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FUCK alcohol!

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where else would you see people beating the shit out of each other under mindless alcohol intoxication...than a country that says its legal to do so.

Where else would you see ppl beating the shit out of each other without the influence of alcohol??? ummmmmmmm, boxing ring, footy field, Korean parliament, SAB camping trips.

I love it when ppl demonise a substance for what it can do when used irresponsibly :P

Bad form lads, very bad form.

I like beer lots, in fact, im having a beer right now. Not even one of the cool beers either like coopers or coronas or ummmm one of the many blondes, premiums or ales, i dunno, i dont drink them. I drink VB, always have and prolly always will. Gotta be out of a jar (stubby), preferably a big jar (longneck, bottle, wife beater) but never a can, cans suck dogs balls.

I have been thru stages in my life where i didnt drink at all, the longest was for well over 12 months after a serious assault which i didnt remember at all. Wasnt the alcohols fault as it had more to do with the fact of consuming a qaurt bottle of tequila alone and then 2 bottles of bombay with a mate and venturing into the city. Not a real smart idea. I often used to black out when drinkn, havin fuk all to nil memory of the nites events and having to harass ppl to find out what went on but that again is my own fault as its usually due to the fact i have been hammering the beers or whatever down at a ridiculous speed. I was a gin fiend for a few years, that stuff is just crazy, you think you are sober as a judge and then all of a sudden its black out time and id do the dumbest shit. Very stimulating stuff at times that gin, i still have a soft spot for it.

I dont believe they keep it (alc) legal to dumb down the population, when i was a very heavy/daily smoker my memory was fukd, my mind was fogged up bad and i didnt really like social interaction or was anxious when doin so and dont gimme that shit "yeh but man, you were smokin the wrong type of weed dude, man, bro". A smoker that smokes morning, mid morning, noon, late noon, early evening, evening and throughout the nite when waking will smoke whatever weed is presented to them. I felt waaaay dumber then.

They keep alc and tobacco legal because they know it would be a fuckin revolution if ppl had NOTHING at all legal to do here in Au. Hmmmmmm maybe they should make it illegal, not a bad idea after all........

Anyways like i said, i like beer and im glad its legal because if it weren't id have to home brew (and break the law oooooooh) and i wouldnt be able to brew a beer that tasted like VB plus if i brewed my own beer id be drunk as fuk all the time because no doubt id make it ridiculous strong and have HUGE jars of it in various fridges located in different rooms throughout the house and in the shed.


Bogan drinker.......


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I'm with PD here, anything used irrisponsibly is bad. Weed fucked with my head hardcore, and I didn't even hit it for that long. Before I smoked a lot I drank a shitload, every weekend getting really really wasted, but did i go fighting and shit? Nope, I made dumb jokes, threw up and laughed about it, etc etc.

So, where else can i see guys fighting? Speed heads all pumped up, coke heads all pumped up, even on occasion pill heads. Some people are just that way inclined, and when they use irresponsible amounts of certain drugs they love to biff on. I know plenty of pot heads who are some of the most aggressive dudes I've met....explain that logic for me ey?

I can happily sit down and have beers without wanting to biff on, I can go out somewhere with a goon bag, plough into it, and still not want to biff on, in fact I often go to the beach of a weekend and get down half a bag of goon without feeling the urge to bash a kid.

Demonising a particular substance is a silly idea, mood set and setting, we all know that, and personality is an intrinsic player in the way drugs affect individuals as well.

The idea that it is kept legal to dumb down the nation is a bit conspiracy theory for me, I work in a bottle shop at the moment, and sell liquor to some really rich and powerful dudes (Its not a scummy bottleo but rather a ritzy inner city one) and they certainly aren't dumb guys.

Alcohol is legal because its fun, its a great social lubricant, relaxant, depressent to drown your sorrows, makes you happy if your happy, its fairly good at adapting to what your using it for, and its been accepted in society, most relevantly western society for many many centuries.

Alcohol doesn't make violent idiots, alcohol plus violent idiots makes even stupider more violent idiots.

Mood set and setting, applies to all substances, and we know that all substances affect different people differently.

The gov is keeping it legal cause they all drink it too, and it makes wicked amounts of money, more than weed would make whether we like to think it or not. Weed might be popular but piss is moreso.


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I went through a drinking phase between 17 and 23. Then I just got sick to death of it. So many people become instantly irritating or irritable upon drinking one too many glasses or beers. I don't place majority blame on publicans and liquor outlets; I believe everyone has the ultimate decision on putting a substance in their own body. I hardly ever drink alcohol anymore, it's a once-in-a blue-moon thing.

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Beer is a magical golden elixir, the recipe of which I am grateful for being passed through the ages so I can refresh myself and feel so so good. Nothing can compare!

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I also find that drinking fine beers help with moderation. The more a beer costs, the more time you take drinking it. I can enjoy a VB, but only as a serious session beer. If I pour half a glass and sip on it I realise how shit it actually tastes. But guzzling a cold six pack of the stuff can be quite pleasant on a hot day. I do not, however, enjoy the result.

Something like this can be really sipped on and enjoyed. I often recap them and finish the bottle the next day.




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The more a beer costs, the more time you take drinking it

I dont think the cost of a beer would effect the amount of time it would take me to consume it and how do you compare stout to a bitter beer? thats like comparing lemonade and a chocoalte thickshake. If you dont like Australias finest and most popular beer there is no need to say it tastes like shit.

i dont enjoy your tattoo but its a fine tattoo none the less.

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I know VB has alcohol in it, but its not a beer, its a mouthwash :puke:

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I dont think the cost of a beer would effect the amount of time it would take me to consume it and how do you compare stout to a bitter beer? thats like comparing lemonade and a chocoalte thickshake. If you dont like Australias finest and most popular beer there is no need to say it tastes like shit.

i dont enjoy your tattoo but its a fine tattoo none the less.

I never compared a stout to a bitter. I compared a stout to a pale lager. Pilsener urquell is a great example of a pale lager if you want to compare the 'similar' styles. Even much paler beers can have subtlty and complexity, like a heineken. I consider beer to be a HOPPED beverage. I don't really consider VB to be hopped to any noticable degree. It is bittered with something, perhaps a cheap hop like pride of ringwood, but has no noticible hop flavour or aroma.

EDIT: Let battle commence. :devil:

Edited by ballzac

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I love it when ppl demonise a substance for what it can do when used irresponsibly :P

Bad form lads, very bad form.

Beer is a magical golden elixir, the recipe of which I am grateful for being passed through the ages so I can refresh myself and feel so so good. Nothing can compare!

Here, here, ya bunch of drug snobs! "Oh, we don't like this drug, only these ones" lol!

Just some images to make ya think a little about the evils of drug discrimination:

post-3181-1234827802_thumb.jpg post-3181-1234827827_thumb.jpg

Hugs and beer soaked kisses,






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"Some studies have suggested that in moderation, alcohol consumption has significant health benefits. These include a lower risk of heart attack,[7] lower risk of diabetes,[8] lower risk of Alzheimer's disease,[9] reduced risk of stroke,[10] and an increase in overall longevity of life.[11] One study found that a person of age 55 or older who consumed 1 to 3 drinks daily was half as likely to develop dementia linked to poor oxygen-supply to the brain as a person who did not. [12] A 2001 report estimates that medium and high consumption of alcohol led to 75,754 deaths in the USA. Low consumption has some beneficial effects so a net 59,180 deaths were attributed to alcohol.[13]"


Bit of a wonder drug realy.

Like anything its just a drug, not good, not bad, just is. Use or abuse leads to those connotations.

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Okay, I guess it is not acohol itself that is to blame, obviously. But I think alcohol is a catalyst for bringing out many problems in individuals and in society. I don't believe that alcohol should be banned, but I think that our society should look at why it puts alcohol on a pedestal and demonises other drugs.

For instance, look at the problems that alcohol has contributed to in aboriginal communities. I think those communities would be much better off with nitrous, mushrooms, or opiates. While ABUSE of a drug, if you like to call it that, is never healthy, there are options that are much more harmless when abused than alcohol, both physically, and psychologically.

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i agree with you guys, feels shitty, etc etc but....i still think that alcool is GREAT........ when drank by girls :P (see Ballzac post)... never underestimate the corrupting powers of the mighty ALCOOL on the women !!! B)

mauve don't joke about that shit you prick. it's not funny

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Alcohol increases testosterone in females (from memory reverse in males :(, somewhat of an aphrodisiac for them. I consider that a good thing. Also loosens inhibitions, good too.

Do'nt think mauve was talking about rape paradox.

Thought this was quite interesting aswell

"Alcohol expectations are beliefs that individuals hold about the effects they experience from drinking. They are largely beliefs about how the consumption of alcohol will affect a person’s emotions, abilities and behaviors. To the extent that alcohol expectancies can be changed, it may be possible to reduce a major social and health problem, that of alcohol abuse.[17]

If people in a society generally believe that intoxication leads to aggression, sexual behavior AKA "beer goggles", or rowdy behavior, they tend to act that way when intoxicated. If the society teaches that intoxication leads to relaxation and tranquil behavior, it virtually always leads to those outcomes. Alcohol expectations vary within a population so outcomes are not uniform.[18]

People tend to conform to social expectations and a common belief in most societies is that alcohol causes disinhibition. However, in those societies in which people don’t believe that alcohol disinhibits, intoxication virtually never leads to unacceptable behaviours because of “disinhibition”.[19]

Alcohol expectations can operate in the absence of actual consumption of alcohol. Research in the U.S. over a period of decades has shown that men tend to become physically more sexually aroused when they think they have been drinking alcohol, even when they haven't. Women report feeling more sexually aroused when they falsely believe the beverages they have been consuming contain alcohol, although a measure of their physiological arousal shows that they are physically becoming less aroused.

Men tend to become more aggressive in laboratory studies in which they are drinking only tonic water but believe that it contains alcohol. They also become relatively less aggressive when they think they are drinking only tonic water, but are actually drinking tonic containing alcohol.[17]

The phenomenon of alcohol expectations recognizes that intoxication has real physiological consequences affecting perceptions of space and time, reducing psychomotor skills, disrupting equilibrium and a number of other behaviours.[19]

The manner and degree to which alcohol expectations interact with the physiological effects of intoxication to yield the behaviour that results is unclear."


Edited by shruman

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i wouldnt be able to brew a beer that tasted like VB

just pee in a bucket, water it down heaps and wack it in the fridge to chill-wallah! :wink:

Edited by incognito

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Paradox, i wasn't talking about rape or abuse of women...please stay polite and sorry if i touched a painful spot.

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Although that would probably taste no worse than VB Jono, a beer like VB is actually quite hard to manufacture at home. The lack of flavour allows off flavours to come through very easily, so temperature control needs to be very precise to prevent fusel alcohols being produced by the yeast. Also Dimethyl Sulphide must be very low, but this can be achieved by boiling the wort for a long time.

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I think those communities would be much better off with nitrous, mushrooms, or opiates

HAH, yeh cause nutrition in many of those communities is great (see my post on what nitrous does with a bitamin B12 deficiency woohoo demyelination of the CNS.

Oh and because many of them are environments that would encourage really good positive trips on the mushrooms....

Oh and because opiates aren't as addictive as piss or as dangerous (see ranking of 20 most dangerous drugs on one of the posts around here somewhere) or as potentially socially crippling...


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Paradox, i wasn't talking about rape or abuse of women...please stay polite and sorry if i touched a painful spot.

sorry for being impolite mauve. i just don't appreciate people joking about that sort of stuff.

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all of the australian beers are made for sissy's and taste like lemonade!!

there is one exeption though, coopers, which is one of the worlds great beers, but to have a nice bitter and hop's tasting beer you would look in vain in oz.

oh, my god how nice it is, to drink a real pilsener which needs 10min to be tapped and is topped with real beer froth.

australians would know about good beers only because of imports, thank god for guiness....

hmm, no sorry ozzy beer is ok, when one compares it to north american beer, haha, central and south american beers are ok though.

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Planthelper, you are wrong, and I am sure you would agree with me if you tried some of the good ones. Coopers may be the only halfway decent beer exported, but there are many smaller breweries and microbreweries producing top quality brews. The largest one is probably James Squire. There are smaller ones like mountain goat. It also depends on your taste. I find it is in vogue to overhop pale beers, but if IPA is your thing, then there are a great many pale ales that may take your fancy that are produced in Australia.

I must conceed, however, that most of the good beers in Australia are imports, but only a couple from each country generally, with the exception of maybe England and Germany. So most countries probably aren't much better. Canada has a marvelous brewery called Unibroue. If you are talking about megaswill, then Europe is definitely the best. Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic etc. all produce great pale lagers that can be guzzled by the masses but also sipped by the snobs.

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There was one yesterday evening as i cycled home from work,actually three with a vocal ringleader.

Shouting,'I wanna deck someone' or words to that effect,then seeing i was too far to fall victim to his hubris he shouted again.

I assumed he was an agressive repressed homosexual and cycled on.

It troubled me,dont those fools realize some of us are armed and will gut them if needs be.

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not a drinker (anymore) but after a hot,hard days work, an ice and i mean ICEY cold long neck of Coopers sparkling ale is better than masterbation.

and u get pissed of one longneck!!

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One STUBBY of Busch gets you pissed.

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to have a nice bitter and hop's tasting beer you would look in vain in oz.

Nope, as BZ said, James squires amber ale is a lovely beer with delicious spicy aftertaste attributed only to careful selection of proper hops.

Must also say that Little Creatures presents a lovely bright ale and no doubt their pale ale is lovely too.

So I don't think your right man,

I've also enjoyed some of the baron's beers but don't think they compare with the two afformentioned.


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Can't believe I forgot little creatures, cheers ME. Yes their pale ale is definitely good. Would easily fit in the category of overhopped if they didn't pull it off as well as they do. In fact, it may have been this particular brew that started the trend, as I can't remember any other beers other than the odd IPA that were as well-hopped as LC when they first appeared on the scene.

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