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What is that god damn movie???

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This is gon sound retarded..........

I have been trying to find out the name of a movie i saw on SBS around 99/2000 or so for a long time now and fail with each attempt to find it. It was a european movie, for some reason i think it was german but could be dutch, i really dont know for sure. What i thought would make this movie easy to find is that is has Fear factory songs from the album "obselete" in it but every search i have made with that as a reference draws a blank. Obsolete came out in 98 from memory so i guess the movie would have been released around then also.

The story line is something i cant quiet recall but it is generally about the lives of different ppl intersecting all in one night. I remember there is an older guy who ends up hangin out with a hooker, gets his car stolen by a group of kids and goes to the hookers house where he beats her for doin drugs. The movie ends with the young kids burning the car they stole from the older dude and the fear factory song timelessness starts as they set the car alight. I know this is VERY vague and none of you will prolly have a friggn clue wtf im on about but this movie has elluded me for so freakn long and another search for it today has left me with nothing.

The title of the movie is lost from memory but it was night stalkers or night something i think, not really even sure of that lol. It is prolly a shit movie but the fact i havent been able to find it for so long makes me really want to see it. If i could get a list of movies sbs played for those years id go through each movie till i found it!!!

If anyone can help me with the name of the movie i would reward you handsomely!!! serious.

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you haven't been secretly watching mortal kombat again have ya?

my secret shame.

Its not Mrs death 3.

If i can get an SBS movie archive or something of the like im sure i could find it.

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Given your information I don't think it's this movie but there's no harm in writing it here. Winterschlaefer (aka winter sleepers). I've got a bunch of cool German movies and other world movies I can name for you if you're keen. They aren't the film that you're looking for but I think they're cool.

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There's a German movie from around this time called Nightshapes. Maybe?

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You fantastic bastard muskrat, thats the movie! thanks a million dude, ill PM ya :)

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Given your information I don't think it's this movie but there's no harm in writing it here. Winterschlaefer (aka winter sleepers). I've got a bunch of cool German movies and other world movies I can name for you if you're keen. They aren't the film that you're looking for but I think they're cool.


I didn't want to hijack the thread, but now PD has his answer....

Migraineur, do you happen to know a German movie called something like "Mutant Monster" or "Monster Mutant" about a bunch of people trapped on a spaceship (one of them was this old guy who rode in a hover wheelchair) and all basically go crazy. At the end they land on some planet, there's a massive bar brawl where everyone ends up dead and then as the credits roll four guys pop up from the rubble created from the bar brawl and start singing a drinking song?

Probably from around 1995... another one of those things seen on SBS late a night and unable to be tracked through google.

I've been trying to work out what this movie is for about 15 years.

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Yeah, actually... it may have been italian. I've always had it in my mind it was German, but maybe just because the way the guy in the wheelchair thing looked (kinda like your stereotypical german mad scientist).

...and yeah, it was almost certainly a Saturday night cult movie.

Here's hoping someone knows the answer.

Edited by Rabaelthazar

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You fantastic bastard muskrat, thats the movie! thanks a million dude, ill PM ya :)


Glad to be of assistance. Now I just hope for your sake the movie isn't complete shit.

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I didn't want to hijack the thread, but now PD has his answer....

Migraineur, do you happen to know a German movie called something like "Mutant Monster" or "Monster Mutant" about a bunch of people trapped on a spaceship (one of them was this old guy who rode in a hover wheelchair) and all basically go crazy. At the end they land on some planet, there's a massive bar brawl where everyone ends up dead and then as the credits roll four guys pop up from the rubble created from the bar brawl and start singing a drinking song?

Probably from around 1995... another one of those things seen on SBS late a night and unable to be tracked through google.

I've been trying to work out what this movie is for about 15 years.


I don't know that movie but here are some cool German movies that I've watched.

Das Experiment

Run Lola Run (aka Lola Rennt)


The Lives of others (Das Leben der Anderen)

Good Bye Lenin

The Edukators (Die Fetten Jahre sind Vorbei).

Killer Condom (Kondom des Grauens). This one is so bad that it's hilarious.

The Baader Meinhoff Complex

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Speaking of SBS movies, does anyone know the name of a (Danish/Norwegian?) comedy about a teenager trying to get laid, and who sends his kid brother to the chemist when it looks like he's going to get lucky? That scene was hilarious, but I won't describe it because it's worth seeing without being told about it first.

Edited by WoodDragon

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a German movie called something like "Mutant Monster" or "Monster Mutant"

did someone call my name?

hey Raba, reading your post again, I realised you must be speaking about Accion Mutante , what an adorable , weird and funny film!

For what is worth, this is a spanish flick, but it reminded me so much of a couple of oz/NZ faves:

*Peter Jackson early NZ work [f.e bad taste]

*Philip Brophy's ozzie film "Body melt" , in my opinion one of the most underrated horror comedies of all time


from time to time I delve into filmwatching in such intense pace it looks silly to the unfortunate souls who, say, cannot even see 3-4 films in the row. As I have long perfected a way to form a good objective jugdement about a film prior to watching by using imdb mostly , having a good instinct and methods to find undiscovered/ forgotten gems and this without reading any spoilers at all, viewing choices have always been satisfying, when I am in the mood, and this is one of these periods which I again enjoy watching films immensely.

So I have been watching lots of films these last months, from old Richard Burton flicks recently to post 2000 suspense/horror/thriller/action/comedy [f.e. the whole Saw saga last automn, which I loved, or the awesome stoner comedy "How high" starring Wu-tang's 'methodman' ] to b~z grade low budget, to 'Lord of the rings' [the B&W original film version] even comedy/romance. Most of these experiences range from fine to awesome, with the exception of the overrated 'Inception' [good idea but very uneven, and not even that original] for which I must have had too high expectations due to 'Memento' by the same director.

One of the highlights of these quests/finds were Todd Solondz films, in particular 'Welcome to the dollhouse' and 'Happiness'.

Todd Solondz is a rare find, people who consider themselves serious about the film-thing, OUGHT to check him out. Not that he will appeal to everyones taste though... but I know this is not a board for the average person, so...

Harder than American Beauty and somewhat tamer than a John Water early film [another must-see , one of a kind, visionary director], Solondz has created two of the best bitter/cynic/ironic/dark comedies ever - he calls them 'sad comedies' and despite it might seem like a contradiction, that's what they really are actually.

Note to self: to check out The Wave/2008

German films [more rambling]:

Haneke's original "Funny games" is in german, I think it's an austrian film though as is Haneke, I think. I don't know if I I wanna watch the US remake. The original is a killer thriller which also introduced me to the awesomely crazy Naked City [the band]

and it would be an insult to intelligent film-goers not to mention three of the legends of german cinema:

Venders , even though I haven't seen much of him is consistently a good director

Fassbinder is pretty good too [note his films are not nearly as boring as the storyline might suggest - common with every great director]

and Hertzog, a true visionary, more known for his collabs with Kinsky, as in Agirre, which is awesome, but for me more impressive for his more awkward / thought provoking films like 'Fitzcarraldo' or 'Cobra Verde', which also star Kinsky btw.

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and Hertzog, a true visionary, more known for his collabs with Kinsky, as in Agirre, which is awesome, but for me more impressive for his more awkward / thought provoking films like 'Fitzcarraldo' or 'Cobra Verde', which also star Kinsky btw.


Cheers dude! I've been meaning to see more Hertzog.

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did someone call my name?

hey Raba, reading your post again, I realised you must be speaking about Accion Mutante , what an adorable , weird and funny film!


Mutant, you are an absolute legend!!! I have asked so many people about this film over the last fifteen years and you are the first to positively identify it. Thank you!!!!

Just checked it on Youtube and it is definitely the flick. Now, to find myself a subtitled copy. :) :) :)

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cheers people, hey raba I am glad I help, and more so because it's such a adorable [for lack of a better word] little film.


'Lord of the rings' [the B&W original film version]

ehm, I meant "Lord of the FLIES"

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*Philip Brophy's ozzie film "Body melt" , in my opinion one of the most underrated horror comedies of all time

SHIT YEAH!!! Body melt is a must see and Peter Jacksons early stuff is his finest work too imo lol. Bad taste, meet the feebles and braindead, braindead has the best use of a lawnmower in any film.

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Man you should check Accion mutante . Just don't expect TOO MUCH.

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This German film really stuck in my head like the knife in the title. I haven't seen it since, but back in the early 80's late at night a little high....

Messer im Kopf (1979)

One night when seeking his estranged wife, Hoffmann goes to the youth center where she works. The police are there rounding up radicals who frequent the center - Hoffmann runs into the building and ends up being shot in the head. He awakens with brain trauma, partially paralyzed and unable to speak. The police accuse him of stabbing an officer; the radicals herald him as an innocent victim of police brutality. During his slow recovery at the hospital, Hoffmann must piece together his life and struggle to remember the events of that night.



Edited by nabraxas

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"a boy and his dog" was pretty disappointing given the talking dog and the underground shelter notions towards the end. I fastforwarded it for the most part after 35+ mins, but switched it off when some lady knocked out two men with a bouquet of flowers.

I would prefer it if it took itself seriously, then you could make fun of it and have a nice time. But that is just me

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Yeah, of course . I was not into such silly fun when I watched it and expected some more brainy sci-fi.

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SHIT YEAH!!! Body melt is a must see and Peter Jacksons early stuff is his finest work too imo lol. Bad taste, meet the feebles and braindead, braindead has the best use of a lawnmower in any film.


I loved bodymelt and braindead when I was younger. I watched both of them recently and was really looking forward to it, but unfortunately found braindead to be braindead boring. Actually the first half hour or so is hilarious and really promising, but at about the halfway point it becomes a pointless gorefest. I guess some people like that, but it's not even like it seemed very clever. It was all very repetitive and had lost its humour. I have a similar problem with some of John Waters' early movies. Polyester should have ended when Dexter got out of the mental hospital IMO, and Pink Flamingos dragged on, and on, and on, and on...

Bodymelt has, however, well and truly stood the test of time for me. I actually ended up watching it twice in as many days because I wanted my girlfriend to watch it. I thoroughly enjoyed it on both viewings. Also fun to see some well known b-list aussie actors at their best.

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The Wave is another good German film.


This was an American made-for-tv movie apparently based on a true story. Interesting to see that there's a German version given the plot and how it relates to Germany's recent history.

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