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Minniritchie bark

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I have been discussing inland Acacias with a few people lately and promised to post a photo so people can see what I'm talking about.

The two main minniritchie wattles that I have been coming into contact with are Acacia cyperophylla and Acacia rhodophloia.

I became interested in these trees (apart from their attractive appearance) because I heard 2nd hand from an aboriginal guy in the midwest that "you could smoke that stuff", apparently mixed with dried kangaroo poo. That was all the information I got.

Given their placement in the Juliaflorae, and this piece of information, I became quite excited because this was the first definite information regarding aboriginal use of Acacia bark for psychoactive purposes I had ever heard (disregarding 'smoking' medicine, which is somewhat ambiguous in terms of actual psychoactive effect).

However, tests carried out, which I was not involved with, proved negative. The outer bark of A rhodophloia was smoked by three males and one female who reported no effects, and an A/B on inner bark of A cyperophylla produced no tryptamines.

This is the bark of Acacia cyperophylla


Edited by creach

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An A/B on A.rhodophloia may be in order as smoking straight bark isn't a very definative test.

A very interesting report. :)

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An A/B on A.rhodophloia may be in order as smoking straight bark isn't a very definative test.

A very interesting report. :)

Yes that would be the obvious next step. Apparently we can expect results from those tests soon.

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might be seasonal variation.

minniritchi bark is the curly shredded red stuff is it?saw one locally.

where is the term from ?

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maybe you should try smoking the roo poo?

Trpytamine rich kangaroo poo, can you imagine the outrage.

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I think thats a combination of a few different ideas ... then again may be uniformly full of shit.

someone that likes their baccy (esp rough cut log cabin back in the day stuff) finding themselves dry wouldn't take too long at all to eye off those lil wispy curls :drool2:

roo poo isn't entirely different consistency wise to rabbit shit, just a matter of scale :P I can remember a russian-australian highschool english teacher regaling the class with Solzhenitsyin-like (not even going to try and spell that properly) tales of her grandad smoking rabbit poo mixed with dandelion root when they couldn't get tobacco. Great (and desperate) minds think alike, mostly.

on the other hand, you do sometimes see interesting looking fungal outbreaks in sheltered poos of all kinds (I need a hobby, I know), and I've heard a thing about grass seed stores in ant hills and nests occasionally being home to things that require anyone using the bush tucker water-plunge method to get ant eggs or larvae, to not even think about drinking the water afterwards even if it clears and any seeds are well cooked before eating.

i'd be curious to know what the local roos diet consists of on average, if they're tucking into bulk solanum leafies, maybe. spending the end of the wet season binging on spider grass and wild tomato, or something.

but yeah, I reckon those wisps mixed with some well cured herbivore poo would be a passable pipe blend for the hard up. Fruity and earthy, mmm, we're in flavour country!

So who's up for lunging back some mouldy roo poo? Might be some... waaaiit for it... good shit :P Dinkum Jenkem...


tacked on bit... ergot thingamies that live in native grasses? how would they go in the digestive tract?

Edited by Vertmorpheus

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