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The Corroboree

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Sorry to flood the thread but I thought this might come in handy for anyone having the same problem as me and Bushturkey, basically it let's you view a web page as a mobile site on your computer.


For people with Firefox, to save downloading another browser: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/

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There seems to be a small bug with resizing the quick reply box. When I click on the corner to resize, the scroll-bar on the side of my browser moves to the top of the page and I can no longer see the box I'm replying in. It's not a huge deal because I can resize, scroll down, resize a bit more, scroll down again, but it was better how it was. Anyone else getting this issue? What browser are you using. I'm using chrome.

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Yeah mate back to the old colours maybe its the theme? I'm to scared to check lol

Something I noticed is when opening threads it'll take you to the first page every time even if you've read the thread previously :s

Also, I can move torstens posts left and right in the thread? Doesn't happen to anyone else only discovered it by accident but it tripped me out haha don't even know why it'd do that

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One of the really cool things that the upgrade has is when you are typing a post and some one else replies to the post a notice pops up to see if you want to read that post.

For slow typers like me this is great as I have found on the old forum by the time I type the post and post it there are two or three posts all ready up that I didn't know were there

It all still baby blue for me



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forgive me if someone has mentioned this, i haven't read the whole thread..

it's not really any big deal, but i just noticed that in the details underneath peoples avartar when they post, the 'join date' is not there anymore... like i said, not really a big deal but i think sometimes it's relevant to see this... often more so than post count imo..

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forgive me if someone has mentioned this, i haven't read the whole thread..

it's not really any big deal, but i just noticed that in the details underneath peoples avartar when they post, the 'join date' is not there anymore... like i said, not really a big deal but i think sometimes it's relevant to see this... often more so than post count imo..


If you hover your mouse over the person's username it shows their join date.

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Well, I must say that I'm usually never impressed by sudden forced change, and this is no exception. I have two specific qualms (so far).

1) In quick reply, I can't seem to create a newline or carriage return. I've tried using Enter, or Shift+Enter. I don't know if this is specific to this computer (a uni one), or what.

2) Also in quick reply, the cursor is not visible, so I can't see where I'm typing. Not sure if this is just this PC though.

I like that there are more images in the recent images bar though, and hopefully there'll be more that I like as well.

Is there a legacy display option?

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Well, I must say that I'm usually never impressed by sudden forced change, and this is no exception. I have two specific qualms (so far).

1) In quick reply, I can't seem to create a newline or carriage return. I've tried using Enter, or Shift+Enter. I don't know if this is specific to this computer (a uni one), or what.

2) Also in quick reply, the cursor is not visible, so I can't see where I'm typing. Not sure if this is just this PC though.

I like that there are more images in the recent images bar though, and hopefully there'll be more that I like as well.

Is there a legacy display option?


this may be your browser as both works fine for me on firefox and safari, which browser do you use ? i have looked through the profile settings etc and there doesn't appear to be an option to turn either off. Try refreshing the cache this often helps with niggling bugs (Edit -> Empty cache)

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Something I noticed is when opening threads it'll take you to the first page every time even if you've read the thread previously :s


So it's not just me or because I'm on an iPhone? It sure makes the free stuff thread a pain in the arse.

Edit: never mind, seems to go to the last post now.

Edited by madhouses visites
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It looks like there's only one avatar now. I actually quite liked having the Aum as my avatar in threads, which is what most random strangers will see if they're reading the thread via a google search, and then having a photo on my profile which isn't likely to be seen by as many people.

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I chose IPB because at the time it was the only software that could reliably integrate a gallery with the forum. I believe that other forums can do that now too and most are free.

I like IPB because the support service is good which is important when thins go very wrong. If I was starting out or if the forum was a small one I'd probably go with one of the free ones, but the way we are now I don't mind paying for the extra service.

IPB is very limiting in many ways, but much of that has been improved by allowing 3rd party apps. I am just starting to give these a try.

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ok, again i may be missing something, but i just saw that one of the users listed as online at the bottom of the mainpage was google.. wtf?


Most forum software, open source and otherwise, comes with a set of accounts for search engines to index content...either that or Larry Page is doing some gardening.

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how else do you think google indexes content?

and what does that have to do with new forum software?


it has to do with the new software because i've never seen it until the new sofware was installed... now i'm seeing msn/bing there too which i have never seen before also.. to my uneducated-to-the-ways-of-forum-software mind it seemed a little strange that large corporations show up in a list of registered, signed-in forum members.. maybe i've not been very observant... if so fine, but this being visable seems to be new, which seems pretty relevant in the new forum software thread..

edit: ok i'm unobservant, thanks

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It's been there for years. There are at least 10 threads about it. All search engines show up as bots [google is on there several hours EACH DAY]. In fact you can use google to find out about all this by typing "google site:www.shaman-australis.com" into google. One of the results is THIS from 2006 or THIS from 2005 or THIS from 2005 or THIS from 2006 etc

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I've noticed posts now autosave as you're writing them. I'm guessing this is so when you accidently leave the page after writing a massive post it will save it and you won't lose your message.

However the other day after putting the finishing sentence on a post I was writing I backspaced and it my browser went back, upon returning to the page my post was gone even though it had recently saved.

Any chance these saved posts are logged somewhere I can access on my profile or something?

Or do you have any more clarification on the limitations on these autosaved posts? Could I have done something to retrieve my post that I can't do now?

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