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The Corroboree

Rot - Semi Urgent

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Hey guys,

Basically I had my first instance of rot today. About a month ago I sent all my cacti from uni to home in a satchel and left them in there with it closed for most of the time, since it arrived. Most of the cacti are fine, but a psych0 tip has a bit of rot. I daresay all this rain and humidity in the enclosed bag was not a good move!

I can upload a picture tomorrow but essentially there is some black liquid looking stuff around one areole that spreads around 10mm into the cactus. The flesh around the black stuff is very soft and when squeezed, liquid comes out.

Now my question: How should I deal with this? I'm thinking that I might be able to save it as it's been sitting in a humid bag for a month (prime rot environment) and the whole cactus still has not been taken over (have heard stories of whole plants going in days). Should I plant it so the cactus starts growing again and can fight the infection? I have already dusted it with sulfur, but I fail to see how a topical treatment will help the interior which is also affected.


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i'm sure you'll get a better answer but you might want to quarantine it if the rest of your collection is free from rot.

how badly is the tip rotted? it's not really a big deal usually.

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hard to tell, but if its only a little outbreak it should clear up once out in some fresh air.

Although its really hard to tell sometimes...

Doesnt seem to bad considering its been in a box for a month, best to plant and see if it spreads or dries out. If it spreads be prepared to chop th tip, no biggie really and it will coax the plant into puping. Dont water the cut in when you plant of course.

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tip huh?

might be the black/soft rot thing which is not really harmful.

but soft flesh?


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Remember to play safe to avoid a rotting tip folks...

...seriously though i have a few spots of soft rot myself progressing and seemingly spreading though my collection , should i segregate the infected plants?



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Remember to play safe to avoid a rotting tip folks...

...seriously though i have a few spots of soft rot myself progressing and seemingly spreading though my collection , should i segregate the infected plants?



new grafting tek? tongue.gif

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have a read, I think it's one of the best thread on the subject if not the best, with lots of peoples retrospective experience.

Trichocereus soft rot [AKA black rot]

It doesn't seem to spread, well not that easily anyways... I am of the opinion that it lives in the plant

Most named and heavily propagated clones seem to have it anyway, in a certain degree each. Symptoms arise when cutting / stressing. They often arise in the tip.

Bridgesii's IME have it more.

"Jess" bridgesii has got it.


it would be a good idea not to put cuts near black rot posotive cuts or plants.

have I told you my idea about how black rot could help potency? :P:innocent_n:

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whoops posted in wrong thread

if mutant's link is the thread i'm thinking of it pretty much covers this topic. talks about excising serious rots and all.

Edited by ThunderIdeal

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... I still find it funny that it hits exclusively alkaloid rich trichos ... Do people have a list of trichocereus that can get it??

Is it true?

I have a couple of foot or so tall seedlings with it, a T.pallerensis x los banos and a T.pach x psycho0, ah... but also a cuzco

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I've had black rot in a few cuttings that I left in the hope that it'd dry up, but it's always crept up the cutting. My response has been to cut it off/out, and use generous dabs of metho on the fresh wound.

It's never returned when I've done this.

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I've had black rot in a few cuttings that I left in the hope that it'd dry up, but it's always crept up the cutting. My response has been to cut it off/out, and use generous dabs of metho on the fresh wound.

It's never returned when I've done this.

that's interestin . what's metho? and what exactly did you cut? all the infected parts?


blowng, I have noticed that many of the clones famous for their potency have is, that's all, it's my own observation, but maybe it's just a coincidence with the plants I own . I have theorized that some desired clones that got proagated a lot got their allies or parasites , this thing. I think it lives in the plant.


WoodDragon, care to say more about the cure? or maybe you're not telling about THE black rot?

Edited by mutant

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that's interestin . what's metho? and what exactly did you cut? all the infected parts?


"Metho" is an Aussie colloquialism - a contraction of 'methylated spirits', or ethanol denatured with a few percent methanol. Of course these days denaturants other than methanol are used, because methanol causes blindness in folk desperate enough to drink methylated spirits, but it's still called methylated spirits.

Basically, it just high-strength ethanol. If one wants to be especially particular one would dilute the "metho" with water to give a final ethanol concentration of 70% (v/v), which is the most sterilising concentration, but I have perfectly good results using straight metho.

If I get a cutting I always leave it for a few weeks just to make sure that it's OK. If the dreaded rot appears, it's metho time. First I cut just above the infected tissue, just into clean tissue. If there's not much clean length above the infection, I don't worry about cutting square - I'll just remove what's necessary. I apply the metho with a cotton bud, to all freshly cut surfaces, and avoid the waxy surface of the cactus away from the cut. It certainly seems to hasten the callusing process, and very much seems to clean the wounds, because as I said, I've never had any problems with black rot once I've treated cuttings this way. When I first tried to cut rot away I ended up simply chasing it up the cutting, even when I had apparently cut all of it away.

I once had an aureole on a cactus become infected, and I ended up using a scalpel to gouge the worst out. I applied metho, and now, two years later, there's an indentation where the aureola was, but even the thick scar tissue has dropped away.

I love the stuff. I'll be using it tonight to obliterate the worst of a bad mealy bug infestation on some plants that my kids' mum had at her place. Then it'll be Confidor for afters! Hopefully I'll be able to retrieve the plants before they're totally lost... :uzi:

Edited by WoodDragon

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I too use metho, usually for any cut, wheter to prop or remove rot, I haven't really found black rot a problem in tricho's they seem to fight it themselves, but havelost other to black rot.

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thats news!! noone up to now has claimed he got rid of the black rot in a black rot positive clone.

In fact I have difficulty in believing. You sure we're talking about the same thing? How bad was the infections in the cuts you dis-infected? And last but not least, got any photos from before-after or anything regarding black rot?

Edited by mutant

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Hey again Mutant.

You sure we're talking about the same thing?

It was black, and it was rotting. It doesn't mean that my rot is the same as other people's black rot though. All I know is that if I cut to clean tissue, and apply metho and leave it in morning sun, I get a nice callus with no further rot.

On my latest cutting I had to cut off from the bottom a section about the size and shape of an orange segment. The rot took up about half of the mass. The cutting is now fine, as far as I know, although it's planted now so I don't know what's happening under the soil. I'll let you know in a few months!

Anyway, Merry Christmas/Saturnalia/Yule/sundry-festive-season-festival to all.

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The rot took up about half of the mass

I see, I don't think we are talking about the same thing.

check the link above

have a nice holiday

Edited by mutant

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