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The Corroboree

P cubensis found in potted cactus in SA


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So i've been exploring my backyard the last few days... i've found a few plants that I didn't plant now growing 'wild' in my backyard which is pretty cool.

One of the things I noticed was a mushroom sitting inside a cramped Notocactus magnificus pot. I bought the cactus sometime last year and since then have repotted it once in some standard potting mix/perlite, nothing too fancy.

I thought it was pretty cool because the mushroom cap certainly couldn't have fit inside the pot when it was growing, it grew up then out so I thought that was enough to take a few photos of it.

After looking at it for a bit I noticed that it had the same shape as a cube, same smell, same sorta look and was even starting to bruise a little blue with some blue around the edges of the mushroom already.

As far as I was concerned it was some Agaricus randomly growing as they often do in SA but as the blueing became more intense I had to pick it just to make sure. The whole goddamn stem where I picked turned blue! It also had a dark blacky spore print too!

I didn't take any more pictures after I picked it though, soon as I IDed it I threw it in the fireplace..

I can't explain why it would be growing there... logically I must've had something to do with it but I can't for the life of me remember ever doing anything particularly to that pot...

Interesting stuff I thought, potential for cubes to naturalize in SA? ^ ^

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in regards to spores on verm i always wondered that my perlite is purple after a grow i thought about just mixing it with paterized straw see what happens

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  • 2 weeks later...

it doesn't look like a gold top cuz they only grow in queensland and new south wales, but yeah, madness, due to the blueish discoulouration...what type of soil are you usiing? is there an element of cow shit in it, cuz if there is, you'll be good to go, just don't rip out the mycelin lol, or youll be fucked. nice cacti BTW.

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