cannabis users. But at the same time there’s plenty of parents out there who smoke weed and don’t have there kids removed because they realise that (right or wrong) cannabis is illegal and there for manage to keep there shit on the down low. So I think in reality you really have to ask yourself, if parents are smoking weed so openly that some dog who would ring human services on them knows about it, then maybe they need to reassess if they are actually bringing there kids up in a healthy environment.

Seriously, you cant see that it has already happened?? Whondo you think the politicians answer too? What do you think the rudd/redhead debacle was really???

Gillard had the right friends and Rudd had the wrong enemies, pretty simple really. I don’t personally agree with what happened there because it went against the whole democratic process and simply should not of been allowed to happen. But just because I think the process of government isn’t perfect, doesn’t mean I want to go back and live on the plains of Africa with no technology getting chased around by lions and shit. We need a centralised power so us humans can progress to a higher existence. I don’t really give a shit what they say I can and can’t do, because I’ll do whatever I want to do anyway and except the consequences as they come, since I already indulge in the perks of a centralised power, just like everyone here.

Personally, I’m all for a one world government where everyone is working towards one goal of human advancement. Not like the United States of America where there’s a single leader though, but more like the European Union.

Just imagine what humans would be capable of if we banned religion and extremist spiritual beliefs and started concentrating on what makes us similar and worked together as one, rather than running around concentrating on what makes us different just looking after our own stupid needs. We’d already be inhabiting the moon and mars and travelling to other star systems and shit. Just imagine if we were using our resources to have more control over our own existence, instead of using all your resources to fight and protect yourselves from each other. We’d already have technology to allow us to live forever and would be able to use the sun and other energy sources to sustain ourselves and have all the resources that we would ever need.

Edited by Subaeruginosin
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