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Guest onemind

I agree with you as far as ultimate reality is concerned but the bulk of conspiracy theories are political and economical. Talking about unverifiable ultimate truths such as energy fields, higher states of conciousness is a lot different to calling scientists and historians nazis and world leaders 4th dimensional lizard people..

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Onemind, why are u so angry lol? hehe, just asking? :lol:

the rules should be commonsense and talking to people like yould talk to them if they where infront of you. with a shotgun in their jacket. u get the picture.

I wonder if WS will be comming back? hes not from australia is he?

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You're all knackered because you made the fatal...yes fatal... mistake of choosing this reality. I, on the other hand am only here on holidays, and am certainly not concerned about oneminds obvious....errr lack of......______.........shit!!! ive been caught.....damn you methusulah and you wicked ways!!!!

Where are you going with this onemind? PM me

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what if Conspiracy Theorists are actually part of the greatest conspiracy of them all?? WS is actually one of a bunch of government agents selling unrealistic truths about the 'Illuminati', just so that when something clicks for Regular Joe one morning and he ponders the possibility that the world is being played by an elite organisation involving government bodies and pharmaceutical companies, he's met with a "oh yeah, next you'll be telling us Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian" when he trys to talk to Regular John about it...:P

it's impossible for us to know exactly what is going on, the best we can do is consider all possibilities and make up our own minds. so if WS is doing no more than help you feel more sane and solidify what you do and dont believe in, it seems relevant to s&p to me.

i enjoy a lot of his posts although i rarely ever get to the end. he puts a lot of energy into entertaining some ideas that i wouldn't, but who am i to call that crazy? we're all nutjobs in someone elses eyes. even you, almighty onemind, have made some pretty wild claims and contradicted yourself in the past. but that's all in the name of learning and discovery, i wouldn't have called you a nutjob until you started with the rudeness and insults. to me that's what's crazy, and has no place here. but what do i know ey?

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sensesensesnesnonsensenononsensenonsense nonsens? yeah youre the messiah? get in line buddy.....not you ajna:)

Edited by phloom

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phloom is the messiah

get it right

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Guest onemind

Rev = WS = Phloom - maybe not exactly but the same hybrid species of [yawn + strike]

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what if Conspiracy Theorists are actually part of the greatest conspiracy of them all?? WS is actually one of a bunch of government agents selling unrealistic truths about the 'Illuminati', just so that when something clicks for Regular Joe one morning and he ponders the possibility that the world is being played by an elite organisation involving government bodies and pharmaceutical companies, he's met with a "oh yeah, next you'll be telling us Bush is a shape-shifting reptilian" when he trys to talk to Regular John about it...:P

it's impossible for us to know exactly what is going on, the best we can do is consider all possibilities and make up our own minds. so if WS is doing no more than help you feel more sane and solidify what you do and dont believe in, it seems relevant to s&p to me.

i enjoy a lot of his posts although i rarely ever get to the end. he puts a lot of energy into entertaining some ideas that i wouldn't, but who am i to call that crazy? we're all nutjobs in someone elses eyes. even you, almighty onemind, have made some pretty wild claims and contradicted yourself in the past. but that's all in the name of learning and discovery, i wouldn't have called you a nutjob until you started with the rudeness and insults. to me that's what's crazy, and has no place here. but what do i know ey?

What he said :)

Nice work Ajna

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hey onemind.....nice titties bearch

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Guest onemind

cheers, i believe it is biarch..

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Its roar's and meow's to me - if we are here we are all good cats in the jungle

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Guest Øskorei

phloom is the messiah

get it right

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


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i actually look good at the moment !!!

:lol: you crack me up geezer.

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The only b/s anyone needs to search through to find the truth is their own.

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The only b/s anyone needs to search through to find the truth is their own.

wat pretentious b/s


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three cents worth:

to talk about truth as though it were the property of an individual is a mistake. there is a real course of events taking place. we make up our own mind what to believe, but this is our interpretation of the cosmos, not the cosmos itself.

im fascinated by the contorted psychology of the first-person WS threads, but find the conspiracy threads uninspired and worthless and i wonder why he/she wastes that much valuable time and energy assembling lengthy manifestoes of garbage from unreliable sources.

far as the keyboard warriors go, i dont know why you bother, unless its to feed your own ego?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

. . . I believe that anyone who is a member in good standing here at SAB is ahead of the pack in the smarts department. I would not classify any of you bastards as stupid--that would be under-estimating you! Yes, we've all had our moments where we've hit the enter key when we shouldn't have (except onemind, dammit); Then there are real-world fuck-ups, like getting arrested or worse. No one is immune.

These days, intelligence is a subjective, relative trait. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and flavors. It is more likely an indicator of your experiences than your actual smartness. For example, I have a dear friend who is an absolute genius at being a gear-head. I've seen this guy take apart (and I mean exhaustively dismantle) and reassemble a holly four barrell carbuerator. With no extra pieces left over. I also watched in horror one night when he did the same thing to a Canon zoom lense, and put it back together as well. That takes brains. Yet this same guy reads and writes at a third grade level.

Then there is Wisdom, which is knowing how to use your knowledge, and a rare trait in this world. Usually, it comes with age, but not always. For some it never comes.

I was IQ tested in the third grade and was mensa level then. In my career they used (misused is more likely) the word "genius" when describing me. Yeah, pull my other leg. I will tell you honestly--I can operate a $500,000 broadcast switcher and stay on top of hundreds of details when directing live television--but I can't get the fucking blinking digital clock on my VCR to go away, even though every six year old kid who visits my house seems to knows how.

We all admire intellect, but it exists in a transcendent time, and the paradigms have changed. As they continue to do so in geometric progression, it appears that intellect may very well be on the endangered species list. In the U.S., we are cranking out idiots assembly-line style, and then sending them into a world that they can't keep up with--unless it's pop culture or rap music, which are empty calories as far as feeding your head. Great for mindless consumerism (why, you would swear it was planned that way!!! You would be correct).

Most people have no idea of how poorly they've been educated. Most are clueless to the real value of education, especially those teach and facilitate. They have become lazier than the students. Curricum choices are politisized and chosen more for the funding it might bring than what should be done for the students' benefit.

Which is returning to a more rigid and formal standard, like that training given out during the renaissance (yes, I mean the 1700's. Even with, perhaps especially in light of, the limited knowledge of that time, there were a disproportionate number of brilliant thinkers. why?) Their education was not seen as a means to an end, but an enduring habit and way of living. Not so much "learning", as "training", or "excersizing". Just as the athlete benefits from weight training that to some would seem unreleated to their sport (tennis players, weight training? are you kidding?), so too, does the brain benefit from using it in as many ways possible; Use it early, often, and in as many ways as possible. Not only will you be revered (no pun intended) for being a genius, but you will also be less likely to fall victim to alzheimers and strokes.

Think of this: Those who participate in these forums (that would be you, dear reader) are the most literate of any around. On a daily basis, we exercise our brains by reading, writing, and arguing with each other. Much more exercise than the ruling elite are getting. It is impressive how smart this assortment of geekdom is; However, lest you fall into the "superiority trap" that the average "geek" abuses to annoyance for self esteem, this is also a tragically sad thing. When I found out my scores were in the top ten percent, I thought, "My friends are either equal or smarter. Fuck. If we're the best, no wonder we're fucked sideways." Can you imagine how much better off we would all be if we were given the classic training like men like Franklin or Jefferson had? If you think I'm full of shit, here's a nice one to think over: Who are the most gifted programmers? Those with computer science, math and engineering degrees? Not so much.

The honors go to those of you who are multilingual. Programming is actually "translating", our language to machine language.

That is also where the Artifical intelligence barrier exsists, btw. No machine can translate it's native code to ours as well as we can perform the corrollary.

How does this tie in with the topic? We are creating knowledge and advancing geometerically. The first few years of this century saw more advancement than during the whole of the last, and the last century was the biggest leap we an remember, surpassing thousands of years of ignorance and darkness. Our new knowlege is developing faster and faster and faster and faster. It is surpassing both our abilty to assimulate and effectively manage how we use this brave new knowledge. As we careen ever more rapidly into the unknown of the future that is just a few years ahead, it is painfully obvious that we are on a runaway train. We've no control, just the choice betwixt hanging on or jumping off. Maybe 2012 is when the train finally derails. Maybe we will se cateclysm, but to me that's borrowing trouble. My philosphy is to tie yourself down, and scream woot, hang on and be prepared to roll with the changes. Even when things are scary, with the right attitude you can still enjoy what intuition tells me will be one hell of a ride.

so does mean there's no god or does it mean he's playin hardball!?like no gettin your way unless it means lettin someone else get there's FIRST!?and that since the christ died for ALL men that the numbers MUST include the unfaithful and their WILL!?generally speakin that is!?like everything else in LIFE,there ARE exceptions to the RULE!?that's WHY the term MYSTERIOUS came about!?LOVE is like oxygen!?permission is a good second!?hold on tighthehe!!....just askin...

ask ALICE COOPER!?did you INVEST in his NAME!?did you PROFIT from same!?are you held to any DIRECT blame!?is that your CLAIM to FAME that your so PROUD of!?hehe!!...just askn like a moralist wannabe!?minus the DETAILS of course!?the lawyers divorce!?the golfers recourse!?over a beer or 2!?hehe!!......just askn.

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I was going to say, that was the best WS post I've read yet - until I read the last 2 paragraphs and realised they were his words, the rest must have been copy and pasted - was that the case WS, or did you get lazy at the end? If you did just get lazy, well done - your post really got me thinking - and in a good and somewhat positive way :lol:

If not, ahh well, it wasnt too bad anyway :wink:

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warrior sage and i had a little run in a while ago, and i must say it ended up quite hilariously with my decleration of love for his warriorness.

if you dont wana read something dont.. doesnt effect you unless you want it and let it

Warrior sage thoust tist quitest'ethly thous mindiath stimumatoratheth

*clapith clapath*

Edited by Narcissism

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if you dont wana read something dont.. doesnt effect you unless you want it and let it

this wasn't directed at WS it was directed at the whole community that posts in s&p forum, it seems to be a common trait right across the board on all s&p forums, paranormal and unknown does not have anything to do with s&p.

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People that believe in the paranormal are no less correct than people that believe in any other belief system. All thats seperates the majority of religions/belief systems are the chosen deities, totems, etc.

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