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The Corroboree

A time of ritual sacrifice of children

Guest Warrioe-Sage

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

33 people dead, Brought to you by the campus that banned guns on campus. It never fails less guns = less safe. More guns = more safe. I heard there were previous warnings and the police waited 3 hrs to put out a warning after the lock down, and they waited 2 hrs before going into the building.

Gunman was Cho Seung-Hui, aged 23, a Virginia Tech student ...

33 again, like 23 etc, popping up everywhere. i love the way they manipulate the public, the peaks and troughs of events.


Another Columbine-type PRS black op. More gun-control laws sure to follow.

Problem Reaction Solution

33 victims dead now = 33rd freemasonry surely illuminati driven!!, 1 killer dead. I think it was a inside job NWO related, Problem-reaction-solution for sure...i woke up to see the president on BBC in a press conference asking for more taxpayers $$$ to fund the war... then immedietly following that they screen the shootings which got more coverage then his conference what a great diversion plan....

One has to wonder why these incidents happen or if the really happen in isolation to what is going on in the wider world.

As long as news agencies keep churning out their bogus reports and the public keep reacting to them with the usual isn't it terrible/shocking/horrific reaction they will keep occurring and being manipulated by those in control.

what better place to engineer a situation like this than an engineering building. It is important for us to watch the signs and the type of language and hidden messages that are used in the news reports.

I personally cannot help thinking that this event has been orchestrated at the same time as the NWO banker (Wolfywitz or however you spell it) is under pressure for his actions.

Distracts the masses from THAT story!!!!!!

20 minutes after FOX gets on this story they are harping on gun control. Black Op! Black Op! Black Op! This is murder! Students and teachers should be able to defend themselves!!! We need to get on the offensive...

http://prisonplanet.com/audio/160407shooting.mp3 This first !!!

it is very sad. But we have to keep on this and keep joining the dots. You see the point is that these events are rituals designed to trap and enslave the human mind, and if we don't try to spread awareness of these things the perpetrators (illuminati) will get their way and things will get sadder.

The first thing that struck me when I heard about these killings was the parallels to Columbine, not just the manner of the killings, but the date. I don't think it is coincidence that these and other events, like Waco, occurred around the same date. Apparantly, it is a time of ritual sacrifice of children. All of the major tragedies that have happened around these dates have involved either children or youths.

Anyone else think there is anything in the Virginia / columbine connection? ie Columbia aka the statue of liberty which in this form is Semiramis, the Virgin mother of Nimrod and Goddess of war?

This article is quite good


and here for more info on Semiramis


the Illuminati get a whole lot more from these murders than simply another step towards gun control.

They get an enormous out-pouring of angry/sad 'negative' energy which serves as food for the negative feeders who rule here. In addition to that, they get to setup an energy raising black worship ritual around the entire event.....working out the details right down to the last little point well ahead of their planned 'kill' date.

Send loads of love to the victims and their families, but don't participate in any more of their "two minutes of silence" for the victims rituals.......they will be using these occasions too for syphoning off more sad (negative) mourning energy.

Evil is too good a word to describe the scum who control these events.

Once we (forum members) begin to see their clandestine operations we can disarm them psychically.

can you imagine the amount of negative energy in the memorial that is going on right now? and who was sitting smack dab in the middle of it all? Bush.

The serpent lord is feeding

Now that a MASS-acre has been made to the VIRGIN-ia, GWB is on his way to see the dark worlock (aka pope) at the Vatican to craft a brand new spell for him to help him get his way with Congress and against the will of the American people, to further invade the middle east.

Do you remember about six months ago, Henry Kissinger went to see the pope? Something about advising the pope. I always wondered why a Jew would be advising the pope. More and more I'm convinced that the pope and the rest of them are ritual witches. This is why they drink the blood of Christ, chant and follow rituals ad nauseam. It's their craft. And you can read about these rituals in any book on magick.

GWB has much bigger issues to be concerned about. Why is he visiting the pope now? Why now? I find the timing very interesting, especially after VT incident. The sacrifice has been made and now it's time to collect...

I read in the Times yesterday that the Queen has a planned visit to Virginia between the 3rd and 4th of May. What a coincidence.

Plus I just seen the logo for Virginia Tech and it actually looks like a gun.

I wouldnt be surprised if this Korean lad only shot the first 2 people. And then some psycho secret ops guy killed the rest and vanished.

I wonder if anyone credible actually seen this guy shoot anybody at all.......he could be just a patsy to blame for the work of the black ops guys.

If he did the shooting I'm sure he would have been helped along the way.......33 dead......that number again......the number 33 for me is a dead giveaway that "The Powers That Be" were behind this.


Heres the logo for Virginia Tech. Looks like a gun to me.

Virginia tech is in blacksburg.....

it's a mind control job, Blacksberg is a center for that kind of op.

New article at educate-yourself on the Blackberg shootings:


The VT logo that has been plastered all over CNN is basically a Square (T-Square) & Inverted Compass. Very Interesting...

The Tech was founded in 1872, 135 years ago.

The Queens visit to Virginia, announced 5 months ago, is to mark the 400th anniversary of the first permanent English settlement in America.

I still can't figure out where the chains came from....you know, the ones that secured the doors from the inside

Was it to keep people out? Or was it to keep people in? Did he bring enough length of chain with him to secure two doors? Or, was there chain lying around?

They showed LOTS of pictures of the killer "a korean boy" with huge guns

could it be a subliminal rascist message "korean people are assasins" ????

thay want to go war to Asia so why not prepare people minds with this messages???

Oh yes, the other thing on Fox they were saying was something like, most people wont even feel the shock and sadness for hours or days. This coming from some hired pscyhologist. "If you don't feel sad yet, KEEP WATCHING"

Did you notice that according to the interview with student Trey Perkins the shooter "Didn't look frightened or angry, just serious, with no emotion on his face..."

Maybe its nothing, but i think that for a pissed off mad shooter that is looking for his girlfriend(how do they now that?) this behaviour does not fit.

look what I found...


I've been reading the transcipts and "plays" he wrote, mentioning conspiracies and such. But they're not THAT bad, I mean, Hollywood writes waaaaaaay more and thinks up way much hatred than that boy. Can we lock them up in an asylum too??

Cho's statements:

"You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience," he said into the camera, looking down occasionally to read from his manifesto. "You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."

"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," he said. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."

"Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," he said. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

None of this makes sense. If he was being bullied, why didn't he just say it. This is very cryptic. I think this is a scripted speech. It's very unclear what he really means, and who he's talking to. More and more I'm convinced this kid is mind-controlled.

also - 'his' body!

someone said it's been disfigured -

So, it may not be identifiable

the 'black' mind-control programmes don't have to record their use of drugs on any 'accessable' data-base anyway, do they? God knows what they gave that poor boy to split his mind into compartments during his programming sessions!

I was trying to stay on the 'norm' when this first came out as , but all these "signs" keep pushing me more and more to what I really feel is the truth. PURE EVIL.


SWAT should have done their job!

They didn't!

Why not?

They weren't allowed!

Watch folks, it will come out in the wash!

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Guest onemind

Here we go again. I wondered how long it would be for the conspiracy nuts to jump on this one..

If there was 32 people dead you would say that it represents the 32 scales on the lizard statue outside the popes house..

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Guest onemind
what better place to engineer a situation like this than an engineering building
Sorry but that one really did make me laugh out loud :)
It is important for us to watch the signs and the type of language and hidden messages

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia (SKITS-oh-FREEN-ee-uh)---one of the most damaging of all mental disorders---causes its victims to lose touch with reality. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren't really there (hallucinations) or become convinced of things that simply aren't true (delusions). In the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal grandeur. The first signs of paranoid schizophrenia usually surface between the ages of 15 and 34. There is no cure, but the disorder can be controlled with medications. Severe attacks may require hospitalization.



Inability to make decisions


Strange statements or behavior

Finding patterns and making connections where there are none

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Guest onemind
I personally cannot help thinking that this event has been orchestrated at the same time as the NWO banker (Wolfywitz or however you spell it) is under pressure for his actions.
I am sure you have solid evidence for believing this and no, youtube videos dont count..
Anyone else think there is anything in the Virginia / columbine connection?

No but i think your a nutjob..

But we have to keep on this and keep joining the dots

Join your dots all the way to the psych ward -->

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

your not MUCH of a good witch at ALL!?i saw the wizard of OZ and THAT good WITCH didn't WASTE dorothys time with the kinda crap you spit out!?hehe!!.....just askn

nothings really changed in the whole course of modern history!?just the coverage has gotten better and the access to events has gotten more plentiful and TIMELY and the population increase (statistics/the numbers game!?)makes it seem like it's all comin apart!?so LOVE IT or FEAR IT....you decide!?(would somebody "SUGGEST" INDIRECTLY!? what i should do!?)......hehe!!.....just askn....

should the BIG BAD wolf cry foul when the pigs squeal and hide in the house made of..........!?hehe!!....just askin..

i hearby and forthwith recommend/nominate ONEMIND the GOOD WITCH of the south for the honorary and prestigeous tittle of "SUPERLATIVE ORATOR OF THE RECTUMUS MAXIMUS"!?all those in agreement.....say AYE!?hehe!!.....just askn...

please take all trash with you as you exit the theatre and "THANKS FOR NOT HATING"!?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

you talkin to me!!....you talkin to me!!hehe!!over here!!let me tell you somethin!!forgedaboutit!!hehe!!still havin sex arn't cha!!in moderation of course!!WAIT!!that's bad!!go crazy or go without!!hehe!!no luke warm losers over there!!hehe!!??you'll back me up on this.......right!?!hehe!!

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Guest Warrioe-Sage


HOW does it feel to taste reality!?just makes ya wanna kill somebody or jump off a bridge!?knowing what COULD BE vs what IS!?hehe!!.....just askn....

would you care to UNWARRIOR-SAGE ALL of your statements and elaborate!?hehe!!....just askn..

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

These numbers are there power numbers. 23, 13, 11 and 33.

As I have mentioned before.

You can check out my thread on freemasonery which I think was made before the shooting.

33 is THE number of freemasons.

look for yourself





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Guest Warrioe-Sage

What better way to at least bring Americans one step closer to disarming than

to have some kid shoot up his University?

Just like in the Columbine massacre, students were left inside the building

with the assasin for hours before any help came. Why is that? Why didn't

the cops do their job? I could ask the same of 911, Hurricane Katrina, a

whole host of other atrocities and accidents... the Government is obviously

not here to help you, because when the time comes to help people, there

are stand downs.

In the case of Columbine... the kids who shot up their own school were on

anti-depressants. In the case of Virginia this week, the student who shot up

his own University was on anti-depressants.

In the Columbine shooting it came out afterwards that the son of an FBI

agent set up the "Trenchcoat Mafia" 2 years prior to the attack.

So, are these kids DRIVEN to do this by "handlers"? I think they are, and

also why do these maniacs-on-anti-depressants always kill themselves so

there is no one to ask questions? Because then there is no one to ask

questions, the whole thing is wrapped up.

Before anyone says I am "insensitive" well fair enough thats your lookout, but

what I find insensitive is how the cops don't go in with riot shields and body

armour the minute anything like this happens - thats what I call insensitive,

not just insensitive but completely diliberate and there is more to this than

some "lone nut".

How many times is it just a "lone nut"? Who then dies either by getting shot or

kills himself. Think about Oswald, Timothy McVeigh... its an endless list of people

who, in my opinion, are being handled by agents and mind controlled to

carry out these killings...


This is a great link, which coherently and simply explains to you how and why these

things are happening (De-Classified Government documents are cited throughout)

and why these nutters who shoot up their own schools/colleges and universities

are not necessarily just "lone" nutters doing this off their own back.

When you've got a serious issue with someone, you go in and wakk them and probably the new partner too. Of course only coz there is easy access to a gat, some kitchen knives,

and if they are bigger than you, then perhaps poison or an ambush is a better option.

After the deed and you realise what you've really done:

1. Killed a couple of losers that deserved each other, and you should have just walked away from the whole deal in the first place, and found a new partner, or new dealer, depending on the situation.

2. Bad hair days coming in many forms, like jail and lots of bonking of the type you don't really need etc, disgracing your own family's name,

and of course inevitable payback from relatives and friends one day in the future sometime.

So you turn the weapon on yourself, coz all your rage and substance abuse give you just enough material to do it for a split second. End of Story.

Look at most situations, domestic disturbances, and that's how it works.

You don't go popping other people for no reason no matter how far gone you are, and chances are a total stranger can probably talk some sense into you, if only to spare their life, coz you know they don't have any stake in your predicament.

And gang related shootouts are what they are, drug n thug related, paranoiac and just escalalate out of control when everyone takes out a piece, yo!

But all this type of mass killing stuff is different, has always been for many years, I believe the corkscrew goes one twist deeper.

Those unfortunate kids and their parents did not deserve this, nor did the dude who got himself screwed by smartasses that have a need to run the world a certain way,

like THEiR WAY!

This will happen again and bigger too, coz now they have the formula down really well,

and we all follow the path of grief and closure etc,

rather than dig up the real contaminated dirt and facts, and ensure it never happens again.

The US government are NAZIS NOW... and they are going to kill you.

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Hate to be a bummer, but i checked on my own for the freemasons number and got nothing, then when i clicked on ur link, all i got was a few (probebly organised) links to conspiracy sites and the only link to the number 33 and the newmasons is the link made after the shootings...what if he killed 23 people? or what if he was 33 years old??

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PLus, THis may sound abit "insensitive" but dont people have a right to go crazy and go on a shooting rampage with the goverment not being involved? like chris rock says in one of his jokes, (bout collumbine, no less)

What ever happend to just being crazy?

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Guest Warrioe-Sage

chill jesus, ur on the ignore list, but just for a few post ok? u handle that. Ur not on the "do we care" list yet jesus. Keep posting and you could replace rev for the #1 spot. (rev got 1 secured for now)

Hey spud the #4 spot is a honor! Jesus is sick, chances are u could weasel ur way in and take it!

ol warrior-sage is in the house!?hehe!!that brings back memories of the vapor trails of happiness!?COUGH!?...i was recently cruisin down the metroway going back to smallville and i was astonished by the sheer number of high altitude planes leavin long trails in the sky that just seemed to expand into ever widening and dispersed cloudlike formations that crisscrossed in an anti natural looking fashion almost like crop dusters tryin not to miss a spot!?and all i could think of was "blade runner"(the movie) and the anti natural metropolis landscape we seem headed for!?happy trails,....to you,till we meet,...again!?hehe!!.....just askin....

He dont think the conspiracy theorys are cool. dont wish for anyone to examine all sides of the issues. yeah not anti-CT, he just don't agree with my non-scientific means of exploring the topics at hand.

whats non-scientific about getting shot in the ass with and arrow , not very happy now are you?? knowing its possable because ur chiefs tell u over and over that its a possibility. Ouch!

what is your mission ONEMIND ? Hell if I know !

to lie and distort . U hang out with rev, jesus and spud. Thats like hanging out with Baby Face Nelson, Bonny and Clyde, and Joe Batters.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a black op, the 3 hour delay is suspicious as, plus the school already had cops in it due to the bomb threats the week before. THE COPS WERE ALREADY THERE!!! Just look at how successful Port Arthur was. Columbine was probably a test exercise. Now that the US government has a lot more control and power over the people after September 11, another stunt like this would be much more successful. This exercise would also allow the final stages of the implementation of x-rays, biometrics and other forms of surveillance in public places such as schools, and universities. Which, along with disarming the American peoples right to defend themselves with arms (fifth amendment I believe) is one the two main aims of this black operation.

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As far as iv heard noone wants to talk about the gun control system in the US coz it is in the constitution. And to be honest there has always been a link from school shooters (shooters in general) and conspiracies theorys.

I personally can see the links which are possible but not likely ( in my mind). after all,if they wanted to disarm the population a good start would be to stop making the weapons. Also, i notice that the ones that wrote the US consitution where paranoid bout a british goverment takeover (sound familier) and thats why the right to carry arms is there, maybe there is still lingering paranoia around.

Eather way,SaBReT00tH your one post had more credible information then WS, but see how he goes the exter mile with the child sacrifices. turning something credible to someting unlikely. in a way, if yas get what i mean.

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If you havent seen the movie 'Bowling for Columbine', I strongly suggest you do so. That is by far the most eye opening movie about the american government and their hopeless view on weapons I've ever seen. Some people think MM is a cook, but he certainly has the brains to open eyes.

Go out and spend a couple bucks to rent the movie for a night - it is well worth it.

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Guest onemind

Who WS really is:


He uses VGA monitors to avoid all the spy cameras inserted into new screens as part of the nwo's operation telescreen..

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