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Divine Intervention about to occur.


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My curiosity is piqued, I will admit, but I am loathe to go to your links for a couple of reasons - the main one is that I don't know what they are, and what sort of spyware they might download on to my computer.

Secondly, just as your conspiracy of 9/11 is a theory, so is the official version - largely because the evidence has been destroyed (which is suspicious in itself).

Now, I would like to know who is doing the arresting - okay, it's the police, but who is providing the evidence? I hope it's not the Catholics, or the Muslims, because I might be opposed to any new world order they impose as a matter of principle. I guess it's unlikely that it's the Chinese, or the Russians, or anyone else really. So who has this evidence? Julian Assange's friends?

Also, I would like to know what charges they are being arrested upon. You see, what I see as criminality - stealing from the poor, corrupting politicians etc. is actually something that our society - and laws - agree are generally acceptable behaviour (laws the very wealthy ensure are in place to protect themselves, I might add).

So who is behind these mass arrests, and under what charges are they being arrested for?

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Also, I would like to know what charges they are being arrested upon. You see, what I see as criminality - stealing from the poor, corrupting politicians etc. is actually something that our society - and laws - agree are generally acceptable behaviour (laws the very wealthy ensure are in place to protect themselves, I might add).

So who is behind these mass arrests, and under what charges are they being arrested for?


bingo... thats what the arrests are based on.. the very facts you just stated.

crimes against humanity is a easier way to put it

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That last one you just posted reminds me a lot of the Zeitgeist & Zeitgeist:Addendum documentaries. If my memory serves me correctly, the production approach, the emotions, the 'one step from hysteria' communication etc are similar.

Whitey, that link above your post is legit, it takes you straight to a video. And its only three minutes long.

Or is it !? Or is Psylo is the corporate illuminati & destroyer of hippiees, intend on infecting your devices, sucking you into the cloud of cyber control ?

Do Not Click Here

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Well, maybe Julian Assange's stuff really was as good as he said. The UK Guardian promised us to release info that would destroy the banks last year, but has been silent ever since.

I look forward to the imminent arrests, and am (as always) poised to take my position in the new world order.

But if they start arresting my neighbours, I know something is wrong because they wouldn't be my neighbours if they were members of this monster conspiracy.

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7baz, before you allow yourself to believe too much of this, keep in mind that David Wilcock believes hat he's the reincarnation of a faith healing, prophecy-spouting psychic called Edgar Cayce.

Does that sound far-fetched ? Because this is the guy behind your first video.

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It all sounds a bit wonderful and ties in nicely with what I know about the Wikileaks furore. I will watch the large vid tomorrow night if I have the time and the patience, but what concerns me most is a breakdown in communications and supplies if things go a bit wrong. I could be cut off from my family in a difficult situation, while they will probably be okay at home (we have supplies to last a while, ultra-paranoid, eh, still might go and grab a few more bags of rice though) I won't be there to help. Perhaps we should have a thread on what to do in the event of a temporary breakdown in the normal state of affairs?

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Water (how many litres a day for 30 days?)

Heaps of rice and lentils (how much?)

A small camping stove - plenty of gas

LED flashlights

Ways of contacting friends and family quickly

Longer term:

A way of getting out of the city

A gun, martial arts skills

Stashes of food etc. in the bush

Seeds for growing food

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You aren't seriously entertaining the notion that this is true, whitewings? Please say it ain't so.

File it alongside "Y2K", "Aficanised Bees" & "Bird Flue decimating 14 of humans", and move on...... to the next fanciful notion to appear on the internet in a month.

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No idea why I said bird flu decimating 14 humans, that was true. I meant to refer to the great fear of the virus wiping out 50% of humankind a few years ago.

Yes, be prepared. Stock up on food & other supplies ! Then consider an anternative conspiracy. That the corporations are actually funding these nutbag conspiracy videos at certain times of the year, to increase their profits of tinned baked beans, bottled water, petrol & camp ovens. It's an excellent, cheap viral-marketing manipulation to boost sales during a slow financial quarter. Nobody would suspect their motives because very cleverly they gear the campaign to makes themselves out to be the victims, but come April month end, sales figures are up by 30% !

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Just a footnote...

As an ancestor of the French Aristocracy that fled persecution when the peasants revolted and tried to viciously kill and dismember my family members i'm offended that the same thing could be happening now in my time.

How many bankers have to be beheaded till our bloodlust for revenge based on our own inadequacies are sated?

The Committee of Public Safety came under the control of Maximilien Robespierre, a lawyer, and the Jacobins unleashed the Reign of Terror (1793–1794). According to archival records, at least 16,594 people died under the guillotine or otherwise after accusations of counter-revolutionary activities.[66] A number of historians note that as many as 40,000 accused prisoners may have been summarily executed without trial or died awaiting trial.

Sounds awesome, i'd love to be apart of that :/

edit: don't rage too hard... i'm 50% trolling. still murder isn't something i'd like to start a new age with

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Psylo Dread chill you seem hellbent on proving this wrong. I don't get why it irks you so much. Everything you see and read should be approached with an open mind. If you don't like it move along, no point jumping up and down trying to convince people things are true or bullshit.

I had a listen and a lot of sounds on par with much of the other research I've done on these topics. Whitewind and everyone else, I would urge you to look into these things if they are of interest to you. There's not just one or two nutbags making these videos but a bit of a movement that has been growing over the years where a lot of different 'theories' actually seem to be holding up after some time and more and more people coming forward and backing up claims or proving stuff correct. I mean, we don't seriously still believe the 9/11 story given by the media do we? And yet, I remember when I first heard about it, it seemed like a joke. It didn't seem possible. Ten years later and it seems so clear and obvious.

Sure, it seems a bit strange at the start, but once you look into these things it gets a bit harder to keep your head in the sand and deny that something is going on.

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I had a listen and a lot of sounds on par with much of the other research I've done on these topics. Whitewind and everyone else, I would urge you to look into these things if they are of interest to you. There's not just one or two nutbags making these videos but a bit of a movement that has been growing over the years where a lot of different 'theories' actually seem to be holding up after some time and more and more people coming forward and backing up claims or proving stuff correct. I mean, we don't seriously still believe the 9/11 story given by the media do we? And yet, I remember when I first heard about it, it seemed like a joke. It didn't seem possible. Ten years later and it seems so clear and obvious.

Sure, it seems a bit strange at the start, but once you look into these things it gets a bit harder to keep your head in the sand and deny that something is going on.


David Icke makes perfect sense until he starts talking about shape-shifting lizards. It's that what's fucked him. One step too far.

Look, I tend to agree, money talks and there is a group of ultra wealthy who tend to control most things. But it ain't all rosy in the heart of hell, if you think these guys have anything much beyond a loose affiliation I think you are much wrong. They are all extreme sociopaths and probably respect each other but there will be very little trust.

I think there are plenty of nasty, greedy people who are very happy to be operating in the loose moral constraints of capitalism, and some of these are ruthless enough to become extremely rich. Many of them are bankers, literally money for nothing. And so on.

But what I don't think is happening is the mass arrests. When is it starting? Why haven't we seen anything on Australian, British media when the big guys get taken in for questioning? You are taking your information from extremely fringe websites with no evidence to back up your claims. I might wish that this were happening, but I don't believe it is.

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pyslo i am very aware some of the things david believes in is kinda insane , but im trying to keep a open mind on the message of all this.. the possibilities of wonder.

nothing wrong with whitewind being prepared , its something i have been doing for years , we already know there is something nasty going on , its best to be prepared at least in a mental sense.

there is going to be another global financial collapse , but just maybe this is what this whole thing about , to prevent it from happening.

for all we know it could be the illimuniti faking there own deaths and arrests , we can never truly know.

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You are taking your information from extremely fringe websites with no evidence to back up your claims.

I didn't make any claims and try not to if i can avoid it because i don't think anyone knows the whole story. i get my information from all over the place. not just fringe websites. there's plenty of evidence in your mainstream media too if you read between the lines.

why haven't we seen anything on Australian, British media when the big guys get taken in for questioning?


same reason we didn't hear anything about the bankers in iceland being thrown in jail.


if you wanted you could entertain the idea that the media is controlled by these very 'big guys' and they only print what is in their interests.

as for the lizards... never believed in them myself until a particularly long piece of san pedro fell upon my head and knocked me out, causing visions of amongst other things reptillian entities inhabiting the planet under various guises. similar revelations and visions have been had since when i slipped on some mushrooms and hit my head again. i shit you not.

no claim on what it means, if its real etc but i thought it pretty interesting and it certainly opened my mind a little more to the possibility of such things.

you'd be amazed what a knock on the head will do to some people.

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But what I don't think is happening is the mass arrests. When is it starting? Why haven't we seen anything on Australian, British media when the big guys get taken in for questioning? You are taking your information from extremely fringe websites with no evidence to back up your claims. I might wish that this were happening, but I don't believe it is.


we have to be logical here , your not going to see this in main stream yet.. the very same people ( criminals ) the elites , international bankers , rulers of us all are the same people who control media empires.

when the time comes and the ruling elite collapses then it will go into main stream.

well thats what i hope.....

they have clearly said this will be televised.

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anyone notied the mass amount of bank CEO resignations happening ? over 450 bank ceos so far this year and most of it happening in feb and march and its growing... somethings defiantly going on here.

this is just australia...

(NEW ZELAND) AMP NZ Office Limited (ANZO), Mark Verbiest has resigned

(AUSTRALIA & NZ) JP Morgan Australia and New Zealand Worldwide Securities Services CEO Jane Perry resigned

(AUSTRALIA) Commonwealth Bank CEO Sir Ralph Norris Australia's highest-paid banker resigns

(NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollard resigns

(AUSTRALIA/NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgerald resigns

(AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriott resigns

(AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austraila CEO Stephen Williams resigns

(AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carleton jailed nine years for $3m theft

(AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williams steps down

3/07/12 (AUSTRALIA) Customers Ltd, Tim Wildash has cashed himself out as chief executive of Australia’s largest ATM operator

(AUSTRALIA) Bank of Queensland CFO Ram Kangatharan resigns

(AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, Rob Chapman opted to quit running its regional subsidiary St George Bank.

(AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, head of corporate affairs after David Bell decided to step down from the role. Bell is the latest top executive to leave the bank.

(AUSTRALIA) ASX Ltd, Chairman David Gonski will step down from his role at Australia’s main stock market operator after being appointed to oversee almost A$90 billion ($95 billion) in the nation’s sovereign-wealth funds.

(AUSTRALIA) Investorfirst CFO and company secretary Ariel Sivikofsky resigns

3/30/12 (AUSTRALIA) Tyndall Asset Management managing director Craig Hobart

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