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by the way when i think of the proportional infinity of the deepest reaches of our universe

i start to freak out a bit


your not the only one, just think if the moon wasnt with us. in the year 3245 Zedo Veldor a rogue planetoid hits the moon and out of earths orbit.

earth floating away

nobody can predict what happens then, maybe just a little closer or further then stuck on a new sighly altered orbit, no tides, temperature extremes and change, chaos..........very scary.




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While black holes continue to intrigue astrophysicists, a new theory suggests planets with advanced life could hypothetically exist within their boundaries.


for this universe that we know is only a speck of dust in another universe. And all the specks of dust in this universe that we know contain minute universes without measure; boundless inward in the atom, boundless outward in the whole.
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that is pretty cool! if true it might be a great, safe place to locate our civilisation, but among other things you'd want to calculate what is going to fall into the black hole in the near future. it wouldn't be much fun orbiting a black hole while star after star crashes into it. what would happen to time if you were orbiting inside the event horizon? i have so many questions about the current understanding of black holes. i used a black hole simulator but didn't really understand it and can't remember where i found it. it would be neat to just watch a luminous object falling towards it and then apparently vanish, perhaps with some accompanying distortion.

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A good topic but your looking at it at a newtonian physics, like a pool table knocking two balls others around into the pcket or maybe a black hole..

In Quantum physics the two balls [photons] are the same ball but located in two spacial places.

So what happens to one is instant to the other but not well described by math guys although they can make such photons.

Some of them think the photons are two photons but i think not.

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{two entangled photons.]

I don't think its two just one.

So my former model of a barbell universe where there are two space time balls seperate and different to merging or getting apart or colliding is not a possiblity. and particle physic the mathe guys will prove the puzzle from particle physics but theymath people like to do but from bottom up and atom smasherss but they will prove it.

And i think there a lot of universes, but not as time duplicate.universes.

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Two research papers published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D are the first to detail how to search for signatures of other universes. Physicists are now searching for disk-like patterns in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation - relic heat radiation left over from the Big Bang – which could provide tell-tale evidence of collisions between other universes and our own.

Many modern theories of fundamental physics predict that our universe is contained inside a bubble. In addition to our bubble, this `multiverse' will contain others, each of which can be thought of as containing a universe. In the other 'pocket universes' the fundamental constants, and even the basic laws of nature, might be different.

Until now, nobody had been able to find a way to efficiently search for signs of bubble universe collisions - and therefore proof of the multiverse - in the CMB radiation, as the disc-like patterns in the radiation could be located anywhere in the sky. Additionally, physicists needed to be able to test whether any patterns they detected were the result of collisions or just random patterns in the noisy data.

A team of cosmologists based at University College London (UCL), Imperial College London and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics has now tackled this problem.

"It's a very hard statistical and computational problem to search for all possible radii of the collision imprints at any possible place in the sky," says Dr Hiranya Peiris, co-author of the research from the UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy. "But that's what pricked my curiosity."

The team ran simulations of what the sky would look like with and without cosmic collisions and developed a ground-breaking algorithm to determine which fit better with the wealth of CMB data from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). They put the first observational upper limit on how many bubble collision signatures there could be in the CMB sky.

Stephen Feeney, a PhD student at UCL who created the powerful computer algorithm to search for the tell-tale signatures of collisions between "bubble universes", and co-author of the research papers, said: "The work represents an opportunity to test a theory that is truly mind-blowing: that we exist within a vast multiverse, where other universes are constantly popping into existence."

One of many dilemmas facing physicists is that humans are very good at cherry-picking patterns in the data that may just be coincidence. However, the team's algorithm is much harder to fool, imposing very strict rules on whether the data fits a pattern or whether the pattern is down to chance.

Dr Daniel Mortlock, a co-author from the Department of Physics at Imperial College London, said: "It's all too easy to over-interpret interesting patterns in random data (like the 'face on Mars' that, when viewed more closely, turned out to just a normal mountain), so we took great care to assess how likely it was that the possible bubble collision signatures we found could have arisen by chance."

The authors stress that these first results are not conclusive enough either to rule out the multiverse or to definitively detect the imprint of a bubble collision. However, WMAP is not the last word: new data currently coming in from the European Space Agency's Planck satellite should help solve the puzzle.

More information: 'First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation' and 'First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation: Analysis Methods and WMAP 7-Year Results' published online in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D



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[The theory that our universe is contained inside a bubble, and that multiple alternative universes exist inside their own bubbles – making up the 'multiverse' – is, for the first time, being tested by physicists.]

I agree with this idea but not as a newtonian physics idea like a apple hit his head and then fell on the ground of earth and as newton thought on this and wrote his equation, a university student saw the apple, picked it up and ate it..

When newton came out of his room, his apple was gone[he was going preserve it in brandy] and never seen again except as the young universitys student feces excreted at a local tavern.

Different from collisions idea as no collisions can happen there by no energy instrument mesurements for the physcists..

But the math guys will prove it out no problem.

Just need a fractual model.

Since everything is bisymmetry. Such as 2 arms, legs, and the brain, how to get asymmetry so time occurs well just flip one exact side slighly and a fractal is born[predictable math and time]..


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We are everything.

Mind creates..

you are the whole of it, creating it now.

The big bang.. lol.. yeh.. its all pretty bangin'..

isn't it?

Now is all there is.. one being.. haha..

ALL possibilities. God is grand, aren't you : )

That's about where I let it rest.

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jesus, you sound like me.


that is pretty cool! if true it might be a great, safe place to locate our civilisation, but among other things you'd want to calculate what is going to fall into the black hole in the near future. it wouldn't be much fun orbiting a black hole while star after star crashes into it. what would happen to time if you were orbiting inside the event horizon? i have so many questions about the current understanding of black holes. i used a black hole simulator but didn't really understand it and can't remember where i found it. it would be neat to just watch a luminous object falling towards it and then apparently vanish, perhaps with some accompanying distortion.


there is actually a decent clip on youtube showing what would happen as you fell into a black hole.

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[The quantum mechanical entanglement is at the heart of the famous quantum teleportation experiment and was referred to by Albert Einstein as "spooky action at a distance". A team of researchers led by Anton Zeilinger at the University of Vienna and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences used a system which does not allow for entanglement, and still found results which cannot be interpreted classically. Their findings were published in the latest issue of the renowned scientific journal Nature.]

Very complicated stuff, what they mean [ classically ] is in the newtonian model of physics.

Your right, and as simple as could be, your brain is the data processor.

But in newtonian physics this isn't obvious or possible..

Edited by devance

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3,6,9 (3,9,6,6,9,3,3,9).


9,7,4,3,8,1,6,5,2 (3D torus)

What if the universe is very simple. A self creating perpetual motion infinite vortex expressing itself mathmatically. Repeating number patterns that explain such things as pi, galactic spiral arms, magnetism and DNA.

1,2,4,8,7,5 is the 3rd dimension, the oscillation of 3 and 6 are the 4th dimension (oscillation meaning 3 doubled is 6, 6 doubled is 12 but 1+2 =3 etc) - which is the higher dimensional magnetic field of an electric coil. God is 9 - the fixed constant and control of 3 and 6 - a number that never changes and is linear: a unity. Multiples of 9 = 9: 9x1=9, 9x2=18 but 1+8=9, 9x3=27 but 2+7=9 etc. 9 is the missing particle in the universe known as dark matter. 9 lines up with the centre of the vortex - the inertia aether Einstein postulated. This 'spirit flow' is what makes everything else warp and curve around it (the perfect number patterns), it is the source of all movement as well as the source of the non decaying spin of the electron. The universe as an ecological system of renewal. The double helix and electromagnetic interaction - super harmonic cascades. Ying and Yang: the 3 and 6 the equal halves/sides, 9 the infinity curve between. A triangulated system, like a Pyramid. 'Good things come in 3's'. 'Osiris said, "I am the 1 that became 2, the 2 that became 4, the 4 that became 8, after this I am 1 again'.

'Does nature really need so many things in the perpetual transformation of things, on building up the matter and again taking it into parts? I think all that nature needs is three things, the North and South pole magnets and the neutral particles. Each kind of those three things can act differently with different speed and different combinations, and so they can accomplish different results. The North and South pole individual magnets are the cosmic force. They are the building blocks of natures perpetual transformation of matter, and they are so small they can pass through anything. They hold together this earth and everything on it, and they hold together the moon too. The moons North end holds South pole magnets the same as the earths North end. The moons South end holds North pole magnets the same as the earths South end. North and South pole magnets are not only holding together the earth and moon but they are turning the earth around it's axis.' Ed leedskalnin

'Nature is expressing herself with numbers. The symmetry of our decimal system is a principle of nature. The 9 axis causes the doubling circuit and it is the point towards which matter converges and away from which it diverges or expands. Thus the polar number pairs will be mirror images of each other, both flowing in opposite directions from the central axis. There is perfect symmetry wrapped around a single point coiling outwards the way that petals are wrapped in a rose, or a nautilus shell spirals outward.' Marko Rodin































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Fascinating, Botanika!

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speaking of repeated patterns, i was watching the mandlebrot zoom i posted in "track of the day" and actually noticed very distinct, repeating "chromosome" type structure, like from the point of view looked exactly like chromosomes. spooky, frractal mathematics is comparatively simple (to other mathematics i.e. string theory, tensors, etc), fascinating i wonder if anyones actually looked at it?




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What I said is bisymmetry, not like a starfish or a sea urchin.

So the question is why not [i wouldn't to try to fight a giant starfish on a sea shore.

Probably the only plot for a sci fi thats never was produced.

A giant clam[ razor clam] was produced.


Something of a hybrid of "Day of the Triffids" meets "Jaws", Huffman plays the lifeguard of a popular beach-front community where strange disappearances have the locals worried


Those darn film producers of the 1980's were at it again! They were trying to scare us from going back into the water again! First Steven Spielberg got us with "JAWS" followed by the infamous inferior sequels, then we were treated to a double-dosage of "TENTACLES" paired with "ORCA", then there was the hilarious "PIRANHA" and its sequel that featured mutated Piranhas with wings(!!!) and then there was 1981's "BLOOD BEACH" - Hollywood's answer to all those endless 'monster-in-the-water' movies that were swamping our mega-plexes. Someone must have come up with the bright idea, "Instead of putting our monster in the water... how about we put it in the sand!", hence the catchy tag-line to this cinematic gem, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water - you can't get to it", which is about the only smart thing connected to this movie.

The premise to "BLOOD BEACH" is typical of the 80's horror-film movement. Unthinkable monster + a cute little dog becoming hapless victim of said monster + helpless girls and women either disappearing or being attacked by said monster + one male to solve the mystery and destroy said monster + questionable ending. The funny thing is, I haven't seen this movie on television for many years and it is pretty much obsolete from most video stores. Whenever I happen to see a copy floating around, I get a nostalgic feeling about the times when it was fun to see movies like this.

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I have seen kaleidoscopic infinity during meditations, i strongly feel the existence of alternate universes. If only i had a device like in Sliders to travel there!

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