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The negative posts

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you want a thank you for fixing your fuck up? get real!

going by the paranoid and angry tone of your posts are you sure you're not much better suited to AE these days anyway mesc? I am sure that we're all equally on the edge of our seats about this plant legislation as we are about your drug problem, but maybe leave that in a different thread?! You wonder what's been bringing the tone of this place down? people posting when they are fucked up on drugs or booze, bringing their dramas into discussions where they have no relevance. It happens almost every day now, but often takes a few days to work out and clean up. That sort of posting is funny when it happens occasionally, but at the core of it it is just disrespectful to everyone else.

Benzos make people callous, erratic and self centered, and that doesn't go away the day you stop taking them - it's a character pattern that takes months or even years to undo. Good luck with it - and I mean that sincerely because I have seen the very difficult process many times. you're the kind of guy who will win that battle, but I think assuming it is already won is a bit premature.

One of these days you'll work out who the people on that panel are and then you'll wonder how one of their own could ever come up with:

"by the sound of it they are all fascists

I shit on them already...

they probably hardly ever touch a plant

fuck the ABC fuck national TV fuck the government stupid cunts"

To me that sort of uninformed prejudice is no different than the uninformed prejudice that gave us this law proposal.


Dude I'm about as real as it gets,you perceived I fucked up not me.I am but human,like homosapien type and pulled back because of your summarisation of what the few of the many have been like getting off mind-fuckers..it's hard work.

You are right... I will win.

It still hurt mate and had a roll-on effect at home.

I never thought the tone had been lowered here....confused! hell yeah, I think we all were and with new people and name changes,it made it hard as you should know,since I started this recovery called medication WITHDRAWAL.

The real irony here is that all those helpful,insightful, non-negative posts over the years made up over 70-80% of my post count to date.

Back then,I was drinking a case and a half of beer a week,doin a quart and eating Xanax bars all night spending countless hours answering Q's,looking after someone else kids as they were my own,researching and adding anecdotal accounts of things I tested and mixed to find out what helped activate the lesser used psychoactives,traded like mad,made friends quick,found answers people now don't bother to answer because the questioner was a newbie by looking through my own literature,growing heaps of plants,keeping things jovial onsite,was(still am) respected,honest and trustworthy.

Gom is Gom,his tone hasn't changed about governments since I've been here,so I just take it as it comes...who cares,he maybe outspoken,but he's probably *cough* right.

I wasn't pissed or stoned,I was suffering serious blood pressure spikes from removing the Xanax from the cross-over mix and the original drug being Xanax was out after the 3rd day....mess is an understatement! :blink:

I may have to go on Clonidine as this is now a life-threatening situation in mine and others' cases.

I've spent most of my time lately here because of the concern for others with the Benzo thing, as when I was able to get back into the swing and on the net, this is where I came back to and it was a prevalent topic in discussions.I had no idea what I was doing when I "worked out" there was a thresh-hold and I had to detox.

I started dry-cutting from a high long-standing dose and I was alone and abandoned by all I knew,family included because I couldn't cope,they didn't want to know.

I never knew about any fall outs within the community,nor reasons.I had no-one but SAB's members AFAIK.

My dad and I made up again during this dry cut learning curve after a lengthy falling out and he helped me to his own expense and love, as hard as it was for him to even imagine WTF was going on with me,not like the Xanophobe's who were my peers and cleared off when I stopped pissing it up with them and took life seriously.He has since passed over and I have a beautiful Partner and a miracle baby girl Maya he never met.

Then The Ashton Method was discovered and more research went in to share also,so 7+ years on the "crack of Benzo's" around abouts to date.The longer your on it means more than the strength,else I'd be up to 16mg a day and a fuck-headed piss-head trying to function....or probably dead.

I'm certainly not foolish enough to think I've won the battle by no means,but I started healing the day I said NO MORE and started by myself.

In time this too shall pass,I'll be richer for the experience and continue to help others.

Uninformed prejudice,well dude you are Gay?

I have no problem with that and stood up for your rights way back when,because we are all in this together,yet like mental illness especially within the "Bloke" stereotype,well as much as the media likes to say it's gone,it's not.

Oh and I know who is on the panel on the other forums.

One day I hope that you will realise that nearly all of your ailments are derived from a sick spiritual outlook and that it has gone so far that it has manifested into the physical body via the minds ego as your beliefs re-enforce this.There are many many tools that have been used from time immemorial to break the cycle or you can keep looking at it from a scientific way.

Will you accept the all-in-one Vaccine?

Not me man.

Maybe you could spend a little time practicing instead of clutching at straws,that never worked for me anyway....and I know I'm not alone.

I never set out to derail the thread and the mod could've jumped in ANY time...seems I might have been plagiarised in some of the discussions actually.

Thank you, no harm meant.


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I've got better things to do than to continue this, but I did have to chuckle at this:

One day I hope that you will realise that nearly all of your ailments are derived from a sick spiritual outlook and that it has gone so far that it has manifested into the physical body via the minds ego as your beliefs re-enforce this.There are many many tools that have been used from time immemorial to break the cycle or you can keep looking at it from a scientific way.

This is such a funny statement coming from someone as mentally and physically messed up as you. Maybe fix yourself first before you start giving advice. I don't need another bloody recovered addict preaching from his own spiritual enlightenment soapbox :BANGHEAD2: . If you were enlightened you wouldn't have gotten stuck on those pills in the first place.

Also, I guess you missed the post where I found the cure for my condition. So unless dragonsblood magically fixes a sick spiritual outlook, I think odds are it is instead a bacterial infection. I am also at a loss of how a course of antibiotics can cause a sudden decline in spiritual outlook, cos that's how it all started.

One of the reasons why I don't spend that much time here anymore is because I get really bored with people who let substances control them, eg you. We all made choices and most of us knew exactly what choices we were making. The vast majority of the time I have to spend on the forums is dealing with a minority of people bringing their substance use and abuse to this place whther it be acutely drunk posting or long term stimulant induces paranoia, or benzo attitude. I don't have a problem with them seeking help or trying to connect, but I do have a problem with people imposing the consequences of their poor choices on others. It's like a drunk stumbling into a library thinking he is going to fit in and not annoy people. he will annoy people and he will do so without being aware of it. and the wisdom he is sharing is actually just gibberish.

Ever considered staying offline while being fucked up regardless of whether that's on drugs, off drugs or somewhere inbetween? Seems to be a terribly difficult concept to grasp.

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Don't make me come back as moderator, I'd give you both warn points into the next century. Now get off my lawn!

Ever considered staying offline while being fucked up regardless of whether that's on drugs, off drugs or somewhere inbetween? Seems to be a terribly difficult concept to grasp.

This applies to everyone here. Including me. Should be in the rules somewhere.

Oh, and mesc mate, I'm proud of what you're achieving. Much love

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the bitch threads are really fucked up and unfunny when I am not participating


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