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The Corroboree

Help Save My Catha's

Bread Filter

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Personally, I find Amgrow is the best seed-raising mix. Consistent, well-draining, yet holds moisture. Debro Is rubbish, I once had a batch that took MINUTES to drain, too much fine crap blocking it up. Haven't tried Searles.

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Personally, I find Amgrow is the best seed-raising mix. Consistent, well-draining, yet holds moisture. Debro Is rubbish, I once had a batch that took MINUTES to drain, too much fine crap blocking it up. Haven't tried Searles.


Cool. I'll have to check it out as intend to buy my Debco products from Masters now.

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this is starting to become a very good and informative thread! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

and what bf calls "trolling" just to insult me, because he is probably aware, what shruhman started, i would not call it trolling at all.

my strong commitment, to this thread, has even brought tort out of the woods, and he placed a good post here, something, which he unfortunately hardly has time for this days (i don't mean it bad).

without the controversy, he probably would not have posted...

may i add something to torts post, and correct me if wrong.

tort has a different methode to me, and it has advantages to mine and disadvatages. and i know tort doesn't take that the wrong way, because he is experienced. only in experienced growers see elephants were are none.

tort sends out bare root, this aswell avoids WATER LAYER ISSUES, in short there is no danger of, THE COMMING TOGETHER OF SOILS WITH DIFFERENT WATER HOLDING CAPECETIES AND DRAINAGE!!!!

but he has to take leaves off, so basicly instead of let's say, 40 solar panels (leaves) you get a few less.

this will decrease the virgor of the plant.

and there are other issues with this methode, but i will not go into it.

bare rooting works very well, and most people do it that way.

i don't because i believe my methode has several advantages over bare rooting.

but my methode doesn't stopp the client from, replacing all the soil, so you can go torts methode with my plants on arrival.

and regarding, TRANSPLANT SHOCK, this would only happen to an inexperienced grower, i never had transplant shock, and nobody ever in thousands of plants sent out, reported to me they encountered transplanting shock!!!

the customer wants a big plant in a small pot, and catha has no problems with that.

it's common knowledge and practise, that one even removes some roots or draws a knife thru the root ball, of most plants before re potting, and even if this is done to a high degree, the plant will be fine.

i have removed 2/3 of roots at some cathas as a research project, and the catha was fine, naturaly this means removing 2/3 of the above ground aswell.

i don't know why all my good info, is called trolling by the topic starter, but as said i think he only wants to hurt me,

and it does hurt me, but only little, because it is a lie.

Edited by planthelper
instead of prunning, re moved leaves
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this is starting to become a very good and informative thread!

and what bf calls "trolling" just to insult me, because he is probably aware, what shruhman started, i would not call it trolling at all.

my strong commitment, to this thread, has even brought tort out of the woods, and he placed a good post here, something, which he unfortunately hardly has time for this days (i don't mean it bad).

without the controversy, he probably would not have posted...

may i add something to torts post, and correct me if wrong.

tort has a different methode to me, and it has advantages to mine and disadvatages. and i know tort doesn't take that the wrong way, because he is experienced. only in experienced growers see elephants were are none.

tort sends out bare root, this aswell avoids WATER LAYER ISSUES, in short there is no danger of, THE COMMING TOGETHER OF SOILS WITH DIFFERENT WATER HOLDING CAPECETIES AND DRAINAGE!!!!

but he has to take leaves off, so basicly instead of let's say, 40 solar panels (leaves) you get a few less.

this will decrease the virgor of the plant.

and there are other issues with this methode, but i will not go into it.

bare rooting works very well, and most people do it that way.

i don't because i believe my methode has several advantages over bare rooting.

but my methode doesn't stopp the client from, replacing all the soil, so you can go torts methode with my plants on arrival.

and regarding, TRANSPLANT SHOCK, this would only happen to an inexperienced grower, i never had transplant shock, and nobody ever in thousands of plants sent out, reported to me they encountered transplanting shock!!!

the customer wants a big plant in a small pot, and catha has no problems with that.

it's common knowledge and practise, that one even removes some roots or draws a knife thru the root ball, of most plants before re potting, and even if this is done to a high degree, the plant will be fine.

i have removed 2/3 of roots at some cathas as a research project, and the catha was fine, naturaly this means removing 2/3 of the above ground aswell.

i don't know why all my good info, is called trolling by the topic starter, but as said i think he only wants to hurt me,

and it does hurt me, but only little, because it is a lie.


Quoted for posterity

Torsten got involved because I contacted him and asked him for his help to resolve this.

Call me whatever names you like PH. This is my last reply to you as I have been advised to ignore you.

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you, ignoring me is good, i'm happy now!

but for the other people, i say the topicstarter is a lier and makes things up to make me look bad.

wher have i called him names, nowhere.

if he referes to me calling him a liar, i don't think calling a person a liar, constitues any form of name calling.

i leave it to the readers to decide, if he is a liar or not, or if i'm a troll. but i think, i'm not a troll, because i give very good advice here.

edit: refering to #56, i thought you will ignore me???

and not being 100% sure about something, is hardly a crime or fault, now is it.

on the contrary, it shows that i'm willing to show my uncertanties, something that probably the topicstarter never does.


Posted for posterity

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I assume when I am hitting the report button that the reports have been going to Planthelper to be addressed as he is the moderator of this forum? If this is the case can another mod please step in? I feel this would be appropriate.


no, don't worry, i assure you, either tort or any of the super mods will deal with your reports.

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Unapproved the reported post. I think this has gotten way out of hand and i think its time to stop this now! This kind of debate only hurts the both of you and thats not really helping anyone.

PH, nobody blames your for the condition of the plants and everyone knows how good you care about everything you raised. Thats totally out the question and im sure that it wasnt bf´s intention to blame you for the condition of the plants. Its sad but shit happens sometimes. Newbies need to make experiences and we learn through our failures. Its sad that it were your babies ph but all this negative energy is only making it worse. I´d propose you both leave it like that.

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Unapproved the reported post. I think this has gotten way out of hand and i think its time to stop this now! This kind of debate only hurts the both of you and thats not really helping anyone.

PH, nobody blames your for the condition of the plants and everyone knows how good you care about everything you raised. Thats totally out the question and im sure that it wasnt bf´s intention to blame you for the condition of the plants. Its sad but shit happens sometimes. Newbies need to make experiences and we learn through our failures. Its sad that it were your babies ph but all this negative energy is only making it worse. I´d propose you both leave it like that.


Thanks for the reply EG.

I really don't feel that I am out of line whatsoever with any of my replies. I have responded to questions that have been asked and tried to keep it civil but I am constantly being antagonised.

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i think ph and breadfilter are two of my fav members here and i remember fondly BF havin a lagochillius fri night post by post and planthelpers deep throat mouth fuck thread, now i have introduced the small talk and am now moving on i think ignoring is not the way to go BF, PH is obviously very passionate about greenthumbing and that can only be admired. spending or recieving money makes no-one god.

personally i am a pathetic green thumb, yet my philosophy of simplicity works wonders...not, if ever anything fails its due to lazyness and neglect. my theory goes against all nursery rules, probably because im too lazy to sell and i theorise that life evolved out of lazyness. how did catha edulis get here in the first place...not through a potting mix. it started somewhere in probable poor soil and poor conditions....hey anyone can emulate that.

i have no doubt that nurserys, green thumbs, the experienced and avid botanists and co get it right from time to time but nitrogen and phosphorus levels just go right over my head, and it also costs alot of money. i always remember to k.i.s.s my plants...as in Keep It Simple Stupid. I did a hole in my backyard, mayby 3 feet deep. I collect the soil, which in perth is relatively grey sandy, i fill up my pots, i take sucker cuttings, if im keen i dip them in honey. I put them under a tree and water occasonally. For all that effort i think i get at least a 95% return. Then whenever time permits they are planted and i pick up some free horse shit once a year, i leave the horse shit to mature for a month in a corner and then i rake around the plants with it. Then i let nature take over.

BF your plants look dry, trim half the leaves and drop them into the ground, if you cant thenfind the poorest soil you can, potting mixes are simply a scam if you ask me. The poor soil will force the plant to survive. It kicks in theirsurvival mechanism which is the pre curser to life. I believe with plants in the infant stage less is more. Once established, then you can experiment.

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i think ph and breadfilter are two of my fav members here and i remember fondly BF havin a lagochillius fri night post by post and planthelpers deep throat mouth fuck thread, now i have introduced the small talk and am now moving on i think ignoring is not the way to go BF, PH is obviously very passionate about greenthumbing and that can only be admired. spending or recieving money makes no-one god.

personally i am a pathetic green thumb, yet my philosophy of simplicity works wonders...not, if ever anything fails its due to lazyness and neglect. my theory goes against all nursery rules, probably because im too lazy to sell and i theorise that life evolved out of lazyness. how did catha edulis get here in the first place...not through a potting mix. it started somewhere in probable poor soil and poor conditions....hey anyone can emulate that.

i have no doubt that nurserys, green thumbs, the experienced and avid botanists and co get it right from time to time but nitrogen and phosphorus levels just go right over my head, and it also costs alot of money. i always remember to k.i.s.s my plants...as in Keep It Simple Stupid. I did a hole in my backyard, mayby 3 feet deep. I collect the soil, which in perth is relatively grey sandy, i fill up my pots, i take sucker cuttings, if im keen i dip them in honey. I put them under a tree and water occasonally. For all that effort i think i get at least a 95% return. Then whenever time permits they are planted and i pick up some free horse shit once a year, i leave the horse shit to mature for a month in a corner and then i rake around the plants with it. Then i let nature take over.

BF your plants look dry, trim half the leaves and drop them into the ground, if you cant thenfind the poorest soil you can, potting mixes are simply a scam if you ask me. The poor soil will force the plant to survive. It kicks in theirsurvival mechanism which is the pre curser to life. I believe with plants in the infant stage less is more. Once established, then you can experiment.


Thanks for the post santiago.

I can't put the plants in the ground at the moment as it is still getting down in the minus temps here. I am going to go with Torsten's rescue advice.

I have been advised by the powers that be to ignore Planthelper's posts as I can't put him on my ignore list because he is a mod. I take that advice very seriously.

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I hope they give you a free meal now and then....

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Just got back from work not long ago, so didn't see this thread until now. I see value in the mods sticking up for each other a lot of the time, but it's also important that mods aren't above the law so to speak, and for this reason, it's great having two mods per forum so there's someone who can take a more objective look at stuff like this.

I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't really know how all this started, but I don't much care, because you've both been arguing back and forth, and if either one of you had just let it be it probably wouldn't have gone this far.

It seems like it's pretty much resolved now, but if either of you post anything negative about, or directed to, each other in this thread, it will be deleted.

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Just got back from work not long ago, so didn't see this thread until now. I see value in the mods sticking up for each other a lot of the time, but it's also important that mods aren't above the law so to speak, and for this reason, it's great having two mods per forum so there's someone who can take a more objective look at stuff like this.

I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't really know how all this started, but I don't much care, because you've both been arguing back and forth, and if either one of you had just let it be it probably wouldn't have gone this far.

It seems like it's pretty much resolved now, but if either of you post anything negative about, or directed to, each other in this thread, it will be deleted.


If you read through the thread ballzac you will see that I have been constantly antagonised into my replies. Could you please read through the thread?

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Well I read the thread, and for what it's worth I agree that planthelper was out of line. Apart from possibly making you feel a little better that it is being acknowledged by other mods, I don't know what it really achieves.

My original points still stand. If both of you just stop arguing about this then it's over.

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Well I read the thread, and for what it's worth I agree that planthelper was out of line. Apart from possibly making you feel a little better that it is being acknowledged by other mods, I don't know what it really achieves.

My original points still stand. If both of you just stop arguing about this then it's over.


Thanks for that. It helps to clear up the confusion from your original post.

If you have noticed I stopped replying to Planthelper after I was advised to do so.

Edited by ballzac
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I'd like to extend an Olive branch to Planthelper and ask that we just bury our squabble now. I am sorry if I have offended you. It was never my intention. You grow fantastic plants and are an asset to our community.

You don't have to be friends with me if you don't like but how about we just treat each other civilly for the sake of the forum?

Apologies to anyone else I have caused any grief to over this. I am ready to put it to bed.

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Just for the record, any post reported is placed into the report centre to which all mods have access. There is no way for mods to delete these reports, so even if a mod is involved in an argument it iwll be others mods or me dealing with it.

PH, re sending plants, we supply to many noobs, so we like to make sure they survive moreso than look great. Leaves are not that important in the short term. The plants will quickly make new ones that suit the destination climate. I am sure you know how stressful it can be for a plant to go from a subtropical wet summer to 40C desert heat in south australia. No amount of watering will protect them.

We also usually don't send bare rooted. Only some cacti & succs are sent bare. Everything else is sent in pots at SAB. My point was that if the soil is at all disturbed during transit or on arrival [eg repotting] then the root hairs no longer have contact with the soil particles. This takes at least a few days to rectify, which is why 'transplant shock' is avoided by plentiful watering and a humidity dome. However, the more reliable method [especially when dealing with inexperienced growers] is to remove leaves. This is just our personal preference because it avoids exactly the problem you see in this thread ;) Experienced growers usually don't care too much about a few leaves as they know they will grow back.

btw, something that hasn't been mentioned yet is th possibility of cold exposure in transit. some of the mail facilities in the highlands could easily get down to frost temps.

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I have had 1-2 seedlings that have had a few leaves dry out (old growth, not new). I'm not sure if it's from too much watering, or too little. I generally watered once every 2-3 weeks in winter, as the plants got very little direct sun and were outside (under shelter, but presumably with some condensation).

I'll trim the leaves on the 1-2 that have had dry leaves. Hopefully that helps them.

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Just for the record, any post reported is placed into the report centre to which all mods have access. There is no way for mods to delete these reports, so even if a mod is involved in an argument it iwll be others mods or me dealing with it.

We also usually don't send bare rooted. Only some cacti & succs are sent bare. Everything else is sent in pots at SAB.


all the ibogas i got from you were bare rooted.

i guess, you understand what i pointed out, a bare catha, would have not being able to cause, the topicstarter's troubles.

i never take leaves off, and no body ever had trouble with my plants.

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I'd like to extend an Olive branch to Planthelper and ask that we just bury our squabble now. I am sorry if I have offended you. It was never my intention. You grow fantastic plants and are an asset to our community.

You don't have to be friends with me if you don't like but how about we just treat each other civilly for the sake of the forum?

Apologies to anyone else I have caused any grief to over this. I am ready to put it to bed.


it's very kind and mature of you, to offer me, an olive branch, thx buddy,

i'm sorry for all the stress and upset, my input has produced in this thread. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Edited by planthelper
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